One Shot Ultra Greed? - Afterbirth Greed Mode [31]

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what's going on everybody we are here on stream i'm gonna do a samson breed mode it's the next unlock i'm going to try to do ooh that's it's tough this one's add one damage out so i think we have to take the damage here over the Jesus juice all right red candle I'm gonna say for the red candle red candle is just like really good on greed mode just ask zakat how're you saves me every single time I have a stream he just spams in with hell dude take the red candle bro all right doing pretty well sorry I was reading chat rightz red candle one of the best things I think about red candle is that I can place the red candle fires wow that was quick I can place the red candle fires of across the entire map across the entire room before I even start a wave I can just set a bunch of traps for people for enemies and works like a frickin charm sorry that we didn't get a chance to play together lomi he's looking for a good time to stop I guess that might have been it but it's too late for you that's totally fine all right let's buy that red candle it's not a bad idea to go into the curse room before starting the room as Samson because he gets damage bonus for the damage taken yeah I just didn't want to risk the damage you copy/paste ban ban hammer I'm gonna set some fires down there we go kind of pick them wrong side but that's okay this is the gray tinted monstro that means he does not do the whole teleport jumping boom red candle ope red candles so good so good to me red candle is BAE it's the base bag that ever paid look at that [ __ ] so good pin takes damage on every single one of his little segments Oh multi-dimensional you know what [ __ ] it I'll take it it's gonna double my shots at some some point in time maybe possibly what kind of shampoo do you think Samson uses I don't know it looks pretty ratty it might not use shampoo BFF would be cool beans but we're not gonna have enough money we don't have a way to generate more cash at this point so let's just take the key I guess see what's in here Oh baby that's why I buy keys everybody the keys are just so worth it so good evening like your mom goodness Keynes other [ __ ] stupid face coin purse give me some good stuff speed upgrades okay relax just using some poops to be its perks what does perks do okay you know what I'm just gonna look it up honestly someone probably already told me it's too late oh you know what on the Platinum gotta doesn't actually say the pills and what the pills do came to the Ryoma god GG rip we have two half red hearts here so I think it's actually worth it to go into the curse room see what's going on now we have extra damage without loss of health perks is assistance perks equals wafer effect for that one room only or the floor and watching you eat your videos on YouTube my first stream welcome Jeremy Braille tears upgrade I think is what I'm saving up for here gives a wafer for that room okay shoot well that would have been a pretty good thing to have well I guess everything does a half damage right now anyway so everything always does a half damage on greed mode so wait for ain't no thing taking some dumb damage you know what just walk into the fire that's fine that's acceptable I accept your sacrifice I don't want to shoot my own fires so I'm trying to keep them alive oh my god red candle red candles so Bay is so banging right now just superb a has a degree in biology you know you know what I mean you know what I mean of course you know what I mean she look at it oh it's glory take this moms key 15 cents for two keys and better golden chests which probably won't come along I'm gonna say no I'm gonna say no to that homing bombs I'll take the extra bombs I suppose could use some bombs and some cool ways like this got an extra bomb with two keys back holy [ __ ] we got two keys for free that's the kind of service I'm looking for that's what I'm talking aboot caps lock went off and on sure blame the caps lock pretty classic should rename it bake handle I I'm all for that the carry yeah right this red candle placement is pure skill bird yeah yeah oh love it [ __ ] love it Mike that's not a candle this is a candle proceeds to whip out red candle boom alright this spot right here seems to be a good spot and then this spot right here seems to be out a pretty hot spot if you know what I mean to kill the bosses when they spent spawn span when they span the spawn [ __ ] girl it's like you didn't even try a book of Belial is like super good as well but I'm gonna have to say no to it I'm thankful you understand how good red candle is now I never didn't know you mind me of a not so attractive Ryan Reynolds thank you be west ban him got my eye on you they're gonna roast me please try to make it a little bit funny would you two hearts not very good in this situation I think we're just gonna leave move on van Ben yeah people saying mean [ __ ] about me I guess okay Ryan Reynolds I mean he's up there right so if I'm a not so attractive Ryan Reynolds I could still be up there I could still be like an 8 and a half not necessarily a dis I'm not the best way to compliment somebody but free flights copies tail do I go for the guff sir or do I go for the DPS laughs I like it it's good gives me a chance to spawn spiders when I land a hit much like spawning flies when I land a hit for Mulligan copy you're way more hot than here because I'm holding the red candle is that why you're an eight-point-two for Ryan Reynolds is an 11 oh I'll take that I'll take an eight-point-two for DPS yeah I don't know I just don't know I didn't lay my red handle down and failed myself how dare I we're doing pretty good though I'm liking the situation that we're in excuse you boom [ __ ] oh yeah add a bake handle if I sit still I'll get the double shot with the where what I was like where is he it's just really hard to sit still get the multi-dimensional baby on your side we could easily blow this by the way like super easily died miserably because we really don't have very much health so we'll see what we can do copy okay tale isn't worth it guppy usually is yeah I know the tail is pretty carb garbanzo beans but Donald Trump is so much better than Ryan Reynolds I'll take the GUP another deal with the devil with headless baby but I'm gonna save up for the torn photo instead now keeps moving stop moving nope here we go [ __ ] off my [ __ ] off right candles really good for this guy because he's such a dick such a dick Oh such a dick hey come over here it's gonna be fun up here up here come on over here good boy come on come on come in yeah [ __ ] what a loser copy red candle carry it shows up so frequently on greed modes but I love it so who are you awesome people celebrate Thanksgiving good English mate Oh frog symbol that's a that's an appropriate response to that odds bloke that was my face with pain to my face what hit me it was the bloat eyeball all right those guys are on the bottom of the screen tread carefully oh oh goodness it's about time for a [ __ ] compass fight we're going day and mites do you even read candle bro its home for lump and get no lumps my lumps my lumps my humps you can't even read I did it right so who of you awesome people celebrate okay you're right I didn't read it correctly I don't even English bro my lovely Krampus lumps check it out justice ah that's not very good but I'll take it anyways spectral tears we already had flights that's very not good but I won't take it anyways blow these guys up I think I could play the demon beggar a little bit but suck it plenty of bombs now tinted rock got a battery that I'm gonna use on nothing oh that's a live spider that's not mine you let this spider here alright the health would be good should we just take the health or should we reroll and hope for something better yolo roll ever used to be so rare I'm not doing it you can't [ __ ] make me dr. fetus I'm take that the whole crook its body hells yeah our range though God our range is terrible what happened we didn't get any uh mom's heals or anything like that so that probably wasn't even a worthwhile take [ __ ] bro every comfort enflame scrubs oh my god everyone's popping up underneath my own vagina you need to [ __ ] cool it everybody relax a little bit would you holiday take some [ __ ] stress off bro whoo holy [ __ ] yeah that's fun just push the button on the [ __ ] Wow this didn't go so well holy [ __ ] Wow with some tough waves there's some tough waves thank you for spawning inside of my vagina I always love it when you guys do that who should i Defour like a d4 and i could probably lose but i think i'm going to die anyways because we are slowly killing ourselves so [ __ ] Yolo brolo we got not very good I'm not going to be able to d4 again but we got health oh it's a battery thank God it's godsend 2020 terrible damage but we got tech 5 and we got Holy Light and we got lots of bombs that are very powerful we could try rolling with this give it a shot you got 28 cents by the way where'd that come from we're going to the battery what I want to buy another battery II don't [ __ ] know my don't bottle to get the guns goddamn it pull it up again I think I would buy another battery gets given the opportunity red candle will guide you putz as a cam [ __ ] damn I though I show minimal cleavage all right holy lights oh we go holy light 2020 and tech five you know gives me some hope here and this light thing is really good like it shoots back some tears that come into it are you were you at Dawg it's got such a [ __ ] troll I hate this guy so much so hard hit his button I can just get some holy lights in his but see his head hits the fire and puts it out yeah slowly but surely we're just getting that light damage well you just pop your butt up since him in your mum there it is oh good shot dude damn girl [ __ ] holy lights one of my favorite items would you just pop your butt up ha 2015 what was in this room garbage that's right you got enough money to buy something so let's see if we can get something good a was a Waze would allow me to do breathe mode twice wouldn't it it might is that better than two hearts two hearts might save my life though I could buy the D 100 and do it again but is this combination good enough I don't know don't [ __ ] know might they're gonna be more today maybe possibly I'm not sure D for battery why it's hard to say everybody I don't [ __ ] know what's this what the hell nails tiny planets umm monstros lung like it seems really powerful but no range whatsoever so I can't take them in all honesty choco milk with some cool stuff infestation - we have just starting base damage it's so garbage D 100 d 100 no I'm not gonna do 100 I don't want to reroll my red candle why the [ __ ] would I rear all my red candle Oh Haley got kidney stolen that's pretty good uh I don't know definitely not gonna do 100 though absolutely not you guys are idiots 99 bombs hype that's that's cool what's your damage 3.5 what-do-i-do what-do-i-do yolo cursed i triple shot no I'm not gonna curse dye it oh my god oh baby really garbage damage but holy [ __ ] got homing whoo that's what I'm [ __ ] talkin about and a bad gas amazing let's do a was and let's see if we can do great mode twice I've seen a business do it but it might have been oh it's just soy milk though it's probably [ __ ] soy milk we'll see we'll see how this goes I've seen cobalt do it twice seen him do it multiple times and he was using the the shovel which should be the same effect as is good enough this is good enough I think that prolongs damage with the homing lasers whoo oh my gosh that's good that's good that's really good lump of coal holy [ __ ] let's um spend it on this guy first before we get rid of all of it is when I pick up a bead on our health goes away bye bye to health I'm really messing this up here I'm so small I keep slipping off on the target to nail it but I can literally give him all of my health because Avedon takes all the red health away which you just pay out with something you dickbag which i that two hearts come on come on mate give me what I want the world card not very useful I'm afraid that one of these is gonna be a tell appeals so I don't wanna take it cause if he teleport out we lose this okay that's one black heart fine doesn't really matter oh hey explosive diarrhea I wanted out my face and speed downgrade we are the UH Leviathan though that's pretty good I'm keeping Laos was this judgment another one [ __ ] it's too late for that though so let's just go with this let's blow him up at least dark bomb do your thing actually oh you know what bloody penny would be super good because we have dark bomb I completely forgot that we had dark bomb because we do for them so I think we should actually take um bloody penny which is going to give me tons of health because every time you pick up a penny I'm going to drop half red hearts dark bomb is gonna pick that [ __ ] up that's good even better than Laos Laos gives me the spiders I agree but this is good save your money remember okay chaos haha hurt I want to both I want them both I really do because chaos card could one shot him but doing greed mode twice would give me the opportunity to do some awesome [ __ ] you know put even more money machine but I'm not gonna get money back if I do it twice so let's just let's just roll with chaos card poison lasers yes please speed upgrade that's okay we got a speed downgrade at one point so yeah look at that green laser look at this Leviathan green [ __ ] laser it's deadly perks I don't think perks really matters so let's take a chaos card and leave oh this is good so cute little tentacle baby boo [ __ ] we got nothing on this okay these guys might have a little bit of something mommy nope you're dead didn't even get a [ __ ] laser off look at this [ __ ] mom oh my god I'm gonna crash my game again it's gonna flip at it those tits aren't meant to flip it's very painful this is why I took bloody penny cuz dark bum is just hamming it up going nuts look at that [ __ ] took the black heart it's not even worth it he's my red candle anymore suck it oh my that's good Oh rip rip roadies oh that was hot that was some sexy stuff right there fine didn't want anything anyways get rid of red candle by the starter deck the starter deck wasn't for sale as charge baby but he doesn't really do that much with stuff in place so I think we're good to go first I'm watching on twitch I saw a lot of your YouTube videos though welcome dude got rubber cement that would be so amazing that would probably actually break my face um are we spawning yeah I'll play this guy we're gonna get plenty of health from dark bum worth are we spawning flight flies and spiders no I don't think we are so nothing hive mind is gonna do anything for us speed upgrade tower card - sh pads - of spines damage upgrade that's actually like really good okay we obviously have soy milk right because the damage upgraded one gave me 0.25 blink is it possible to blank cat can i blank cat right now I'm yes all right dark blonde get that one come on do your thing I think this gives me an item on the shop if I'm not mistaken no he gives me 20 cents 15 cents for 20 cents is good it's good deal and mod buddies is like superbe but oh my god dark bomb how are you still eating we have room for that oh right this is good it's it real good don't do don't don't don't film it or don't get out don't film I like soy milk and a lot of people hate soy milk I like soy milk look at this [ __ ] this is super good oh excuse me ghosts thanks for spawning there it's kind of standing there and face was kind of occupying that space oh look at that triple shot oh he still got me I'd like a kill them all played chicken with them excuse you I must have flashlight - because I'm shrinking some of these uh these little guys yes yes and I don't think we even have any guppy at all so I don't think even taking one copy item is is even worth am I correct in thinking this I don't have any guppy items right I don't know why they didn't put that into the missing HUD how many got the items I have after birth does have mods off - check that out copy would be overkill for sure I have Guppies tail up so you got the tail okay so one guppy item one more get the guppy take it get it I mean it's not gonna do anything for me besides push me closer to death because this is the last chance we had to even get more got the items I can try to bomb I got 84 cents I feel like there's my starter deck could have gotten something cool you know maybe possibly I don't know what I'm even looking for Libra PJ's no nope nope nope one thing certain I definitely don't need 90 bombs blank card chaos in case I miss haha fine in case I miss it's very possible I could definitely miss if I do it too quickly or if he just walks out of the way I'm gonna wait till he stops and does his like stop he [ __ ] or something or something I'm [ __ ] and I got the quarter so I got all the money back all the money I could dream of let's do it things in health would you that's not health that's not a that's a I can't I can't eat that my yeah whoo sucks to suck bro lusty blood has been unlocked okay just don't jam up on me man oh yeah lost your 69 coins but gained so much finally watching you lot live welcome princess love Princess lo rip wait yeah lost now holy mantle [ __ ] yeah mm-hmm girl that was good chaos the statue would that be cool that like unlock something cool would that be cool cuz cool things are cool cool cool bro oh my god I'm so close to unlocking the keeper right one more run like that and we'd have it locked down what whoa it actually like spit out blood from his penis that's cool and I almost look like it did something there's really no reason for me to bomb these except for taking more stuff with me into the chest you know it's important I know they had a chance to drop black hearts once I was bummed friend who teleported it over to me cool good stuff everybody ba ba ba ba ba anal blood Wow thanks to that chat message all right thanks for watching everybody and I will see you guys the next episode see you guys
Channel: Hutts
Views: 140,859
Rating: 4.7156796 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, Lilith, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, epicac, brimstone, mom's heart, mom battle, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod
Id: O1m097FRIK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2015
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