The Hinata Fallacy

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Kishimoto can't write female characters this is an absolutely archaic take and it comes largely in part from the more important females in Naruto Sakura and Hinata being extremely hit or miss with fans while ignoring the larger female cast like Conan Tsunade Kushina and even granny Chio all of them have extremely decent or well-written stories that just so happen to take up a short portion of Naruto's 700 chapters so they don't really get considered in the conversation I mean to be fair granny Chio is only in the [ __ ] for close to 30 chapters from chapter 252 to chapter 279 when she dies but within those chapters she has The Great Character Arc that I plan to talk about in the future I made a video hating soccer or whatever and the comments in response to that video at large gave me an idea for something that I'm calling the Hinata fallacy the Hinata fallacy can change definitions depending on what side you take in the debate which makes it kind of special if you were this sit and observe a group of Sakura stands or watch them defend hate on soccer you are very likely to hear one or multiple of them throw a line at you that sounds something like how could you hate Sakura when Hinata is way worse this line can obviously change depending on context but it will generally all be the same then on the flip side you have people who praise Hinata and soccer instead I'm sure we've all heard the cringy lines like I'm looking for my Hinata in this world full of sakuras or other cringy things that center around something like this the overall point here is that Hinata is used at some point of comparison for both sides when she shouldn't be because she also just kind of sucks you put Sakura and Hinata up against each other in a character contest and it's really just a gigantic mid-off last thing I want to do before getting started with the video is Define what a fallacy actually is considering I know a lot of you don't know and it's going to be needed for the video to be understood a fallacy as a find by Oxford languages has three different definitions a mistaken belief especially based on an unsound argument a failure and reasoning which renders an argument invalid and faulty reasoning misleading or an unsound argument any one of these definitions can realistically fit what we're talking about here but let me give you an example of a fairly simple fallacy to understand and it's also one of my favorites that being the argument from ignorance or appeal to ignorance fallacy this fallacy you've probably run into all the time and just don't even know it fallacy occurs when someone claims their argument is true based on a lack of evidence that it is not true let me give you a fairly simple example of this Sasuke can do the Ross and shuriken because we've not been shown that Sasuke can't do the Ross and shuriken this reasoning is faulty because the argument can be flipped around with the exact same amount of evidence effectively canceling out the claim which would be Sasuke can't do the Ross in shuriken because we've never seen the Sasuke and do the Ross and shuriken both of these are examples of an argument from ignorance and regard could do a Russian shuriken or not the reasoning both these arguments give doesn't help either side this is one of the few reasons you should show evidence or rationale when making a claim anyway this intro has been long-winded enough sorry I needed to explain a lot before continuing on with the video but just asking for one last thing before we get started which is that you like the video and subscribe to the channel since it helps the channel out a lot but let's get started with Hinata versus pain this fight gets a lot of praise for I think a couple of reasons for one the fight is pretty visually pleasing to look at when watching the anime which most of us did upon our first viewing of the Naruto franchise and this fight doesn't have any glaring power scaling issues that other fights in Naruto have so the performance is very believable from the characters participating in it if you watch the anime of this Hinata only lands one hit on Nintendo Payne's body because nagato starts coughing and left the body unattended momentarily the moment lasts just long enough that you get the feeling Hinata might even be able to free Naruto of the restraints placed on him by pain before pain hits her with another Shinra tensei that's the biggest one we've seen so far and it's unclear if she'll even get up from it I'll touch back up more on this fight in a minute because I want to mention the last reason I think this fight is held in such high regard and that is that it's placed in the middle of one of the series most popular arcs literally everyone in their mom likes the paint Arc and can see the value it has for what it is the Hinata versus Pain fight in the manga takes place on chapter 437 called confessions and this is one of the few times I think the anime out does the manga in every way shape and form this fight does not feature Hinata trying to free Naruto the rods in his skin she just attacks pain to get instantly no death by a Shinra tensei that being said considering I only covered Sakura's actions from the manga I have to be fair here and do the same thing for Hinata and this fight is just a complete pathetic display from Hinata the lack of removing the rods from Naruto and he not image questioning she doesn't mind dying make this come off like a complete suicide mission because she knows she can't beat pain Naruto knows it Payne knows it and we the audience knows it it makes Hinata come off like an idiot rather than heroic in any way because yeah while in the anime it's pretty clear she won't get to free Naruto it's a much more believable goal than taking out pain at this point in the story I haven't gone as far as calling Hinata useless here because her sacrifice serves the purpose of pushing Naruto to the boiling point in terms of anger and allowing him to release Four Tails to break pains restraints and then six tails after that but allow me to be genuine here I don't think I should count someone's sacrifice as a use especially when that sacrifice did not come as a direct result of that person's intention if I had to compare this to somebody it would be dry I think that that's the most logical thing to do considering he also sacrificed his life to help bring down pain joya's sacrifice came as a direct result of his to figure out pain secret and take him down he died so that everyone else could live and hopefully beat pain then you have someone like Kakashi who also fought pain and died under similar circumstances whilst trying to save choji from an incoming missile by the osropath it was a split second decision that allowed choji not only to live but to give a vital piece of information about tindo's abilities to Tsunade and by extension the rest of the leaf Village this is not only expected of a ninja with his caliber of intelligence is just an honorable thing that makes Kakashi even more likable than he already was like I said the anime gives Hinata a bit more of a realistic goal here but I'm gonna show you on screen the entire fight between them and the manga as you can see it is only one page long anyway I think I've talked about this long enough I think I've gotten my general point across on that now where the Hinata fallacy comes in in this controversy is with Sakura in this Arc as well all soccer did was sit by and cry for Naruto she's useless meanwhile Hinata does nothing leading up to pain while Sakura is fighting off the animal path summons I mean this by the way Payne's assault prior to Naruto showing up covers from chapter 419 to 430. and in these chapters he not has shown doing nothing to help out against the assault while Sakura saves on panel a minimum of three people Konohamaru Sakura choji and choza all do more than he nodded here to help against pain that's without mentioning the more popular characters you'd expect to do something like Kakashi and Tsunade I get that personally Hinata is not anywhere near as annoying as Sakura is and she's not as in your face but to make a barely bold claim here I think if he nodded in Sakura were given a similar amount of screen time Hinata would be just as disliked or more disliked than Sakura because a character like Hinata only works when giving the audience very little to go off of now In fairness to Hinata just like I did with Sakura I want to bring up the positives of her character and the first one is that her relationship with Naruto is pretty adorable I specifically like the moments that they have together in the war Arc and the end of the last movie when Obito kills a bunch of the members of the Shinobi Alliance and it seems like maybe just maybe he'll finally get Naruto to break it's nice to see that Hinata is able to prevent that from happening the same way I think Rin would have been able to prevent Obito from ever breaking if she hadn't met her demise it's a nice parallel between the two focused characters of the arc at the time and it's one that I think holds up to multiple viewings of the show or rereads of the manga enough so that I think Hinata deserves her praise for it it's also pretty cool that the scene is just sort of Hinata reminding Naruto who he is since she got her ninja away from him the scenes that follow from this where Hinata is holding Naruto's hand and talking about how strong and comforting it is really make this even better than it already was in my eyes and it doesn't hurt to mention that she is this common collected on the battlefield after someone close to her that being her cousin Neji had just died I also enjoyed the scene of her giving Naruto the healing ointment not for any super specific reason I just thought it was pretty cool Hinata also has pretty entertaining fights her fight with Neji is the first one that comes to mind and while I do think the majority of this fight's entertainment came from Neji Hinata was definitely not slacking this one panel where she's coming in edgy and then she's just deflecting her attacks is pretty cool and is followed by Hinata finding a way through his defense and Landing a hit on him this is also when we get a fairly massive info dump on the gentle Fist and yakugan which are both really cool powers that I wish got touched on more the next one isn't really a fight but Hinata was able to blow back a tin Tail's hand with an air Palm after being amped Up by karamus chakra and that was just pretty cool this scene where she learns the gentle fist is also pretty well put together and he gives her a real sense of belonging since every member of the konoha 12 with the exception of Psy is knocking down juby clone so it really makes it feel like Hinata can stand with the rest of them now we get to the war Arc and this is when the Hinata fallacy is at its strongest just like it was back in the paint art we went over earlier so before getting into this section I'm going to list everything that both hinare and Sakura did in this Arc Hinata talks to Naruto and call him some downposts Neji death she blows back a juby hand with an air Palm prior to neji's dead she was deflecting wood spikes coming at Naruto she popped Naruto's shoulder back into place using the gentle fist he could throw his rocks and shuriken and she learns how to do The Eight trigram 64 Palm technique she's also included in the gigantic massive Rasengan barrage on jubito and that's pretty much the extent of her the patient in this Arc aside from minor things here and there earlier soccer in this art figure out how the ninji Clone was a fake and beat the zetsu she healed everyone like literally everyone she was always healing when the three-way deadlock has revived Sakura's part in it is literally just healing everyone with Lady cuts to you clones Sakura doesn't take part in the mass of a singon barrage herself but that's because she's preoccupied healing everyone again so I wouldn't count it against her or anything like that Sakura was obviously a fairly big help in the fight against kagya helping Obito with chakra and giving him some when he needed it and Landing the final hit on kagya that moved her down to Naruto and Sasuke's Palm now after everything I just listed can we be serious here for just a second Hinata has a fairly useful feat bringing Naruto back after Obito and popping his shoulder back into place but are we really gonna act like any of that is comparable to all the things Sakura did in the ark man like come on soccer is trash and I gave her a ton of flack in my video but in that video I did not once ever call her useless you know why it's simply not a valid criticism at this point I love it for the memes but be real with yourself Sakura has tons more use than Hinata especially in the war Arc now I won't be disingenuous of course I think the main problem with Sakura's seeming uselessness is the fact that she's supposed to be a main character which is valid you should want your main characters to be useful but as I've just gone over Sakura has use I think this is more of a writing issue than a fan issue though to be fair because soccer is useful at very far away in Nuance points in the story and what I mean by that is that Sakura being useful in the war is too late for people to start paying attention to her it should have been way more apparent way quicker a common take out here is that Sakura was gearing up to be one of the most useful people in part two during the kazakage risky work and then she simply just dropped the ball and I have to agree but it shouldn't have been that way I mean think of all the things she did in that Arc she figured out a counter the sorceries poison she figured out how to fight sorcery after fighting a long granny Chio she broke the giant boulder to The akoski Hideout Sakura was on it in that Arc and then she just completely lost it anyway the Hinata fallacy here at this point is calling Sakura useless but not calling Hinata useless for the same minimal thing she did in the arc we can move on to the last now but I don't really have a lot to say about this movie people hate the damsel and distressed thing that Hinata has going but I don't really mind it since every scene where it happens has heavy context in the first scene she's getting rescued by Naruto she had her chakra turned off so she couldn't do anything the second time she's getting her mind controlled so that's no big deal and then after this I think she has more than a Redemption whenever she helps Naruto by herself take down to an area for good last but not least boruto in the manga her role is fairly minimal and same with Sakura they both really only get active in the momoshiki arc for brief periods of time he not against being down by momoshiki and kinshiki off screen and Sakura saves a bunch of people I guess I'll give my summary on this whole thing because the next time I talk about women that Kishimoto wrote it will be the ones that I mostly only enjoy and think deserve more credit Hinata is by no means a character that I hate I just more or less think she can be kind of stupid at times I just just got really tired of her constantly being praised for virtually the same reasons people don't like Sakura or the Sakura fans being like Oh my God Hinata is way worse I don't think he nodded as a way where his character than Sakura especially due to all the abusive behavior that Sakura tends to just let slide that sends a bad message in general I recognize not everyone would have the same problem with Sakura and I put this as text on my last video that was pertaining to her since by the time someone had told me the video was already recorded but I may have a stronger reaction to Sakura just letting abuse slide because of things I've seen women in my family and personal life deal with and I don't think letting the guy or woman slide whoever the abuser is is the right thing to do and I don't think that it ever ends well that there's light at the end of the tunnel for your abuser really just gets under my skin but again that's just me so all said and done Hinata is just on the lower tier still one turbo Sakura for me but neither of them are touching Kushina or Tsunade when it comes to being good characters and characters that I enjoy on screen but that's pretty much it if you liked the video obviously leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you like analysis like this and I have more coming like the shanadian Kushina video I just mentioned but other than that have a nice day
Channel: Six
Views: 74,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hinata x naruto, hinata, hyuga, naruto, hinata vs pain, hinata confession, sakura vs hinata, 6 tails naruto, naruto vs toneri, naruto the last movie, hinata vs pain reaction, naruto shippuden, pain, naruto six tails, neji death, neji, neji vs hinata, neji vs naruto, neji vs kidomaru, boruto, adult hinata, byakugan, byakugan vs sharingan, hinata boruto, boruto's mom, six from tokyo, six naruto, naruto analysis
Id: WdmbixZp0sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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