WHY You Should BELIEVE in HEAVEN! @Vlad Savchuk

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the message I want to speak to you  today about will be called heaven is real last year I preached on hell on  christmas not sure if the best idea   a lot of you were not going to bring friends on  christmas again it's okay and so uh we had bill   wiese he he been to hell for about 23 minutes he  preached about it and I had a different message   prepared but since yesterday i've been this this  thought was constantly meditating on my heart and   and pondering and I want to share that with you  today a sunday school teacher was teaching her   class about heaven he asked the teacher she asked  the teacher if I sold my house and my car had a   huge yard sale and gave all the money to church  will I go to heaven and all the kids shouted no   she said if I will vacuum the church every single  day wash all the bathrooms give all my money away   and serve at the children's ministry every sunday  will I go to heaven the kids said no and so then   she once more asked then how do I get to heaven  and all the kids shouted you got to be dead everyone wants to go to heaven nobody wants to die do you want to go to heaven do you want to die nearly 80 percent of all americans believe there  is a place called heaven the bible uses that word   about 532 times it's used on funerals even people  who don't believe in God to be nice to people who   are dying or families that have lost someone they  use words to comfort they've been they went to a   better place unfortunately for many people those  words are pure lie there are many times preachers   lie on the funerals to be nice and I understand  that I was very glad I told erica and and rudy yesterday I said i'm so glad that  we can be honest on your son's funeral   because we know for sure that he went to a better  place not because he served that hungry jen   but because he followed Jesus  christ he believed Jesus christ   I want to share with you five main truths five  wonders or things that might shock you about   heaven the first one is there is more than  one heaven the bible actually from the first   verse in the bible it says for God created  the heavens from the first verse we see   there's more than one heaven the heavens indicates  plural in chapter 2 of genesis verse 1 it says   exactly the same thing it recounts the creation  story says God carried the heavens and so there   we believe there's three heavens the first one is  the sky is what we see anytime we go out outside   this the clouds the moon the stars and that's  even confirmed in the bible where God will open   the windows of heaven it's talking about pouring  out rain causing agriculture to grow businesses   to flourish and our finances to do well and that  speaks of heaven the second one we believe is the   heaven this invisible realm where demons are at  and the bible calls devil the prince of the air   the bible talks about the spiritual warfare that  is taking place right now in the heavenlies it's   not in the place where God lives it's definitely  not in the sky because there's no way you can go   out see and see demons in the sky we're seeing  clouds we're seeing rain we see you know the   sun we see the moon but we don't see demons so  what is that taking place in the second heaven   and the third heaven where we believe is according  to apostle paul he says I was caught up to a third   heaven where he heard voices and on words that  are indescribable he couldn't even share that   with anybody and he called that place a paradise  this third heaven if we like to I like to use it   like that is the place where God currently lives  where his angels are at where his drone is at it's   where the believers will go we believe when they  die this third place or third heaven in the bible   is called my father's house Jesus called it the  scripture calls it a city designed and built by   God it's called a better country and it's called  a paradise this place is real the bible talks   about it from the beginning and even at the end  you can't get through the bible in the beginning   you'll hear that God created the heavens at the  end you see God created new heavens and new earth   the second truth about heaven is that heaven while  being our future home it's our present hope yes   while it's our future home it's our present hope  let me read to you a verse in titus chapter 2   verse 13 it says looking for the blessed hope and  the glorious appearing of our great God and savior   Jesus christ if heaven is your future home drop  number one in the chat right now for those of you   just amen heaven is our future home and because  it's our future home it becomes our present hope   people who say that oh you guys are so heavenly  minded your earthly no good it's actually the   opposite I like what c.s lewis said is lewis  said this he said that if you read the history   you will find that the christians who did  the most for the present world were just   those who thought most of the next christians  have largely ceased to think of the other world   that have become so ineffective in this what  God tells me about my future enables me to   translate my past and serve him in my present  time I find it interesting because Jesus not   using heaven as an escapism he did encourage us  and motivated our joy using heaven as a motive   he said don't let your heart be troubled he  didn't say because you're gonna get a husband   he didn't say don't let your heart be troubled  why because one day you're gonna finish that   master's degree and you will get your dream job  don't let your heart beat trouble because your   retirement is going to be amazing he didn't use  your immediate future as a motive for getting less   trouble he didn't say don't let your heart trouble  because joe biden has only three more years to go   didn't say don't let your heart be troubled  because you know your parents are going to   leave your fat inheritance he did not use  political financial or religious reasons on   earth as a source for your motive for joy he says  because i'm preparing a place for you in heaven   meaning he said let heaven that is  your home become your present hope   he says when you're persecuted when you're being  thrown out in jail he says rejoice and he didn't   say because you're going to get a jailbreak he  didn't say because I will supernaturally get you   out he didn't say because the angel will come and  slam the jail and you're going to walk out of it   he didn't say that he says because your reward  in heaven is great when demons were cast out he   rebuked disciples and he says don't rejoice the  demons come out rejoice what that's your name   he always used heaven as a place that are  going to but as a place that feeds us with hope   encouragement and strength today if you lost  your hope perhaps you for God were your homies your hope is not that things get better they  actually will get worse your hope is you're   going to a better place and this better place is  your home on earth you're just passing through   on earth you right now a pilgrim you're just  walking through you're on the vacation you're in   some kind of a pit stop you are in the rest area  you are not at your home yet and therefore don't   unpack too far don't let your roots grow too deep  because my friend we're here just passing through   heaven is a motive for our hope today heaven  is our encouragement for our hope today   joni 30 years ago during a diving  accident she became quadriplegic   quad you got that and I was practicing  with google voice this morning that word english why do you have to do this to me every  single sunday pretty much she can't walk she   has to use her mouth to she actually uses her  mouth to paint she amazing painter with her mouth   and um and she said this he said heaven has become  my heart's home the place where I finally belong   the place where I will get brand new body heaven  is the place where there will be no more tears   pain or sorrow she goes on to say in the world's  finale something so glorious is going to happen   that will atone for every single tear we've  ever cried God is going to give us the key   that will make sense of what is happening  right now and what seems like a senseless   suffering heaven is going to be a place of no more  disappointment no more grief but joy heaven's joy   even if she will get healed and we've seen people  healed but we've seen a lot of people who don't   get healed we've seen and prayers answered but we  also have seen people where they die regardless   of what miracle you experience the bible says  it is appointed for a man to die unless you   were elijah or enoch my friend which last time  I checked neither of us none of us are them   and if the Lord tarries we're going to have to  die whether we're going to die peacefully or   we're going to be died like some of these people  that died in afghanistan or some people died an   accident we're gonna pass and the bible calls  death sleep as quick as you fall asleep that's   how fast honestly any of us can pass away from  this life and we as christians live with the hope   hope and sadly this is the problem is  most of us use this hope on funerals   instead of every single day and most of us  think well if i'm going to think about heaven   that means you know i'm a little bit  suicidal the reason why many of us   don't think about heaven is because  a lot of us don't have much there if you have a lot invested into the stock market  i'm pretty sure you're checking that market every   single day for those of you who when crypto was  doing really well you you had a lot of money invo   I was one of those people that had no idea what I  was doing so I just put a few a few dollars into   crypto and I had no idea how that stuff works  but I was checking that thing every day I was   just praying that the thing goes up that's it  that's that was my prayer I didn't understand   I said Lord you know what I mean just just let it  go up and then when it go down and it went down I   just removed the money deleted the app because I  didn't want my heart to be broken every single day   I don't check that every day now when you look at  the stock I don't check the stock market I know   it affects all of our life honestly I care very  little about it why because my money is not there   the reason why many of us don't  think about heaven is because   unfortunately many christians have  too much here too little there but as you get older and most of your family goes  there you start thinking more about that it's not   that you want to die it's just your heart is  always gravitates to where your treasure is   and the more money you have in your savings  account in your houses in your cars the more   your money your heart is gravitating toward the  earth but the more things go there then you begin   to gravitate more toward heaven but as sufferings  increase in this world my friend and they will   increase for different seasons and for different  reasons we are not no matter how much faith you   have how much fasting you do no matter how much  money you sow into the kingdom of God you name   it claim it blab it grab it confess it possess  it dance seven times walk around your mountain   do all of that i'm gonna tell you one  thing bones are still going to break   you're still going to get sick and things will  still be broken in this world you can be a great   powerful person of faith nobody was greater than  Jesus and he was called the men of suffering   suffering is unavoidable but all of that causes  us not to get internal and bitter it causes us to   become upward and become better we become purified  by our sufferings because we look forward to the   day this is not a pie in the sky this is not  some kind of a made-up fantasy to keep all the   religious people a little bit happier no this  is a reality that we all live in if you ever go   on the vacation or if you ever go on some kind of  a trip or you want some fishing trip or something   you know and you're sleeping on that you know  maybe really bad bedding and and pillow bed bugs   and all of that stuff and you dream of coming  back home and laying on your soft pillow you're   dreaming of coming back no matter how great hotels  are you're dreaming to come back home and that is   your place because that's your home my friend your  home is not pasco your home is not kenwick your   home is not richland your home is a place called  heaven and that place should inspire hope today   for me when I was in the ukraine at the age of  13 my family immigrated to the united states   a month and a half before that we already knew  we're coming to the states we had the tickets   and well my parents had the tickets and then we  already knew that we were coming honestly life   in ukraine was hard for us but the moment I knew  i'm coming to america life became magically easy   I stopped caring for everything  else I stopped caring for my grades   maybe it was not a good way how I reacted how  how much joy affected my laziness but I became so   overjoyed because I knew the life there is coming  to an end and i'm not going to die i'm just going   to go to another world that has a better world  and way more friends that i'm going to meet and   all of the other things and that's how we have to  live this is not escapism please hear me out i'm   not talking about packing your bags and sitting  in the airport and waiting for Jesus to come   i'm not talking about you're not going to college  you're not in building a house today and you're   not getting married because you're waiting for  Jesus to come the chances of him coming at your   lifetime I know our people are saying very high  they've been saying it it's been very high for   2000 years okay high chance he's probably not  gonna come during your lifetime he said he's   coming soon it's been 2000 years high chance you  will die before he will come that's why we don't   need to live packing our bags meaning we don't  do our earthly responsibilities but our heart   our eyes have to be looking forward not only  on the funeral but every time you have some   misfortune some difficult things happening to  you a sickness a loss or a challenge persecution   lifts your eyes to that place where you get  into because somebody say amen number three   now this is going to get a little  bit more of a perhaps confusing for   some people where christians go when they  die is not where they will spend eternity   where christians go when they die is not where  they will spend eternity what I mean by that where   christians go when they die is heaven they will  spend time with God but there's just one issue   when you go to heaven your body will decay here  your body will be buried or cremated whatever your   uh family or you decided to do with it and your  body will be buried six feet under and with time   your body will turn to ashes your spirit and your  soul will be there that place is not where you're   going to spend eternity why because the bible  says in revelation 21 verse 1 now I saw new heaven   that means that place will become  old God will make a new heaven   and a new earth for the first heaven that first  heaven is the place where we're going to be unless   the Lord tarries those people who are there right  now the heaven that john saw the first heaven and   the first earth had passed away and there was no  more sea and I john saw the holy city jerusalem   coming down out of heaven from God prepared  as a bride adorned for her new for her husband   so I want you to see this that what's going to  happen is that Jesus will still come down on earth   he's going to destroy the devil  he's going to reign on earth   then the bible says we will be raised resurrected  so the you that's going to be in heaven   has to come back and be reunited with your  new body which is not happening in heaven yet   why do you need a new body because God's plan  from the beginning has always been to have an   earthly family united with the heavenly  family earthly family flunked the test   death came and it affected our bodies and it  affected our souls God decided to restore us by   bringing salvation that restored our soul and our  spirit and God did not toss the body away and say   well you know what the whole body and the whole  earth is scratched that didn't work we're just   gonna take him spiritually and let him float as  spiritual beings God never crossed his plans off   he will resurrect our bodies and God is  not gonna put an x on the earth God is   going to remodel the earth by completely  burning it and making a brand new earth   and the bible says that heaven  this new place will come down   and be on earth that's why you need a new  body to be on new earth therefore the heaven   you and I are gonna spend eternity in is not gonna  be pie in the sky it's gonna be probably back here you're like shoot I wanted  to leave yeah not so fast   watch this read the scriptures carefully and  you will always see this thing the righteous   will inherit the earth forever i'm going to  give you a few verses it says things like   the earth will remain forever in psalm 104 verse  5 ecclesiastes 1 4 and then the bible says the   earth will be completely you know burned  by fire the bible says meek will inherit   the earth how many meek people do you know  that currently do not own real estate a lot   what is this scripture this is Jesus saying  why will meek inherit the earth if a lot of   meek people they die not having any land at  all this is talking about the time where meek   will inherit the earth you redeemed us and we will  reign on the earth not in heaven in revelations 5   righteous will inherit the land and dwell in  it forever in psalm 37 verse 29 wicked will be   removed from the earth proverbs 2 22 proverbs  10 30. and if you read the scriptures carefully   you will find this thing that God has not done  with the earth now where did we get the idea   that eternity is going to be spent in  the sky us floating and playing harp   i'm going to give you somebody who  created that idea and helped to push it   it's a smart guy named plato plato  believed that spiritual world is good   and the natural material world is bad he taught  that our physical body is bad the earth is bad   but the soul is good and heaven is good his idea  was this is that the highest level your soul can   ever reach and be at is to be totally removed from  the body please understand plato was not Jesus   but it started to cave in into the mindset  of christians where we start looking at the   material things that God created they're  corrupted by sin as totally bad because   they were corrupted by sin but so is the  soul and the spirit was corrupted by sin   God doesn't see the natural world the earth the  rocks the oceans the sky the rain the tornado all   of the stuff as evil any more than he sees your  spirit and soul is evil the first two chapters of   the bible is God creating the earth the last  two chapters says God recreating the earth   read the last two chapters of the bible he's not  talking about heaven it's talking about what's   going to be happening here as heaven comes down  here in the form of a city that's about 2 000   miles wide and the bible says that each gate will  be one its own peril the whole gate is like uncut   stone each wall is gonna have its own special like  jewelry grows you're gonna like heaven there's so   much jewelry everything is going to be jewelry the  scripture talks about that the streets are going   to be paved in gold and i'm not talking about  painted gold color the bible talks about like gold   there will be layers in this city because you will  see how can millions of people fit into this city   it's because this city is not just going to be one  level there's going to be layers in this city the   scripture says the gates will never close in this  city why because there will be no more thieves   and this city will become our  home will become our heaven   but the reason why it will have gates is  because we're not going to be stuck there on the quarantine there will be no mask mandate   there will be no six feet distancing and you  won't need to get waxed you just need to get saved we will be able to get out of this city if God  is going to make new earth and new heavens that   means that he will recreate new planets that  means that we will have glorious bodies which   will be able to travel through time elon musk's  idea is great but it will be unnecessary in the   new earth because your body will be the rocket  your body will be able to go anywhere the bible   says that Jesus will give us responsibilities  and assignments based on how we served on the   earth that's why you need to sign up to serve at  the local church so that you don't become you can   run a company on earth and then in heaven you can  be somebody's janitor who's watching over kids you   don't want to I mean nothing wrong with being a  janitor in eternity but serve at the local church   serve the cause of christ so that you can  have a reward in eternity come on somebody   don't come late to church don't leave early  get involved and serve your belief in Jesus   guarantees you heaven but your behavior for  Jesus guarantees you every word in heaven   the scripture talks about there will be a tree  of life the scripture talks about there will   be a river of life the scripture talks about  that there will be fruits we'll be able to eat   though it will be there will be no light excuse  me no no night because God will be the sun there   he will be the light but he still will be able  to rest the scripture uses all of that not for   the place out there for a place right here now  the first time I came into that about 10 years   ago I was reading a book by by randy called  heaven honestly it kind of disappointed me   I had this really awesome fairy tale in my head of  how it's going to be as far from here as possible   but see the problem is that I actually have never  seen much of the earth either so only thing I saw   is tri-cities in richland where where I came from  when I went to the grand canyon last week and   I saw what and I only visited one of the world's  wonders the great king the grand canyon and I kind   of been traveling a little bit more from ten years  and i've seen a little bit of what the earth has   it's beautiful the new earth and then  God is going to bring his heaven here   and he's going to rule the universe with his  spiritual and his physical earthly family   you will need a new body for  that my friend it's exciting   it's exciting for those of you who think  that heaven is going to be a never-ending   worship service which we're not against  that i'm going to tell you one thing I   ain't going to be that we will always live  with worship to God but we're gonna create   we're gonna write we're gonna invent we're gonna  make things we're gonna learn God won't we will   there will be there will be no bible yes there  will be no church there will be no temple   but God is going to be right in the midst of  all of that and God and us we're going to rule   and reign we're going to create we're going to  manage we're going to live we're going to do stuff   there's you're not going to be just walking with  the harp or somewhere on the cloud like an angel   you're not going to be an angel you're  going to be redeemed with a resurrected body amen number four heaven is probably one of  my favorite quotes on what heaven is like   heaven is an unknown region  with a well-known inhabitant heaven is really about one person it's about God   heaven the bible says in revelation 21 verse  3 and I heard a loud voice from heaven saying   behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he  will dwell with them and they shall be his people   I want you to compare genesis chapter  1 and 2 with revelation 21 and 22. in genesis 1 1 it says God created the heavens  and the earth in revelation 21 1 it says I saw   a new heaven and new earth in genesis 1 5 it  says the darkness he called light and he made   two great lights in revelation 21 25 it  says there will be no night there and   the city has no need of the sun or the moon  an upgrade in genesis 2 17 it says the day   the day you eat you shall die in revelation  21 4 it says there shall be no more   death in genesis 3 1 it says satan appeared  as a deceiver of mankind in revelation 20 10   it says satan disappears into the lake of fire  an upgrade in genesis 3 it talks about a garden   into which defilement entered in revelation  21 27 it talks about a city and there shall be   no wise enter into it anything that defiles there  will be no defilement there nothing can enter   that's defiled in genesis 3 it talks about God  walking with man and that walk was interrupted   but in revelation 21 3 we talks about  that God's dwelling with men will resume   in genesis 3 13 the initial victory belongs to  the serpent in revelation 2010 and revelation 22 3   the ultimate victory belongs to the lamb in revelation in genesis 3 16 God  says I will multiply your pain greatly   but revelation 21 4 God says neither there  shall be no more pain in genesis 3 17   God cursed the ground for your sake in revelation  22 3 it says there shall be no more curse   in genesis 3 17 men's dominion is damaged  because of the fall but in revelation 22 5   man's dominion is restored because of christ in  revelation 3 23 the first paradise was closed   in genesis 3 23 but in revelation 21 24 25 and 26  new paradise is reopened in genesis 3 24 access   to the tree of life is lost but in revelation 22  14 the access to the tree of life is opened again in genesis 3 24 we are driven from God's presence  but in revelation 21 3 22 4 we will see his face in one of the books am hunter the new testament  scholar relates a story of a dying man who asked   his christian doctor to tell him something about  a place which he was about to go as doctor fumbled   for a reply he heard a scratching on the door  and he had his answer do you hear that he said   it's my dog I left him downstairs but he has  grown impatient and had come up to hear my voice   he has no notion of what's inside of this door  but he knows that I am here isn't that the same   for you you don't know what lies beyond that  door you just know that your master is there someone said when I was younger I  used to think that heaven is just   a beautiful place golden streets no no pain  and no sorrow until I lost one of my relatives   then I started to think of heaven as someone I  have someone there then became a time when I lost   one of my children heaven became more important  because now I have one of my children there   and came a place where I lost most of my relatives  and now I have a huge family there and this person   said now towards the end of my life I barely  know anyone here because everyone is there   think about not only the Lord Jesus christ that's  there think about all the family members that you   have that are waiting for you think about for  us when I see a race to deliver conferences   and I see our previous interns I mean we just  don't have time we're like man how you been what's   been happening and you just quickly say hi quickly  say bye there are conferences that I go to where   so many of my friends will come in and this is the  glorious reunion multiply that by billion times   where every person you read in  the bible is going to be there   every hero of yours that you read about  that's not in the bible who served christ   who inspired your christian devotion is going  to be there think about your family members   who went ahead of you think about other family  members that some of you are still going to   lose because in this world people are going to  die and so I want to encourage you that if you are   not right with the Lord today that you need to get  right with God because that place is a place where   it has the most important inhabitant and that is  God everything outside of heaven does not have God   God made hell a place where it has no resemblance  of him so anything good that you see on earth   while you credit the climate mother nature  and all of the other stuff i'm going to tell   you one thing it's a fingerprints of God  resemblance of his nature light it's him   the warmth is him the structure the fact the earth  hangs on nothing and we're hanging over space   every single day but we don't feel it and the  earth spins so fast then yet none of us have   motion sickness that's his intelligence everything  about this has God's fingerprints all over   you know what hell is when God removed  completely everything of himself out no   light no love no peace no acceptance why so that  you won't be reminded of him when you're there   you can choose to be completely without him and  be separated from him if you want love if you   want light if you want peace and joy you need God  because everything you desire is in him everything   you enjoy on this earth is his gift and he wants  to give you that even more and he draws you in   today to salvation and somebody say amen and the  last one this earth is not our home it's our hotel   american tourist visit visited a 19th century  polish rabbi hoffet's shem he astonished to see   that the rabbi's home was only a simple room  filled with books a table and a bench and a   tourist asked a rabbi where is your furniture  a rabbi responded where is yours mine puzzled   an american i'm a visitor here i'm just passing  through so am I said the rabbi you're on earth   just passing through the bible says life is  as fast as the wind in job 7 7. the bible says   life is as temporary as grass and I don't know  about your grass mine has to be cut every friday   first peter 1 24. the bible says life is as  lasting as a flower they don't last very long job   14 2. Scripture says that life is as passing as a  shadow, ecclesiastes 6 12. it says it vanishes as   a vapor james 4 14 and death is like water spilled  second samuel 14 14 and Jesus says whoever seeks   to grasp and gain this life is already a loser  whoever gives this life is already a winner after serving for decades in africa missionary  couple mr and mrs henry morrison was returning to   new york to retire after years of service they had  no pension their health was failing they rewarded   and discouraged they were on the same ship as the  president theodore roosevelt who was returning   from one of his african hunting expeditions no  one paid any attention to the missionary couple   they watched the fanfare that accompanied the  president and his entourage during the voyage   the missionary said to his wife something is wrong  we've given our whole life to service to God in   africa all these years and nobody cares a thing  about us here is a man that coming back from a   hunting trip and everyone everybody makes so much  over him but nobody gives two hoods about us when   the ship docked in new york a band was waiting  to greet the president the mayor of new york   was there and other dignitaries the papers were  full of news about the president's arrival nobody   was there for a missionary couple they slipped  off into the ship and found a cheap apartment   to live in next day they started to look  for a job to make a living in the city   that night the man said to his wife I  can't take this God is treating us unfairly   his wife replied why don't you go to the other  room and talk to him about it he did just that   and returned a short time after with his face  different his wife asked him what happened he   said the Lord settled it with me he said I told  him how bitter I was that the president should   receive his tremendous homecoming but nobody even  met us at the dock and when I finished complaining   it seemed as though the Lord put his hand on my  shoulder and simply said but you're not home yet if you feel that God is treating you unfairly if  you feel like you have not been fully compensated   and rewarded you're not home yet this is  not the end yet this is not judgment yet   even souls that were at the end  of the altar the bible says who   gave their life as martyrs cried out and said  God when would you vengeance our death and God   says hang in it's not the judgment yet there  will be a time where God will settle the score   there will be a time where God will wipe every  tear out of our eyes there will be a time where   there will be a make sense to our suffering but  my friend that time is not yet and it's not now   if you're in this room today and you don't  know Jesus christ as your Lord and savior   I would like to invite you to make  a decision to give Jesus your life   if you don't when you die you will leave  home if you do when you die you will go home   where is your home are you currently passing  through it this world is so devastating so   difficult I don't care who we're gonna have  in the white house my friend in your house   there will still be sickness there will still be  problems there will still be demons and devils   attacking us we will still have trouble and Jesus  said us we will be persecuted we will be attacked   these things will happen but as christians  what makes our life different it's not the   fact that we can avoid all of that it's the fact  that we have another place that we're going to   it's not escapism it's simply us going  through we're coming back on this earth   Jesus will establish his kingdom he will reign  and rule not only for a thousand years but before   eternity and we will reign and ruin with him  but the question today is who is Jesus to you   heaven is prepared for those who are prepared for  heaven have you given your life to Jesus christ   have you surrendered your life to Jesus christ  if you haven't in just a moment literally just a   minute i'm going to give you that opportunity even  if you're visiting us for the first time and maybe   some things you just don't fully understand and  the whole religion like man I don't want to sign   up for religion i'm not talking about signing  up for religion i'm not here selling you some   kind of a you know rb and b deal i'm telling you  something that is going to change your eternity   and i'm fully convinced the reason why is  because this is not just empty words there is   a guy 2 000 years ago historically verified  who was born to a virgin girl in jerusalem   366 words were spoken over him called prophecies  and he fulfilled each one of them he lived a   sinless life even the guy who prosecuted him named  pilate said who was his hater he says this man is   innocent Jesus was innocent he said that he will  die he didn't die because he said something wrong   he died because he chose to take your sin and my  sin upon himself there is a God and this God is   holy God you want him to be holy if he wouldn't  be holy he's not worthy to be trusted he would be   corrupt he would be easy to be bribed and easy  to be bought our God is holy he doesn't change   he could not overlook your sin he couldn't put it  under the carpet he couldn't stop being God so he   can let you into heaven what he did is he let  his son take your place and pay for your sin so   that today you can take his son's place and be in  eternity with him what christians do when they go   to heaven is they're going home the same way your  kids go to your home like I can't go to your home   and hug you and say hey dad you will call police  same thing you can't go to heaven and live like   you want like the devil not serve God not yield to  your father's plans and desires they come in one   day and say cry big tears say Lord i'm so sorry  my friend it will be too late today it's time God   wants to be your Lord and savior and he wants to  be your father so when you die you'll run straight   into his arms and says dad i've been waiting  for this i'm waiting i've been waiting for this   and it becomes heaven becomes your home because  God was your father but if you are in this room   today you are a christian but honestly you're  trying to barely get into heaven shame on you you will spend eternity wiping streets of gold  instead of ruling and reigning you may say but the   criminal on the cross he died last minute you're  not a criminal and you're not on the cross you're   in america and you're sitting on the pew God saves  you early so you can give your whole life to him   he will reward you for that but that's not why  we do it we do it so that when we go to heaven   we can lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus please  live for eternity by doing the most for God here   and now come to prayers sign up to become a leader  of a life group why be a christian for 20 years   and you don't lead people to Jesus and you never  give and you still debate whether we should tithe   or not come on it just means you're not eternally  minded don't live your life setting your roots   deep into the earth live your life planning for  eternity preparing for eternity it's the wisest   investment of your gifts of your talents and of  your time I invite you help us to build what God   is building on this earth sign up to serve sign  up to give be a person who lives their life help   the poor go on the mission trip do something with  your life please don't waste your life God should   have killed you when you got saved if you were not  planning to do anything with your life for Jesus   he let you live he gave you gifts he  gave you good health use it for God   live for God in such a way that at the end  you will say man I gave everything for God   that's not a bad thing you know I gave  everything for God I gave my finances I   gave my health I gained my talents and you will  look at your life you're like man I invested   everything into God and i'm going to tell you  one thing my friend all of that is going to   come back at you when you stand in eternity  and you realize you actually didn't give it   you transferred it into another life where  you'll be able to enjoy it for eternity   I want to challenge every christian win souls  and make disciples pray like like as though it's   your last day of living on this earth give like  crazy love like crazy forgive like crazy sign up   to do something for other people don't live for  yourself come early to church greet other people   start a small group begin to disciple other people  listen it's not about just american dream it's   about the father's business live with eternity  in mind by doing the most for God on this earth   fast like crazy do your life in such a way that  you can look back and the preacher doesn't have   to lie on your funeral to say that he served God  when reality only lived for yourself come on let's   go radical for God I know we got the freedom in  america I know as a church we got a non-profit   status I know that we can monetize our content on  youtube and social media and we don't get hit for   preaching the gospel my friend let's not misuse  this freedom by doing absolutely nothing for God   and doing bare minimum and saying well but i'm not  smoking i'm not getting high or hanging out with   those who do but what do you do for God not what  you don't do what do you do for God live for God   radically give of yourself passionately for Jesus  so when you meet the apostle paul and he asked   you for your story you won't be embarrassed when  you meet john wesley when you meet reyhard bonky   when you meet billy graham when you meet excuse me  it's not crying is when you meet those people that   you will not say yeah I just played video games I  really I conquered modern warfare this video game   like at this level did you watch the new  netflix tv show man I watched all of them   make sure that your accomplishment is not that  actually accomplishment is that you rich people   you let people you cast out demons you build the  church you you gave your finances you served that   kid zone you loved God you were a great husband  you were a great wife you were a great student   everywhere you were you were not culturally  into the culture you were into christ in the   midst of the corrupt culture you live for Jesus  come on somebody amen let's rise to our feet every head bowed and everybody closed if  you're in this room today watching me on   youtube right now there's about 700 of  you with with facebook that are watching   and you're not sure what you will spend eternity  you're not sure where you would be able to go   if you were to die today I  want to give you an opportunity   if I can ask everyone to bow their head and unless  you really have to go to pick up your children if   you can just stay with me for just a moment if  you're not sure where you will spend eternity   and today you would like to be sure maybe heaven  is not your home because God is not your father   perhaps you've had bad experiences with church  or you've made very poor decisions and you feel   like you're not good enough or maybe you're one of  those people who feel like you're too good for God   you may be too good for another neighbor you might  be too good to escape jail but you're not too good   to make it heaven otherwise God is a liar God  says no one is good according to his standard   we must repent place our trust in Jesus as our  Lord and savior and follow him because this life   on earth is short no matter if you live 100 or  200 years it's still short compared to eternity   heaven has to be your home but it's not a  default destination of every human being   if you would like to give your life to Jesus  whether it's your first time or you're coming   back to Jesus when I count to three i'm  gonna ask you to raise your hand high   i'm gonna pray with you one two three  just raise that hand high thank you   thank you I see your hand anybody else say I  would like to give my life to the Lord today   count me in that prayer if you're watching me on  youtube just drop that in the comment I would like   to give my life to Jesus or on facebook and i'm  going to pray with you i'm going to ask you to   do something bold right now for those of you who  raised your hand or you wanted to raise your hand   I want you to quickly come and just meet me right  here on my right just quickly come thank you thank   you thank you thank you thank you anybody else  just come just come come on mike come on bro   anybody else but today you want make heaven your  home and God your father by repenting of your   sin and placing your life in Jesus i'm gonna ask  something else right now if you're in this room   but you have not been investing into that and you  realize man I haven't been serving I haven't been   doing anything for the Lord and today I would like  to make a change I want you to come on this side   right now if you're saying you know what I need  to make a change in my life not repentance but   I need to start serving I need to start giving  myself I want you just come to this side right   now just quickly we're going to pray for you as  well Jesus wants to change your trajectory and   your investment right now you can just come on  this side we're going to pray for you as well   thank you Lord if you're watching us on youtube  just get ready for prayer the Lord is going to   visit you where you are at right now Lord is going  to visit you where you are at right now church can   you help me to lead this prayer together for these  souls right now that are coming to the Lord say   this out loud with me say Lord Jesus Lord Jesus  I am a sinner I am a sinner please forgive me   please forgive me of all my sin of all my sin and  wash me and wash me with your precious blood your   precious blood I believe I believe you are the  son of God who died on the cross for all my sin   for all my sins I repent of my sin I repent of  myself I place my trust in what you did on the   cross and from this day forward I give my life  to you give my life to you use me for your glory   make heaven my home make heaven my home  and God you're my father Jesus you're my   savior Jesus holy spirit you're my comforter  holy spirit my comfort in Jesus name amen
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 9,678
Rating: 4.9645391 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Vlad, hungrygen, hungry generation, raised to deliver, vladimir savchuk, vlad savchuk, pastor vladimir savchuk, vladimir savchuk deliverance, vladimir pasco generation savchuk, heaven, do you believe in heaven?, what will worship be like in heaven, what is heaven like, loved ones in heaven, will there be different levels in heaven, what will we do in heaven, is my mom in heaven, you must come from heaven, will we see jesus in heaven, online church, church online
Id: NlOt7MPsFLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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