Ep.018 | Jack Hibbs Interviews Dennis Prager | Real Life Talk

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[Music] well we want to welcome you to this special podcast real talk get together with not only a warrior of our culture today and standing for what is right and what is good but i believe that dennis prager is a man that's holding the line and i've been listening to him hold the line way back when you hosted uh your program religion on the lion and it was amazing back then and he uh has only um become more i think effective and uh more powerful in his argumentation so it is a great honor to have with us on the show today dennis prager and dennis on behalf of uh of a great listening audience and a church that i pastor we love you and we've had the privilege of having you speak at our church well i i as odd as it sounds i i know i'm loved here you are loved here and and the the love is mutual for you and your congregation so it's a very special thing we have oh we appreciate you uh before we get going you want to you want to uh push the amazing project that you've been working on for uh oh well the this is really the the toughest thing that i've probably uh ever engaged in writing this five volume commentary on the first five books of the bible the torah i i uh i've been teaching it from the hebrew for all of my life and i'm in love with it i truly am in love with it and it i realize that people even people of faith don't realize a lot of what's in there so this is you know this is my big my big task it's the legacy i want to leave uh i have a lot more i want to do but i really want to leave this five books of explanation so it's called the rational bible and i'll just tell you the reason i'm very i never talk about books i write because it sounds like an advertisement and i'm i feel too self-conscious but nobody writes a bible commentary to get wealthy so i have no fear that people say oh there he goes again hawking leviticus you know it's just it's not it's not a danger but i i really your people would love it it's called the rational bible exactly listen also before we get going um remind some of the viewers maybe and i'm hoping there's a lot of young people that may not have yet been turned on to dennis prager uh who are you the reach that you have across this nation um and you're in fact we'll we'll ask a few questions later but who's dennis prager and why should the younger generation be listening to you today it's a very interesting thing that i have i have a very good answer for you i started lecturing of an extremely odd life in the best sense but odd i began lecturing at 21 which is ridiculous who wants to hear a 21 year old but israel sent me to the soviet union to smuggle in religious items i knew russian and hebrew so i was a perfect candidate did you say smuggle in yes smuggled and smuggled in religious items and smuggle out names of jews who wanted to leave so it was a very tense four weeks to say the least this was at the height of the cold war so i got back to the united states and i began lecturing on what's happening in the soviet union because very few people knew knew about it so uh i've been lecturing all of my life since i became an adult you know theoretically there are people who don't think i'm an adult now but uh at 21 and so i have lectured to college students for example when i was in my 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s and they are more apt to take me seriously now than when i was their age this is a common misconception that kids want to hear kids i was a kid when i spoke to kids i'm not saying they didn't listen but uh there is built in to most people a reverence for age that we don't acknowledge because we live in the age of youth worship and i i was concerned as i get older will i lose i have many more young people listening to me today than than 25 years ago in fact when i'm stopped at airports which happily is is often it's overwhelmingly young people overwhelmingly because of prageru the prager university videos we have a billion views a year and 65 percent are under 35 years of age that's awesome and we love it well it gives you hope but it is a battle yeah i mean i feel that there's a race to save america and they're winning they haven't won but they're winning even when they're not winning it sounds like the other team for example is winning they make a lot of noise well how could they not they own every noise-making thing there is the media the news media the the entertainment media the colleges i mean every every voice we hear in a sense unless you seek out other voices in which case they're often suppressed that's true we we have a hundred of our videos that are on the google slash youtube google owns youtube uh lists uh that you can't hear you can't watch us if you filter out pornography or you're gonna love this i don't know if you know the story so i was testifying at a senate subcommittee senator ted cruz invited us what's happening why is google slash youtube censoring so i was there on behalf of prageru and one of the heads of google so this is actually you can see this on youtube so he looks at this guy from google says sir i'm just curious uh why did you put mr prager's video on the ten commandments on the restricted you ready you if i said to you we will not feed you till you come up with the answer you would die of starvation so he looks at senator cruz with seriousness and says because it contains reference to murder no way so i'm sitting there thinking i've just entered the twilight zone this is this is not real so it's my turn to speak and again you can see this on on youtube and i look at senator cruz and i say well in light of the uh the google representative's answer uh prageru will reissue a google friendly nine commandments not exactly custom-made for google right isn't that something you're right i would have started to death i never would have figured that out that's correct absolutely crazy okay here we go the american jew and the israeli jew what's their view why the difference and what is the difference when they look at donald trump the israeli jew is not naive the american jew is naive this is all a generalization there are exceptions in both cases but that's what it amounts to the isr who is naive the person who doesn't recognize evil the american jew has been living in paradise the israeli jew has been living in a country that has fought for its existence constantly what are they what do they call a conservative a liberal who's been mugged it's an old riddle right so if you haven't been mugged you can live it's like oh we don't need police then there were no police oh we we'd like them back please so when you're living in safety police don't seem important when you're living in non-safety police seem very important the the israeli jew knows evil the american jew does not and that's to me that is the single biggest difference so when it comes to voting we know and why is this the case uh by far uh the american is a liberal right by far right why is that well just for the record the american gentile is also a liberal this is true if all gentiles voted this conservative we wouldn't have any worries and i guess i asked that question without explaining my motivation is the democrat party has not always been pro-israel strong israeli defense and that's where my question came from where i'm thinking my goodness if i was an american jew i'd want to defend my brothers and sisters right so they they i remember speaking uh many years ago in i went on a tour i don't remember which republican candidate maybe mccain i mean it wasn't i wasn't enthusiastic but he was a republican and i don't want the left to win any election so anyway i i went to a couple of a bunch of synagogues in florida it was a swing state and a lot of jews in florida so i remember i begat every talk in a synagogue saying uh ladies and gentlemen thank you for being here i i i i'm the bearer of bad news franklin d roosevelt is dead yeah yeah because a lot of jews certainly then yeah it's now you can't say that now because no jews remember him i mean i wasn't even born then but uh the too many jews there's they were still voting for fdr for the next 50 years so uh that's that's part of it it's a habit yeah that jews got into the democrats are the good guys the republicans are are not the defend the wealthy and and what was it one great jewish writer said jews live like episcopalians and vote like puerto ricans yes so that there was a lot of truth to that but there is a there's there's it goes deeper or at least it's not intellectually deeper but there it goes emotionally deeper a lot of jews fear the right uh for uh for no good reason but they do they think hitler was on the right and whether i'm not going to get debate was hitler really a leftist or a right it doesn't matter he's identified as a rightist so they're scared of the right they think anti-semitism comes from the right let's say hitler was a righteous okay let's just say it so fine but what does that have to do with america in america the jews best friends are conservatives the jews best friends are christians that's a fact that's not a that's not an opinion that's just a fact so by the way i get this all the time which when people when people want to believe something they just make up reasons that's right so oh come on dennis uh you really got snookered you know why christians support israel i go why because uh because then they believe that if all the jews go to israel then that brings back jesus then there's an armageddon and the jews are finished and and and christianity is triumphant so i said have you ever heard that from a christian no no so where did you read it in the atlantic it's like yeah i know pastor hagee really well i speak at christians united from israel regularly he screams that this is such a lie right we don't determine when jesus returns this is in god's hands right it has nothing to do with our support we and i know why christian support is real you wake up a christian who supports israel at 2 a.m or 3 a.m i'm up at 2 so i'm assuming some some christians are too so 3 a.m and you say excuse me why do you support israel because god blesses those who bless the jews and curses those who curse them good night right and they're right by the way i wrote this genesis yes i wrote a piece i write a secular column not a religious column for the last 20 years a regular column sometimes touches on religion but it's a regular column and i wrote that the christians are right god does bless those who bless the jews and america is a great example it's the most blessed country in history and it's the country that has most blessed the jews that is not a coincidence that's right yeah that's exactly correct and should america stop blessing the jews in israel it will stop being blessed i believe that as i believe two and two is four yeah and i'd like to add this because unless somebody think that the motive yeah the genesis 12 quotations true but if somebody were to say oh jack that's why you love israel so you'll get a blessing no i can absolutely tell you that i went into a church as a non-believer in 1977 it was a monday night june 20th i heard the bible taught and my mind changed and as i continued in that church and we came to the book of romans that pastor up there behind that pulpit taught about god's love for the jew and god's future plans for the jew and that he taught us that if god doesn't keep his promises to the jews that he has made this promise covenant with then we as believers as gentiles have no hope that's how certain i am as a gentile that i get to get grafted in to this wonderful commonwealth of israel paul mentions this to where frankly it comes down to picking the winning team well i couldn't agree with you more i don't understand why every christian does not in fact even non-christian doesn't say you know it is a little remarkable that this people went back to its promised land 2 000 years later there is no example not just of not returning of anybody surviving 2 000 years of a diaspora no america may not stay america while living in america we may lose our identity right that's how tough it is it's amazing so about trump the difference jewish israelis uh their view because i'm bringing this up because uh we've been to israel many times many many times but in the last couple of years we've had a chance to see a jerusalem where the embassy's been relocated there's donald trump circle there's a big plaque there uh out in front of the embassy where it says uh you know the united states embassy here in jerusalem they they've got a trump uh commemorative coin that he's loved over there that's right uh but i don't i don't see that well as i said i think the naivete is oh it's not it but but it's a big big factor also israeli jews have no compunction about identifying as part of the jewish people whereas a lot of american jews um feel a little angst about that well i'm not that religious i mean not that all israelis are religious either sure but but it it it doesn't matter the the israeli is not embarrassed by jewish nationalism whereas the american jew is embarrassed by american nationalism and jewish nationalism as if nationalism is is ipso facto a dirty word wow wow that's something uh next question uh this is boy i tell you people i know you get this a lot i even get it a lot as a pastor and it's this why or why not where or where not should i send my kid to university well there are so few universities that are that are not morally sick and intellectually sick that the question is a valid one i mean there are a handful the exceptions are so few that if everybody sent their kid there there wouldn't be enough room therefore i tell parents the following that number one no do not delude yourself that sending your kid to not not and now high school as well i'll talk about that in a moment sending your kid to college uh is playing russian roulette with their values except that there is more than one bullet in the gun uh there are now how much is a chamber six in a typical gun i think so okay you i was just testing you the nra i don't have a revolver yeah so okay well a revolver would be the answer so i think anyway let's say six uh and uh russian roulette there's one chamber with a bullet in college five have bullets one doesn't let me tell you this is very this is very powerful i have no compunctions about opening people up when i meet them because i have no compulsions about being open about myself i one caller called me a few months ago mr transparent and i thought god you got it that's my favorite nickname ever and i want everybody to be transparent but in any event i ask people the following at the at a first meeting so you're a christian or you're or you're just a conservative how many kids do you have four kids how many of them hold your values the number that answer all of them is a small minority why is that because they sent their kids to regular school peers and teachers affect your children as much or more than you do so you either have to know your kid and and be as certain as you can that they are rock solid not just emotionally or even religiously but intellectually as a as a conservative or or the or they will bend under the pressure of peers and teachers at a regular college and now high school it college is now really the icing on the cake it isn't the cake the cake is is in is in elementary school they now have for five-year-olds around the country uh they have uh um drag queen story hour five-year-olds yes and they they are teaching in 3 000 plus schools that america was founded in 1619 this gargantuan lie of the new york times that america was founded in order to preserve slavery so uh there was a man i i've taken cruises with listeners for for like 25 30 years and it was a there's a man on on a cruise a number of years ago we were talking now generally speaking unless you've saved and saved and saved it's it's a wealthier person will go on these cruises they're somewhat expensive i acknowledge that uh so he's a he is a pastor and a successful businessman he's both so i said so we're talking about his kids listen to the you'll love this so he was i was asking about his kids well i have three sons one has a phd from stanford one has a phd from yale and one has a phd from princeton so you would think whoa this guy's really hit the jackpot and he said but they're all leftists they share none of my values let alone my faith said i wish i didn't send him to college and that was the tipping point that was the change college absolutely that was of course exactly he he he didn't send pagans to college but dennis and i'm going to be the bad guy for a second kids have gone off to different types of cultures all the time look at the bible look at the bible look at daniel daniel's carted off to babylon he's just a young teenager you know he didn't become babylonian this is you know maybe this is just a lot of noise the difference i think with raising a child for example like a daniel say who's going to raise a daniel well wait a minute when you look at the jewish culture that pours so much into their kids and i think i just heard you either on a on your fireside chat or a podcast where you were talking about how you daily spent so much time uh growing up in new york uh learning your english secular studies and how today in hebrew and what i love about your culture is that you're expected to be a participant in critical theory and critical thinking and uh why why is that the answer where so many kids today are leaving the christian home and they've not been taught why the bible's true they're told the bible is true that's correct but they're not told why is it you need to learn to argue why it's true so by the time they get to college first year they get consumed by the class or the professor this is true in jewish life when i began lecturing it was only in jewish life and i used to tell audiences you have raised your kids with regard to how to be jewish not why to be jewish and when you don't have a why you will abandon the how so what you said about by the way it's identi the issue is identical for christian kids you by the way i this is i'm i am a little self-conscious i don't care that's why i'm writing the rational bible to answer the why you read that a kid reads out an adult reason oh now i know why oh that's what it means when it says that god created the human being male and female he created them that god is the god of distinctions i didn't know that yes god is the god of distinctions the left is the non-distinctions everything is the same except race ironically then it's all backwards we believe all humans are the same they they say races are different we believe that sexes are different no the sexes are the same it's all backwards but but yeah that's correct they didn't get the why here's a great example i spoke at the reagan library nixon library many years ago there was a christian a teacher from a christian school brought his kids there they were like 11 years old and uh i i mentioned in the speech that i have asked kids all of my life from from 11 to college age would you save your dog or a stranger first if both were drowning and all of my life it has not changed one-third vote for the the dog one third vote for the stranger one-third don't know two-thirds would not vote to save the human and the the christian teacher came over and said when you said that i looked at my students and they'd saved the dog too said when some we're not doing something right at the christian school i gave this talk at an orthodox jewish school in miami and the rab the head rabbi came over to me and he said too many of our kids answered the dog too wow so we watch our culture and our society shoot it up shoot police officers murder at will and and i'm being sarcastic right now the news media everybody's screaming and yelling how can this possibly be happening when for decades we've infused into that kid's brain that he's a byproduct of an evolutionary crash that there's no god you don't you you don't love your neighbor because it's the survival of the fittest and then then they get the ability to grab a knife or pull a trigger and we wonder why they're not acting like angels when we've taught them to be animals well you name the commandment and i'll show you what happens when you drop the ten commandments uh looting is defended as reparations yes but a kid black or white who grows up with thou shall not steal doesn't loot that's right not going to happen it's as simple as that it doesn't it doesn't come with an asterisk unless you think it's right that's true then for every commandment by the way i have a pet uh project because it's so painful to me to hear this from callers this is now going on for quite a while and it's it's thank god it is not true in my case i thank god every day that it isn't i i have a wonderful relationship with my two sons and they're conservative thank you god praise the lord but callers have told me now for about 20 years about their adult children who will not speak to them but now it's gone from a tragedy to an epidemic it is now an epidemic in the united states because of all the children who will not speak to parents who have voted for president trump oh yes i saw this oh you have no idea i mean uh i had no idea because to you and me if we met a conservative or a christian kid who said oh my parents voted for obama i'm not talking to them say what are you out of your mind you honor your father and mother irrespective of how they vote what's wrong with you that's right you're violating the ten commandments but they don't have a ten commandments their only commandment is do what you feel is right that's right absolutely exactly tragic um i'm going to save that one for last so november is coming up pretty soon what's at stake you know everyone's talking about the presidency of course but let's look beyond that what what's at stake well i have i made a vow at the beginning of my career not to exaggerate because it works for a while but over time you lose credibility so within the vow of not exaggerating this election and not just for president senate and house as well and especially senate this election is not about donald trump and it is not about uh joe biden it is a referendum on america right do you wish to transform america or do you believe that it is fundamentally sound and don't want another revolution that's what it amounts to overthrowing the order or improving what is flawed and keeping it as the united states of america the the left does not believe in the american value system it does not e plure bazoonam and god we trust and uh and liberty they are not left-wing values so the three cornerstone values of america are at stake and listen you you can tear down in a month what took 200 years to build and that's it destroying is unbelievably easy the left only destroys the left builds nothing except left-wing power it builds nothing but government everything beautiful was not made by the left there is nothing beautiful i'm not talking liberals i'm talking to the left and and the democratic party is now a left-wing party not a liberal party i i want to say something to what you said a moment ago about what they touched they destroyed maybe maybe this is a wrong connection maybe i'm missing it i i first went to russia i went to moscow i think in 92 or something like this and a lot of times after that moscow st petersburg spent a lot of time in russia and that was right after the soviet union collapsed and and when we all went there as a church and we did a lot of work there it was remarkable to me the citizens because they were incredibly it's like they stepped out of by the time warp they they walked onto the streets where we were standing from like 1945 just their apparel that's right and they were thankful for just seeing us they were thankful that we bought them a coke they were they were remarkable people who as i looked and i grew up in a military home in san diego and uh the whole you know cuban missile crisis and jfk and all that stuff so the whole thing was russia soviet union's bad bad bad communism and i get it yes we saw people walking as though they had they were coming out of tombs as though they were coming out of graves and you could see that you were talking to someone who when you spoke to them they were very timid they were very cautious they were very fearful um and they didn't know what to do with this freedom that was coming to them they they they were like lost kids they'll huddle together they didn't know what to do and we saw and we got to hear for years because we went there seeming a couple times a year it seemed like you would hear people talk about how uh what's the word that this the soviet the the atheistic system and socialism just takes the soul right out of people yes doing that and there's no motive there's no reason why should you invent something it goes to the state why should you care it's the state's problem and it was all your the i know the soviet union and i communist study really well it's my field of study i knew russian i was there a lot uh it uh it's soulless yes but the thing is so so is colombia university and ucla they're soulless too they're just wealthier than than the soviets were the this this the the left creates a soullessness any you look they acknowledge you don't have a soul you are you are you are just matter your stellar matter there are consequences to beliefs if you think your stellar matter or you think you're created in god's image by golly that has an impact on the way you behave exactly exactly that's why we're happier why are we they think we're happier oh because we believe in heaven okay fine i think i think that does contribute i fully acknowledge that i believe that uh that the the fact that i believe that mother teresa has a better faith than hitler does give me peace i fully acknowledge that okay if it doesn't if you don't resonate to that there's something wrong with you but that's not the ultimate reason it's the daily life of the religious person it's full we have we have a community we have uh we have a bible we have a bible study course i teach in my synagogue every week now i do it on zoom i did it i did it in person before zoom but i have not missed a week i teach torah every week and it fills me its work but it fills me with joy i don't get a nickel for it in fact i contribute to the upkeep of it uh but i i love these few hundred people at the synagogue that my friends and i founded uh you know what what is the secular equivalent what are secularists doing on zoom every week that you were doing uh that and now with your with your full place god bless you i i wish we could do that but really what what does a secularist have if he even said bowling league i'd say great but they don't have that yeah what do they have anger in america anger that that's a really fulfilling thing anger at racism sexism misogyny intolerant xenophobia that's they make up causes because they don't have a cause fighting america fills their emptiness but america is a good place so you are filled up your emptiness with a bad task is it even possible dennis to go to the status quo and say okay you guys have had it this way for so long where there's no ten commandments on the school wall there's no longer a bible in the class that a kid could peruse at break or whatever there's no prayer and you've had that for a long time and murder drugs sex abuse off the charts can you give us a year let's try a year mr leftist let's try a year in your county just an experiment let's do a social experiment put the ten commandments on the wall we'll open up we may have a social experiment do you know i can't believe i'm saying this i could see america fracturing the left-right divide is greater than the north-south divide the north-south divide was about slavery slavery was over there wasn't much of a divide after that but the the left and right have nothing in common i mean nothing well there is nothing that we share except breathing so uh i i could foresee the creation of conservative states and left-wing states i i would leave california i would leave california to live in a conservative state and then let's see unhappiness crime you name it let's see uh who ends up with better statistics and you will have all the wealth of new york and all the wealth of california and and we'll live with missouri and alabama and we'll do better they would have the wealth of those two states for a little while that's correct so excellently put because everything the left touches it destroys even wealth yeah so true real quick what is what is dennis prager's most important passion and i asked that because i saw on a youtube not too long ago clip of you were you conducting the l.a philharmonic i was conducting at the uh at the um walt disney concert hall yes i was conducting the santa monica symphony orchestra but i don't want to i don't want to assume that's your passion oh it is it is okay i i think i said in my talk to your uh to your congregation that uh i much rather talk about religion and music than politics yeah i have no choice because i have to fight in the political arena but yes uh actually i don't have i i am very blessed it's in my nature and it's something i pursued you know i do an hour on happiness every week and i've written a book on happiness the more you're passionate about the happier you will be just the way it works and i'm passionate about so many things it's a real gift from god to my nature but i i will say when i was when i was a sophomore in high school i did no homework my parents thought i would end up in prison it's really funny i'm not kidding but they gave up on me in fact when i was 14 they said do whatever you like you can even sign your own report cards we have given up and i said thank you that's the best thing you could do for me i want to raise me and they allowed me to read we have a disclaimer right now yeah no no it's really no no god bless my parents for even deciding that anyway so i did no homework for four years but i didn't watch tv i didn't go to parties i wasn't wasting my time i was just pursuing what i cared about and i didn't know what i'd care about so there was one teacher who who made and this was an advantage of new york all the culture i grew up in brooklyn so i would take the train to manhattan and he would come in every week with with dollar tickets to ballet to opera to shakespeare plays other plays and music so one week he said i have dollar tickets to carnegie hall which i vaguely heard of is a very major place so okay here's a dollar and i went and i was the only one to go i went into manhattan went to carnegie hall and it was as i fell in love with my wife it was love at first sight and i and that's very rare for me the only other time i had love at first sight was love at first hearing wow i couldn't believe my reaction to the it was just a handle concert on strings the next day i went back to manhattan i bought 32 dollars worth and this is a lot of money then i took a month's worth of lunch money and bought concert tickets in other words i fell in love with classical music as a sophomore in high school so much so that i was thinking how would it look bizarre if i dedicated one of my books to the composers who've touched my life because they have been part of my life my whole life so yes it's an incredible passion and i the only thing i've ever spent on of any serious money is my audio system i call it my yacht i have no yacht i don't give a hoot what i drive i but my audio system if you knew what i spent on the wires you would think prager is out of his mind that is how serious i am about hearing great music great in my home but religion is a passion when i read the bible by the way you'll find this interesting i'll turn i'll ask question to you how do you react to what i'm about to say i am i've never been big on prayer which i'm not happy about i'm just telling you the truth so i always this is i've always analyzed why do i love studying the bible but i don't love prayer and then i realized because i'm much more interested in what god has to say to me than what i have to say to god what do you think of that i would answer it this way i think every christian i know would answer you the exact same way like this when we open his book he speaks prayer is sometimes perhaps hard work in the sense that it's it's communicating to him my my hang up with prayer is when i i feel out and alone by myself when i'm trying to pray without his word i guess what i'm what i do is i use my bible to pray so if i'm reading jeremiah for the example this morning i'm reading hosea a hebrew prophet i'm reading hosea and he's lamenting over the fact look i mean god told this guy to marry a harlot to love her with all of his heart because that's he's a picture of god's broken heart over israel who had left god in relationship so i'm looking at that and now i can formulate my prayer because i can say from the scripture lord please don't let me or my wife or our family or our church or our nation go this way god so for me i need i'm very creative and i'm very imaginative i see cartoon images in the atmosphere maybe i'm nuts but i would think if i went to pray would be this you know because we've all heard prayers before where it's like wow that guy should be a professional prayer i'm not like that but when i go to the word i pray it and then lo and behold in john's gospel chapter 15 verse 7 jesus said if my word abides in you pray what you will and the father will be glorified and for me that was a light that came on i get it now so when i walk around when i drive when i'm eating when i'm working reading whatever it is i believe dennis that i'm in in a constant state of prayer it may not be on on my knees or at the wailing wall but i'm in a constant state of prayer because i'm having that which puritan preacher charles spurgeon said that the believer in 18 1865 said the believer enjoys constant intercourse with god in this attitude of prayer uh but if you tell me you need to pray for 30 minutes oh my goodness really wow do your congregants know this uh probably you talked about transparent i get in a lot of trouble for being transparent it's hard work it is hard work that's right i i love the communal aspect of my of the service that you know i'm with people kindred spirits and glorifying absolutely god and the sabbath next time we're together i mean we could do this truly we could do this uh as a sort of uh telethon i mean or marathon i'm not joking a marathon yeah yeah uh because i'll tell you an interesting thing if we reversed it and i asked you questions i'll tell you one i would ask and that is what is the issue and i don't i say this with love obviously and i don't you know what is the issue sounds critical i don't mean it critically but what is the issue with christians and the sabbath because i have asked christian clergy catholic and protestant for since religion on the line so that that this is 30 years are christians obligated to the a fourth commandment to to uh honor the sabbath to keep the sabbath and i'm telling you while i didn't keep a scorecard pretty much it's 50 50. and i can't even predict i as well as i know the pastor or the priest i can't predict what their answer will be some will say uh well it's a beautiful thing dennis and so on but we're really not obligated and some will say what are you kidding of course we're obligated so and i don't i know you and i don't know what your answer is i'm going to give you the answer uh the answer from new testament scripture from a former well i know i want to say a former jew we like to say that paul is a jew born i knew right that's how we refer to okay so here's what he said and of all the commandments of all ten uh they they are all uh personified in christ he's the he's because it's not just the written law it's the spirit behind the law remember jesus is the one who said you've heard that it's been written that you shall not commit adultery but i say to you if you've lusted for a woman in your heart god knows that you're guilty of adultery so that takes it from the stone to the spirit realm god knows our thoughts before we even thank them so when we come to all of the commandments we're taught in new testament theology that they're completed in christ except one there's one that we get to actually enjoy and i'm going to listen you're going to say jack that's not true just let me finish jack that's not true exactly those are true they're all they're all in christ and we get to this sabbath issue and the jews in jerusalem asked paul what do we do about the sabbath and paul the apostle said now in the fulfillment of god's law through christ he said i a jew once esteemed the sabbath as a day and the other days is not he said i now esteem every day listen every day a sabbath because our rest is in the passover lamb now christ john the baptist said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world so the answer from the bible regardless of what people have told you paul says in the book of colossians that it's that it's neither uh this law or this law it's now fulfilled in christ and that christ himself is so powerful in our lives that we enter into this perpetual sabbath rest here's the thing see but i don't see you guys taking a break because i have to confess to our audience i know dennis's sabbath practices and they're there to be commended we should do that the scriptures teach us that we have our sabbath in christ and we rest in him we rest in his righteousness and we rest in his finished work at the cross as our as our lamb but why are we so stressed out all the time why are we worrying why why do we not slow down because we're very guilty of not only not only not taking a day off but i fear that so many christians who know what the bible says in fact again the book of hebrews that author said failing to enter into the sabbath is indicative or a sign that you may not even know god but it's talking and it says right there the sabbath is the perpetual rest that you experience when you come to christ and experience his forgiveness and so and the reason why dennis that's the case i don't know if any christians have told you this but the reason why for us christianity is so attractive is because we love the law we love this church we're sitting in these people know the old testament we love it in fact i'll be honest with you we will not there's no way for us to know if our new testament's true unless we study the old how do you if you read mark's gospel how do you know it's true unless you read what was said in the old okay so for for the christian argument is that when we come into this relationship with christ there's a rest of the soul and tragically it's not communicated we don't we don't physically slow down like you guys do it's wrong of us we should actually be nurturing our community constantly and that is a huge witness from your community and from your culture and i've listened to you for years and i've talked with you and what you do with your friends and family and and how you divorce yourself from all of your distractions is commendable think of it this way yes that's something we all need to do there is also the ultimate fulfillment of that spiritually where um the old testament god gives moses the ten commandments and in the law and he comes down the mountain and our argument in christianity is this we love the lots perfect it displays the perfection of god but god told moses in the day that you break these this is the blood sacrifice you need to perform that's what christian that's where we are as christians it's the blood sacrifice that we lean on because by the time i wake up to the realization in 1977 i'm to love god with all my heart i just woke up to that reality at the age of 19. for 19 years i've not loved him with all of my heart where do i start oh my gosh wait a minute if i looked at a woman with lust in my heart i've committed adultery before the eyes of god where do i begin and so christ is that sacrifice and at the same time that sabbath that's the answer um it's i know that it sounds kind of ethereal because you can't touch it but that's what the new testament scriptures look at i know too many spectacular people who are christian and that has had a very great impact on me just as you're knowing a jew or jews that you have great affection and respect for affects you it's a beautiful thing actually uh but it's true that it's sort of like you know back to my music why will this piece touch me and not the next guy um i'm i'm not terribly ethereal so when you use that term uh i resonate to that look i have a very hard time with the matthew statement uh statement in matthew about looking aft at another woman um because you're guilty guilty i am a chronic sinner there's nothing i i i i i should be arrested there's not a man there's not a man or woman that shouldn't be arrested by right well especially men because we're visually more impacted yeah but uh so it's a very i it's funny i asked um this wonderful uh pastor in arizona he's one of the the leading evangelicals sue what's his name yeah right wayne gruden we love women wayne grudem is a gift to humanity not just a christianity so uh we've been in dialogue a number of times at his seminary in phoenix so i asked him in a dialogue on the on all sorts of subjects i said so what if a single man lusts after a single woman there's no possibility of adultery he's not married and she's not married and his answer to his credit was i never thought of that so it's it's a very it's an interesting see having grown up with a legal mind because judaism is a law-based religion i would immediately think well wait a minute but here's a circumstance where adultery of the heart or of the body is not possible but anyway isn't that the point though adult of course yeah the two single people you're right so adultery is in the connection of marriage but we know that uh fornication is a sin is wrong sex outside right but he didn't say but he but he said it's like adultery not like fornication yeah it's but doesn't the holy spirit doesn't god speak to you if you're thinking about something dennis said you ought not to be thinking about doesn't he tap on you and say excuse me um i see this well the the uh the spirit that taps on me is dennis are you gonna act on it and i go no okay have a great day that's that is my non-christian response to crappy thoughts i'm being totally open with you we just got about 20 000 more views because because of that answer oh yeah it's it it's really important to have these dialogues it's really you know i want to tell you you mentioned uh religion on the line uh that was the wow that was a gift of god to me i grew up as most people do in a religion you grow up insular very few people grow up worldly in religion because they grow up in their religion so in brooklyn new york you could be an orthodox jew and only meet orthodox jews in fact my my yearning in life was to meet everyone on earth i don't mean every one of six billion people but every group which is why i went to 130 countries i i'm crazy about learning others i remember i've told this so often i used to interview the mailman because he was the only non-jew i ever met regularly so i would go tell me about your family sir and he go i just have a family i have a wife and kids he didn't understand i go well i don't get to meet non-jews he thought i was a riot but anyway so i get religion on the line this offer to be the moderator of a priest rabbi minister different ones every week for 10 years and it it first of all i fell in love with christians that was when my love affair began because i met these wonderful human beings priests and and and pastors and it was it was awesome and and here is you will like this so at about the five-year mark or four-year mark even this is what happened to me and i told this to one of my jewish friends i said let me tell you something the day you meet a person of another faith whom you consider to be at least as smart as you think you are and at least as religious as you think you are and at least as decent as you think you are you will never be the same and i was never the same exactly that was a great transformative experience oh and you will love this i i know i know we're coming at the the time limit but i i will tell you i knew i knew that i i learned a lot when one day a guy calls into the show because callers called in after the i would dialogue with the clergy on some issue a caller calls up which is not uncommon to give either the rabbi or the or the catholic or the or the protestant some tough time so this guy calls up some ex-christian or ex-catholic and he goes oh give me a break god came as a man you believe that stuff which was common for people right so so the christians did their best and i said to the to them may i give it a try and you know i'm a jew and i'm not a christian and i'm going to give it a try so they said yeah give it a try dennis so i said caller got to tell you i'm not a christian but you know what i think there's something pretty profound and beautiful in the thought that god so wanted to identify with the suffering of humanity that he would come and suffer with humanity and the guy goes oh what do you say to that exactly and and uh it happened in the other direction too one day a guy calls up and gives the rabbi a tough time a jew and he goes uh you believe in the chosen people what kind of kind of uh chauvinism is that you believe in that crap or whatever it was so the rabbi was not exactly the greatest defender of judaism but gave it a try so then the priest said dennis could i give it a try so i go father please go right ahead and he goes caller this is father so and so roman catholic priest god chose the jews get a life boom exactly drop that's the mic draw yes i love it you guys are times up dennis has got to get back to l.a we got to get actually a service that's going to be taking place here pretty soon but um i have to tell you i have been out of my mind in appreciation and thankfulness to not only god but to this man for the fact that lately our paths have been crossing we've we've done some talks lately together and it's been such an honor because uh again as i said in the introduction this is um dennis you're a national treasure and i'm not i'm not exaggerating that's not a stretch and we are so thankful and i love the fact i got to tell you as a believer i get excited when i hear him say that he knows christians love him because the christians i know love him and we're delighted and so uh prageru if you're not listening if you're not watching my goodness i think it's pretty regularly here at the church that uh pastor that before service moments before service we will very often play a five-minute prager university video because it relates so perfectly to the cultural dynamics of what we are going through and uh we love them but pray for them because they're under constant attack because of the world today cannot handle uh that kind of clarity truth and argumentation because you really do bring the best in their field from from the world in these arguments so go to prager university listen to dennis prager he's on a radio station in your city no doubt about it and then if you live somewhere in the world of course then you can simply go online and listen to his programming and you can catch his post fireside chat subscribe uh to dennis prager and prageru uh you will love it so um thank you yeah dennis thank you i love you you're a joy you are a joy [Music] you
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 194,150
Rating: 4.9065671 out of 5
Keywords: dennis prager, dennis prager pastor jack hibbs, jack hibbs dennis prager, dennis prager trump, dennis prager interview, dennis prager show, dennis prager and jack hibbs, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs, jack hibbs latest, real life talk jack hibbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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