What We Know For Sure (Part 2)

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normally write out have you turned in in your bible and you can certainly turn in your bible but we're going to be reading from the screens together uh out of ezekiel 38 it's where we were last week and we're going to finish this off today it's our portion of the futures series and we're looking right now at a message themed entitled what we know for sure what we know for sure you hear reporters tell you what we know for sure it's always scary when the reporters say what we know for sure is you might get that data from a doctor from someone an investigator an analyst what we know for sure is and sometimes that can be posed as a question or a statement and this is a statement of fact for us as believers bible prophecy is simply this god speaking to us from his word the bible about things that have not yet happened the god of the bible is unique your bible is unique no other faith group as you've been hearing no other religious book has been able nor even attempts to speak the future in advance god's word does with not 99 accuracy that would make it a false book with 100 accuracy we're reading ezekiel 38. i'll begin in verse 1. if you'll pick it up in the even-numbered verses and we'll go down to verse 16. ezekiel 38 1 now the word of the lord came to me saying give him this message from the sovereign lord gog i'm your enemy verse five note this persia or today iran ethiopia and libya will join you too with all their weapons get ready be prepared keep all the armies around you mobilized and take command of them wow verse nine you and all your allies a vast and awesome army will roll down on them that's israel like a storm and cover the land like a cloud you will say israel is an unprotected land filled with unwalled villages i will march against her and destroy these people who live in such confidence but or in opposition to that plan of verse 12 sheba and didan the regions today that make up saudi arabia and the merchants of tarshish europe will say do you really think the armies you have gathered can rob them of silver and gold do you think you can drive away their livestock and seize their goods and carry off plunder you will come from your homeland in the far distant north with your vast calvary and art and mighty army wow man obviously father the the point to all of this is knowing that you are the lord and father it's also we sense and feel like we're breaking into coming upon sacred ground and so we are a bible prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled so specific and so clear this 2500 year old prophecy that it seems as though it was written last night in light of today's news lord awaken our hearts and our minds that we might behold the glory of the lord and revel in the plan of the lord we look around our world today and we see the plan of man and the plots and schemes of the power brokers but then when we go into the house of the lord we remember who's really in charge and we thank you father god that we have you your word and your spirit that dwells within us that calls us and brings us together to be a church we thank you for that truth in jesus name and all god's people said amen amen you can be seated and one of the great things about ezekiel 38 is ezekiel 36 37 and 39 if you later this afternoon read ezekiel chapter 36 and 37 you will be blown away by the fact of the matter that god announces to ezekiel before chapter 38 he speaks to ezekiel and he gives that famous prophecy that you are probably pretty well aware of and that is god shows ezekiel a vision and ezekiel sees the land of israel but he sees it covered in skeleton bones and god says ezekiel what are you looking at and he says i'm looking at a a nation of bones and he says ezekiel prophesied to those bones and speak to them and so he speaks to the bones and as he's preaching what god is going to do listen carefully god speaks to the prophet ezekiel and says to the dry bones stand up dry bones and as the bones stood up sinew muscle and bone begin to come together because of the muscle connection and the ligaments coming together and as as ezekiel proclaimed the prophecy each of the skeletals now got skin on them and they took on personality and as they were there then god said i'm going to breathe into them my breath and i'm going to cause them to live again and i'm going to cause them to come to my land and in the last days they'll be re-established as a nation and i will be their god and they will become my people and god says to ezekiel all this is going to happen to the nation of israel and it's going to happen in unbelief he's going to bring them from all over the world into their own land that was promised to abraham in the last days and god's going to do it with them not believing which i find that fascinating you go to israel today and you expect that when you get off the plane in tel aviv that you walk around and you want to run up and kiss a jew because you think obviously they believe in god and uh don't do that uh because you'll be shocked to find out that so many jews in israel consider themselves uh some form of atheist and you ask them well how can this be and they say listen this is ridiculous god where was god where was god in the holocaust where was god when hitler was and i and they go and that's their argument but i love their argument because they're actually very angry at god they're not denying his existence they think they don't believe in him but they're actually complaining about the way he runs the universe which takes great faith right if you think about it what are you mad at i'm mad at god but i don't believe he exists [Applause] but yet in the bible the book of deuteronomy chapter 28 said that when israel followed god they'd be blessed but if they rejected god they would be removed from their land and that's exactly what's happened yet god's got a plan for the nation of israel and you're reading about it today in ezekiel 38 but the nation will become [Music] physically together no spirit in them they will become prosperous no spirit in them they'll be on the map again but yet no spirit in them and it doesn't happen until after the ezekiel battles something happens in chapter 38 and 39 read it later that there is this click that we read about at the end of there verse 16 that not only the nations of the world will know that he's the lord but in that victory that god does for them that they begin to wake up to the salvation of god god has always looked to his nation israel to identify his word his bible he expects them to know it but listen if you're a gentile today non-jew like me i'm a gentile i'm not off the hook because god has given you and i his bible he expects us to know this book there's no excuse for us to not know this not one of us he said i don't like reading well that's because of laziness let's be honest the reason why you may not like reading well i can't read as fast as anybody else he didn't ask you to take the evelyn woods speed reading course he told you to read it well i don't you know i'm i'm blind i can't read it there's my excuse audio bible listen to it there's no excuse why do i say that listen to luke chapter 19. luke chapter 19 regarding bible prophecy you wonder how important it is you want to know what god thinks about it he says this about it luke 19 verse 37 then as he was now drawing near to the descent of the mount of olives so now he's coming down the western slope of the mount of olives all of us who've been to israel i deliberately walk you down that path the exact same path we go down that road we go over the top the crest of the mount of olives and then we walk down that windy ancient road to the kidron valley the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise god with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen verse 38. this is what they said blessed is the king he who comes in the name of the lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest and verse 39 says in some of the pharisees called to him from the crowd you can always count on these guys to be the party poopers teacher you just see them they're all dolled up with their pharisee outfit on they have the huge hats black and white robes and you get these beards and they couldn't stand jesus the bible says they hated him because of envy teacher rebuke your disciples the word means tell your disciples to shut it that's what it means close it but jesus answered and said to them i tell you that if these should keep silent the stones would immediately cry out and i wish this verse 41 read like this jesus commanded his disciples to be quiet and at that moment the ground began to shake and you could hear little rocks medium-sized rocks and big rocks all crying out and praising the wonderful works of god that's what i would have written but god didn't ask me to write it and i can't write that but wouldn't it have been amazing if jesus would have said okay hey guys can you just shh can you just bring it down a minute and you can imagine these little rocks little pebbles blessed is the name of the lord hallelujah jesus is lord and then the other rocks praise the lord jesus is lord he's the christ he's the elf and the male the beginning and then the big big boulders jesus is lord and jay vernon mcgee says if that would have happened it would be in the first rock concert in history right there that's a good word but that's not what happened verse 41 says now as they drew near and the word near means that jesus was drawing near with the intent to reveal or he was revealing to the nation of israel that he was in fact king this is april 6 32 a.d to sunday morning and we know it as palm sunday and as he drew near it says to the city he wept and the word weep in greek means that he wept so deep and so hard that his body is physically moving you can see his chest his shoulders his face everybody's cheering one lonely voice of tears cry out if there was an awkward moment this is it that had to be very strange and the bible tells us that he wept over it verse 42 says saying if you had known will you mark that if you had known he's indicting them church family jesus is saying i am holding you responsible for knowing something you should have known on this day if you had known even you especially in this your day the things that make for your peace this is the answer to your problems this is the answer to your dilemma this is the answer to your whole life's existence both physically and spiritually right now but you guys are missing it if you had only known but now they are hidden from your eyes for the days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you and surround you and close you in on every side verse 44 and level you and your children are within you to the ground and they will not leave one stone left upon another that happened when titus vespasian the general of the fifth roman legion entered into jerusalem this is secular this is roman history now he came into jerusalem to put down an uprising and the entire temple tapestries and woodwork caught fire accidentally burned the gold within the top ceiling of the inside of the temple the gold melted flowed between the cracks of the rocks and you can take an airplane ride today and go to jerusalem and see those rocks that have been stripped of their gold that have been left in the heap of 70 a.d under general titus and it's exactly as jesus said would happen right then and there remarkable and this is the reason why it happened look what he says because you did not know the time of your visitation jesus held them accountable to know the day that he would be presented as king this thy day if they if they knew their bibles they would have known the day on march 14th 445 bc nehemiah in your bible is the cup bearer to king artaxerzes he's in captivity but he's a trusted ally of the king being a jew the king trusted him and nehemiah would go in he would pres he would of you know cup bear means you taste the you taste the food and the cup uh in advance to see if it if somebody's trying to kill a king well how do they find out you're dead but to have that position you're super trusted i don't know what the benefit perks rewards of that would be but and so artaxerxes says to nehemiah you know what i want you to go back to your homeland you go back and you rebuild the streets and the walls in the city of jerusalem and i'll even pay for it and here's here's your traveling permit and he writes an edict on march 14th 445 bc and he sends nehemiah on his way and nehemiah goes there to do that very thing but the book of daniel tells us that from the time of the issuance of nehemiah's permission to go back and rebuild the wall to the coming of the messiah the prince it would be 800 or 400 excuse me in 83 years 483 years but the bible is based upon a 360 day calendar what i'm about to give you uh sir isaac newton figured it out and then it was finished off by the most famous detective of scotland yard sir robert anderson in fact with what i'm about to tell you he was knighted as a sir by the queen of england sir robert anderson took the works of sir isaac newton isaac newton wrote a commentary in the book of daniel you can buy it and they did the mathematics because it's not easy but from a babylonian calendar which is the bible from genesis to revelation is based on a 360-day year the bible knows nothing about a 365-day year and from march 14th 445 bc if you count 483 years from that day it's 173 thousand 173 880 days from march 14th 445 bc it lands on april 6 32 a.d on april 6 32 a.d you should have gotten out of bed got your kids and gone down to the mount of olives and said listen the bible says that the messiah is going to come today to to israel and we're just going to wait here and coming up over the hill is a is a bunch of noise and josephus tells us it wound up being somewhere in the realm of a hundred thousand people and here comes jesus right on the back of a little donkey fulfilling zechariah chapter nine verse nine behold israel your king comes to you humble lowly riding on the colt the foal of a donkey and the bible tells us in this book of psalms starting in psalm 118 that israel would shout hosanna hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord guess what when jesus rode down that hill they said the very same thing the problem is they were looking for a political deliverer and not the messiah by the end of the week they will all turn on him because he didn't answer their political aspirations but went to the cross instead friends bible prophecy matters and jesus said i hold you accountable to know that day and you didn't know it and so now your peace is taken from you so when god's word says what it says we want to pay close attention to it and god gives us these things that we might be people who are at peace and that we know what's coming we have to worry and bite our nails like the rest of the world especially in times like these god wants to communicate to you as truth and you need to make a decision of what you're going to listen to i hope you look at it this way if any of you have been in war or combat one the first things that you do is you get intel intelligence on your enemy or for the mission and you know what the first thing is the first thing it is that you do you figure out how do you take out their communications i don't care how big the army is i don't care how big the nation is you want to you want to mess up you take out communications by the way we're really good at that as a nation as a war machine is that we usually go in a few days in advance and we always take out their communication systems do it by stealth nowadays you don't even need stealth the united states and israel both are pretty famous for just going going in onto a computer and sending information that completely disconnects the communications of the enemy when the communications is not clear people get confused okay and that's what's listen that's what happens in war and you and i right here are at war it's not for any territory it's not for any booty or any loot or any glory it's for souls that's what we're living for you and i as believers we're living for the souls of men and women and boys and girls you see that's creepy not creepy at all listen we are jesus as ambassadors says the bible we're deployed all around the world as believers and the fact of the matter is this we're trying to share the gospel with people we're trying to communicate the truth and the enemy wants to mess that up constantly with false teaching false prophets false faith and to confuse someone's ability to come to the knowledge of christ that jesus is the way the truth and the life the enemy hates that jesus died on the cross for our sins to set us free the enemy hates that that's why he floods you with allurements and lust and pride and desire it's those are not cute things or things that you can hold in your breast for a moment and not be burned they are demonically driven by a world of darkness invisible to our eyes that want to seek your soul and pull you into the pit why is that important that's how much satan hates you and god you're the prize [Music] and thus bible prophecy makes its claims to us and it's awesome and comforting don't need to belabor it last time together we argue this that regarding what we know for sure is that the world now is being turned to all eyes on god people are waking up around the world at this time to consider god people are tuning in people are reading their bibles the biggest download of christian data as i've been telling you over and over again during the year 2020 has been the nation of iran persia gospel going all over the world billions of people reading bible online what's up something's happening and god has delivered this opportunity at an age like this where technology can be used we're living in a miracle right now and i don't want you to miss the day of your visitation this is an epic moment you want to get on board you want to find out god what do you want to do next god please don't do it without me don't you want to don't you want to pray that prayer god whatever you're going to do i don't care just don't do it without me don't you want that want to be bummer if god said well i would have loved to abuse you but you didn't recognize the day of your visitation so i went down the street oh my goodness that break my heart and then we saw last time this did not go over big i could tell by the mail i got in the comments the second thing is what do we know for sure all eyes off america so how dare you say that oh i'm just getting started listen you can't you can't insult the god of heaven in the united states and expect him to hang around he's not a punching bag you can't throw them out of college you can't throw them out of court you can't throw them out of school you can't throw god out of the public square you can't throw god out of the textbooks and then expect them to send rain or to make our economy work it's not going to happen he's patient he's been patient for decades but it is very evident time's up the united states of america listen has been that stalwart friend of israel in more ways than one and god blessed us as a nation when we stood for israel but i want to make this very clear the prerequisite to blessing according to the bible god says bless israel and i'll bless you he said wait a minute you asked me to bless israel yep i'm not saying everything israel does is right god didn't ask us about that i'm not saying i'm not saying just you know just because somebody's jewish that you're supposed to love on them like that i'm not saying that god makes it very clear that he says i will bless the nations that bless my people look you're not you're not sinless isn't it sweet to know that god would say i want i want you to be a blessing to my friend fill in your name i want you to be a blessing to fill in your name you say oh that's nice i like that well the same god says be a blessing to my people israel i've chosen them but god they're difficult people i know that's why i chose them did you know that that's what he says he says i chose them he said to them book of deuteronomy he said don't think i picked you because you're better than anybody else he said i picked you because you're stubborn he said i picked you because you are a stiff-necked people you know what that means if he can save a jew he can save a you right it's true i love the jewish people they're fantastic if if you ever get in a conversation with a jewish friend it's amazing because they'll argue with you for an hour and then at the end they'll say i believed everything you did i just wanted to listen to you arguing your point they never stop and god says those are the ones that i'm gonna pick they're my chosen people they drive everybody else up the wall they will be instruments of my grace and my mercy and god picked them and you can't say anything about it i don't like it too bad he didn't ask you by the way there's a reason why the jews are the most hated people on the planet because of god he picked them i think satan hates them think about it god has promised an everlasting covenant with the jewish people he has to keep it he thinks look satan can read the bible if he can break that if he can mess that up then he thwarts the plan of god happily it ain't going to happen but listen as as a nation as a nation we need to get back to god and i don't know what's going on in our country don't be fooled nobody else knows either that is both terrifying and maybe great but uh one of the things is this showed on the screen you guys uh in in the u.s decline of christianity continues at a rapid pace that doesn't bother me don't let that bother you if you read the entire article by the way it is huge article it goes on to say that rapidly drastically membership from baptist southern baptist lutheran methodist catholic uh assembly of god god presbyterian they're all losing people that's not a bad thing that's not a bad thing because those entities are almost fully departed from the authoritative word of god they departed from the bible why why wouldn't god call his people out god is saying to some churches or to the people in those churches hey come out and be separate from them can you believe that he does that jesus said in the book of revelation come out from among them don't hang out in a false church where christ is not glorified his word is not taught and that you're not trained in the things of god that you might go out into the world and make a difference church is not a club it's not to meet any standards that the world sets down as what is acceptable and not acceptable the church is a living breathing entity deposited to us from heaven it was created by the holy spirit it was bought by the blood of christ it doesn't meet some earthly or governmental requirements it is the church of the living god and now you can see in our age how the church will be pitted against godless governments and godless leaders we're rapidly moving toward that even at this time but it's a very powerful truth the third thing is this is where we pick it up the third thing is all eyes on israel five times in our reading a moment ago you read the word israel that is fascinating friends let me remind you reading the book of ezekiel you're looking at a 25 2600 year old prophecy and you read it out loud i heard you say it you said it five times the name israel it's been in there since ezekiel gave it or i should say god gave it to ezekiel i'm going to ask you to put your eyes to the screens in a moment to watch something but i want to set it up israel you want to know why it's a big deal number one nation talked about in the bible of course it's the only nation in the bible only nation in the bible where god has established with them an ever lasting covenant israel israel special it is the only nation in the world where the scripture tells us that listen listen that they will be a nation and then because of their rebellion against god they will not be a nation and they'll be thrust into exile because of their disobedience then the bible tells us that just before christ comes back listen just before christ comes back he will regather his nation from all the corners of the earth listen back into their own land that's a funny thing because two thousand years later these people walking around the world they don't know that that's their own land they've never been there before so what god does he sets up the country so the people can move are you with me nobody's moving right now to mars because it's not been set up for you to move to well god sets up israel first so his people can move to it and they move to it coming or going home to a home they've never been and they have and they do and they will what's going on and how could this have ever happened that a nation who was then wasn't becomes again what evidence do we have that god's word is true on this point put your eyes to the screen how do you respond to people who excel you in invention creativity and wealth do you envy them do you feel their success somehow diminishes you or do you admire what they've achieved and try to emulate it these questions sum up what i call the israel test in the 1880s european jews settled and mandate palestine and wrought an agricultural miracle in that desolate territory then sparsely populated by a few score thousand jews and a couple hundred thousand arabs the jewish settlers drained malarial swamps leaked salt from the soils terraced the barren hills and planted millions of trees they massively expanded the capacity of the land and enabled it to support a substantial arab population in the two decades between 1921 and 1943 jews quadrupled the number of enterprises multiplied the number of jobs by a factor of 10 and increased the level of capital investment 100 fold far from displacing arabs they provided the capital for a major expansion of arab farms and enabled a seven-fold rise in arab population by 1948 to a level of 1.35 million the largest in the long history of palestine in other words the arabs came to what would soon be the state of israel because of the jews by comparison trans-jordan now known as jordan with the same geological endowment and four times the land but no jews was able to sustain a population density only one-tenth of the population density of palestine crucial to israel's accomplishments were world-leading technological advances in the recovery of water through desalinization drip irrigation and sewage recycling over the past 50 years israel has increased its population tenfold its agricultural production 16-fold and its industrial production 50-fold while actually reducing net water consumption by 10 since 1948 this huge expansion of effective water resources enabled the land to support not only more jews but also millions more arabs today the state of israel with its astonishing achievements in computer science and other high-tech fields distills both the genius of the jews and the misdirected anger of the failed states that surround her the great divide in the middle east is not between arab and jew but between admiration of achievement along with the desire to replicate it and envy accompanied by violent resentment people who admire success who pass the israel test tend to be wealthy and peaceful people who resent achievement who fail the israel test tend to become poor and violent so again how do you respond to people who excel you in invention creativity and wealth do you envy them do you feel their success somehow diminishes you or do you admire what they've achieved and try to emulate it the israel test is the central divide in the world today how you answer it as an individual and ultimately how we answer it as a nation is a test of our own will to triumph over enemies who hate us as they hate israel for what is best within us i'm george gilder a non-jew who has passed the israel test [Applause] all of that presentation secular scientific evidence of a nation the size of new jersey being incredibly resourceful why is it that the most nobel prize winning awards go to a certain ethnicity a certain race you say are you kidding me can you say that publicly i'm telling you out of all the nobel prizes awarded since nobel prize was instituted how is it that by far a particular race of people have dominated the recipient of that award how's that the jew that either causes you to be excited or sit back and say wow and this is in the bible that god is going to bless his people in the last days oh yeah now granted there's tremendous trouble coming to the nation of israel during the tribulation period the bible talks about that too but it's the only nation on earth that god has a covenantal agreement with and if you doubt that look to the screen now this is kind of a quirky looking graphic but it's because the t-shirt had to be stretched out and a picture taken of it this is a t-shirt you can buy it says civilizations nations and empires that have tried to destroy the jewish people nation ancient egypt status gone palestine or excuse me um philistines nation status gone you haven't bumped into a philistine lately a syrian empire gone babylonian empire gone persian empire gone greek empire gone roman empire gun byzantine empire gone crusader period gone spanish empire gone nazi germany gone soviet union gone iran maybe tomorrow's news iran you never go against israel without going against the god of the bible you need to know that you go against israel and you're going to get yourself in trouble how do we know genesis chapter 12 verse 1 says now the lord had said to abram get out of your country imagine that he's just living his own life doesn't know nothing about nothing and god speaks to him says leave your country leave your family your father's house and go to a land that i will show you i will make you a great nation i will bless you make your name great and you shall be a blessing here it is i will bless those who bless you and i will curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed all the families of the earth shall be blessed if we bless abraham's descendants the bible says that his descendants are none other than the hebrew people this is a this is a verse that the bible lays out flat it doesn't ask you for your opinion it doesn't apologize for it just says it he said i don't believe it that's okay but do some study as to how do nations fare when they go against israel it doesn't go well what concerns me about our here and now is this news headline this is unsettling report israel warns quote nothing to discuss with biden if persia deal renewed or iran it's talking about the iranian nuclear deal you're probably aware of that it's the big deal it's the big deal in all kinds of ways started under the obama administration it was stopped during the trump administration and uh biden resurrected in his first few hours back into office you know what this means uh it means that um it's sticking a it's sticking a finger right in israel's eye and threatening the region is it amazing that the nations in that part of europe and that part of the middle east have said please don't do this we've had some really good stability right now those not the iranian people they're precious but the lunatic political leadership of iran uh has lost their minds and and even the muslim world wants those guys to be held in check and biden is saying nope we're going to do this listen bad idea joe bad idea don't mess with god's people people will say well i'm not i don't i'm not i'm going to mess with them well to your own peril i don't like them how many do you know why don't you i hate israel have you been i i don't like jews why you need to you need to answer the question think of it because it's a very serious thing satan hates them there's a reason for it another headline this last week mahmoud abbas and hamas the terrorist organization reacted trump's departure congratulating biden and harris that's not good it's not good when the people who's chanting the streets death to america are happy about the results in that article that said listen carefully listen cause if you're a university student you can almost you can almost uh write this yourself this is all you hear on your campus quote there are no regrets at the departure of trump as he has been the biggest source and sponsor of injustice violence and extremism extremism in the world and the direct partner of the israeli occupation and the aggression against our people said a pa representative think about that for a moment think about that statement whose land is it god says it's his land right the reason why trump is hated in this article and they're glad to see him go is because he got a economic trade agreement with israel surrounding neighbors and regions among the muslim world and they loved it and they were making money with each other and coexisting with each other but that's hated by people who hate the existence of the jewish state sounds like ezekiel 38. i see those people says gog gog they dwell in safety they're prospering look how stuck-up they are the word was confident they are envy you saw it in the video a moment ago what drives hatred envy when your heart's wicked you're envious and when you're envious your heart's wicked and people have killed over envy the bible says they crucified jesus because they envied him remarkable truth and power the bible tells us in joel chapter three verse one behold the days are coming and at that time when i bring back the captives of judah and jerusalem i will also gather all nations and i will enter into judgment with them on the count of my people my heritage israel whom they have scattered among the nations and they have also divided up my land are you kidding me this is this is 2600 year old prophecy are you guys awake this is 2600 year old prophecy and it looks like we're talking about a u.n decision last week in the news divide the land divide the land right there in the bible zechariah chapter 12 verse 1 the word of the lord concerning israel the lord who stretches out the the heavens and who lays the foundation of the earth and who forms the human spirit within man declares this i'm going to make jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding nations reeling judah will be as well as jerusalem on that day when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her i will make jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations all who try to move her move her will injure themselves the word in hebrew injure themselves it's a very sad thing a lot of us can relate to this the word means to go to something heavy in this case it's a rock can you imagine it means in hebrew to pick up the rock and you're so committed to picking up the rock that you pick up the rock but you rip your guts the word is to rip your insides you tear yourself apart have you ever seen those olympic weightlifting guys why can you imagine the world the world is going to have this mindset we've got to deal with jerusalem what's the fascination with jerusalem there's no oil there there's no airport there's no river there's no really no nothing but great food great food think of it makes no sense the world's gonna go like this you're trying to move and get it out of sight let's just get it push it into the mediterranean and they pick it up and then you can hear springs flying and gears popping and rip yourself apart if you try to move it god says don't mess with them god's got a plan a remarkable plan so much so watch this so much this this part i get really excited up until now i've been all right right now i lose it over this the only thing worse for me is to be in israel when i teach this what i'm about to say i just lose control it's amazing if you're not a christian today you got like five minutes to enjoy yourself go ahead and think whatever you want to think right but honestly if you have half a brain you're gonna become a christian now in about three minutes because what you're gonna see if you don't then you have to live with this with what you're about to read you're going to deal with it yourself seriously watch this there's no way you can explain this this is a jaw dropper here it comes on may 14 1948 israel became a nation because president truman an american president went against all the deliberation and all the council of the nations of the world and truman said no we're going to recognize israel as a nation on may 14 1948 israel had a birthday listen saturday morning on the on may 15 zionists proclaimed new state of israel truman recognizes it and hopes for peace tel aviv is bombed egypt orders an invasion happy birthday attack wow think of it next slide tel aviv is bombed u.s recognizes jewish state read the print below israel has proclaimed arabs march truman action stunts closing session of u.n battle in jerusalem egypt orders invasion it sounds like you're reading ezekiel except thank god by the time ezekiel rolls around in his prophecy egypt will be a friend of israel as it is today by the way saudi arabia a friend jordan a friend egypt a friend exactly as the prophets were told not only are the right nations lined up to invade the right nations for the first time in history are lined up that support israel in the region that's not a coincidence here's the punch line this is where if you're gonna get a tattoo this is the one to get it's a big one but it's cool and put it all down your back or something this is 2740 750 years old isaiah chapter 66 before the birth pains even begin jerusalem gives birth to a son who has ever seen anything as strange as this who ever heard of such a thing has a nation ever been born in a single day has a country ever come forth in a mere moment but by the time jerusalem's birth pains begin her children will be born would i ever bring this nation to the point of birth and then not deliver it ask the lord no i would never keep this nation from being born says your god israel was first born by being called out of egypt in the wilderness wanderings and then eventually brought into the promised land by joshua israel's second birth prophesied in the prophet isaiah not only happened in 1948 it happened exactly as isaiah said it would in a mere moment in one day the nation would be brought forth and an instant jews from around the world would have a nation that verse alone should dispel any doubt about the veracity and the ability of the god of the bible to keep his word and when he says to you trust me and i'll take you to heaven trust me i'll forgive you your sins look to me i died on the cross for your grief and give you eternal life follow me and i'll take you straight into heaven i'll give you purpose and meaning i'm the god that made you and it's time to come back the god that says that is the exact same god that keeps his word keeps his promises exact same god he's the same one the bible tells us in ezekiel 34 13 and i will bring them out from the peoples or the nations and gather them from the countries and i will bring them to their what is it own land i will feed them on the mountains of israel and in the valleys and in all the inhabitant inhabited places of the country this is israel god says so and then finally we end here the number four argument is this and it's a short one it's all eyes to war all eyes toward look i struggle with this just as you do and that is what's happening next biblically we keep our bibles open i would stay tuned to isaiah 17 and ezekiel 38 at the same time i'll be reading both those could happen tomorrow regarding the nation of israel it's been written we know what happened to them we know what's happening to them and we know from the bible what's going to happen to them america is nowhere mentioned in the bible that brings me great pain and it brings me great hope number one it pains me because our nation was very much used as a big brother to israel's establishment the second time this is a judeo-christian nation and its roots this nation has been blessed in every category over every nation on earth and all of human history including israel itself freest people freest constitutional government greatest technologies greatest military greatest achievements did you know that you're sitting in the most compassionate nation on the face of the earth no nation no nation citizens give more to disaster relief and suffering than the united states year after year after year god used this nation once our federal budget of the united states government annually was to produce bibles and ship them to nations in the world where there was no bible when soldiers went off to war in world war one world war ii in the korean war they were given bibles i have one oh how the mighty have fallen says the scripture where do we go from here watching what's happening is god waiting for his people to call out to him is god waiting he's not waiting on any political party or is some chest move by some political genius or some blunder to happen and so he's not waiting for that god is saying if my people if my people if my people if my people if my people will call out to me if my people will repent he's calling out to us why is everything in limbo the way that it is he's calling out to us what is so undetermined what's so confusing there's nothing but confusion in light of this last year passed all the dynamic how do you explain the most bizarre year ever and yet all around the world record numbers of people coming to christ what's up and what's up for america well i'm not an einstein but i can tell you this based on god's word there's no hope for america unless no hope for america unless in this order number one the church stops playing games stops goofing off and starts teaching the bible and living the life from the pulpit to the pew number two number two it affects the home a nation goes as a home goes but a home doesn't know what to do unless the church steps up it begins in the church by the way that's true in the bible it's true in soci sociology studies and it's true in american history the church has got to catch fire that affects the family drunks stop drinking abusers stop abusing and and womanizers and manizers and budweisers stop stop doing that and they make their homework and then you know what happens then the community changes and then the county changes the state changes and the nation changes that's the only hope for america god is not going to sprinkle pixie dust over america without being true to his pattern the church is the ground and pillar of all truth says the bible why do you think churches are going through the struggles of their life right now it's an attack on one side and it's a trial on the other that's the only hope for america if that doesn't happen it's over and god's showing us a little bit of hints what it's like when it's over when he's left the building this is a very critical time and it's going to lead to war every guy in this room knows that when there's somebody weak on the playground the bully takes advantage of the weak kid every single time you want to stop bullying teach every kid how to defend themself because bully is in the heart you can legislate it all you want it's never going to change a thing you gotta change the heart until hearts are changed your kids gotta be able to protect themselves because a bully will find the weak kid because bullies are cowards and there's a lot of coward nations out there right now lunatics they've got nuclear weapons and a match and they don't know what to do but they feel like they should do something nobody cares about them so they want they want to make you care about them others have religious aspirations there's going to be listen i'm not a prophet the fact jesus said this way in matthew 24 6 and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you're not troubled by this for all these things must come to pass the end is not yet but the end of the world is not yet that same chapter by the way read it later chapter 24 jesus said oh and yes there's going to be pandemics there is called pestilence global sicknesses jesus said oh and yeah and there's going to be lawlessness he said and in fact when he when the disciples were all done when the disciples said you can relax you want to stand up you should stand up you've been sitting for who i can't keep going i that's very sweet of you by the way but the children's ministry but but i am ending here listen to this um when the disciples came to jesus and said tell us when will these things be what will be the sign of your coming three-part question and the end of the world and listen jesus did not say this he did not say this first he did not say there's going to be wars and rumors of wars he didn't say that first jesus did not say first there's going to be earthquakes big ones all over the world he didn't say that first he did not say volcanoes keep your eye on volcanoes he didn't say that first he said that a couple verses later volcanoes earthquakes pandemics he said this too but not first men will hate one another so much their love will grow cold for humanity and because of that lawlessness will rule lawlessness will prevail nobody fears the law people do what's right in their own eyes he didn't say that first you know what he said first when they asked him when are you coming back and what about the end of the world jesus said the most important thing first he said let nobody deceive you amen many false christs and many false prophets are going to come and seek to deceive you listen to this i love it he says and if it were possible deceive even the very elect he said if one little word he didn't say the elect are going to be deceived he said the opposite if it were possible that means it's impossible you have a freshman logic course first grade first grade logic course i'm not first grade but maybe third grade if it's if it's not possible then it's impossible how could jesus say that oh it's easy because when this word is in you this thing keeps you from being deceived by that invisible dark world just right here this is what does it and god is so gracious with you and your journey because when you start out or if you're old seasoned saint you've been with jesus for a long time his grace sustains you through but to whom much is given much is required as you grow older in jesus much less feelings much more faith because you're growing up but when you're a new believer it's all feelings and a little bit of faith but faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god romans 10 17 says so watch this you love being around new believers they're awesome you know somebody who gets saved and it's like oh my god i just love the lord that's great that's awesome praise the lord yes praise the lord and they're so fun because they go you know what i'm going to pray i'm going to pray because i don't have a job yeah yeah you pray lord i need a job i'd like to have a good one and thank you jesus amen and then you go that's nice and then they call you the next day hey i got a phone call some company called me up they asked me what my name was hey who is this on the other than the phone it's bill bill we're going to give you a job we're going to pay you double okay he hangs up praise the lord have you noticed a new believer wherever they go it's just like they just they they pray it's not god just goes there you go hang out with new believers and they i just sense the lord in an old season saying goes well since i don't sense anything what are you sensing god is working in the journey in different levels with his grace but there's more of the word and he gives you time to know the word so in the day of your visitation you'll know it you recognize the times and the seasons to build faith to be strong because god keeps his word and so the new believers covered and the old season saints covered because god's faithful if you say to him today forgive me of my sins my guilt and my shame i see that i've wronged people in my life but i see now i've wronged you god most importantly that the bible prophecies first announce the messiah would come genesis 3 15 that i need to accept christ as my lord and savior i need to be born again born new born a second time and i believe jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the grave and i'm going to put my trust in him if today you agree with that if you believe that if you're willing to do that right now right where you're at then welcome to the family of god it's a decision that you make god sees the decision in your heart the holy spirit comes into your life and he begins to change you it is a journey it's not a sprint it is a relationship it's not the moment but by all means come to christ and i hope today you were given enough argumentation to keep you up all night if you say no because you've got to work out israel you've got to work out god's promises you've got to work out god's enemies you got to prove the bible wrong and good luck if you can do it you'll be the first person in human history to ever do it so knock yourself out just don't die in that condition because it's hell without him i'm telling you hey thanks for listening and uh we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
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Keywords: jack hibbs, jack hibbs futures, jack hibbs sermons, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs live, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs bible prophecy, jack hibbs newsmax, jack hibbs fox
Id: z4jsKm_3yHk
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Length: 66min 1sec (3961 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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