Why Wuthering Waves Is Worth Playing Over Genshin

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speaking broadly I generally don't come out and praise a game that has yet to release and I do this for many reasons for starters I'm a chronic narcissist and I only have enough love to go around for myself and more relevant to the topic at hand Fallout 76 absolutely obliterated my faith in pre-release structures with a crappy nylon bag because nothing says good game release quite like doxing your most loyal customers cuz they had the audacity to request the product they purchased now because of that very interesting circumstance I've seen in the past I'm usually not one to come out and try and generate hype for a game that hasn't been out yet however seen as WEA waves has gone through not one but two successful Clos betas I think it's pretty safe to say community reaction is going to be positive and because I have faith in the product actually being good I'm here to tell you all that you should give weather and waves a chance even if you don't play gacha games even if you hate ginin impact or anything tangentially related to it I still do think you should give this game a shot it is very obvious that the developers who are working on this game actually give a about the product they are producing which is an exceedingly rare trait to see in studios these days and I know that very simple sentences aren't going to sell you you're stubborn I'm stubborn that is human nature to be stubborn so let me explain the first and most obvious thing we need to acknowledge is the gacha system in this game which is a Infamous turnoff for non- Goa players however if this game is going to be at all similar to ginch and impact in terms of it structure power creep likely won't be that big of a deal in this game by virtue of being an open world game ginin has a very different way of doing things from most scas where instead of releasing more powerful content they instead focus on releasing characters who can be seen as side grades for other characters and only on rare occasions do characters like nlet come out and obliterate all of the difficulty curb with their kamam mamas it is just very difficult to power creep in an open world game without giving a just bigger stat figure and the reason because of this is just by virtue of being open world you have more options available at any given time however based on early marketing material and what people have seen in the betas it appears as though weathering waves will make this entirely irrelevant because it doesn't matter what character you use if you're good enough at the mechanics of the game you will be able to clear any content and I'm not saying this in the sense of most gotcha players being like oh well you can technically use the starter characters it's just not going to be a fun experience I mean this in the actual gameplay satisfaction sense as well so long as your character is capable of putting out any amount of damage in theory if you are skilled enough at the game you will be able to clear and this is a sentiment that will remain true so long as the bosses don't have some zero windup or unavoidable which again going off previous player intervention doesn't really seem to be a thing that exists in other words you're not going to have to worry about the typical gotcha power cre but it gets even better because when you first start playing the game you will be guaranteed to get any standard character that you want and one of which at the time of me recording this video is an SS ranked character one of only two in the entire game so if you're one of the more hardcore players who only give a about meta congratulations you now have an option lying right in front of you have fun being boring you know me personally though I'm going for that little twink lion over there and you can watch me fail to pull him live the day the game releases over on twitch.tv/ exos solo come check it out I know I know hold your applause hold your applause I'm so good at self advertising so again we're going to continue harping on the gacha system because it actually does get better now for those of you who are familiar with more traditional gacha games you know that there's something that exists called the weapon banner and I hate these things they are awful and I would much rather pull on anything else in fact I'm sure if the Geneva Convention was established today there would be a clause somewhere in there talking about weapon banners and these sorts of games they are actual modern war crimes continuously waging battles on my wallet which would be fine but unfortunately more often than not when you pull a weapon it's not really that satisfying and never mind the reality of situation of not getting a weapon because despite the dopamine simply not being there for some reason gacha games think it's really funny to just have the weapons not be guaranteed with the best current example of that being honai star rail having a 75 25% chance of getting the weapon however in weathering waves if you pull on a character's weapon you are getting their weapon if you see that Golden Glow going through the sky you will 100% without fail get that resonator's weapon and I love that that is an amazing change because it tells me two things for starters I'm not going to have to worry about having 160 summons extra next time I go and pull a DPS but secondly and more importantly it tells me that the developers are willing to lose anywhere between 1 to 50% of total profit from the weapon Banner if it means players have a better experience experience pulling on it and that right there is a marketing bomb that's bigger than queso's total circumference and thank God for it too because now I can start setting aside my digital wacky Stacks in order to go pull on the fictional slot machine and get a big tittied mommy in the wise words of twitch chat hoger everything that I just mentioned right now is just pulling I haven't even bothered talking about the actual gameplay which looks extremely solid for example the characters right here actually have good movement gone are the days where traversing the open world feels like you're wavering through a pit of literal molasses it looks so smooth and that's just traversing the world the actual boss fights itself look like you have to think about what you're doing this isn't going to be that ginch and impact where you waddle over to the enemy hit him like two times and then get knocked away from an untel regrafted attack only to take the Wadd of Shame back to continue wailing on him and thank God for it because now I can finally play a game and feel like I actually have some technical skill Beyond pulling on the proper wives and don't even give me started on Star rail man it's not really that bad until you start doing Moc but heaven forbid your weakness doesn't match the thing you're going against because if it doesn't you're going to be slapping them with a DPS equivalent of those napkins you find at Children's birthday parties next to the red Solo cups it is extremely annoying but as long as I can win I'll be fine and finally the last thing I want to mention is Relic farming in this game which is way easier than it is in Star Rail and ginin now I will preface it's still going to take time in order to make sure you can max out your relics but this time around you're going to have far more control over what you do and don't upgrade which means finally you will have something that you can do on stream and thank God for it because playing staro over on my twitch is often the most boring experience possible for me cuz I've already done everything like three streams ago but he hey now we finally have some content I've been making a whole lot of comparisons between weatherin waves ginin and star Rail and the reason I'm doing this is because ginin impact is the peak WEA waves is competing in a very similar category to ginin a gotcha anime open World style game it seems as though the higher ups over at Hoy overse are starting to realize that weathering waves means business recently the zena Zone zero contract was leaked and it basically said that hoyo reserves the right to deny their creators the ability to take collaborations with games that could be detrimental to the overall health of the game that they are playing which effectively means if somebody wanted to do weathering waves instead of inless Zone zero hoyo could just be like nope you can't do that that hurts our image and it's also worth mentioning that only now with weather and waves on the horizon is ginin impact finally adding in-game content to their service after literally 4 years of just not doing it and previously that rationale behind it was because ginin is a casual experience and nobody wants end game you know kind of like how nobody wants a skip button and I am very happy about this because it shows ginchi impact is finally scared of some other game in this community as of now hoyse has a monopoly on the open world gacha game Market there is nobody else who has tackled it like they have they have been able to sit on their hands on top of their money Thrones and just do nothing in terms of quality of life why bother making it to where you can double jump to surf on updrafts or increasing the glider speed or adding a skip button or punting Pimon through the 40ft goalpost at a football game we have no competition we have no incentive to do so so instead we're going to keep releasing characters while actively dismissing any concerns people have in this community so enjoy those three PS on anniversary in that free promotional deal that requires you to buy a PS5 to get a skin selector it seems as though they just do not care and that's what happens when you have a monopoly but weather and wave seems as though it's finally giving them that push they need to actually do something more and I didn't really realize why they were scared of a game that just didn't come out yet because yeah it looks cool but surely the target audience won't leave ginin right until you realize player unrest has been astronomically high content creator contracts are starting to expire people are just generally disinterested in the game after playing it for over 4 years and the biggest most important aspect of all is that weathering waves pre-release has 30 million people waiting to play it while meanwhile ginin impact before it released had about 10 million that is three times more and this go around it's not some spontaneous out ofth blue interest like it was for Tower of fantasy I don't think weaing waves is going to surpass ginin because in the grand scheme of things it's going to be very difficult to topple a Titan that has been around for ages however you should play weather and waves because if you really enjoy the experience of ginin then it seems as though WEA and waves will be able to provide something that they can't and even if you don't end up liking weathering waves chances are the scare that it will give Hoya will finally make them do something in terms of player enjoyability this has been XO solo if you enjoyed the video do me a favor and like comment and subscribe especially that last one and until next time I am signing off later
Channel: XgoSolo
Views: 7,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WutheringWaves, Tectone, honkai star rail leaks, XgoSolo, Drama, wuthering waves release date, wuthering waves trailer, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves boss fights, Genshin Impact
Id: m2HyenRcCi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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