Why Was This Hidden Inside Her Lock Box?

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[Music] okay guys we're about to call the walmart gift card here still hoping there's something in it guess what chloe gets it chloe's gonna get it whatever's on here it's chloe's i hope there's a hundred bucks on that what's going on guys jason threat trader coming back to you with another video chloe and i are about to go through the box truck a full storage unit we paid 250 dollars for i doubt we get through it all today but we're going to try and get through at least half of it we just finished boxing up uh tuesday nights last tuesday nights auction winnings so there's 30 lots here guys they're coming to you start tracking tomorrow okay and uh looks like uh looks like the sun what are you doing yeah she's she's trying to create shade i guess she's gonna stand there and make sure that i've got shade the whole time is that what you're planning on doing she may have devised a way to get out of work joking joking all right guys let's see what we've got in here [Music] guys there it is a whole bunch of it what are you ducking for a whole bunch of it a lot of furniture more than i expected actually in this storage unit but we'll find a good home for it hey i got a question how's this look on me ah ah look at there we're gonna try this see how this works out for you guys chloe dug this out this is pretty cool um that'll be a marketplace thing for certain but that is cool that is really cool let me know in the comments guys how much do you think i should ask for this locally on facebook marketplace it's probably what four foot tall yeah yeah probably that's neat that's really neat she also pulled this out this thing's pretty cool uh looks like you got a horn there oh it's pretty dirty actually yeah it'll be another marketplace thing that's cool oh this is the trash bag i remember now this is what we swept the unit into junk stuff oh look there's a clapper clap on clap off yo y'all remember that as advertised yes as seen on tv this is salt i'm assuming i smell yep medical stuff medical stuff be very careful going through this mary hayes of california that's some kind of uh yeah but it almost looks leprechaun there's something in there what's in the pocket ew that's not that's corona hey that's what you get okay it's almost like some reenactment clothing or something leprechaun all right i guess we're gonna go here and unbag this bag i mean unbox this bag unbagged this box a clapper a clapper some toby keith some don williams lucy's able lucy sable little house on the prairie that was a good one it's vhs neil mccoy allen jackson under the influence help of the spirit nope nuke i think we're gonna pass on that what do we got here work of the paper that's probably nothing oh oh hashtag save the sharpies there it is guys i see more sharpies yeah saved the sharpies they saved them they had a project loctite whoa that is sharpie jackpot holy freaking molly and a gift card how much you wanna bet there's something in there maybe i would be willing to bet that there is actually something on this gift card because they saved it in with these sharpies okay back to digging yeah we got what we got what have we got papers suck papers more sucks that is a breathing apparatus there's more in the box really this one what is that a table runner that's an ugly table runner bro someone handcrafted this okay somebody did some work on this little jewel here what is wrong with you i mean i mean that really cute table runner i think this is all paperwork guys [Music] yeah stuff i'll have to go through there could be money in there here's another thingy oh these are placemats what is that oh pot holders pot holders what is this this could be money it's the pump for the pot holder look at these guys what is that this could be money um i think these are oxygen um they're valves for oxygen tanks controlled valves i think i'm going to look these up real quick okay upon further inspection this is worth about twenty dollars a piece on ebay 40 little dollars all right guys little update uh yeah she's carrying a whole bed by herself with one arm that's awesome all right so update a little bit of something here guys this this is why i bought the storage unit paid 250 bucks there's three of them here but these two are pretty rough okay this one right here this one's got some potential what do you say we try and fix it up riding around the property build a ramp all right this is all well this is trash um we'll actually try to sell this but the recliners guys uh i'll try and give them away but i i guarantee you nobody will even take them but this we'll try to sell i think we'll try to get 10 to 20 dollars on marketplace right here all right and in here we found a few more cds here spirit flutes everybody needs to listen to some spirit flutes from time to time somebody found a yellow lighter guys i am trying to quit smoking and today is day four day four dream smurf yep so guys keep me in your prayers if you don't mind it's not an easy task i'm vaping but haven't had a cigarette that is going to be donated it's nice though i have no idea what's in here let's take a look looks like a native american plate okay right x hey we got some little albums here they weren't very well taken care of though they really aren't some 33s here huh is the whole thing full of them looks like it yep cool got some records what you got a handbag oh where's the money you gave all the money to the drug dealer i found the key what's this chateau that's nothing what kind of bag is it reflections ooh very nice shiny uh when you wear that i guess it makes you reflect upon your past or you sparkle like a vampire off twilight i like your i like yours better oh look at this look at this guys this is uh actually quite nice if i can get it in the shot this is new for me guys so if i don't get something in the shot i'm sorry really pretty this has got to have a signature somewhere well i would have it like as a decorative piece if it didn't work it's okay so it's a repro i think it was or it was at least redone for wiring i don't know this might actually be a marketplace piece it's really pretty though what do you think about that hot sauce it's pretty cool yep looks good mine's gonna be a dream catcher a little bit yeah yeah what's this about anything a bunch of blankets to go under old people in the nursing home blankets to go under old people in the nursing home yeah that's bad things what's in here oh it is oh guys i think this is her hospital stay bag diet shasta twist uno cards that's a bummer but hey good news is what's up piano keyboard cords that's odd in there oh check it out guys it's an authentic battalion yeah it's a beating stick also called a night stick does it open uh no i think it's fixed that'd be cool pretty heavy guys whack that's pretty cool got a mystery bag here guys let's uh let's take a gander what we've got baby powder oh no it's going everywhere oh no oh no [Laughter] oh my what is this cleaning stuff that's not what i wanted i think we're gonna throw this away chloe keeps bringing stuff over here and uh obviously we're about to go through this but i'm waiting because i think that this box is one of the best boxes in this entire box track you guys we're about to go through this look at this right here this is a three-dimensional piece of artwork here guys uh it is signed and it's numbered 556 of 2000. three-dimensional piece of art it's in plexiglas so i'm gonna have to do a little research on this it says cava ranch incorporated okay phillip lockert a certificate of edition certified that the pueblo home number 556 a limited edition of an original design produced by cubby ranch screens for this edition will be destroyed after 2000 impressions signed by the artist cool so who knows i have no idea if that's worth anything pretty cool though and right here uh yeah chloe was giving me a hard time about this she asked me if i had a birthday coming up and what was the reason for asking for that question you may have mentioned beginning i may have mentioned getting over ooh i'm like grabbing it with my bare hands like is that what they used to pee in so what's going on right now yeah and this is the real deal though guys metal uh here you want to take it home to your hubby you can plant some tulips you're going to plant tulips in that are you kidding me fertilizer in it go for it it's all you that is all you all right let's see what else we got in here this is kind of nice what's in here what's in the box oh oh cards we'll have to go through that well coffee cups coffee cups a rock check out this rock guys these those who are they they're pretty yeah they're pretty a little bitty oh they're pretty yeah oh that's great not very exciting guys to be honest about it this box was kind of junk kind of junk all right guys it's this box here and uh you see that there's people in here we have miniature people in the box it's in miniature those things are three foot tall two and a half three foot tall holy crap i'm pretty excited about this box guys what the heck don't say anything are they watching us oh she's she's in there they're staring right at us so we're gonna go through this top down so hopefully this is a good viewpoint for you guys we're gonna give it a shot oh gotta be kind of careful you guys can't see it where the crap all right that is cool that's a nice little wall hanging really nice actually it's a quiver and there's another lady in here there's a lady in here there's two hmm look at her oh wow hang this in your home made in arizona usa man she's pretty gonna have to see who mate who makes her she's pretty cool wow i don't know what that is oh hold on no thing duck house montclair california that might be just the clothing not sure though okay what else we got in here it's just another oh wow look at her it's a little baby and this one's broken boom all right that's it for the bag there's more though let's go right here oh it's a rain stick isn't it i don't know what it is that is hey that's authentic that is authentic something oh looks like some voodoo stuff nah that's native i think voodoo that's cool though dancing stick rain stick something what is this down here i think this is two things hello oh wow are you serious wow okay so i guess her feather's getting kind of nasty on her head wow that's incredible yep that's a good one that's cute all right guys i don't have a clue what this is but it is cool look at this guys it's like a teepee yeah um there's stuff in it let's get down here uh it's broken little buddy wrote that one's broken too that's a bummer what else is in here signed baseball by babe ruth nope a bunch of cassettes in there guys we just she just used it to put stuff in so yeah there's that now that one's nice here's her stand there she is super pretty that one almost has like a share thing going on a share that's thing there she is you're turn back time yeah like that there they are what do you say those probably two and a half foot two foot tail they're big so not bad for a little box haul huh got these ladies she won't look at me i think she's mad at me i think this guy should be mad at you oh that guy's mad at me yeah i didn't do it i didn't do it oh it's a cupid yeah it's a headless cupid can you see the baby butt baby butt i got this one right here guys she's a sweetheart this one this one dancing stick rain stick rain maker uh spellcaster i don't know and this is neat too really really gorgeous stuff got it back together you killed it i didn't kill it oh are you done playing with it go through the tub tube all right junk junk that's pretty neat too it is it's a little prayer boy mission it's made by mission made in the philippines here's another one in china but oh those are really cool it's not broken what is it made in china just eagles eagles oh we got family photos guys it's a miracle kitty cat man i gotta tell you what he's pretty good-looking fella back in the day handsome young man looks like he's military that's an old picture maybe it's not that's a reprint pretty cool looking i like this this is really nice all right the rest of it looks like i put it all over here got all the goodies over there nice all right guys little update got this right here really cute you can hang a plant from it but uh that'll be something facebook marketplace i'd say about 10 bucks on that look at that look at that guys look at that so here's the hoping and then this there's stuff in it stuff in it oh that's really pretty though i don't care who you are okay i don't see any sterling or gold off off the top here but this is really nice this is really pretty costume stuff this is really pretty costume stuff um i have no idea what that would be it's not turquoise nothing here turquoise nothing real these have some weight to them but i think they're glass cute and these are kind of nice these are nice guys these are nice nice costume jewelry lot all right moment of truth let's try not to show anything that's personal guys guys guys guys what's in the bag what did she hide in here is it real yeah that's real you got cooties all right guys upon further inspection most all of this is personal information um and photographs so we can't really go through this on camera i don't want that get it out of here okay so we'll have to go through this off camera we'll let you know if we find anything okay so here i am just digging through photos and stuff and uh look see that you don't want it okay what are you finding money you're finding money that's a lot better than hair he's finding cashola any of that gold or those gold coins you got there look at that 24 karat solid gold guys one dollar okay guys we're about to call the walmart gift card here still hoping there's something in it guess what chloe gets it chloe's gonna get it whatever's on here it's chloe's i hope there's a hundred bucks on that is it ringing she just scratched it off guys so it's never been scratched the balance remaining on your gift card is 0. no all right we found a couple more gift cards chloe's figuring this one out [Music] you're joking so wait fifty dollars you got fifty you got twenty five dollars a cracker barrel and twenty five dollars to applebee's yeah all right well chloe those are yours uh there there's your weekly bonus really now you keep them you and bo can trust me 25 won't go very far for family of four and a half giant margaritas well i'd be hanging out by myself at applebee's go ahead you and bo can hang out there get something nice congratulations [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 15,994
Rating: 4.9481192 out of 5
Id: 1Grisa9Z5m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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