Why You Really (REALLY) Shouldn't Die In Teyvat | Genshin Impact Theory

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If you are someone who is currently participating  in life then you probably know that dying is   bad… After all the last thing you want to  happen while you are being alive is to one   day wake up and receive a notification from God  telling you that your membership has expired… … Except all of that doesn’t  apply to you… Because you,   yes YOU… Are a Gamer… Which means the grass  is an object you never touch and the sunlight   is your enemy… So who needs to worry about  the dangers of the outside world when you   can stay in the safety of your home and  play Genshin Impact… Because in a game,   death is just an inconvenience. You can die over  and over, again and again, and it will never   matter… You will always come back, but… … What  about those who don’t?... What happens to them? As we understand it, Death… Is the end… It  is the ultimate destination of all life…   And normally on its own, this statement  shouldn’t be controversial, although,   in Genshin that’s… Not necessarily  the case… What if I told you that   when you die in Teyvat… What awaits you  on the other side is much, much worse. Because, You see… If Life  in of itself is a Blessing,   then what do we make of that which ends  the Blessing?... What would Death be? Those… Were a lot of questions that I just  asked in quick succession… And don’t worry,   I don’t plan on letting you ponder upon them for  too long… However, I still have one final critical   question to ask you… One that will set the stage  for all that which I will discuss moving forward. Tell me, what do Hu Tao,  Kitsune Saiguu, Jakob Baker,   and Doctor Baizhu all have  in common… WITH SKIRK???... CURSES… The answer is Curses… All of the  aforementioned characters are fighting their   own battles in pursuit of trying to avoid  becoming Curses… Either by preventing them,   or directly killing them, OR by seeking  to transcend humanity… By becoming TRUE   IMMORTALS that rise above the mortal and mundane. The reason I am making this vital distinction  is because not all that which is Immortal is   Transcendent… As we have seen before…  Immortality itself can also be a Curse. Remember what the Traveler said during the  Caribert Archon Quest… To have infinite time,   yet no hope… Can only be called Torture.” Anyway… Before I get TOO ahead of myself  here, I need to clarify what I mean by   Curses because when I say Curse, I ain’t  talking about some kind of spell that   someone casts onto you to inflict harm or  misfortune … I am talking about… THESE… … OK relax, before you roll your eyes from the sheer  magnitude of BatChesting… Yes, OBVIOUSLY Jujutsu   Kaisen and Genshin Impact have nothing to do with  each other… Nonetheless, both stories draw major   inspiration from a particular concept in Buddhism  known as the Pretas, which is associated with the   Vengeful Spirits of Japanese Folklore and both of  those will be EXTREMELY important later. Which is   why I am making this comparison to provide you  with some conceptual insight into the matter. But, until we get to “Later”, let us first  take a step back and look at the overall   picture so that we can better comprehend what is  going on with the souls of the dead in Teyvat. Starting… With one of my favourite  characters in the game, Mona… … Now,   there are several interesting things to point  out about Mona… From her super suspicious   acquaintances to her ability to read people’s  Fates through Hydromancy… The list of topics   that I could discuss about her is impressive,  to say the least… And out of everything that   there is to say about Mona, I want to talk about her name… During the Archon Quest Masquerade of the Guilty,  Mona herself tells the Traveler that her name   is not… Actually, her real name… Rather, Mona  Megistus was bestowed upon her by her Master. Now, this is something that we’ve known for a  very long time. In fact, we knew this ever since   Genshin came out… But this is still the first  time in the story where the writers go out of   their way to make it a point that Megistus  is a name passed down to Mona… And Megistus   itself previously belonged to Mona’s own Master  where the word itself simply means “The Great.” While Mona is known as Megistus, her Master  is called Astromancer Barbeloth Trismegistus,   or “Old Hag” for short… And just like with Mona,  I have a long ass list of things which I want to   say regarding the Old Hag… But also like Mona, I  am currently only interested in her name… Well,   Not the Barbeloth part, I will  get to that in a different video,   and Oh Ho Ho, you best believe I WILL…  But for now, let us focus on Trismegistus. As you can easily surmise if Megistus  means ‘The Great’ then Trismegitus   would mean ‘The Thrice-as-Great’ or  ‘The Thrice-Greatest’ which is the   title that Barbeloth adopted after  taking in Mona as her apprentice. Now, what’s interesting is that Barbeloth  Trismegistus belongs to the Hexenzirkel… A   coven of Witches who have multiple members  confirmed to be highly skilled in alchemy   such as Alice and Rhinedottir, more on her later…  Therefore, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched for me   to say that Barbeloth too dabbles in some alchemy…  And since I am on the topic of alchemy, Hoyoverse   took the name Trismegistus from a Legendary  figure in alchemy known as Hermes Tristmegistus,   who also happens to be extremely relevant in  Gnosticism, from which Genshin also draws heavily. Although it is unclear whether Hermes Trismegistus  ever lived to begin with… There exists many texts   in alchemy which are attributed to him… And  perhaps most famously, he is the alleged author   of the Emerald Tablet which alchemists widely  regarded as the foundational pillar of their art. And honestly, believe it or not, the Emerald  Tablet and its contents are so renowned in alchemy   that I would be surprised if you have never  heard about it before or at the very least read   a throwaway line in from story, TV show, anime,  or video game that references it… For example,   the infamous phrase "As above, so below” is  derived directly FROM the Emerald Tablet… And   IGNORING the fact that Alchemy in the real  world is a practice developed by complete   idiots and has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with  modern Chemistry… The influence which Alchemy   has had on Philosophy and Mysticism from  a historical point of view is undeniable. Ergo, where alchemy truly shines is in the realms  of fiction and esoterics… Proven by the thousands   of stories drawing inspiration from it, with  Genshin Impact being just one such story. This,   by extension, implies that the writings of Hermes  Trismegistus could be extremely important to the   cosmology and world-building of Genshin. And  as you are about to see, it really, really is.  To demonstrate what I mean, let us take a quick  look at Baizhu… Notably, because Baizhu’s research   sheds a lot of light on the nature of Teyvat and  its “quote-on-quote” Laws… As a matter of fact,   Baizhu does talk about the Nature of the  World in one of his Voice Lines… Here it is: If you already see how important this  quote is regarding what Baizhu is alluding   to then that’s great, you probably know  exactly where this video is going… But,   if you are someone who would prefer further  explanation, then here is what you need to know: Baizhu’s story and character design feature  a hefty amount of inspiration from Buddhism,   which for the most part I will discuss in a  different video… But, I will still briefly   mention that Baizhu is contracted with the Serpent  Changsheng through which he can manipulate Life   Force… And the Serpent is prominently depicted  in a particular interpretation of the Cycle of   Samsara in Buddhism known as the Bhavachakra,  which translates to the Wheel of Life,   where it Symbolizes Mortal Temptation and  Desires… And the primary objective in Buddhism   is for one to abandon all of these meaningless  attachments and desires that defile the Soul,   so that they may achieve Nirvana and  transcend the Cycle of Samsara altogether. This idea of mortal temptation and  achieving Nirvana is going to be   very important later… SO PLEASE KEEP IT IN MIND. In addition to Buddhism, Baizhu’s character is   considerably influenced by Daoism… Especially  in his Philosophy and some of his animations. Now, Historically Speaking, Daoism was  closely connected to Chinese Alchemy…   And one of the primary endeavours that  the Chinese Alchemists went after was   the Grand Elixir of Immortality… Which  can be compared to the Philosopher’s   Stone that European Alchemists sought  since one of its functions is said to   have been granting Immortality… And as you  know, Baizhu’s main goal is Eternal Life. But there is a big obstacle in  Baizhu’s path… Remember earlier,   not all Immortality is good… Which is why he  needs to figure out a method that is compatible,   conducive, AND congruent with human prosperity… Luckily for him, there are others  pursuing a similar path… For example,   Evolution has been a major theme throughout  Fontaine, whether it is Evolution through   Machinery from Allain Guillotin, or Evolution by  becoming Neohumans like how Rene turned Jakob,   or even Evolution through the Foul Legacy of  Sutalogi… Which by the way, it might just be   an advanced version of Jakob’s Neohumanism…  But the point I am trying to make is that   Evolution appears to be an effective method or  at least path for Humans to achieve Immortality. After all, we know that Skirk has her own  Foul Legacy transformation and she does say   that she no longer wishes to return to the  surface, as she chose to abandon the bonds   that would turn her into a Curse… Which is  reminiscent of what I said about abandoning   mortal desires and attachments to achieve  Nirvana and escape the Cycle of Samsara. And akin to Baizhu, I believe that  Rhinedottir is also searching for   an effective method for Immortality… In  case you didn’t know, this mysterious Red   Energy from Rhonedottir’s creations Durin and  Elynas is the power of the Alchemical Rubedo,   the Philosopher’s Stone which  is said to grant immortality. In his notes, Jakob Baker mentions the Alchemist  Rhinedottir and talks about how she joined the   Hexenzirkel… Now interestingly enough, in the same  notes, Jakob also talks about another Organization   of Alchemists known as the Universitas Magistrorum  that I believe Barbeloth used to be part of,   which is one of the many reasons that  led me to say that she uses Alchemy. Now it is worth mentioning that Barbeloth is  taken from an Aeon in Gnosticism called Barbelo,   which is just an emanation of the Gnostic  Monad, the Supreme God… And if The King   of Kings shown in the Gnostic Chorus  is the Monad then his two offsprings,   the two crowned heirs which likely correspond  to the Second and Third Descenders respectively,   are also probably Aeons… Likely Sophia for the  Princess and Jesus for the Prince, which is why   this Prince is an actual character in the game  and not a metaphorical concept, but who knows? Anyway, in Gnosticism, which  Genshin’s Cosmology is based on,   one of the primary goals for humans is to obtain  a Gnosis, which corresponds to Enlightenment,   or I suppose Visions in Genshin, and  then return to a higher, divine realm And you know what, speaking of Humans, let’s  talk about them for a bit since we know that  Humans, with the exception of certain  minorities, are alien to the World of   Teyvat… This is something that has been hinted  at since Enkanomiya came out in patch 2.4,   where the Scribe of Istaroth writes that the  Primordial One, the Progenitor God of Humanity,   came from outside the world… A couple of years  later in Fontaine, this sentiment was further   reaffirmed in the description of the Wind  Glider, Wings of Merciful, Wrathful Waters,   where it is written by the developers that  although the Shade of Life was a God of Humans…   Her creation of Egeria, the First Hydro Archon,  was a process that utilized materials native to   Teyvat, entirely without outside elements…  Here, it is important to recognize that the   developers making this distinction indicates  their intention of implying that the Shade of   Life and the Human Species she rules are  all alien to the world… Unlike Egeria. Furthermore, based on the opening paragraph  of The History of the Decline and Fall of   Remuria… We know that the Unified Humans  of the First Civilization lived through   an era of abundance and prosperity directly  underneath the rule of the Primordial One,   with the Heavenly Envoys acting as their guides. With that being said, over time, the people  of the First Era grew bored of their life…   Eternally peaceful, forever unchanging…  Humanity became restless and was overrun   by temptation making them desire that which was  not promised to them by Heaven… Celestia on the   other hand was not very fond of humans trying to  break free from their Fate… Soooooo the Seelies   then asked the Humans: “Would you lose?” And the Humans were like: “Nah, I’d Win.”  Aaaand then Celestia proceeded to  wipe them off the face of Teyvat. Notice what happened with the first Civilization…  The Primordial One created the first humans,   numerous as the stars in the sky,  and gave them what is practically   an Eternal Paradise where they would  have no want or need… But over time,   humans grew dissatisfied with the tranquillity  of their unchanging and everlasting world…   They wanted something more… They wanted  something exciting… They wanted… To be Free… Freedom to do whatever they want; however  they want… Freedom to be evil, to be good,   to have power and to use that power…  And compared to those possibilities… Oh,   how stale and crude an Unchanging  Eternity appears to be… Thus,   did the Primordial One extinguish the  flame of their ambition and start all over. Now I would wager that quite a few of  you watching have already picked up   on the uncanny resemblance between the  First Civilization and the storyline of   the Inazuma Archon Quest… This is quite  peculiar… Especially when you take into   account Beelzebul’s boasting about how  “Only through Eternity are you closest   to the Heavenly Principles.”... Which could  mean that GIGA-Brain Writers at Hoyoverse used   the Inazuma Archon Quest as a sneaky way  to foreshadow future events in the story. Alright, perfect… So, what does the Inazuma  Archon Quest have to do with this video?  Nothing… It has nothing to do  with what we are talking about,   that was just a cool detail  that I wanted to point out. Nonetheless, the records of the First  Civilization as found in The History of   the Decline and Fall of Remuria share  extremely interesting parallels with   the writings of the guy I was talking  about earlier: Hermes Trismegistus. In one of his excerpts, which I am going  to paraphrase heavily for the sake of this   video… Hermes writes that in the beginning, God  created the Universe along with its Divisions,   separating the Microcosm from the Macrocosm…  He then creates and appoints several minor   deities to govern what he had made… Finally,  God fashioned Human Souls out of a mysterious   transparent substance… Keep this substance in  mind, this ENTIRE video is basically about it. What is important to understand is that  God placed these Souls in the Astral Realm,   not the Physical Realm, and instructed  them to create the various life forms and   animals of the Earth… Which they did, for  a while at least, until they grew prideful   and greedy then succumbed to temptation  and sought to become equal to the Gods. As a punishment for mankind’s arrogation,  their Souls were trapped into mortal shells   in the Physical Realm… These bodies were  relatively weak and susceptible to hunger,   disease, pain, and the cruelty of the  weather… A Cursed was then placed upon   the Humans to continuously suffer in their lives  on Earth… God then told the Humans that if their   actions in the Physical Realm were worthy  of their divine origins, then they would   be rewarded handsomely and EVENTUALLY ASCEND  back to the Heavenly Realm… HOWEVER, those who   fail to meet the appropriate criteria would be  condemned to reincarnate over and over again. OK… There is A LOT to unpack here…  And while I highly doubt I can cover   everything in this video, I will try my  best to include all that is relevant. First of all, I want to point out that these  Hermetician writings are considerably similar   to another Creation Myth which I  talked about before in this video   behind me right here… The Aztec Creation  Myth where once the world is destroyed,   the Gods Quezlcoatl and Cihuacōātl create  bodies from the bones of the deceased races   and then inject them with Quezlcoatl’s own  blood giving them life… If you haven’t seen   that video then DO NOT worry about it, I  just wanted to mention it for those who did. At any rate, one thing that is worth noting is  that in the writings of Hermes Trismegistus,   the first humans were essentially Ethereal  Souls made from a Mysterious Transparent   Substance drifting in the Astral Realm…  And when I read that… I went: Hmmmmm…  And you know what made me go Hmmmmmm? Let me tell you what made me go Hmmmmm… The Narzissenkreuz Ordo of Jakob Baker and Rene de  Petrichor hypothesize that Teyvat is ensnared in a   Cycle of Samsaras where the world is constantly  destroyed and remade anew at the dawn of each   iteration… The Ordo posits that Teyvat has already  gone through Three Cycles so far, those being   The Hyperborea, Natlantean, and Remuria… With  Khraun-Arya being the Fourth and current Samsara. These Root Cycles and the Narzissenkreuz  Ordo in general are inspired by a real-life   esoteric occult movement known as Theosophy  which was founded primarily by this idiot,   Helena Petrovna Blavatsky… Now look, I have  a lot of things to say about Theosophy,   aaaaaand none of it is good… BUT, I should  also say that Theosophy does actually fit very   well within the framework of a video game fantasy  world and there are many interesting similarities   between it and the story of Genshin which you  can check out at your own leisure if you care. I, on the other hand, am gonna put my personal,  uuuhhh… Distaste… Aside… And skip right to the   part relevant to this video, which is regarding a  concept in Theosophy known as the “Root Races”...   Aside from the fact that the Root Cycles of  Genshin are directly taken from these Root Races…   There is one distinction to keep in mind because  it is that distinction which made me go Hmmm. While the Narzissenkreuz Ordo lists Four Root  Cycles, there happen to be Seven Root Races   in Theosophy with the last Three being Unknown…  Our focus centers around the First Root Race—the   Polarians… And the reason they matter is because  they are described as a race made out of Ethereal   Matter, mirroring the depiction of the First  Humans by Hermes Trismegistus in Alchemy. Additionally, these Polarians lived during an age  when the Primordial Ocean covered the surface of   the Earth and only a SINGLE Mountain rose above  the sea… That mountain was called… Mount Sumeru…   And do you know what reading that reminded me of? It reminded me of Elynas… And it reminded me   of Canotila… And Caterpillar… And Hu Tao,  and Baizhu, and Skirk… AND ALSO… Bosacius… Now that’s a lot of things to remember… So,  strap on your seat belts and get ready because   all of the build-up that I have done so  far is about to pay off in 3, 2, 1… GO When the Traveler talks to Elynas  at the Ancient Colours World Quest,   the latter says that before his Mother found  him, he used to be a Formless Entity drifting   endlessly in the cold Cosmic Darkness  where he was very sad and lonely… Then,   the Witch Rhinedottir plucked him out of that  Cosmic Darkness and gave him a name, a body,   and many adorable siblings such as the wicked  Golden Wolflord and the Evil Dragon Durin. Aside from the Wolflord, Elynas and his  siblings had a childlike nature making   them naive to the destruction and suffering that  their happiness brought to the world… I find this   quite compelling because do you know who else can  often exhibit a childlike outlook on the world?  Dogs… Well, at least domesticated ones  because African Wild Dogs are expert   predators and killers… BUT, the point I am  trying to make is that dogs can in many cases   be characterized by childish curiosity  and playfulness… And Elynas’s Mother,   uh she allegedly made many Dogs… The Rifthounds…  Y–You know, similar to the Rifthound that attacked   the Traveler in Jakob’s Dream Realm which  Canotila and later the Traveler both saw   as a Dog… Yeeeaaah, guys… That Dog… He  is the Will of a dead man named Carter,   who was the assistant of Alain Guillotin  in the Institue of Natural Philosophy…   500… Years ago… Keep him in mind, because you  best believe I am gonna get back to him later. But for now, let us not forget the main theme  of this video… Death… And I don’t know about   you but when I think about Death in the context  of Genshin Impact, the first thing that comes to   my mind are Hu Tao and Baizhu… Because, you see,  these two have a long history with one another,   stretching all the way back to Hu  Tao’s Grandfather and Great-uncle. Although the two brothers dealt in the trade  of death at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor,   Hu Tao’s Grandfather and Great-uncle grew  to embrace vastly differing ideologies   over time… Where her Great-uncle wanted  to become a doctor to prolong life and   delay one’s death for as long as possible…  Hu Tao’s Grandfather firmly believed that   some things are divinely ordained and that  the impermanence of life and permanence of   death are among those immutable truths… The  two brothers argued for hours over the Cycle   of Life and Death until their dispute in  philosophies drove a rift between them. Eventually, Hu Tao’s Great-uncle would  go on to form a contract with the white   snake Changsheng, taking a young Baizhu  as his disciple… While her Grandfather,   seeking to preserve his family’s long-standing  traditions, would carry on with the Parlor’s   business… And out of their stubbornness, the  two brothers never talked to each other again. Which is extremely ironic when you take  a moment to think about how the Wangsheng   Funeral Parlor started off as a Doctor’s  office at its inception before incorporating   the funeral services that it is known for  today… And speaking the Parlor’s foundation,   it is actually very important for  this video… So, let’s talk about it. Legends say that The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor  was established hundreds of years in the past   by a group of humans in Liyue who dedicated  themselves to cleansing the land from the   plagues and curses brought about by the Fallen  Gods from the Archon War… Because as it turns out,   when a God dies, their hatred and resentment  linger in the world and manifest as Curses and   Demons that bright about miasma and disease…  This is why Morax always preferred sealing the   Gods he defeated whenever possible  instead of directly killing them. An excellent example of this took place on  Yashiori Island, where following the execution   of the white serpent god Orobashi, his Will and  Power became a Curse known as the Tatarigami   which engulfed the entire Island in a violent  perpetual rainstorm and slowly drove all of   its inhabitants to illness and madness, killing  most of them in the process… But as it turns out,   Gods are not the only ones that turn  into Curses when they are killed. Going back to Liyue, the founders of  the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor worked   hand in hand with the Adepti to maintain the  balance between life and death… Unfortunately,   a great number of the Yaksha who fought  the demons and curses of the gods that   Morax killed accumulated massive amounts  of negative karma which either drove them   insane or killed them, rereleasing  those Curses back into the world. Even Bosacius, the first and arguably  the mightiest of the Yaksha, succumbed   to his Karmic Debt, and lost his sanity…  Until he met Yelan’s Ancestor, Boyang,   500 years ago… The two, united in purpose,  fought side by side with the Melillith to   push back against the Abyss Monsters crawling from  The Chasm following the Cataclysm of Khaenri’ah. Eventually, Boyang and Bosacius used a device  known as the Fantastic Compass to seal the   Monsters of the Abyss along with themselves  in a Chaotic Space… 5 centuries later, Alatus,   Yelan, Yanfei and The Traveler found  themselves in that same space… Here,   Adeptus Xiao mentions something VERY important…  He remarks that the Chaotic Space of the Fantastic   Compass exists on the border between the Physical  Realm and the Void Realm, which is the Abyss. Furthermore, the group soon discovers that  Fantastic Compass can control time… And   can you guess how many time periods it  transports us across during the Archon   Quest?... … Four… Four different  Eras… THIS… Changes everything. Although I am extremely tempted to say that  the Four Eras shown by the Fantastic Compass   are representations of the Four Samsaras of  Teyvat listed by the Narzissenkreuz Ordo… I   am not gonna go that far yet… With that being  said, I do still think that there is some merit   to this idea, at least allegorically… What  do I mean by that?... Well, hear me out. Xiao says that the Chaotic Space is both  intelligent and malevolent… Being able to   read and understand the minds of those within it,   slowly driving them insane and turning  them into Lost Souls which it devours. Now, let me take you all the way back  to the start of this video when I was   discussing the conversation that  Skirk had with Neuvillette and how   she told him that when people die,  they become Curses upon the world. I then went on to associate the Curses that  Skirk speaks of with the Cursed Spirits of   Jujutsu Kaisen… NO WAY, JUJUTSU KAISEN? I HEKIN  LOVE JUJUTSU KAISEN… OK, Calm down... Listen. The Cursed Spirits in Jujutsu Kaisen are  directly inspired by the Vengeful Spirits   of Japanese Folklore… These Vengeful Spirits  are in turn based on a concept in Buddhism   called the Pretas which means Hungry Spirits…  The process of becoming a Hungry Spirit in   Buddhism involves the accumulation of Negative  Karma due to someone’s past actions if those   actions are driven by greed and harmful intents…  These Souls are then reborn in the Preta Realm   in the next Samsara and they become Hungry  Spirits, fueled by suffering and resentment.  This is UNLIKE those Souls who achieve  enlightenment and the State of Nirvana   which leads to their liberation from the Cycle  of Samsara… Beyond Life, Death, and Rebirth. OK, why does this matter?... Well, earlier  I spent some time emphasizing the importance   of Hermes Trismegistus to the Cosmology  of Genshin Impact… And in his writings,   God Cursed the Humans for overstepping their  authority and imprisoned their Souls in the   Physical Realm as a punishment… Those amongst them  who prove that they are worthy of their divine   origins ascend back to the Heavenly Realm. But do  you remember what happens to the souls that fail?  They die and are forced to  reincarnate again to suffer. Towards the end of the Perilous Trial  Archon Quest, Yelan, Xiao, The Traveler,   and the rest of the group attempt to escape  the Chaotic Space when they are attacked by   a conglomerate of really really angry spirits that  wanted to halt their escape and keep them trapped. In theory, these Ghosts should be the Souls of  Millelith who locked themselves with Boyang and   Bosacius in the Chaotic Space and eventually got  devoured by it… However, I have an additional   proposition to make… These might actually also be  the Souls of the Abyss Monsters that Boyang and   Bosacius used the Fantastic Compass to trap in the  first place… And THIS is where things get WILD… When I said that the Fantastic Compass  could be an allegory for Teyvat’s Samsaras,   I wasn’t really referring to the Spacetime  anomalies of that domain… You see,   I had ulterior motives… And while yes, the Time  Travel part is a nice additional evidence for   my theory… The main motivating factor that  drove me to say what I said was… The Dog,   or rather I should say the Rifthound, that The  Traveler and Canotila saw in Jakob’s Dream Realm. As you probably know by now, Caterpillar is a  Hilichurl that was imbued with the Persona of   Carter Scherbius by Jakob Baker and Rene de  Petrichor… And following the World Quest In   The Wake of Narcissus, when the Traveler goes  to check on Canotila in Jakob’s Dream Realm,   we learn that the Rifthound who attempted to  kill us in that realm is the Will of Carter,   found in that Abyss-Like Domain. Later when the Dog vanishes, a Sunflower can  be found along with some notes left behind   by Jakob where we learn that he spent a while  studying the work of Rhinedottir to replicate it. And since Rhinedottir's quote-on-quote  work involved plucking out Souls from the   Abyss and giving them bodies  in the Human Realm… THENNNN,   that doesn’t really leave much to the  imagination for what’s going on in Teyvat. You know how I talked about the Fantastic Compass  taking us through Four Different Eras? Weeeeell,   that’s not really the full picture,  because it actually has Five… And   look at what we have here… An ethereal  realm… Representing the Abyss… Representing   the vast Cosmic Darkness from where the  Witch Rhinedottir found Elynas’s Soul. Also don’t worry, this is not a plot hole  in my theory… While it is indeed true   that the Narzissenkreuz Ordo lists Four  Samsara Cycles, remember that Theosophy,   the ideology which the Root Cycles of  the Ordo are based on, has FIVE KNOWN   Root Races… With the First… Or, the Fifth  in this case, being the Polarians… Who are   described to be ethereal beings that existed  when the Primeval Ocean covered the Earth. And do you remember what Humans used to  be originally before getting cursed by the   Divine in the writings of Hermes  Trismegistus?... They were Souls   fashioned out of a mysterious transparent  substance, inhabiting the Astral Realm. Knowing the fact that Caterpillar’s Spirit takes  the form of a Rifthound in Jakob’s Abyssal Dream   Realm, the Angry Spirits that attack Xiao and his  group in the Chaotic Space being the Souls of the   Abyss Monsters that Bosacius and Boyan trapped  with them becomes a very real possibility now…   And this doesn’t make sense at first… Because  these Spirits look very humanoid… In fact,   they are almost identical to the  Souls of the Dead which bring back   to the Boatman on Tsurumi Island and  the Shade of Tokoyo in Enkanomiya. Soooo... What’s going on here? Do these  Spirits belong to the Melillith or to   the Abyss Monsters?... … Well, it doesn’t  actually matter… Regardless of who these   Souls belong to… Whether it is the Melillith or  the Monsters of the Abyss… They are all human. We know that Rhinedottir created many  monsters… But have you ever thought   about what drove her to make them in the first  place?... After all, it couldn’t have been out   of necessity… Khaenri’ah was a mighty nation with  hundreds of thousands of advanced machines under   their command… Therefore, one would assume  that they had no shortage of labour force. Earlier, I talked about the Japanese  Vengeful Spirits which are based on   the Pretas in Buddhism and how the Souls  of those who accumulated Negative Karma in   their life are reborn in the Hungry  Ghost Realm during the next Samsara   where they become full of resentment  and suffering… In Genshin Impact,   Karma is a real force that operates throughout  Teyvat… And the Yaksha absorbed a tremendous   amount of Negative Karma in their battles due to  their constant exposure to it from the Curses and   Demons that manifested from the resentment  and hatred of the Fallen Gods and Spirits. Which means that the Monsters of  the Abyss… The Formless Entities   drifting in the Cosmic Darkness might  be the Souls of all the people from   the current and previous Samsara Cycles  of Teyvat who die and leave behind bonds   that become Curses on the world… The Souls  of those deemed to be Sinners by Celestia… Buuuut… Uuummm… We have a problem here… In Teyvat…  You don’t have to be evil to qualify as a Sinner…   As we have seen in the Archon Quest, Masquerade  of the Guilty, the overwhelming majority of   Fontaine’s population had nothing to do with  Egeria’s Original Sin… Yet, despite that they   were all punished regardless… And then we have  Orobashi, who was a benevolent God sentenced to   Death by Celestia for the crime of reading a book…  And ended up leaving behind the Tatarigami Curse   over Yashiori… Which means that a sinner in Teyvat  is… Whatever the fuck Celestia decides it to be. This is why I no longer believe that  Rhinedottir was trying to create an   army of Abyssal Monsters… Rather, the exact  opposite… I now think that Rhinedottir in   reality was attempting to find a way to save  the Souls of those who failed to satisfy the   Heavenly Principle… Those who died and  became Curses upon the world and thus   were cast out of the Cycle of Samsara  and disposed of as Filth in the Abyss. So, if the Void Realm is essentially a really big  trashcan where the unworthy are filtered into…   Then how do they get there in the first place  and what is their destiny from there onwards? Alright, earlier I brought up how the Wangsheng  Funeral Parlor works to maintain the balance in   the Cycle of Life and Death… The Traveler  witnesses one such method firsthand during   Hu Tao’s First Story Quest where they ensure  that the Souls of the deceased pass through   the Border of Life and Death peacefully so that  they may not become Curses in the Human Realm. And even though Hu Tao’s Great-uncle and his  disciple Baizhu did not see eye-to-eye with the   Wangsheng Funeral Parlor due to the issues he had  with the Old Hu… They nevertheless understood the   importance that these funerary services hold… In  fact, in Baizhu’s Fourth Character Story, I read a   passage which I found so interesting to the point  where this entire theory exists became of it. Whenever a patient under Baizhu’s  care dies, Bubu Pharmacy contacts   the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to set up  a ceremony for their passing… And what   really caught my attention is that the one  who holds these ceremonies is Zhongli… And   the implications that this holds are way more  important than what appears on surface level. When I first read that part in Baizhu’s  Character Story I immediately stopped and went:   “Wait… But why?”... You see in almost  every religion, funerary ceremonies,   while yes they are conducted  in honour of those who died,   primarily serve to appease a higher  divinity on behalf of the deceased’s soul. However, in this case, the man conducting  these religious ceremonies IS MORAX… HE   IS The God… So what is even the point  in bothering with these ceremonies?  Surely he isn’t doing it for himself, that  would be ridiculous… And based on the last   20 minutes of this video, I can confidently  say he isn’t doing it for Celestia either.  Perhaps he is doing it for show… To uphold  traditions in front of the common folk?  Actually, No… Even that does work because  it is written that the process is done in   a secluded thatched cottage in the  dead of night, away from any crowd. Then I realized something that made me laugh…  Morax is not holding these funerals as religious   ceremonies, but rather as insurance policies… He  is doing it to minimize the risk of these souls,   failing to pass on, getting corrupted and  becoming Curses that blight the mortal world. AND THIS IS SUCH A COOL DETAIL that you  unfortunately have to go completely out   of your way to find which makes me sad  because I wish Hoyoverse put a little   more effort into showcasing these things in  the game itself instead of putting it in an   obscure paragraph in a long Character Story  that is locked behind Baizhu’s 5th Ascension… At any rate, if the Soul fails to pass on after  Death, it becomes a Curse and is then fated to be   filtered out of the Cycle of Samsara and discarded  into the Abyss… I suspect this is the case because   if you recall the Sacred Sakura Cleansing ritual  that the Traveler performs with Kitsune Saiguu,   they spend a great deal of time treating  the Ley Lines around Narukami Island. At the end of that World Quest, the  Traveler faces off against a massive   tumour that infects the roots of the  Sakred Sakura… And during that fight,   the tumour summons the Souls of Fallen warriors,  likely ones who died a resentful death and   became Vengeful Spirits, or in Buddhist terms,  Hungry Spirits… Or as Skirk puts it… Curses. You see, after completing the World Quest on  Tsurumi Island, the Traveler spends a while   herding the souls of the dead to the Boatman  who rambles about his Lady of the Golden Halls,   the Lady of the Silver Palace and whatnot…  At this point, I think that his Lady might   be the Shade of Death, but this is just an  idea I am throwing out so don’t take it too   seriously… What’s interesting is that the  Boatman also mentions Oak and Cypress wood…   Next to the Boatman, you can find this  Ley Line Branch… Similar branches can be   found in The Chasm aaaaand also in the Tomb  that Amun made for the Goddess of Flowers. All in all, these branches are found  in locations where Death runs rampant   leading me to conclude that they  serve to reabsorb the souls of   the deceased into the Ley Lines and into  Irminsul where they can be reused later. However, if the Soul is corrupted, then  reabsorbing it would damage the Ley Lines which   why is such Souls need to be filtered out… This  also explains why the Rifthounds are attracted   to the Roots of the Sacred Sakura which is a Ley  Lines Tree, during Beelzebul’s Second Story Quest. You know what… Speaking of Beelzebul,  earlier in this video I mentioned that   she talks about how Eternity is the Closest  Ideal Unto the Heavenly Principles… Well,   thinking of it now… Have a listen at  what Dainsleif has to say about this:... What Dainsleif says here reminds me  of the lines in Before Sun and Moon   where the Primordial One separated the  world from the rest of the Universe… I   suppose this Sheltered Eternity would then  be Teyvat… Because Teyvat means Ark in Hebrew   and an Ark is a vessel or sanctuary that  serves as protection against extinction. While those who Dream of Dreaming would be the  ones cast outside of that Ark… Out into the   vast extent of the Cosmic Darkness, where  they would feel nothing but cold, sorrow,   and loneliness… They are Souls tortured by  infinite time… Yet no hope for salvation. Considering just how terrible someone’s  fate can potentially be when they die,   it isn’t completely accurate for me  to call Teyvat a sanctuary… In truth,   this world is really more of a purgatory  where Celestia separates the souls that   the divine eyes see as worthy from the  rest who are segregated into the Abyss. With such a miserable state of affairs,   it should be to no one’s surprise that there  are those who wish to transcend the shackles   of the world and go against its natural  order… Doctor Baizhu is one such individual. When Baizhu was young, he lost most of his friends  and family to a terrible disease that struck their   village… Thus Baizhu fully understands the  suffering and loneliness that death brings…   Qiqi herself wonders why Baizhu hates death so  much yet spends all his time researching it. Now, funny enough, the answer to Qiqi’s  quandary is quite simple… It has to do   with Gold. Despite the enormous difference in  their methods, I have a feeling that Baizhu   and Rhinedottir are trying to achieve the  same goal… They are both looking for a way   to rescue the inhabitants of Teyvat from the  cruelty that awaits their souls when they die. And believe me, I know how weird this sounds  but think about it… Rhinedottir’s son Albedo   is already older than any ordinary human  in Mondstadt… And let me tell you right   now… This guy isn’t gonna age anytime soon…  In fact, he might actually be semi-immortal. Mind you, Albedo has no father, Rhinedottir did  not give birth to him, she made him… So where,   Oh where, do you think she got his soul  from?... The exact same place she found Elynas. The Adepti of Liyue, along with the Wangsheng  Funeral Parlor, work tirelessly to help the   spirits of the dead pass on through the border  while destroying those who don't… However,   those are but temporary measures in  a never-ending Cycle and the effort   and bloodshed exhausted in them in tremendous…  That much, Baizhu understands very well… Thus,   the solution he seeks is a permanent  one and that is no easy task. To become a Curse after dying is a horrible fate…  Especially when we know that even catching the   attention of the Divine Gaze by obtaining  a Vision does not guarantee your salvation…   A Vision only means that you have the potential  to ascend, the final decision is up to Celestia. Hence why Skirk and the rest of those who live  below do not wish to return to the surface…   Instead, they walk the path of their mater,  Surtalogi, The Foul… And speaking of Surtalogi,   I think that the Foul Legacy which  he developed also serves as a means   to transcend immortality and bypass Death… I  suppose that instead of escaping the Abyss,   Surtalogi’s philosophy is to embrace it… And on  that note, I do have to say, I don’t think the   Abyss is “Evil” or “Bad”... Whenever it is  depicted, the Abyss just looks like… Space. Surtalogi’s own pet is called the Visitor  from the Far Side of the Sea of Stars,   which is funny because both Aether and Lumine are  referred to as Travelers from the Sea of Stars. I have a feeling that the Evil part of the Abyss  is just the accumulation of all the Curses,   Demons, and Vengeful Spirits that  were cast into it as a punishment   for the mortal arrogations of the  First Civilization… Where Humanity   fell from grace and became subject  to the Cycle of Life and Death. In other words, Surtalogi, Rhinedottir,   and Baizhu are all pursuing the same kind  of perfection… A method through which they   can achieve Nirvana and escape the Cycle of  Samsaras imposed upon Teyvat by Celestia. This perfection won’t be an easy one  to achieve… And based on Skirk's words,   neither Rhinedottir nor Surtalogi have reached it  yet… This means Doctor Baizhu still has a lot of   research and studying to do… But, there is still  hope… He is getting there… One step at a time. At the end of The Heart of Healing story  quest, Baizhu utilizes the knowledge he   has gathered so far to temporarily postpone the  death of a man named Jialiang… This procedure   appears to be a preliminary method based  on Baizhu’s research into Qiqi’s condition. But Qiqi is merely a zombie, she is not truly  immortal, she is not truly alive… So, whether   it is The Foul, whether it is Gold, or whether  it is the Doctor of the Bubu Pharmacy, the search   for Immortality continues… And their endeavours,  regardless of if they succeed or not, prove one   undeniable truth… The strength and perseverance of  the Human Spirit in the face of impossibilities. And who knows… Maybe Baizhu was right… Maybe, just  maybe the Contract that Changsheng began hundreds   of years ago… Will end with him. _______ Just like how this video is about to end  soon… Because we have reached the Outro   and dear God for some reason this video was  unbelievably complicated to make… It mostly   took so long because of how many pieces  are there to the puzzle and even now after   40 minutes of yapping I still haven’t covered  everything that there is to say about this topic. For example, I still have a lot  more to add regarding Qiqi, Baizhu,   and the First Civilization… However, I am just  gonna leave those for a different video in the   future… Although I do want to add that I  find it comical how Celestia eradicated   the First Civilization for overstepping  their boundaries… Only for the humans who   came after them to continue overstepping their  boundaries with Baizhu being one such example. Anyway, I still have SO MANY more videos to make  but do not worry, the upcoming batch won’t be as   complicated and convoluted as this one has been…  So I better get going now and continue working. Thanks for watching… And take care.
Channel: My Name For Now
Views: 23,722
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Id: pf7wZVwh6jE
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Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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