Naruto vs EVERY Special Grade isn't fair...

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there are four Sorcerers in jju kaisen granted the rank of special grade that being ghetto UTA Yuki and the strongest of the modern era Gojo saturo within the context of their story each of these Sorcerers are extremely powerful in their own right but how can the strongest Sorcerers do against the strongest ninja that being Naruto Uzumaki to be very specific with what characters will be here it'll be whatever you think the strongest version of Naruto is outside of Baran mode versus all all of these Sorcerers at what would be considered their Prime so volume zero ghetto current UDA Yuki as of her last appearance and the same for Gojo we'll talk about Naruto versus all of them individually and then what would happen if Yuki UTA and ghetto all jumped Naruto and then talk about Gojo separately since it's stated in verse that anyone fighting with Gojo holds him back because he's that much stronger than everyone else to answer this question I brought my friend troyon so be sure to subscribe to his channel and obviously leave a like on the video and subscribe to me as well as I greatly appreciate it so since I've talked about jjk characters at length uh a few times now with Goku versus Gojo and toi versus the Sasuke retrial team I'm going to let Troy start with scaling the special grades aside from Gojo since none of them can help Gojo you know he should scale massively higher than all of them and uh just where they should be at generally physically in comparison to to someone like Naruto yeah so the jjk vers really doesn't have that many statements especially early on in the series they really get their first quantification for Speed with no versus Maki I believe it's Mach 3 that he has to kind of rev up to reach Mach 3 speeds now Maki after she awakens and you know really discovers herself she's able to easily Dodge this surpass it with her precog and Shear speed alone and is really being generous because Maki should far surpass this speed as you know she was easily reacting but this is is the only quantification we have the next speed tier we can get into that's sort of along the lines of quantifications not on the number basis but more or less just the label of it is the lightning spe speed meta this mostly comes from Kimo and hakari and also new Way's lightning bolts I'll let six get into his gripes with this and if he disagrees or agrees yeah I mean like I said I've talked about this stuff before but my my issue mainly with the hakari thing is just that I kind of think it is a perspective pan where it seems like the lightning is heading for aari but it's actually just heading for his arm you know like a subversion of expectations thing but let's just say you know you want to be generous they are up against Naruto after all so let's just say you want to be generous and say that these characters can actually react to speeds this fast um it it's really only a reaction speed feed and I mean in the end right hakari can't Dodge it cuz Kimo's lightning is a sure hit but he does only move enough for it to to hit his arm like he can't even move his entire arm out the way so they can only like slightly react to lightning speed at best if you want to give them that um their combat speed and all that stuff should probably still be around the like vaguely above Mach 3 level I mean jjk realistically like just being so real jjk mainly suffers from a lack of statements to kind of add on to what he was saying about it mainly just being reaction speed feed we see that Maki when she's you know getting hit by new's lightning from the newa amp sakuna that she doesn't even Dodge it she just puts up her hands and the lightning bolts hit her she just tanks it like the Chad she is and we also see if you want to take the anime version of jjk when toi you know maki's equal the person who she reaches her full potential becomes just like him he's able to turn his head at the sight of new's lightning and not able to dodge it it destroys the building scene pans away then he's jumping out of the destroyed building so that kind of further adds to the narrative that they're not really fast enough to get out of the way and do stuff like that but they're able to put up their guard or just look at the speed that lightning travels yeah it's just it's just very consistent that if it is lightning speed characters that they all can just only react to it not actually move in combat that fast with the exception of maybe Gojo and we we'll get into that stuff later with like curse technique released Kumo and all that when it comes to like the jjk characters AP stuff here can get a little bit wild like you have people claiming that well Gojo should be able to punch harder than doon's domain so you know with black flash Gojo should be a solar system level you know scaling up from Island it's it's really weird you know not only can we not really say that these characters would hit a black flash uh you obviously when we get into Narto Skilling we'll talk about that uh black flash is you know just based on luck none of these people are as skilled as Yuji is with it where it makes it seem like you can just hit it it will the only person maybe is Gojo but you know we're not talking about him right now yeah so their AP for the most part it's just very very weird I I don't like putting them at you know any specific level because most of the time the Cals scale off of the lower level characters like I think personally that UDA or Yuki should be able to demolish Joo in His Highest feet has like the highest level AP feet in the entire verse with his maximum metor maximum meteor so it's it's more like yeah the only AP Feats we have of people way below what special gr Sorcerers can do like Gojo can single-handedly while not trying beat up Joo mahito Hanami all of them make them run for their lives the only option they had was to seal this guy and even then is not like these people reach these levels with just normal attacks like the this is Joo using Max maximum meteor and supposedly like allegedly if that hit sakuna it would have damaged him and like you know it's hard to say that Gojo with just you know random attacks can get over joo's Maximum meteor right I mean like he punches Joo in the stomach what four times with blue enhanced punches you know he's doing the hand for and everything and it still doesn't you know un alive him or anything or exercise him so I mean it's just really weird I I think like you know you got Mountain level with Joo you got Island level with dog on um some Cals have them even higher than that I I don't think any jjk character gets up into like the multi-continental or Continental ranges um so I guess if you want to say you know as a high ball that or like a high ball as country for them because you know special grad should be able to take down a nation yeah but it's also like jjk characters as a whole I don't think they're supposed to like hit hard enough to destroy a continent most of the special grades aren't supposed to hit hit that hard they're not supposed to like throw a punch and it destroys a mountain cuz most if not all of them have techniques that either bypass durability or completely negated in general so it really just comes down to what their Hax is able to do we'll get into that later on in the video but like six was saying AP really doesn't matter that's why it really just shouldn't be talked about in a jjk versus Battle yeah so getting into Naruto I mean bare minimum you know you can scale Naruto to light speed based on multiple things either the raag and how fast he moves and Naruto being faster than him uh moous light Fang Naruto being able to dodge that I wouldn't go as far as saying you know Haku in part one and scaling up Cal stack and off that I think that's you know we get some crazy numbers there is probably inconsistent disingenuous yeah but then I mean if you get to adult Naruto adult Naruto should just be far stronger than his teen version of himself so he's you know definitely in that light speed category probably much higher you know we don't really want to claim too much keep the video simple I think saying Naruto is at the bare minimum light speed is acceptable for most people yeah I I don't think anyone would really have an issue with that you know again not saying he's the definitively you know just that level or way higher I think everyone would agree that's a comfortable way to like have his grounding yeah and then similarly with his AP right you know we're not going to get into any of the universal or solar system scaling you know no matter how consistent that is but it's pretty consistent um you know Naruto did tank the attack to split the Moon that has its own Cals you know Moon level uh large planet level I think I've seen it get up to the the large Planet part of the Cal just comes from toner being able to throw the moon at the planet with enough Force to destroy it you know it's not necessarily from splitting the moon and Naruto's able to like Clash with his power and beat up tonary when he's harvesting and going out of control with all of hur's power and the Ton's power in general so Planet level I feel like is a safe low ball as well doesn't really matter to go any higher or lower I think that's pretty grounded yeah there's also like the 100 jonine that could power the cannon to you know shoot down or obliterate the moon or whatever Naruto should just be stronger than that right like yeah I mean we saw what he did in the war yeah pretty fair to say stronger than those you know 100 random joning or whatever so I mean you you got that kind of scale for them and obviously you could tell from that Naruto probably massively stronger than the jjk characters but it's not all about that right so we're going talk about scenarios where you know we give the JJ characters some benefit of the doubt you know how they could stack up to nor be a little generous you know to make this more of a fun video yeah yeah be a little generous so with ghetto I I'll let I'll let you start with ghetto cuz again I've already talked about ghetto at length a few times now people know what I think of him so he yeah I I think ghetto you know pretty comfortably at the bottom of the special grades I I don't think anyone really have an issue with that uh his hacks also just come in the form of the cursed spirits that he holds within his body uh they each have their own abilities you know we don't of course know the thousands of techniques that they have but we know a few of them a few of them have some pretty you know poison hacks or maybe beam hacks but for the most part he is just a physical and AP type of brawler now he can combine all of his curses that he holds in his bodies into a Uzumaki and that just blows out all of his power in one blow he doesn't have a domain that we know of so he can't really make a barrier space like the other special grades so that won't really come in handy within this fight but Naruto pretty much just be able to beat on him and his curses and if he really feels that Naruto is that much of a threat and he's not going to be able to take him out with just throwing random curses at him he should combine them all into uzamaki and I mean we know how that goes Naruto just re singon or tail Beast bombs him away and yeah he just stands there walks through it and it it just ends just like volume zero did but this time his body is obliterated Ian he finishes the job it's really hard to be generous to ghetto cuz ghetto doesn't even really have hacks like that like we don't even really know the curses he has and you know what that they what they all can do um in order to to harm Naruto it gets a little bit different when we get to UDA cuz we could talk about like cursed speech versus Naruto how some like that would interact with him um I mean okay speaking purely from a you know how tough Naruto is versus what you to condu perspective if youa tries to use Cur speech on Naruto he's going to blow his throat out the same way enaki did versus homy right he is not going well I guess you could say you if he uses the microphone he would get over that disadvantage cuz there would be no blowback on his throat at most maybe I don't know the megaphone would explode or something like that we don't really know what would happen in a situation like that but curs speech versus Naruto is a little bit weird because I feel like you could compare cursed speech to genju a little bit so let's say it does work let's say he says don't move and Naruto is stuck sitting still could kurarama not just take over Naruto's body and start moving for him instead like could they not switch I was about to say I don't think you could say that K speech activates on the soul like it would affect the mental plane Naruto's on when he talks to Kurama so he's like you know K hey I can't move move my body for me um you know then Kurama could take over and do that cuz we do know cursed speech is about controlling or putting uh cursed energy into sound and then that goes into your brain you follow the command so if it's not Naruto's brain Kurama should be able to operate the body and what's also kind of weird about cursed speech is if you go with the line of thinking that he's just using pure cursed energy to control him you know through the sound waves and his body basically get get udas curs eny on top of it to stop the movements could kurarama just not amp him up with li Tail's chakra canaro just not fluctuate his chakra to overpower the ability because yeah it's not destroying his throat or anything it's going to destroy the microphone but that doesn't give it no limits right it doesn't mean just cuz it has no repercussions on him his curs energy can now affect everything whatever amount because we know he can't beat Gojo with it we know he can't beat takuna with it so it clearly has its limitations so if it would work at all on the overwhelming of chakra that Naruto has is kind of in question as well I think one thing worth mentioning is that Naruto and UDA are kind of similar in the ways that like okay UDA has extreme amounts of chis energy Naruto has extreme amounts of chakra and then they both have the kind of like demon companion with them you know UDA has the queen of curses ra and Naruto has the strongest tailed beast you know aside from entails uh Kurama I think a funny situation is like you know if UDA brings out ra and then Nar so we know he can split Kurama off from himself he like brings out Kurama in response oh yeah that that would be a blood bag but it would be cool to see yeah it's just like you know Naruto Naruto has a response for the things UDA could do like if you talk about Sky manipulation as well now Sky manipulation is actually probably uda's best tool here because it really does not matter how strong Naruto is if the tax can't hit UDA right and he can also deflect the attack as well so ringan or tail be bomb if he was able to react and actually handle it he can just deflect it to Naruto and damage him that way exactly so it's like if if you give UDA the benefit of doubt you think you can react to Naruto and whatnot that's actually you know a pretty good method to be able to defeat him like if Naruto throws a Ros and shuen at him he can flip the Ros and shuren in the air like he did against oh yeah that would be that would be hard yeah so cuz then NE Gates durability as well so Naruto can't even guard against it yeah exactly so I mean there there there's that but I mean that's that's really it I mean realistically like we said Naruto should be speed blitzing youa putting him down but yeah probably just speed Blitz punch him then with Yuki no Yuki's Yuki's weird right because Yuki really has nothing cuz she's like a she's like a Punch Kick Merchant um and then with her with her Mass punches and whatnot obviously those probably aren't going to affect Naruto with you know the things we can actually scale Yuki to the main thing that I know people want to hear us talk about here is how does Naruto survive a black hole oh yeah that's that's her one her one and only trait bro the black hole tra the black hole so I mean okay if Yuki actually does create a black hole it's pretty hard to say Naruto would just like fly out of that know just being real right that's if it gets to that point though now can jaku split Yuki in half she was able to grabb him you know tug him down into the black hole or whatever right if Naruto hits Yuki with I don't know massive ver singon or something like that her body is getting erased from existence so yeah it's not just a simple cut in half I'm able to crawl around her body's just vaporized yeah so that's one way around it another way is like say Naruto does cut her in half or whatever brutal reason he would do something like that Naruto does cut her in half Yuki's not grabbing Naruto's ankle Naruto has Sage Mode obviously he can sense what's going on so it's not like he's not going to be able to sense Yuki reaching for his ankle or that she's still alive or something like that um in the instance that that does happen he could obviously you know I don't know substitute a shadow clone or something like that substitute a log and then just hit her with the uh with the giant renon before she's able to actually get the black hole off if it starts happening cuz he's he's just faster than Yuki so if she starts adding all that mass you know he can really quickly erase you know yeah this is kind of like the part where like most special grades at least right now cuz the story isn't over of course most special grades sour on the sorcerer side if they've had their domain mentioned or even used we don't really know the effects like uda's domain got canceled out by the Cockroach Yuki didn't even go with her domain because she had a whole separate plan so it's like Yuki has this star star attack black hole attack that could possi win if we be generous give her the benefit of the doubt but if she had her domain maybe the hacks in there could do something we just don't know what it does though yeah and same thing with UDA I can't believe I forgot to say that for youa but yeah same thing with UDA we don't know what uda's domain is and even if you know UDA did start popping a domain I I doubt Naruto would just sit there I think he would just leave it you know before it enclosed on him or whatever um things don't really change when you say okay all these guys jump Naruto either because I mean they're all much weaker than him and they don't have that much Synergy so yeah I would play because Yuki's you know black hole attack quote unquote that would just kill her allies uh if ghetto launches a big Uzumaki and a blast is too large it might harm them as well so it's like the only person who can work in conjunction with probably both is UDA just due to his pure diversity and the fact that he's good with Team battles just pretty much all of his fights are Team battles but I don't see ghetto and Yuki clashing well with their techniques yeah so I guess from there you know go Nar win moving on to Gojo now obviously Gojo is you know the infinity blah blah blah let's just talk about his light speed stuff first then we'll move into that so obviously I think those are the most important most of the light speed stuff is going to come from kosimo all right kosimo can fire electromagnetic waves and sakuna reacted to one now I I'm I'm of the opinion that in this panel sakuna simply dodged kosimo before the attack was launched like kosimo is about to shoot the attack sakuna Dodges the attack you know doesn't hit uh doesn't hit him at all um I don't think that Kimo launched the attack and then sakuna dod you know making him light you to have relativistic reactions or anything like that same thing with the forearmed sukuna whenever Kashima launched the blast at him that that blast didn't even look like the electromagnetic waves that he shot at Mega me sakuna that one like you know had a little spark in his palm or whatever this one he shoots at forearm sakuna there's like the cursed energy all around his hands or and you know he fires it at him so you know I don't really I don't really know what that one was that could have been a blast to curse energy or something I just don't think he could say it was the electromagnetic wave yeah and to kind of give more you know bang for the theory that you know sakuna maybe dies before the blast came out in the way they that gaygay shows the panels you know because a way to show someone dodging is of course showing a technique being launched and them just moving out the way right panel to panel like that it's more that they put emphasis on sakuna realizing something was happening and then he's just out of the way then like the technique comes out and then he moves right so I'm kind of with six on this that maybe it was aim Dodge maybe he dodged before it and you know I'm not just going to repeat what s said yeah the other blast just doesn't look like the same technique yeah right so I mean that pretty much covers that like as far as the light speed meta metas go even if you want to say that that last blast he used on forearm sakuna was a light speed attack uh the distance is not caled we don't know you know when sukuna did react to that one um we do know that he did react though so now obviously the the conversation becomes how can Naruto get through infinity and you know we could take the cop out route you know being a skeptic you know oh Infinity's never blocked the moon level attack you know you know that's that's just lame boring let's just be honest that's just lame so now if we do say that because we do have a couple ways Naruto can get past it if we do say that you know he is blocking all of Naruto's attacks with infinity you know obviously Gojo can't keep up with Naro he is just you know he's blocking all of his attacks or whatever and we do have that if Naruto's just like trying things on Gojo right and he Naruto you know they be they make plans in Naruto and the Fly of like things to do if Naruto notices that he can talk to Gojo and conversate he probably like okay well a sound attack probably work on this guy and who does Naruto know and can use that has sound attacks exactly so they were going to use them the attack on pain all right so it's not like they're not willing to use it when they work with Naruto they just didn't because pain stopped it so if if he calls in my PA boom Gojo's under genjutsu uh he'll probably have Infinity down by that point and then boom you know Naruto just knocks him out now we do know sound GS to Infinity not only because people can talk to Gojo but because whenever Gojo did get attacked by sound with the Ember insects that Joo used on him in chapter 14 I think it was we do see it affecting him and Gojo like NOS oh sound like so we do know Gojo is vulnerable to sound attacks if if you want to if you want to say that another way you can say Naruto could bypass Infinity is with uh you know domain expansion I'll let you explain this I've been yapping for a minute yeah so with domain expansion in particular there's a couple ways you know just to get past it uh if Gojo were to launch domain and let's say Naruto saw the barrier constructing he could just either substitute with the log or with a clone move out of the way I don't think you can really prove Infinity would kill the Clone anyway so the Clone would just be stuck there and we know after Infinity's done or or if Naruto just destroys the barrier from the outside like sakuna did because you know he's way faster than the construction of it Gojo's curse technique is down so he has no Infinity he gets ringan in the stomach that that that's you know the cut clean dryway to get past it another way is if he does actually trap Naruto within the barrier kurarama could swap with Naruto and kind of be the mega me you know that it was for sakuna but for Naruto and then he doesn't take any of the damage from an unlimited void and he just gets past Infinity that way so yeah those are pretty much you know the easiest ways that I see this battle going because of course Gojo can't damage Naruto in any way and when he sees that he'll of course go to you know what bypass der ability you know the cut and dry for sure way that he knows usually works on opponents which is domain expansion when he fought the strongest person within the show so far that being sakuna he used domain what four times yeah so yeah he used domain oh he used it five times so yeah he used domain quite a bit once he sees nothing's working domain expansion Naruto does something to avoid it Infinity is down one shot I mean to talk about you know Naruto and infinite vo a little bit more specifically the shadow clone point you know where Troy said you can't really prove that it would kill the Shadow clone um so the longest we've ever seen someone be put under unlimited void was a little less than 10 seconds with sakuna um I guess you could count meami but Gojo didn't know meami was under it at the time so a little less than 10 seconds of sakuna and with that if Naruto did sub in a shadow clone right say Gojo did you know start flooding the shadow clones burn or whatever he could break the barrier and break the domain before the 10 seconds because we know Naruto is way stronger than suuna slashes or you could break the barrier and you know the Clone takes infinite void for what I don't know2 seconds or something like that yeah yeah I mean so that's pretty much it I mean Naruto pretty much would just beat up every special grade the curse is it gets even worse you know obviously you can watch all of them um obviously go subscribe to Troy he doesn't make that great of content but you it's over there um you know subscribe to me as well but other than that goodbye
Channel: Six
Views: 75,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto shippuden, jjk season 2, special grade, naruto vs gojo, gojo vs naruto, naruto solos, naruto solos jjk, toji vs the sasuke retrieval team, naruto explained, six naruto, sixfromtokyo
Id: giGFzjKv4Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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