SERMON: Can Christian Lose Salvation (Pastor Vlad)

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salvation we know that it's a gift from God but I'm gonna take the verse that most of us have heard or read in John chapter three verse three in jesus's conversation with Nicodemus he said jesus answered and said to him most assuredly I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God you cannot have a spiritual growth without spiritual birth you cannot join the family of God you must be born into the family of God you can join a club you can join the church but you cannot join God's church you cannot join God's family you have to be born into it a birth is coming into a being of new life which has the nature of your parents what is a new birth well number one it's not religion it's relationship number two new birth is not about morality but it is it is a miracle meaning when you are born again it's a miracle when the baby is born it's a miracle that's why you know you can put a price on your new house you can never put a price on your new baby you can put a price on your New Jordans you can never put a price on your new daughter that's why the Bible says that you can win the whole world but incomes nothing close to your soul because the value of a baby is priceless thirdly is new birth is not a Reformation it's regeneration meaning it's not changing your behavior it's God changing your nature and changing your heart and giving you a new heart and a new nature new birth is not works but it is by the Word of God many of us who have came into Christian faith have adopted a worldview of salvation for example how many of you here have a gym membership I know you're not paying for it right now but you can raise your hand yeah okay how many of you have a gym membership okay when you get a gym membership you typically have to agree to certain rules and when you agree to those rules then they make you a member of the gym if you break those rules you lose your membership there are certain privileges of being a member in the gym but you also have responsibilities and you have to monthly pay so you can keep that membership most people view their salvation through the lens of a club in order to join you have to agree to certain rules in order to stay a member you have to pay your dues and god forbid you break the rules you lose the membership then you start again from zero but see Kingdom is not a gym it's a family none of you in here had to agree to rules before you were born mama and papa didn't come to an embryo and said do you agree to the ten rules like taking off your shoes brushing your teeth cleaning the dishes taking with the curfew do you agree okay we are gonna let you be born in his family birth was a gift you didn't work for it you didn't deserve it and you didn't sign up for the rules you didn't know there were rules but because you were born you eventually grew and you found that in your family there are rules every family has rules for example one of the rules in my family is we take off our shoes when we enter the house it's just a family rule it's not right or wrong it's just our family rule we take off our shoes another rule is when we eat we have to put as much on our plate as we are going to finish but if we don't finish my father is the author and the finisher of all the food that we don't finish so my mom would make us all come from our plate and drop drop it on my dad's plate and my dad would finish it because he's the author and the finisher of food these are just simple rules in our house now these are not rules in your house these are rules in our house but I can tell you one thing I was never kicked out of our family because I forgot to take my shoes off these rules were not there to qualify or to confer to condition my place in the family they were to confirm my place in the family it wasn't so that I can belong to the family it was because I belonged to the family and when I broke the rules repeating Li I never lost my last name I didn't lose my parents and I did not lose my family but I did lose my phone I did lose certain privileges and sometimes I lost my pants and something else went on my behind but I never lost my family because when I broke the rules in the family I didn't lose the family I lost privileges my friend who want to remind you when you become a Christian you're not a member of a club you become a part of God's family that's what Jesus calls us children and God our Father so rules have a place in God's family but they don't condition our relationship with God breaking them doesn't disqualify us from the relationship with God and we have to understand to see God's kingdom as a family not a club can somebody say Amen so with that said I would like to highlight dr. David Jeremiah a preacher mentioned five birthmarks of salvation maybe some of you have ever wondered how do I know if I am saved or maybe somebody came to you and says how do I know if I am saved today I'm gonna help you to understand that I didn't come up with those I copied them from David Jeremiah but they were really good and I just wanted to share them with you the first one is confession have you confessed Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior not have you confessed your sin please to understand every criminal in front of a judge confesses his sin even after they caught after they get caught people confess their sins Christians don't confess just their sins they confess Jesus as the Lord and the Savior that's why the Bible says if we confess with our mouth and believe with our heart what that we're sinners no it says that Jesus is Lord so the first mark of a born-again person Christian his confession of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior the second one is change change that happens within change that happens within their heart and their nature it's when you feel changed on the inside number three it's when you have compassion the Bible says he who is born from God loves his brothers see one of the things that happened to you when you got born into the family and you grew a little bit you realize you had brothers and sisters now I'm pretty sure a lot of you had a very difficult time getting along with them as some of you are still seeing a therapist dealing with things that happen with your brothers and sisters nevertheless family gave you brothers and sisters one of the marks of a born-again Christian is you will have brothers and sisters but it will take time to learn to relate to them as God wants you to relate you will have compassion number four you will have conflict because of new nature you still have an old mind you still have old patterns the old man is crucified with Christ but certain habits the old man has developed remained and so there will be a conflict inside of you and this conflict does not mean you're not born again it actually means you are born again because if you wouldn't have the conflict that means you would be dead and floating with the current the fact that the devil is fighting you is a sign you're not on his team so it's a good thing it's not a bad thing and the last one is Conduct meaning it's when your behavior begins to change now change of the behavior does not mean it doesn't make you born-again it's when you're born again that your behavior changes now we as Christians we don't focus on changing we focus on growing the baby as long as the baby grows it will change because you must understand this thing about our nature when you add nurture to it crazy stuff will come out like for example every baby every baby is born within its nature to speak create marry even procreate and one day have its own children all that nature needs is nurture nurture doesn't make a baby write walk and speak give the same nurture to your dog 20 years he still won't write and speak give the same care to your cat your cat will not wash dishes after 50 years because the nature is not there when you become born again God places and nature new spirit that if with the renewing of the mind remaining in his presence nurtured that nature is nurtured is taking care of you will become fabulous you will become incredible and you will become amazing you will change because you grew so we don't focus on the change we focus on the growth we know that it's within our nature all I need now is to nurture my life change in my soul so that the change in my spirit will be made manifest in my natural visible realm so with that said I would like to talk on for a few moments about this topic of spiritual birth marks or our salvation if you were taking notes write this down the first point I would like to share is that new nature makes growth natural new nature makes growth natural when you and I became born again God gave us a new spirit but God did not give us new soul God did not give us new body when you became saved you did not get a new body I wish we would have gotten a new body we didn't you came if you came overweight you left over weight unfortunately if you came not healthy you left not healthy if you came white you left white if you came black you left but nothing changed on your body and nothing changed on your soul if you came negative you left negative if you came with bitterness a lot of people left still struggling with bitterness and they may say well how come then what was the new birth did in me new birth gave you new spirit not new soul new spirit comes from new birth but new soul comes from renewing your mind remaining in his presence and resisting the strongholds of the enemy all right so that's why you can look at a person who is born again and not changed they're still born again and a lot of people judge Christians because of that and they say people act better in clubs than in church probably in some areas there are heathens who live better than Christians if you ever been to a funeral a funeral is a very well behaved clean place but if you went to the hospital where babies are born nothing well behaving there and a lot of times is not super clean when the baby comes out it's bloody naked unruly loud a little thing is connected call umbilical cord and just you take the photo and you you use filters on Instagram because while it's a great miracle it's not a great photo and you wait for to wrap the baby up so that we don't have to show all the parts that the baby came out with and but it's a miracle its life and then you go to a funeral home and you see this well-behaved dignified man in the suit smelling good behaving solid in orderly fashion he will not say a negative word and there is a sense of quietness a sense of holiness that exists in there you know I'll rather take an unruly loud bloody baby over a quiet orderly corpse so if the world accuses the Christians from being unruly loud bloody crazy okay we never claimed to be in a suit we claimed to be alive we claimed to be born again we as Christians God is not busy trying to make us into hypocrites actors on the stage God is not what he put put masks on us God wants to give us life and if we come into this life with blood and umbilical cords God says you'll clean yourself up a little bit later but hey you got a life you got a spirit that lives inside of you yes you'll get covered yes you'll get clean yes you'll learn how's the walk yes we'll cut this and cut that and cut that but listen you can do all of that to a corpse it will not make him come alive you can spray perfume and cologne you can put him in the best suit still a corpse so what's that an unchristian can learn how to tame their tongue and control their money and treat people right it doesn't make them born again because new birth is is a miracle of a new birth and therefore a Christian can sometimes act crazy but if they are growing they'll change can somebody say Amen so a new nature makes it natural to grow if growth is difficult for you you might not be born again if growing is impossible I have the right and God's Word to question the validity of your new birth experience for new born-again Christians growth is not difficult and impossible but it is slow and sometimes slow feels painful so growth is very slow the baby does not learn to walk overnight the growth is slow but it's not impossible and it's not difficult growth is natural that's what Peter says like newborn babies desired the milk of God's Word meaning that nature gives me new appetites and new desires if you are born again how you would know it is because there are new desires there is new passions that are there for God you will not always satisfy them properly you will not always do what's right with them but there is there is new new desires there can somebody say amen there's growth and it comes naturally none of that growth makes you born again but it's because you're born again that you grow your growth doesn't make you born again with the capital B your growth doesn't make you for sure born again when I was born I was told by my parents that I came into this world not knowing how to speak and walk I don't remember that day I don't remember the day of my birth and that's what people who say if you don't remember the day of your salvation you're not truly saved I'm like really I don't remember the day I got saved I do remember that I'm alive in Christ now the same way I don't remember when I was born there's a certificate I'm celebrate July 22nd but you know why I celebrate July 22nd because my parents told me I was I don't remember being there and then I grew I learned how to walk I learned how to talk I finished school I finished high school I got a high school diploma I got a license I got the job the interesting part is that none of those growths improved my status in the family - my parents meaning I was a son on the day of my birth the same way I am a son when I'm a pastor today my status as a son did not get upgraded or updated as my condition from a child to a youth to a teenager to an adult to a husband and to a pastor gradually increased one day I will even reach higher but while my condition is constantly growing and growing and growing my position the love my parents have for me they position I occupy in their heart when I couldn't utter a word when I couldn't wipe my own behind when I did not know what it's like to do this and that from that day I was as precious as valuable to them as I am when I am going to be old and gray hair that did not change although my growth did not improve my status as a son the only reason I'm able to grow is because I was a son in their heart and they made a room for me to have unconditional love and conditional acceptance and nurture the cause the nature in me to explode my friend all of your growth doesn't make you more saved the only reason you are able to grow is because you are saved did somebody say amen number two new nature does not remove the presence of sin but the practice of sin when you are born again you don't lose your ability to sin you lose your ability to enjoy it you can still sin it's the same one you're just not gonna be able to enjoy your sin because the new nature doesn't sin what the sin happens is in the soul unrenewed mine and the new nature doesn't want to sin and as a Christian Christians can commit sin but they don't practice sin because the Bible says in 1st John chapter 2 verse 29 everyone who practice righteousness is born of God first John 3:9 is says the following in NLT those who have been born into God's family do not make a practice of sinning because God's life is in them they can't keep on sinning because they are children of God now don't let the word practice figure out how many of you guys practice like certain sport basketball swimming golf practice eating alright ok musical instruments practice what is word practice practice simply means it's performing an activity or exercise a skill repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency you only practice things you want to get better at true Christian will never do that will never practice sin to get better at sinning true Christian will never use God's grace as an excuse to sin because to them little bit of grace gets me to heaven a lot of it makes me reign in life so using God's grace their own use God's grace as an excuse they use God's grace as a reason to overcome sin true born-again Christian will fall seven times into the same sin he can stay there why because he is not practicing something into perfection he wants to practice righteousness so he will get up from that sin and still be righteous so as the born-again Christian you still sin you don't lose your ability to sin you just lose your ability to practice sin into perfection what we practice is the perfect nature of Jesus that lives within us and we practice that day in and day out not so that we can become perfect it's because we are perfect in our spirit and in our heart through the blood of Jesus can somebody say Amen Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 it uses this verse not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father in heaven I will be very honest with you when I was younger and this verse was preached in the church I was getting saved every time this verse was preached because the preachers usually preachers are really good at taking scriptures out of the context and so they would take this verse and right after that they would give a call to salvation if you call on the name of the Lord but you don't do the will of the Father unlike this week but there was one day I didn't do the will of the Father and then it says over there you will not go into kingdom of heaven I was like man that's me I didn't even wait for all because of Lord Jesus please forgive me I didn't believe in this but I did it just in case please forgive me sanctify me can I get saved again Amen I got saved again and then they would say even if you do miracles I'm like well doesn't that start I don't even qualify that's what everybody who does the miracles that's for them they're not even saved but you have to always read the Bible within the context because later on Jesus says the real reason why those people are not going to heaven it's not because they called on the name of the Lord and didn't do the will of the Father I want you to see this in verse 23 it says then I will declare to them I never knew you the real reason they never had a relationship with Jesus they might exercise certain gifts in the community of other leaders they might have even moved in miracles through the name of Jesus not through their own name they might have called on the name of the Lord they may profess Jesus but as Christians we don't profess salvation we possess salvation they might have known about Jesus as Christians we know Jesus and he knows us the fact that Jesus tells these people that I never knew you tells me they never had a relationship with the Lord and the evidence of that is the next is the next part of that verse I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness what is the sign that they were never born again they practiced not righteousness lawlessness they practice to perfection sin lying stealing but the root wasn't the fact that they sinned that's not the problem the problem is they never knew him and because they never had a relationship they couldn't help but practice sin because when you have a relationship when you're born of God you will fall into sin you will struggle with sin you will commit sin you just don't practice sin because you practice something else you practice righteousness because you have a new nature and so you can't use this verse against believers because if you're born again if you know Jesus Christ something will happen here there is a new nature and that new nature causes you to practice righteousness will you always get it right no but your practice that's how you learn to ride a bike that's how you learn to speak that's how you learn to walk you practiced it but you know why was possible for you to practice and learn it because it was within your nature my dog can practice to speak English all his life he'll never speak English because it's not within his nature but it's within your nature to live right and therefore when you practice that why why do you practice that it was only because you know the Lord it's not so you can know the Lord it's because you know the Lord and you can hide behind the church and profess Lord Jesus is Lord say all of that the same way you can walk around I can walk around and say I belong to Larry Smith's family that doesn't make me part of the family because I said that the Bible says demons believe in tremble and they're still going to hell believing that God exists doesn't save you belonging to a circle of people that believe in God doesn't save you I've been many times in the airport and missed the airplane you can belong to a religious circle and still miss Christ if you don't see Christ and those submit to Christ and receive his gift of salvation and submit your life to him and know him not Christians but Christ can somebody say Amen and so we see that as Christians we don't practice sin we do struggle with sin in Hebrews it says this for you have not yet resisted to bloodshed striving against sin so Christians in their spirit their sinless they can't sin in their spirit that's why the Bible says that if you're born again you can't sin returns like that's not me your spirit is cannot sin your spirit cannot sin your soul oh yeah because it's unrenewed it still needs to remain in Christ there's still certain strongholds about certain wounds that need to be pulled out and it's a process through which we'll all go in as Christians salvation of our soul that's why there's verses in the Bible it says to do things for salvation of the soul and people we'd ever like so does that mean I'm not safe no you are saved your soul is being saved and so dear believers we struggle with sin sometimes the struggle is so severe the Bible says till bloodshed have you seen people struggle with drugs who born again till bloodshed you seen people struggle with smoking sometimes the struggle is real hash tag and some people even die in that struggle have you seen people struggle with depression who are born-again believers yeah and so to say that just because you struggle with sin you're not born again it's not against the Bible because he's writing to the Christians and says there's some times in our soul we can struggle still and that's okay that's why we have brothers and sisters that's why we have healing deliverance that's why we have the teaching of God's Word so that we can overcome sin we have abundance of grace so we can reign life grace doesn't give us the excuse to live in sin a born-again Christian will not look to grace to live in sin they will look for a reason to overcome their sin when you washed your car last time and it was raining you hated it because it would stain the car and that puddle by your house that typically when your car is not washed you would never miss you would ride faster you would avoid those puddles why because clean cars cause you wanted to be cleaner the more dirty you are the more dirty you want to be new nature causes you not want to sin and if you are living if you are enjoying justifying it's probably a sign you just never experience new birth experience and you're just reforming your outside and trying to through nurture you can massage a dead man until your fingers lose their connection you'll never bring him back to life you can't massage yourself back to life you got to repent yourself back to life so you repent accept the grace of God received a new gift of salvation and God gives you new nature new desires that accompany it can somebody say Amen well let's get to bring this message little bit closer number three Christians don't lose their salvation by struggling with sin so we mentioned that Christians don't practice their sin but they can still sin and now I'm going to talk about a little bit closer Christians don't lose their salvation by struggling with sin as a Christian you don't lose your salvation when you sin but you lose the joy of your salvation Psalm 51 do you remember when David committed murder and adultery that's a pretty heavy sins it's interesting in his repentance David never said Lord restored to me my salvation he said restore to me the joy of my salvation as a Christian you don't lose your salvation when you sin you do lose the joy closeness you can die faster when you sin you can even open the door to a demonic torment you can end up in jail you can forfeit your reward as a Christian but you don't lose your relationship as a when you sin in first Corinthians it says that one day will stand before God and the eyes of God fire will go through our works and what was built on wood hay and straw will be burned and it says this and we will be saved as dull from the fire yet we will be saved meaning our bad works that we do they don't cause us to lose our relationship they cause us to lose reward because somebody say Amen that'll cause us to lose our salvation it cause us to lose the joy of our salvation now for those of you who your mind is freaking out right now oh my gosh Vlad he just gave somebody a license to sin can I just calm you down those who are not born again They don't need license does every criminal wait for a permit to do something criminal no ok so relax I'm giving grace to people who were gonna use that to overcome their sin and those who won't overcome their sin they don't need that grace they're gonna still use a reason to say as Christians we don't lose our salvation we lose the joy of our salvation I would like to go a little bit further I like what dr. Michael Brown said this topic first of all I want to say it is controversial there is four main thoughts three big ones we belong to the fourth one of thoughts concerning losing your salvation the first big thought is the once saved always safe in a sense that you can never lose your salvation you can deny Jesus you can even go and become a Muslim or a Buddhist but once you pray that prayer you will always be saved you can completely reject God insult the Holy Spirit trample the blood of Jesus it doesn't matter because it's called eternal and you're done with and the second school of thought that exists is called the perseverance of the saints the perseverance of the saints believes that if you are born again then you will not lose your salvation and if you disown Christ turn your back on the grace of God walked away from Jesus it just simply means you were never really saved the third school of thought is where most of us grew up in it's that your salvation is secure until your next mistake and the moment you commit sin or you fall you lost your salvation and then you have to start everything again and you have to repent and then you have to get saved again and pretty much you get you lose it and one day sometimes you can do like five times you lose it and you get it back you lose it get it back you commit sin God takes it away and then you repent God gives you back the salvation and then there's a fourth one where it's a little bit of everything and that's what we are at now I don't believe Christian can lose their salvation like you lose your keys you don't lose your place in the family when you forget to take the garbage out come on you don't lose your marriage because you had a bad day you don't get this on for that my my my dear brother was was living on drugs for seven years he didn't lose his family in fact he grieved his family we were all heartbroken it was bad for all of us and for him but if it wouldn't be for the family he would have never changed and God knows that and so God doesn't disown his children who fall even if it's into the same sin struggling we don't lose our salvation I like what dr. Michael Brown said he said this you can't lose your salvation like you lose your keys passenger on the plane is guaranteed to reach its destination overseas unless you choose to do something crazy and open the emergency door and jump otherwise you won't arrive at your destination safely now I believe that you cannot lose your salvation as a Christian but you can forfeit your salvation as a Christian by rejecting Jesus and His grace few reasons and I've studied you know both of them and I have preachers on both sides that I deeply loved deeply love till this day the part what I have struggled with once saved always saved that you cannot lose your salvation is I just don't see in the Bible what the scripture tells us that once you're saved you are taken away they'll right to reject Jesus and you no longer have a free choice salvation does not take away your choice to reject Christ that would look more like a Colombian cartel than salvation well you can get in but you can't get out same thing with the family you can disown your family you can completely I'm not just talking about you move out I'm sorry you can disown your family go change your last name it's not a trap your family's not trap now nobody in the room right mind I think would never do it but to say that that's not possible we just don't see the evidence of that in the Bible contrary we see in the Bible verses like that if we sin against him meaning we reject him God says our blood your name out of the book of life so that means that when my name is written the book of life I have the choice to turn my back in Christ as thing you know what I don't believe in grace I can be saved by my good works in fact I'm gonna follow another god I'm gonna follow another person God and say well I'm sorry bro but you stuck with me I think that's not a love that's force and God gives us a choice verses for example in the Bible in John chapter 1 what it says any branch in me that does not bear fruit it doesn't say that God cuts it away it says he lifts up that speaks to Christians who are in Christ in God's grace but honestly they don't have fruit right now they don't have love there are no patience they're really cranky they really have issues and Jesus doesn't come and say you're done you're gone why because you don't have through the Bible says he lifts us up if we don't have fruit but then later on in verse 6 if I'm not mistaken it says that but any branch that doesn't abide in me gets thrown away meaning God says if you still have a choice to reject my grace and do it your own way that branch gets thrown into the fire in Hebrews it says that and this verse used two scares me it says this for if we've willfully sin after receiving the knowledge of truth there is no longer remains a sacrifice for sin you read is like oh shoot that's me cuz I mean come on let's face it a lot of our sins are willful it was the week I didn't get slapped until you didn't get hit it's willful but you always have to read the verse in context if you read the verse later it says the following it says how much worse punishment do you suppose will he be thought worthy will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot counted the blood of the Covenant by which he was sanctified as a common thing and insulted the spirit of grace so it's not you sinfully you willfully sinned because all of us whose sin of course we do it willfully you were not out of your mind where you were doing it you didn't lose your mind at the time you do it willfully what is simple it means is people they reject the grace they reject the blood and insult the Holy Spirit and God says my sacrifice doesn't cover you now for most of us in here it's not going to be switching religions it's not gonna be the one day you're gonna decide to become Muslim or one day you're gonna decide to turn your back on Christ and become a Buddhist for most of us as Christians this is what the problem happens is we switch from Christ to our works we outgrow our need for Christ we no longer remain under branch and the vine and him as the source of our Grace and we feel like well I got saved Jesus I got it from here it's like on 30,000 feet in the air I got it from here thanks Pilot and then you're simply stepping out of the plane I believe I can fly and so what I'm preaching to you today is remain in Jesus remain in him because he is not just someone to get you up in the sky he says I want you to remain in me stay in the plane the door exit door is there you can't jump out I can tell you one thing you can't fly my friend there's only one name under which man was given to be saved and that is not Jose or one it's hey-zeus it's Jesus Christ come on somebody come on somebody so I believe as Christians our salvation is secure our salvation is secure but we must remain in Christ and this is not a it's a privilege to remain in Christ it's an honor to remain in Christ I'm not talking about prayer or reading or even the church attendance I'm talking about remaining in Christ His grace continues to flow changes and transforms us and I believe we have a choice to turn our back on him and totally walk away from him and walk away from the grace of God walk away from our salvation and walk away from our Savior I just don't see a verse what it says once you're saved you're trapped and you can no longer leave it would be very difficult to serve a God who traps you in that I think God gives us a choice and most of us all of us we will never take that choice when you were in the airplane I'm not gonna lie to you I've been in the aeroplane I had a thought to open that door I knew it was the devil I was like I command you get up to Jesus name or like why would you I want to do that you know but but the thoughts that come and so I would never do it of course I many times got off from the airport from the airplane and went to the bathroom that's different than jumping out of the plane switching your seats is different than leaving the plane and so I just want to challenge each one of you to stay in grace stay in Jesus and I'm gonna finish this message what I believe something that is very important can Christians go to heaven if they die and confessing not confessing certain sin or forgetting to confess certain sins I believe yes and this is why the Bible says Christ has forgiven us of all sin can somebody say all the original word for all includes past present and future think about it all of your sins your future sins your past sins all of them were at the moment of his death were your future sins when Jesus was dying you haven't committed any of them yet on the cross he paid for all of your sins all of your sins were future sins I believe when you're born again your sins are paid for present past and future Christ doesn't come down on the earth next time you sin he's like oh shoot I forgot that one in fact you didn't even exist when he was paying for your sin he paid for all of your sin when you are forgiven in Christ you are forgiven those sins are already covered by the blood the future sins you're yet to commit you may say then why do we confess our sin first of all you not saved by your confession you saved by Christ you don't see it in the Bible what it says if you confess your sin you will be saved it says if you confess Jesus as Lord you will be saved our confession doesn't saves as Jesus saves us our faith doesn't saves us Jesus saves us sinners prayer doesn't save us Jesus saves us even your repentance doesn't save you Jesus died on the cross now repentance so we have to go back to Jesus we have to go back to the cross please understand I believe in confessing sins but I don't believe it so that I don't lose my salvation it's so that I stay close to Jesus I've been married to my wife for 10 years 10 years ago and this altar I said I do since that day do you know how many times I said I'm sorry a lot I'm gonna probably say I'm sorry today you know how many times I'm gonna say I'm sorry in the next twenty thirty years a lot do you know why I say I'm sorry not so that I undo I do I don't say I'm sorry and then go back and get married to her again my I'm sorry is to keep closeness it's not to keep the Covenant I do create it a covenant on which today I say I'm sorry so I can stay close within the Covenant I already have my I'm sorry does not get me my covenants back my my sorry keeps me intimacy but my I do gave me relationship you have a relationship with Jesus you have a relationship with God when you got saved when you place your trust in Jesus by grace you were saved through faith can somebody say Amen and then you confess your sin not so that you get your salvation back so you get your intimacy back so you get your joy back so you get your peace back so you will grow closer to God with whom he is your father that's why first John 1:9 is says if we confess our sin he is faithful and true to forgive us over sin and to cleanse us meaning God says if you come saying I'm sorry God I'm gonna cover you I'm gonna cleanse you I'm gonna forgive you please don't stand I do that almost every few days with my wife the more I'm sorry as long as I mean it and follow up a little action a lot of action and my relationship gets closer but it's not so that I don't lose my marriage and so I don't lose my fire so I don't lose my closeness has nothing to do with the Covenant it all has to do with the closeness that's why Christians repent the Bible says so we can be healed so we can be restored Jesus washes the disciples of his feet and he says I don't wash your feet because you're not clean he says all of you are clean except one referring to Judas he says a clean man only needs to wash his feet he's speaking spiritually he says a man who is cleansed by already Jesus only needs to forgive you know forgiveness confession of the sin because he's already clean like this you take a shower one time but you wash your hands many times the shower is when you got saved by washing of the hands is when you confess your sin so that you don't get germs to stay in you because those germs neglect it become infected so that's why we confess our sin what if at the moment of your death there was some sense that were unconfessed can I tell you something nobody in this room will have every sin confessed properly at the moment of their death unless you had six months in the hospital for most of us that's not going to be your lot when you die it will happen fast it will happen quickly and you quote-unquote did not get prepared for it I want to just remove that fear you've not saved because you kept track of every sin and you confessed it properly you're saved by Jesus you're part of his family you have a covenant with God you shouldn't let the sins Harbor in your heart because it will create the distance between you and Jesus it can rob you of your spiritual reward your heart can get cold toward the Lord you should constantly confess your sins so you can be freed so you can be cleansed the same way you should always wash your hands you feel better it's for your good I struggled with this myself specially when somebody would take their own life in in the Bible suicide is never portrayed as a good thing all the people mentioned that committed suicide in the Bible that was very complicated and crazy stories around them a lot of people struggle with mental illness and then they take their life I think suicide is sin but it's not a sin God cannot forgive or hasn't forgiven in Christ suicide is when a person no longer looks to Jesus to deliver them but to death to end their suffering a person doesn't do it because they're bad a lot of times they're hurting and those of you who never had a family member who struggled with mental illness we would never know but I've seen a person who took his own life who loved God who was here the day before at morning prayer and who took his life I've also been at the funeral of a young man who struggled with sin of drugs and who finally beat it and the two months later he overdosed at his work he slipped and that little dose that he took turns out he wasn't little it was more and he died and his work so is George Floyd just a week ago you know when he died in the very tragic murder when you know an officer crazy officer who's had a history of proclivity to violence you know put his knee to his neck and while we mourned that death a lot of people speak of Floyd's faith in Christ by I remind you at the moment of his death he forged a check he committed a crime and they found drugs in his blood when they did an autopsy yet when we think of George Floyd's death nobody sees him through that I am NOT encouraging you to justify contain sin but I want to tell you something that your on confessed sin is not what disqualifies you from heaven nobody in this room will be able to die at the moment of their death having every single thing confessed and if you can that's not what saved you it's what Jesus who saves you so I want you to live with peace but should the Lord not live in terror and fear my fear is many Christians have a hat of condemnation instead of a helmet of salvation last year I got a ticket driving my riding my moped and they gave me a ticket and sad day because it was a park guy guy who works at the park not even like a real police officer I know his police officer and please forgive me Lord I don't think he's a real police officer because he did not have those sirens that the real police officers have and I was riding from the church to to the house and and guess what he pulled me over in my garage well he pulled me a little bit closer but I parked my thing in the garage and I mean I guess I could have acted you know saying sir you can't step in it's my property and have a gun but I don't have a gun and and I don't do that I was scared of the police I'm scared of and the healthy fear I fear of police officers in the healthy way and and he said sir you know you're driving without a helmet and I'm standing in my garage and I said well I got my garage he gave me he gave me a ticket for not wearing a helmet this is the crazy part I had four of them in my garage you know why I got a ticket not because I didn't have a helmet it's because I didn't wear one many of you will suffer in your walk with Christ not because you're not saved but because you're living out of your condemnation instead of salvation you will have head injuries all the time you will have headaches spiritual headaches because you're not wearing meaning you're not living conscious I am secure in Christ I am secure in God's grace I don't have to worry about my salvation nobody can snatch me out of his head and I'm not planning to leave him disown him walk away I love Jesus he loves me he's my father is my Savior my friend put on the helmet of salvation take off the hat of condemnation whatever the religious believes that you believe that imprison you take him off and put on Jesus Christ put on Jesus Christ and live for the God over the come your sin over the come every devil over come every demon over come the shape over come every guilt and live for God and live for God of all somebody if you believe it give God some praise right now hallelujah hallelujah come on let raise to your feet right now Holloman acetyl I come on the raise yourhands with them for just few seconds begin to thank God for the great salvation that he has given you begin to thank God for who you are begin to thank God for your position in Jesus for some of you can always struggled with fear who always struggled with condemnation I just speak that over you those who are in Christ there is no condemnation because you are in Jesus he gives you power he gives you grace he brings you close and when you confess your sin he brings you closer he restores you he heals you he cleans you o Holy Spirit glorify Jesus in our mind Holy Spirit it's all Jesus the in our Minds come on every hands raised or every mouth open for the next 60 seconds open up your mouth this begin to thank God for your salvation thank God for the grace of God you you come you me you're a new man you have but on the helmet of salvation remove the hat of condemnation you remain remain on the vine, let the sap let the SAP of the vine let the abundance of grace concentrated life the gift of righteousness overcome every shame every guilt every sin that easily ensnares you let it give you strength to run your race looking unto Jesus not to yourself be offering the finisher of our faith you're grace you're grace No you have a removed you called me justified your grace Holy Spirit for those of you who feel like you lost the connection with the father because of things you they just asked him to cleanse you right now ask his blood to wash you right now maybe in some areas you grieve the Holy Spirit maybe in some areas you've fallen into get up right now come on next 60 seconds just take that pressure Lord cleanse me by your blood or cleanse me by your blood give me new desires God you restore by hunger restore my appetite for your word but is for my appetite God restore to me the joy of my salvation I desire intimacy with you I desire cleanness i know you're seeking for the truth in my inner parts God Oh Lord God taking not your Holy Spirit pour out your mighty spirit and your mighty grace about my life God I choose your grace I choose your love I choose a relationship with you I choose your mercy god I choose the victory on the cross I look to Jesus I don't look to myself or change God I look to Jesus I want to be close please I want to be near you I want to be intimate with you in Jesus name I want to give an opportunity right now for those people in this room who have yet to give Jesus the proper place Jesus is inviting in Jesus is proposing a wedding he's proposing a marriage as I've mentioned having a relationship with my wife never once in 10 years have I thought that if I did something she's gonna leave me but if she did something that I will leave her but confession caused us to get closer and closer and closer and I live with a different fear and that is I just don't want to live my life in mediocrity with her I want to be close with her I don't want to just go through the motion I want to be in the passion in love with her but I do have a choice I can cheat on her this covenant doesn't mean that I'm totally incapable now I don't know why in the right mind I would do that but the choice is there and as a Christian that's what I want to remind you don't focus on losing focus on staying in the grace and the love of the father and the love of Jesus being his son and being his child being married to Jesus but maybe you're in this room and Jesus is not your bridegroom Jesus is not the Savior Jesus is not your Lord today is that day to accept Jesus my friend I have to give you a warning if you don't accept him you're gonna have to use your good works to save yourself Judas is a prime example of that I'm one of those people who believe that Judas wasn't saved because Jesus referred to him as a devil called him son of perdition and during washing of the feet he says all of you are clean except one talked about Judas and though Judas cast out demons and Jesus Judas hanging out around Jesus's crew but Judas had a demon entered inside of his spirit Peter was sifted by the devil Peter was possessed by the Judas was possessed by the devil but the part is when Judas committed sin Judas had nowhere to run to so he guess what he ran to he decided to deal with his sin with his good works he took the money and returned it thinking is gonna give him peace it only gave him harm and then he committed suicide I believe the state of Judas is the state of every person who looks to himself to try to find forgiveness or to his good works you can't be saved by your good works you can't undo the bad the good there's only one Savior his name is not works it's Jesus this Peter who forsook Jesus Jesus restored him he became an apostle but Judas he tried to work for his salvation work for removing that shame and guilt it only killed him he became an apostate Jesus is inviting it today he wants to forgive you he wants you to find peace with God he wants you to have a new heart and new nature that gift and miracle can happen right now every head bowed and every eye closed if you are in this room or watching through the medium of YouTube Facebook or podcast and you saying I would like to get born again today I want God to do a miracle in my heart I am tired of trying to change and transform myself on my strengths I want to accept the free gift and I want to be born into God's family I feel that person when I count the three just raise your hand high one two three just raise that head high if you watching me right now you can just comment below and say I would like to get saved I would like to give my life to Jesus I'm gonna pray with you right now if you raise your hand or you wanted to raise you and remember it's not that that gets you saved it is Jesus but let's pray together right now I want you to say Lord Jesus I am a sinner please forgive me of all my sin and wash me with your precious blood I repent of living by myself for you come and live in me live through me change me help me to grow fill me with your spirit and I promise to love and follow you all the days of my life the Jesus name father I pray for that person who pray that prayer for the first time right now that you will give them the gift the miracle of new birth take away the heart of flesh take away the heart of stone give them the heart of flesh take away that old nature and give them the new nature right now Lord God the desires good things cleanse them purify them and make them holy and make them whole in Jesus name if you prayed that prayer and you are here could you come and say hi to us at the VIP room we would love to say hi to you if you are online and you pray this prayer pick up your phone right now and I want you to go to hungry gen / VIP and submit your cards so we can follow up with you this week
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 30,391
Rating: 4.8861113 out of 5
Keywords: vladimir savchuk, hungry generation, vlad savchuk, good news church, pastor vlad, tri-cities wa pasco, sermons by vlad, messages by pastor vlad, deliverance, healing, supernatural, sermon on fire, messages, sermons, salvation, convitction, confession, sin, hell, heaven, god, Jesus, holy spirit
Id: vCZoMMl6oQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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