Wuthering Waves ISN’T A Disappointment | A Response to Kukkikaze - XgoSolo Reacts

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if it wasn't obvious by the vtuber model today we're going to be doing something a little bit different so let me tell you a story about 3 days ago now as I was busy trying to keep the voices at Bay with external stimuli I was scrolling through YouTube and found the video titled weathering waves is a disappointment in this video frames itself as a sort of analytical view of weathering waves from the perspective of a Hoy overse fan because God knows that's valuable and after watching no more than a minute of it I immediately knew this would be video material so without further do my name is XO solo and today we will be reacting to the worst weather and WS review on all of YouTube I hope you enjoy on the first look is blatant that the game is very gines the UI is similar the things you get to do The Vibes the grind it's all very much familiar if you're a genan player oh this game really wants to pick up from a certain other game now does it I'm going keep it straight with you Chief and just start this video by insulting your intelligence of literally anything you could have shown from your first point of what this game is copying from ginin you chose quite possibly the worst thing but you know what that's fine I love using people's own logic against them it only makes my job easier by your own logic if this climbing feature is enough for you to audibly sigh and claim that weing waves is stealing it from ginin then that means ginin is stealing their climbing mechanics from breath of the wild and if you listen very closely you'll hear a bunch of ginin fans throwing the pissed in the air right now because I had the audacity of comparing their game to something it derived many of its Inspirations from because that's what it is an inspiration an idea that you got from somebody else and decided to put your own spin on not only does weather and ways have the traditional style of climbing up Mountains from breath of the wild and ginin but it also has running up walls at 90° angles where you simultaneously embrace your inner mountain goat and tell Isaac Newton to go [ __ ] himself they don't do a great job at hiding how much they want to be like genin when you see the same character progression tis and battle pass rewards this is going to be hilarious hold on let me do a review a side by side review any gin players here open up your genin tab right now compare the genin battle pass against this the thing to understand here is that it's okay for a game to want to be like genin I mean who doesn't when it's the most successful gacha game historically and still is you know you said in the start of your video you didn't particularly care for genjin impact but opening your phone and immediately starting a compare and contrast game doesn't exactly seem like somebody who doesn't care it seems to me like you win in this game expect it to be a GCI an impact clone and therefore you have no intention of ever giving it a fair shot instead electing to complain the entire time with the purpose of making a video deconstructing it I'm going to be honest with you all compare and contrast culture is extremely toxic when it comes to gacha game there is some value in it of course otherwise I wouldn't be making this video because knowing what you're doing right and knowing what you're doing wrong is a very important part of growing not only as a person but as an artist and as a product the main appeal of a live service game is it has the the ability to change as time goes on and therefore should be more important now than ever but gotcha players do not see it like that especially on the Hoy over side of the internet because they all have holes in their head and instead elect to use it as a tool of toxicity the idea that my game is better than your game is an idea that I will never condone because back when I was younger I used to get bullied for that and many other reasons and I'm not only saying this because of weather and waves I'm also saying it because of Hony star rail where I also said the genin can never [ __ ] was annoying unfunny and everywhere I don't even like genin very much myself but I respect any game trying to one up the other as long as they do a good job at it however to top GHIN or become a more enjoyable version of it the solution should not be to become like genin instead any developer should learn from the things that they've done well repeat them and study the things they didn't do so well and improve upon them that way you are creating a better game oh I'm sorry we must be playing a different game then because is that not exactly what they did wall running infinite stanina all area plunge attack super jumps Advanced combat te engaging boss fights enemies with telegraphed attacks that can actually be dodged Dodge mechanics Parry mechanics characters can be swapped in the air and you won't get caught on some random [ __ ] Pebble when you're climbing up a mountain side two of the three starting characters are not only useful but meta a pseudo fstar selector and a five-star selector guaranteed getting golden weapons on the signature Banner the standard character and standard weapon Banner are separated and you can pick pick the weapon you go for infinite Echo fing and finally and most importantly no Pimon the fact that you just sat there and with a completely straight face no l said that is the most delusional take I have heard all day and I just logged out of Twitter before recording this video games are most often accompanied by a story it's ever important because it develops the characters you like the world and sometimes hook you in on the low and Mysteries putting it harshly this game is terrible at telling stories right off the bat you're introduced to how the game evolves around sound loading you with technical Jons in your front few hours IO the antimatter Legion the astral Express crew a doomsday Beast her toys stellon Legion void Rangers Arland from the security department light cone inter Asal peace Corporation Garden of recollection technology by the way just for good measure every single audio clip I just played was from the first 25 minutes of honkai staro alone and I cut out any repeat names it's even better once you realize after getting off of Madam herder space station you go to bog where most of these are just completely irrelevant especially the ones related to the antimatter Legion naturally the point I'm making is that every game does this don't even sit there and try to [ __ ] pretend like yours doesn't the supporting characters are also not that fantastic straight up I'm not the type of player appealed by characters showing a lot of skin having less clothing they are good-looking and it's okay to see such characters but it is appalling when all the main characters you meet accept yourself always feel the need to show their shoulders their back their chest like this the kind of thing a ash grab game would do and it's not the experience I want in the game like this this makes me respect that genin has a good balance of this with some characters bearing some skin While others Don on Splendid outfits wow you've said a lot of dumb things in this video but I'm pretty sure that one by far Takes the Cake I refuse to believe that this guy in reference to ginin impact the game with over a 100,000 results on Ro 34 is trying to the characters in that game aren't dressed in a scantly glad manner but you know what that's fine you don't have to take my word for it maybe the internet are just a bunch of perves how about instead we take every character from 1.0 of ginin and 1.0 of wuah and compare and contrast them using his own logic let's see which game is showing more skin male and female traveler one part mid Rift the other part shoulders need I remind you version 1.0 Amber had to get a different skin cuz her whole ass was hanging out we got a little bit of shoulder action on Barbara come on guys I don't even play gen should I beat my dick to this character should I count Bennett part of me feels like I should but the other part of me thinks it'll be disrespectful to the fire archon I think I'll just leave out the dudes unless it's like particularly egregious and speaking of nothing happening with this guy panties and stockings on the same character never mind the shoulders I mean he looks like a girl but nah this character literally tries to [ __ ] you dude I forgot this [ __ ] was even a character but she definitely counts you know I know she's got part of her cleavage exposed but to be honest she's so well-dressed everywhere else I'm just not going to count this one yo no way it's a fur I mean kind of but he did say exposed chest so I'm going add it to the list as well hold on let him cook absolutely not no dude is looking fly as [ __ ] but no word on the street is this character invented the concept of motorboating I mean this character does have some shoulders exposed but otherwise no so I'm going to say no for the sake of good fit this character might be dressed up but that ass is leaving nothing to the imagination bro that's a whole ass child I want to say yes for this one but twink ification ain't in the rues so no stay away from Minecraft streamers Cay all right so counting up all the characters and considering The Travelers and independent units that means version 1.0 of genchi impact had 12 characters that qualify as overly sexual to our good old friend here now let's check wua there is not an ounce of skin on Ali B's tits puts the weathering in weathering waves Scaro would have been a yes if they kept his old ultimate where about ripped off his shirt but they have censored that [ __ ] hard so it's going to be a no shisha is 100% yes not a shadow of a doubt and so is whatever this bitch's name yeah again that is a kid Xin Yan has like a strip on her shirt but other than that she's fine so I'm not going to count it our general passes the check as well I said I'd be easier on males but leny Yang's entire back is hanging out and he has no arm slaves I'm actually going to give Mory the pass a lot of you going to argue that I shouldn't but the scales on his chest are pretty important given the fact that he's half dragon and since they removed his tail from the beta design it's kind of needed male Rover gets the pass female Rover does not tanha does get the pass but T Chi does not and should consider climbing more rocks I don't care if she's some 10,000 year old for first Guardian she's not getting the path yangyang is on the list and need I even say Yin Lin is and that my friends would bring the final tally to 10 versus 12 but if you want to consider kcho and you want to consider Mory then it's 12 and 12 and for those who want to say oh but later ginsing characters did it better that's fine I guess I'll go ahead and count yay Miku too by the way a big plus of the game is that you can skip the story so if you hate reading stories and want to speedrun you can but only for narration that the game considers less important apparently while filming this video the developers added the function to skip all the cut scenes in the game and that to me is not the solution because it sounds as if they're not committed to improve the story experience or admitting that is [ __ ] I hate to break it to you buddy but ginin players have been asking for a skip button for literally years that's not a personal thing either if you sit down and you tell somebody they have to do something and they have no other choice in order to obtain the thing that they want they will do it begrudgingly but if you give somebody the ability to skip something they don't care about they're going to take it Final Fantasy 14 literally monetizes that mental blockade that people have it is a basic quality of life feature and is not indicative of a story being trash or a lack of motive to fix any problems that exist within well at this point I'm pretty sure I've done my due diligence in extracting any analytical Andor entertainment value from this video perhaps I was a bit harsh at times but an unfair game can't expect to reel in honest participants maybe some of you wanted to see me react to the whole video but to be completely honest with you reacting to videos in full isn't exactly my style of doing things as a Creator myself it only ends up hurting other people's metrics when you do that and I'm not going to play that game if you're interested in watching the whole video I'll link it as the pinned comment but if you want to see another video on a similar topic my brothers got you covered but for now I'm bored this video is boring me so I'm going to go do anything else that being said if you enjoyed the video do me a favor like comment and subscribe go follow me over on my twitch Channel where you'll get to hear me say R toy things in real time and until next time this is solo signing off later nerds
Channel: XgoSolo
Views: 9,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XgoSolo, Wuthering Waves, Wuthering Waves Is a disappointment, wuthering waves, wuthering waves reaction, wuthering waves review, genshin, drama, WuWa Vs Genshin, Wuthering Waves VS Genshin Impact, yinlin wuthering waves, lingyang, Tectone
Id: 75kV8FRGbM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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