Why Genjutsu is USELESS now...

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a few months ago I made a video on Ninjutsu having a downfall in boruto and with this video being the obvious sequel to that video I get to have a little bit of fun and respond to some of the things I heard in my comment section now to its credit there wasn't too many things I heard that I completely disagreed with but there were some things that I disagreed with that I definitely want to get off my chest in the sequel video the age of Shinobi is over a lot of borto fans quoted saying that I was simply misunderstanding the series and that it's kind of the whole point that Ninjutsu is like irrelevant now and I have two different rebuttals to this for one if you have to throw away previously established things love things by the people who made your franchise popular in the first place to make a sequel to that franchise it is a Bad sequel that is just a bad move as much as I hate Dragon Ball super and as much as I ended up not liking the Star Wars sequels I can admit that they would be a lot worse if Goku suddenly stopped using Ki and if the Star Wars sequels cut out space travel entirely that being said they still do carry on things from the previous series that are very interesting like super saiyan Transformations and lightsaber combat So to that rebuttal I say bad the other rebuttal is not two seconds after kawaki says this boruto reinforces that he is still a ninja our main character Naruto's son the coolest he's ever looked by the way is saying that he is still a ninja so while the age of Shinobi is over it's not as if Ninjutsu went extinct and they all just died out no what it looks like is the age of Shinobi is over because it was ended someone put a stop to it that someone obviously being kawaki so that's pretty much my thoughts and rebuttals to that last video but before getting into this one if you could leave a like on the video and subscribe as it does help out the channel a lot I would greatly appreciate it to get into the topic of this video obviously genjutsu like Ninjutsu is extremely popular and extremely loved I mean people have had arguments literally for decades at this point if ginjutsu can be used to just solo entire verses oh wooden Jutsu work on this verse and juicy doesn't work on people without chakra it's a massive point of contention and it's a it's a massive discussion point just among fans in general and overall ginjutsu is literally just a cool thing Kakashi introduces us to genjutsu extremely early on in the series whenever he first fights Zabuza and he shows us just how powerful it can be he literally seemingly anyway starts reading zaba's mind saying his words before him casting his Jutsu before him and he gets the overall upper hand on zabazza just by using Illusions then we get to see Itachi come along and he shows us just how extreme this measure can be pushed to when he limits three jonin from even being able to fight him by just the threat of genjutsu Kakashi is like oh he's building chakra up in his eye both of y'all close your eyes and then kuranai and Asuma can no longer fight and then he renders Kakashi just completely useless and then Itachi even takes this further on later on to ship it in to the point where he can cast again Jutsu just by simply pointing his finger at you that is just an extreme way to show off how powerful the ability can be he literally mined Naruto with this like Naruto is completely struck he can't do anything to get out of the skin Jutsu none of the training he did with jariah worked so it's an extremely powerful asset that kids cannot be disputed I think a lot of people got caught up in the idea that genjutsu has to be an instant oh man he got solo type of move and forgot the type of asset it can be in battle like when Sasuke used genjutsu on danzo just so he knew that he could use it in case he needed to use it later genjutsu is all about taking hold of your opponent's chakra Supply or manipulating the chakra in your own body in order to manipulate their five senses and you can change how they perceive time with certain genjutsu and the thing about this is they can just make it stronger literally there's no reason why genjutsu can't just be made stronger in order to combat stronger opponents in fact they sort of set this up in Naruto there there's tears to genjutsu and what can be done with it obviously tsukiyomi is among the higher tier the infinite tsukuyomi is among the highest tier and then even in boruto and the guides and whatnot we learned that Sasuke can cast some of the most powerful genjutsu still to this day we see him use it on a sea to paralyze him C is a genjutsu expert by the way so genjutsu is extremely powerful and it can be made more powerful there are tears to it and you can work your way through the tears I don't think that that's too outrageous to to assume or even to get at even with the osuzuki maybe they just haven't encountered minigun Jutsu as far as we know kagya is the only osuzuki who really casts against Jutsu but she does the infinite tsukuyomi and she's also the only other one we see with a Renee Sharingan so I don't think it's too out of the picture or too much of a big assumption or plot hole whatever to just write in that the other usuzuki simply haven't seen genjutsu even if they learn learn how to counter it immediately just the fact that it can be used as a powerful asset is enough for me I think that that would be enough for most people like if Sasuke and Naruto are fighting momoshiki Sasuke gets a quick glance at momoshiki's a high puts him under genjutsu they can get a few hits off momoshiki's like oh this is an illusion breaks it because he has strong dojutsu as well and then they keep on fighting something like that it just helps them get momoshiki's HP bar down or something like that but you get what I'm getting at can juice doesn't have to be uh oh he just lost the fight because he got put under genjutsu and it's not like using genjutsu mid-combat isn't like a trait exclusive to one guy Modera Sasuke Itachi and Obito all use genjutsu in the middle of a battle Itachi uses it whenever he is fighting Sasuke fighting Kakashi fighting Naruto he uses it in almost every fight Obito uses it in the middle of his fight with Conan in order to get the information about nagato's Rinnegan out of her murderer uses it in the middle of fighting like a thousand people in the Shinobi Alliance and Sasuke uses it like I said on donzo earlier that's all in the middle of battle bro the literal ultimate goal to the entire War Arc was to Cast a Giant genjutsu that the entire world could be in and then the way Edo tensei was stopped is due to Itachi casting two different jutsus with the izanami and then tsukuyomi to get Kabuto to do the hand signs jaraya Kakashi hashirama Tobi Rama Harrison all of these extremely high level Shinobi either use genjutsu or have statements claiming that they can and in here's his case it stated that he knows a thousand genjutsu alone thinking of whenever hashirama used the bringer of darkness genjutsu and heroes and or Toby Rama in the anime Harrison had to get around that by using his sense of smell in order to attack them with the reaper death seal that's interesting that's cool like that's that's a that's an unorthodox way to end the fight here is in he has the statement for a thousand against Jutsu but he never uses any of them but why not he's supposed to be Ninjutsu Professor he knows everything man why didn't he use a genjutsu so here's his credit though he's not in the series for long um and maybe he just doesn't prefer to fight that way it seems like he prefers to fight with enma but I'm just saying he could have used more Jiraiya obviously has the Frog song in Jutsu whenever he's with Ma and Pa and Kakashi using and juicing on zabza like I said earlier but Kakashi also uses Ninjutsu when two on boo to knock them out at the same time whenever he's watching Naruto train we see Obito using juice you want Fu and tornay after sucking them into kamui there's just multiple uses of genjutsu in this series that don't have to be oh the opponent instantly got put down or something like that this one almost completely slipped my mind but Sasuke uses a 360 degree genjutsu to cast on all of the Bijou at the end of the war Arc in order to control them so yeah genjutsu can definitely just be scaled up the the only time we have seen the BG get controlled before that was somebody controlling the Ninetales that being moderate let alone someone doing all of the be Joy at once again juicy could definitely just be scaled to massive Heights I don't I don't even want to hear that fast forward to boruto and there is nothing the only use we get freaking Jutsu is katasuke being in jutsued by Al in order to divulge Leaf Village science Secrets which this seems to be an okay application of it but then we learned that a motto is like a thousand times smarter than katowski could ever dream of becoming so it may stick and Jutsu seem a little bit pointless I wish they would mention that at least like why they needed exactly what katowski was doing if I was so smart like it's just there for the Seiko saying like oh look can juicy is being used again remember this like yeah I remember that I also remember it being like much better than this application of it it also somewhat goes against The Narrative of Al anyway he's supposedly done with Shinobi kind and being a Shinobi but genjusu are Shinobi techniques so what are we really getting at here it's kind of confusing um I'm also not too familiar with the war to anime but I do want to give it his props for having sorry to use again juicy with her when Tom was Sharingan in pretty cool ways especially during like the Hidden Mist Arc I really enjoyed the application of it there but let's give some scenarios where it could have been cool to see again Jutsu be used sarada vs Boro for one at this point in the manga sarda had her three Tomas sharing on and they cannot figure out how to beat this guy so why not have her genjutsu him to find out what his weaknesses are you can manipulate people in that way with the Sharingan we've seen it be done before with Obito with Sasuke using it on that random Cloud ninja you can use the Sharingan to get information out of people so why not have sarda like you know just do that I don't know and before anyone brings up oh she doesn't know how to do it that excuse is null it can literally be written that she does know how to do it it's a work of fiction they already don't show her acquiring anything past when Tomo Sharingan in the manga anyway so it wouldn't be outrageous to conclude that with her three Tomo she did massive training soroda also does no fighting outside of training kawaki after this so it's not like it would affect any major plot points and give them the edge in fights it would literally only add to her character her using Chidori was cool really cool I actually really like that moment but there is no reason why she can't use Chidori after she figures out where boro's core is because it's not like as soon as they figure out where the core is it can just be ripped directly out right they still need someone fast enough in order to do it so just have her use the genjutsu and then boom she can rip his core out why didn't ow use his genjutsu in the fight with the kids where was it we just we just expected to like oh he just never used it again he can use again juicy to cast the katowski but oh he just never ever bothered using it with the kids at all none of a models robots have it either this one is a little bit more like my imagination like head Cannon type thing more than it is um an actual complaint but it's just sort of weird like a model's robots have these weird hacks abilities like Ada has one extremely close to genjutsu where she can enchant you or whatever it's called and make you fall in love with her but they don't really play that up as something you can get rid of by having like again Jutsu resistance or anything it's not even really played up like again Jutsu it's just sort of similar in that aspect um and it's just weird to me that a motto wouldn't have one of his robots just have super overpowered Illusions or something like that we do know that he can't exactly create abilities and it's more like oh a byproduct of transplanting but he's transplanting the DNA of literally god of the verse so I don't know maybe it's just absolutely beneath that God or something like that and why do the osuzuki barely even mention genjutsu if even at all they supposedly have thousands of years of battle experience and they are seasoned Warriors but Illusions are beneath them no that isn't true because one of them that being kagya at the minute she did evolve she Cast a Giant illusion but being charitable that was only in the anime rendition of the kagya events but still kagya using infant tsukiyomi and God tree combo allowed her to get tons of chakra which they all want Sasuke is also going to have to seemingly fight kawaki in the future I think this new chapter set that up pretty well he's eventually going to have to fight kawaki and kawaki has gotten some ninja training but as far as we know anyway kawaki has no training in the way of getting rid of genjutsu so even like I said earlier with if he could figure it out instantly and break it whatever due to his osuzuki powers let's at least have Sasuke use it on him because Sasuke at this point shouldn't be able to even touch kawaki um when he's in full kawashiki form obviously we saw that Karma one kawaki is our threatened by Sasuke so yeah when he's in full kawashiki form I don't know let's have Sasuke threaten him by using genjutsu or or something like that to at least be relevant in the fight because right now Sasuke is just looking like Sasuke is just gonna die if he ever has to confront kawaki I didn't mention in the past I think boruto will be the one to actually put down Sasuke but it would be cool if he could get over on kawaki just by using genjusu or something like that that could even be taken back to the earlier thing I mentioned with sarda whenever she was training with uh kawaki and she doesn't use anything but you know her Base eye or whatever she could have used three Tomo in order to get Jutsu kwaki and then you know they could use their Training Method or whatever that they wanted to use if uh borto won the fight without boruto even having to fight kawaki I think it is a little bit more for the narrative if they do have borto fight kawaki though so I will give it credit there because he kind of needed to get his karma back or whatever especially if they're gonna make the future make sense or you know whatever happens with that going on later down the line but that's pretty much all I have to say about this it's just really disappointing and juicy doesn't get used more um and yeah other than that have a nice day
Channel: Six
Views: 82,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto shippuden, itachi, itachi uchiha, genjutsu, uchiha itachi, naruto part 1, sasuke uchiha, uchiha sasuke, sasuke genjutsu, itachi genjutsu, tsukuyomi, mangekyou genjutsu, infinite tsukuyomi, madara uchiha, uchiha madara, obito uchiha, uchiha obito, obito genjutsu, obito vs konan, izanagi, izanami, forbidden genjutsu, uchiha clan, otsutsuki god, otsutsuki clan, boruto, sixfromtokyo, madara vs shinobi alliance, itachi vs sasuke, kakashi hatake, kakashi sharingan, kakashi
Id: ngciM4x5zLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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