Why You NEVER Dig Straight Down ...

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never dig straight down mom always warns you not to do it and you hear y'all watching videos about the nerve what could go wrong you say well loads of things could go wrong stupid mops could be underneath iya waiting to say hello you might happen across a hidden ravine with the floor that's dying to meet you you could even find yourself an extra warm lava bath lots of things but did you know there's a very special minecraft item that you can only get by digging straight down oh you didn't oh well my friends you're about to find out hey what's going on guys logged on zip here and like I said welcome to never dig straight down a little bit of experiment to see if we can get ourselves especially gonna need his tools so that we can start digging straight down I've got this great tree right here so we use it to get someone now I didn't want to let you know that this is a special item and it was courtesy believe your odds dragons here what for your chance she has linked in the description this video this man knows how to code like things with Minecraft it's crazy stuff I can't believe he helped discover this create right yeah we're a little time a little more about the details of it in just a second we need to get ourselves our tools first um did you see that did I just what we just we just happen all my wood did you see I'm actually confused we just lost all that wood I have no idea what just happened and we're Kristin what all over there alright well we got another tree games like working against me right now it doesn't want me talking about the special I'm you get when you dig straight down since played true in fact like watch look we should get eight why why do I only get one from that I don't understand I'm getting one piece of wood per this is the worst deal I've ever seen huh hold on a second if we could let's just all right we're gonna get this done at least and then thank you sure why not huh at least we got a pickaxe ready come on I could not tell you why that happened but I don't worry about too much so digging straight down like I said you got a chance at running into numerous thing let's see what we run into the first time because on our way towards digging straight down we're trying to find some special item fragments it's gonna help us actually get done what it is we're looking to do here unlocking special little pieces of goodies and fun while I dig straight down oh it's so dangerous oh man I'm curious to see oh you see look there is map fragment number two I wouldn't even play there's a way to do this there's three total map fragments and it's our job to get all three although I got a feeling I'm gonna need some more wood I'm gonna go get some get some more wood all right we got a couple more wood pieces I'm gonna just let this thing break and then we're gonna get ourselves a cobblestone piece instead we all keep digging straight down but you hear that I heard it bad we must be near a cave or something this is beautiful oh yeah a lot of different stone types is no less huh okay relax OOP that fragment one we've almost got all three map fragments instantly you know I might save some time let's go ahead and just mm-hmm I'm gonna make myself a nice stone pickaxe right now cuz we got everything we need in order to do it properly I'm out all dark in here well you see that not bad I'm gonna break you thank you very much and now we can do a heck of a lot faster look at this we're almost down to the very bottom we might have to start watching out for like lava pretty soon oh man well hopefully nothing comes and gets us cuz I'd be mighty worried if that happened to be the case now oh whoa you really like a mining fatigue interesting this is what happens when you dig straight down or the game was like working against us right now truly I don't know what just happened I can't mine a I'm like actively trying to mine right now look I can't it's not letting me it's not let me do it well what is a stupid thing end already huh can we thank you come on geez so are you that your lava somewhere nearby please we have to keep digging straight down or we won't get any extra frag oh boy even snow that's good that's gonna catch on fire very quickly okay what do we want to do in the meanwhile I'm so oh no oh whoa what the heck buddy what's up villager wait a second weird on my stone go you seen this all my cobblestone is gone what did you take my cobblestone wait what look you've cut it all right here he took all my cobblestone and he wants diamonds in return can you believe this what else one iron ore four seven cobblestone I don't have anything what do I mean no you heard me I supposed to do oh yeah get out of it Punk he took all right we gotta get more cobblestone I'll look here some iron okay perfect ooh hey it's a decent trades out of this not bad I could not tell you where that village it can't be like drop down hey you want an auto will oh man yo so close village a village a villager please just take the iron give it to me yeah yeah that's right look at all that what a deal yeah for you come on oh don't lean on the map fragment but first we have business to attend to sorry buddy it's nothing personal you don't take my cobblestone you know I guess it was personal okay let's try this again we gonna go back to digging straight down hopefully we get exactly what it is we're looking for this time around I don't need any villagers taking all my stone all I want is the final map fragment piece now if you could please it'd be much appreciated only all this mess of other blocks in here I don't need them I don't want I don't even like them now we're looking a little more organized come together now hopefully like I just fine fragment beat so I can throw you the item that you get when you start mining but so far oh whoa what did you see the water you just started going on its own was that even there before hold on I get my stuff where where's the holy which is mining oh come on okay great here's my things I hope this should be down here if we could just come on yeah we got em all oh and the lava was right there oh we got some gold too what kind of ravine spawns it y equals 14 beg your pardon what the heck am I supposed to do now I can't dig much further straight down than this I guess we should start trying but where's my stone pick up where's my stone pickaxe did it burn is it oh dude yeah okay thank goodness we got it I was a little concerned we got us up some coal but at least now we can kind of light things up make it look a little bit brighter in you can at least see what's going on where's my sticks thank you very much we'll do that no I said the sticks grab them good real good we're gonna place you down right there we'll get back to my knee yeah that's nice all right well we're a day up way actually were supposed to take that okay we're gonna dig on down and hopefully something else will pop up we're just one fragment piece away I'll really show you this item I don't know what it's gonna pop up but in an ideal world real soon have we did we oh we hit bedrock this is the worst well I want to keep trying to dig straight down can we is it all bedrock at the bottom and have we what why level are we out over at four uh-huh okay well good luck I don't know I'll be able to get any more oh very good dig straight down right here yeah that's nice Wow yes we got all three map fragments now I could show you what finally happens next it actually requires one of our bovine friends thank goodness we weren't that far away with that oh I thought we are the service thank-yous we were that far up now shut up Betsy your time has come give me that sweet sweet let's up run Wow I almost want to let this one live because he's so good at dodging daddy's kid will you drop the leather perfect this is exactly what we need crafting table you're gonna make yourself a book using these three pages that we just got ourselves really am I still missing to put it down right all right Matt bradman three max Rama - Matt fragment one place one piece of leather the book of down check this thing out this is a special book you can get once you grab yourself all three map fragments and look what happens when you right-click it y'all ready look at this it just whoa look at whoa Hey look at this it's kind of special whoa oh and now look what happens the moment we start to dig straight down we're gonna reach ourselves a very special shulker box and it contains a very special item y'all ready for it it's Tom give it to me oh oh it's a little present no less never dig straight down pickaxe efficiency three fortune five and that's only the half of it we're gonna grab this puppy right now and you're gonna notice something very interesting set it to day time real quick the moment we hold this pickaxe we have to dig straight down look I cannot lift my camera up right now it is not letting me lift my camera up right now we have to dig straight to hell with this thing it won't work any other way but you get some really sweet things when you dig straight down to specs namely look how fast this thing is going we are completely losing our mind at this speed it is extremely fast and not only that but when you hold this thing you get infinite resistance and infinite fire resistance so now y'all can dig straight well I mean you can't still drown so you keep that in mind you ever want to look anywhere other than down by the way just all to hold the pickaxe in a brand-new darkness don't hold the pickaxe right right right oh it's close and you'll be able look around again if the bone you hold that thing you gotta look straight down it's time to dig now you want to use this pickaxe fairly sparingly because it only lasts for five minutes that's right you only have five minutes and then it will actually brick you don't worry about the durability bar that's not how it works it'll do its own thing it'll start whoa what the heck y'all see that smoke appear randomly oh whoa straight through the case it's uh yeah but it's okay because we got resistance you see is he gonna get me I can't tell cuz oh dude follow me what the heck the mob disappeared just kidding I knew it would do that you see this will actually keep mobs away from you as well any mobs that happen to be nearby you no longer the case and what's more you can use this pickaxe to get all the way back up to this stupid little hole that you dug in the ground by simply jumping look at that and it completely filled up the hole no less in addition this I can't get me you're the worst yeah I know okay got me a little bit I okay come on creepers please work with me at least a little bit huh where is he you stupid idiot yeah yeah invincible oh yeah you can jump up with it you can get an infinite stone with it and no less you can mine really fast see look we're digging right through fire right now we're literally going right through the lava no damage being taken nothing in an ideal world we can actually beat this lot yeah we're beating the lava right now we're mining faster than what well we were just love a last forever man keep on going bribry right right look a nice little jump don't do anything that's cuz you have to be a whi level 5 to 15 and then you get that lovely jump boost and it fills everything up instantly and that just grad look at this yeah slowly making our way downtown walking fast and I'm home bad how's it going now it's important to note that your book of down will only work one time you can only use the book one time but you can get additional map fragments and not only can you get more of these never dig straight down pickaxes but you get some other loot as well all you gotta do is make yourself one more book down using the same recipe saw before you'll get yourself a brand new book and it will take you to a brand new place you see in this case we're right over here is this the same it's not see it's a different spot you see you had me going for a second thing now there is something I did want to tell you it's quite important if you dig any direction other than straight down while you're attempting to grab yourself this lovely little chest of pickaxe and truth well some Bad's gonna happen allow me to show you we can get a regular pickaxe we're gonna just dig right here ain't no thing we're gonna dig right on the side yeah you see look at this no pickaxe you know what no why because we didn't dig straight down look we get instead junk it's terrible's rotten literally rotten flesh but ATS poisonous but that's stirring sticks useless but if you do dig straight down you can either get yourself one of these amazing pickaxes or every once in a while I grab yourself some special loot that appears whoa check it out all these goodies hey now could pay that stupid villager off we got two diamonds here you go Punk give me what I want my cobblestone bag perfect and he loves it too look he's got all these great little particles coming up my friends you now know the secret to digging straight down oh my goodness was it a fantastic secret nonetheless though it does come with its own dangers if you can strong the ravines the mobs the love and everything else in between you might be able to grab yourself a fantastic pickaxe that encourages this is terrible terrible vague I hope you enjoyed the video if you did drop a like on and why not do it to support my channel means so much to have that support of course thank you so much for subscribing as well as you can see more awesome minecraft content ride as it comes out my friends this was courtesy of Xavier house Mondragon zr1 for you can check out his channel linked in the description of this video as well and you could suggest to us up hates dangerous things that we should do in Minecraft because honestly who didn't love falling straight in the lobby ever you know what I'm talking about way the lava baby and something's were glitched about it yikes all right well that's we're gonna leave things out have a good one
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 28,806,499
Rating: 4.591114 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, never dig straight down, never, dig, straight, down, dig straight down, crazy, traps, secret, item, minecraft item, secret minecraft, update, minecraft 1.13, 1.13, minecraft 1.13 update, minecraft challenge games, minecraft challenge, minecraft survival, custom command, only one command, minecraft secrets, new minecraft, minecraft new, funny, comedy, gaming, no swearing, no cursing, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, log.zip, log dot zip, logdotzip minecraft, mod, mods
Id: Y7ceiohNbqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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