Why was Amaterasu so Useless?

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amanorasu was introduced as a mysterious but powerful Jutsu the first time we see his power on display isn't really us seeing it just adding to the mystery Kisame and Hitachi are trapped and dryers toad mode and Itachi uses it to blow up the toad and mouth and wall but after reading this I was looking at driest dialogue about it how he had never seen it before and that Hitachi was just so strong through being able to break out of the toad and mouth with it clearly indicating that he had just underestimated him what did a matarasu actually do for a juicy who just hyped up so much even in the data books it doesn't appear a lot in the story and when it does appear the display is well less than desirable I'll say that so today I'm going to go through every interaction with your matarasu was used and determined if this juice was even worth all the hype it received before getting into that though if you could leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel I'd really appreciate it as it helps my channel out a ton before we get started talking about the interactions of the matarasu and the manga let's talk about the juice with itself since it receives a fair bit of hype from both the characters in the manga and the data book but I'll read the data book explanation first just so we can get a little Baseline for the Jutsu the ones reflected in these eyes turn to Ash a black World destroying conflagration that Scorch is all on Heaven and Earth the Uchiha Clan originally significant as those with the fans which can manipulate fire traditionally specialize in Fire release Jutsu but there is a legendary Jutsu unknown outside the clan this is the Amaterasu the appearance of these Flames are jet black the high temperature is like the sun and one time touching it is the last it is said that it's named after the goddess of the Sun as it continues to burn for seven days and seven nights however the mangekyo Sharingan is necessary to activate this Jutsu and for this reason there are not many who have learned this Jutsu therefore the details of the Jutsu are yet on review the black flame that only the owner of the mangekyo Sharingan can control are even able to instantly break through the side of a rock toad who breathes fire Jiraiya who has mastered mini Jutsu did not know the existence from matarasu what he does understand is the power of the suspicious conflagration if you don't know what conflagration means I I didn't when I originally read this it basically just means great fire the passage is basically saying Jiraiya despite not knowing how the Jutsu Works understand how powerful it is which is probably because of Itachi destroying the giant toad mouth considering Draya didn't get hit with the attack himself as I'm sure everyone knows this juicy was eventually inherited slashed awakened by Sasuke and it pairs with his other ability the kagnosuchi with less him Bend and shape the Flames of a matarasu since Sasuke and Itachi have it and Sasuke's power gradually grows we'll be assuming the matarasu grows with it since it just runs off of his chakra so to be clear room with that means Sasuke is a model rasu is Sasuke's and Itachi's is Itachi's so we'll be splitting them up into two different sections starting with Hitachi since he is not only the shortest but he introduced the Jutsu to us initially I already told Itachi's first use of this enough in this video already that being him escaping dry and really no more can be said about it that's like relevant I mean yeah like Naruto tried to touch it and dry I told him no but that's not really anything the second time we try to use this juice who does not come until his fight with Sasuke and I'm not joking I for some reason thought that he had used it at points between these two times but apparently I was just wrong now the big takeaway from this fight is hitachi's chakra consumption Improvement on it because after running away from jariah he mentions how or he seems to mention that the Amada rasu was the greater chakra cost out of all the juice he had used that day he says not only the tsukuyomi but I was forced to use the Yamada rasu as well seeming like it's kind of the greater juicy at least in terms of chocolate cause there but like I said yeah the big takeaway from the Sasuke versus Hitachi fight is the fact that he improved the chakra consumption on it greatly he can shoot at least four of them while already being fatigued and he also has pretty good accuracy with it considering Obito says he used the matarasi on Sasuke to burn off the wing that was sitting on his shoulder the last one left by Orochimaru and that was hitachi's targeting he completely burned that off without harming the rest of Sasuke we also get to see just how much hotter it is than normal fire here Sasuke is literally overpowering hitachi's Fireball and Hitachi is nerfed here he's greatly fatigued and he's clearly holding back but the data book does say that Sasuke is just clearly pumping more chakra into his fire than Itachi is and I don't think Sasuke have him more Chalker than Hitachi especially in curse mark stages really too crazy even though Itachi is just overall stronger than Sasuke but that's neither here nor there you don't have to agree with that or disagree with that what's important is the matarasu burned Sasuke's fire completely away he literally just takes his fire completely out of the fight and it spreads wildly like it spreads all around the Uchiha Hideout just off of the few shots Itachi missed on Sasuke funnily enough though it also sits on top of trees though in the same scene the konoha 11 make it seem like they can't just run through it so I have like a little head Cannon to like explain this away and you can just tell me if you agree with it or not so the mechanic would be maybe the amarasu knows what its Target is and it won't burn anything else unless it's hitting its Target meaning maybe the cornhole 11 moving out of the way was just a precaution rather than needed to happen but I mean that's just pure conjecture it's just a theory it's not really implied it's just something I came up with like oh maybe that's why it was sitting on top of trees because fire style should just burn those trees away especially something that's supposed to be as high as a matarasu now the next thing is Itachi seals a matarasu in Sasuke's eye and uses it to hit Obito so they're basically two separate things here that I want to touch on individually so this is a new mechanic we knew Itachi could use ceiling Jutsu because he helps pain and everyone else in the akoski sealed The Bijou inside of the ghetto statue but this is different he literally seals his mangekyo Sharingan in Sasuke while almost dead Lauren Chalker and with just two fingers it would be different if the only the Amada Rossi was in Sasuke's eye but it seemed like his entire eye was there for at least a second anyway we know Sasuke obviously didn't keep that until he got hitachi's eyes actually and he hit Obito with it and rather you think Obito used Izanagi or Kami to escape it doesn't really matter since it's basically the same in the end a useless attack Obito got away from it I'll say it gives Itachi some more credit if Obito used Izanagi as it would have cost him an eye and we know Obito has a wall of a Sharingan so it's not out of the question that he used it and just got a new eye which would be the one he used Izanagi on when he was fighting Conan but but yeah we kind of can't prove it I'm just getting at the idea that regardless of whatever one it is Obito made the Yamato rossu useless that Amada Rosso attack ended up being useless in the end and the next time Hitachi used it is when you summoned as an Edo and he burns the animal pads now this is to be noted he also Burns nagato but the summons disappear and as far as I'm aware we don't ever see those summons again we don't ever see the dog again and we never see the bird again but to be fair to both of those summons no one who summons the animal path animals ever appears again Modera and Obito supposedly can do it but they never appear in order to do it if you get what I mean to say that those animals died rather than just were sent off to the other summon Dimension or whatever since I think it is implied somewhere that the animal path summons are Immortal and I don't know where that skin is I've just heard of it before I don't want to say it's completely wrong or it doesn't exist I'm just saying to be fair we don't see those animals again because someone who summons them does not appear again and then nagato just sort of pushes it off of his body the last time Itachi uses it um technically this is tied to Sasuke a little bit but the statement should be about Hitachi because Kabuto says the greatest offense can also be used as the greatest defense which obviously would be talking about Itachi's matarasu says he shouldn't know that Sasuke has a matarasu at this point they also use it on kitamaru's webs but the webs are shown rebuilt in the next panel so I don't really get what it was used for there but let's just quickly wrap up this section I've come up with something called a useful counter and Itachi's a matarasu on the useful counter it's a 3.5 out of 5. it was clearly useful in helping escape from jiraya clearly useful for what he needed it to do in the fight with Sasuke was not useful in taking down Obito or keeping him away from Sasuke was useful in getting rid of the animal path summons and I gave it half a point for clearing the cave with it since Sasuke Loki was implied by Kabuto The Itachi should be able to do that as well so he gets it 3.5 out of 5 since he used it a total of five times when they shot it against kiramaru's webs but let's move on to Sasuke's uses of the Yamato rossu now Sasuke uses this a lot and I don't have the time to sit here and go through all 20 times that he uses the Jutsu so I'm going to basically rapid fire these off and then give context to the ones that were actually useful and not first time we see Sasuke use a matarasu is when he uses it to hit B I'm gonna say my actual opinion for this until the useful counter section of the video so I can explain it a bit more there is a bit of a hype statement after this when Sasuke's recovering where he thinks that he has the powers to take down konoha now after Awakening matarasu he used it on right kage a which he misses one and it hits a samurai he tries to stop a with the shield of it fails there and then he fails again because a was going to just dive on top of him even with the Yamada Rossi spikes on the susano he used it on Gara and gets it blocked three different times he uses it on donzo and gets one of his Sharingan down at least it seemed like he was going to use it on Kakashi here but didn't he uses it to burn a lot of zetsu after obtaining EMS I went over this next use already but where Kabuto calls it the greatest offensive G2 or whatever and then the time where they burned kitamara's webs also already went over that brings us to Sasuke on the battlefield and he uses it a lot here in the fourth War on the ten Tails clone he's standing beside Naruto that one was effective on the ten toes itself with Naruto's Roshan shuriken this example is kind of special since Sasuke claims to be able to burn the entire ten tails and there may be some Merit to his claim since it does scream out and paint a bit however the ten Tails just Globs the piece of itself off in the end so doesn't really do anything he uses it again on Obito but then matara stops it with the rods he put in Obito's arm he uses it again on jubito when running at him but jubito just blocks it and calls Sasuke dumb for using it at that point in time it is to be noted though this might have just been for setup so you don't have to count it against Sasuke if you don't want to but yeah there is that he then uses again in the next scene to combine with Naruto's Ross and shuriken on jubito after the flying Rising reciprocal round robin he used it again on moderate after he's revived but moderate just takes his clothes off which is actually the biggest L for a matarasu I came across while doing this video Modera has long hair that goes completely down his back the Amada Ross who lights his entire back up but moderate just takes his clothes off and it gave him complete immunity to the Jutsu it's actually insane how much of an L that is even while the Amaterasu is on him moderate just says that Sasuke is just a brat that just doesn't come near his level now I will be fair here and I'll mention the possibility that Modera absorbed the matarasu here since even though he doesn't have his Rinnegan we see he still has the ability to absorb chakra through his skin when he takes it from hashirama and then a little bit later when he does it to a random Shinobi with his QB chakra and the Amaterasu does sit on his skin here for at least a little while Sasuke uses it on kogiers it is but to be fair it doesn't work here either his next use is successful though saving him in Naruto from kagir's Ice Realm the anime has Sasuke use a matarasu on base Naruto and his clones but this isn't there in the manga although it was successful for Sasuke in the anime you know getting rid of the Clones using it on base Naruto though was completely unsuccessful as he literally just globbed it off with chroma chakra his last use of this in Naruto part 2 were Naruto Shippuden is him powering his Chidori with it in the final clash with Naruto but seeing as he meant to kill Naruto here but only took off an arm with it and the fact that it was aided by the Chidori I'm only giving this a 0.25 when we get to the useful counter and now we're in the final stretch here the last two times Sasuke uses matarasu or emborto which is when he's fighting jigan which jigan just absorbs it and says it won't work on him and then when he's fighting momoshiki possessing boruto's body to which he just uses a shadow clone to completely evades it okay so our useful counter is going to be a lot higher on Sasuke since he uses the Jutsu so much a total of 20 times out of all 20 he is a 6.25 out of 20. and if we put this down to the same scale as we gave Itachi Sasuke's and matarasu has a 1.56 out of 5 useful counter making it virtually useless I gave him a 0.5 in the B example since it did get them out of the line of fire of B but it failed it actually capturing him and B had already substituted so you could sort of say he like forfeited the fight but it still doesn't count since Sasuke's intended use of it was to capture B I also gave him a 0.25 in the Naruto Chidori of matarasu Rasengan Clash also if you give Sasuke the use of a matarasu in the anime this score slightly goes up to a whopping 1.7 out of 5. I give him a 0.5 since it only got rid of the Clones and the actual Naruto brushed it off but all in all you can see what people get at when they say the amount Rush who gets extremely hyped up but then it seems like it's completely useless the Amaterasu never actually kills anyone I didn't even mention that in the video it never actually kills anyone it gets on this one Samurai at the five kage Summit and then later on the samurai is still just burning and tamari uses wind style to just take all of his clothes off to be fair to Sasuke though he does the raikage and something I didn't mention about Itachi because it only happens in the anime and I was mostly going over the manga for the entire video is that he does burn yagoro with it pretty greatly but that's pretty much all for the video um if you like the video obviously leave a like on it um subscribe if you haven't subscribed and have a nice day
Channel: Six
Views: 124,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto shippuden, boruto, naruto, amaterasu, mangekyou sharingan, mangekyou sharingan itachi, itachi uchiha, naruto part 2, tsukuyomi itachi, sasuke uchiha, naruto uzumaki, six from tokyo, naruto shippuden opening, naruto shippuden ending, sharingan, nine tails, ten tails, obito, madara uchiha, obito uchiha, uchiha clan, 4th raikage, fourth hokage, hokage, hidden leaf village, 5 kage summit, itachi vs kakashi, kakashi hatake, sasuke vs danzo, itachi vs jiraiya, raikage arm
Id: 1bDxcFfDMnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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