Ranking Every Fight in Naruto from Worst to Best

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hey how's it going everybody swag Kanga here and today I'm going to be doing some pretty ambitious at least in my opinion and that is ranking every single fight in Naruto with the little asterisk at the end admittedly in order for a fight to be considered it has to have happened in the manga so no movies no filler any of that that said I will be taking both the Manga and Anime versions of all of these fights into account but again if it didn't happen in the manga I'm not going to talk about it and while I am going to be covering plenty of minor fights many of which are very short for the sake of keeping the first chunk of this video from being miserable and super boring both to watch and to make there are some fights I'm going to be leaving out I'm not going to be ranking all of them like let's be honest nobody cares what I think about like Toby Rama versus izuna Gara versus dosu Naruto versus keto Maru there's just no point so I'm not gonna bother having said that I do still have 99 fights to go over so this is probably gonna be a really long video if you want to skip around I'll be using a tier maker template I made to divide the fights into nine groups of 11 each and I'll leave time stamps to each of these sections in the description [Music] starting us off is G tier which I would describe as fights that are not good this is really the only bad section of the list so don't brace yourself for too much complaining or anything we're going to be in positive territory pretty soon in the meantime though I can't ignore these fights we do have to talk about them so I'll just try to make it quick yeah this fight sucks it's terrible nobody likes it it's the worst fight in the series it is so boring and on top of that it's totally pointless there's no reason for it to be here it's just padding you can skip it and probably not even notice [Music] this fight sucks for all the reasons that the team guy one does in fact I could probably just copy paste the audio from that section and you'd know exactly how I feel about this fight [Music] I'm honestly shocked that there are two fights in the series even worse than this one is it's such a nothing battle like I don't care about mifune first of all second off it's really short and there aren't any cool moments in it and even though it's short I still hate that the story has to come to a screeching halt just so we can see mifune flight reanimated Hanzo like who cares man [Music] all right so I'm just gonna come out and spoil a surprise um I put all of the war Arc fights that happened before Naruto and B leave to go help everybody down here together in G tier I don't like any of them and now you could probably argue for their specific placements to be a bit different like maybe some of them could be in the middle of f tier maybe some of them could be at the bottom of e tier but the beginning of the war Arc is so bad like I'm not gonna split hairs over it I don't care I thought it would just be easier to group them all up together the reason this is above mifune versus Hanzo is because I like Eno Shikamaru choji and darawi and that's about it really foreign [Music] the reason this is above the last one is because big choji and big choji dad plunged the big statue and I like him more [Music] did you know that this is a boss fight in Storm 3 in fact so is the last one you know isn't a boss fight in that game Sasuke versus danzo you know what else Naruto and B versus nagatony Tachi anyway this fight is pretty cool conceptually and like I already said I do like awesomeness team but I don't know I don't ever really think about this fight the Storm 3 version is actually pretty cool but in both the manga and the anime this failed to leave a lasting impression on me and an execution just felt like a waste of time [Music] as cool as the seven Swordsmen are and as cool as it is to see Kakashi fight zabuzan Haku again this fight also felt like a waste of time it doesn't do anything to progress the plot and the stakes are pretty low because it's not like Kakashi's gonna die here if he didn't die fighting pain or at very least if he didn't stay dead after fighting pain there's no way that Kishimoto was going to kill him here in a fight against reanimated zombies on Haku it's not the worst thing in the universe it's definitely one of the better early War Arc fights but that's that's not really high praise uh I think this is where this fight goes I don't know it was early enough in the war Arc and featured minor enough characters that I actually believe that some of them could die like Amoy conquero sign none of these characters felt immune to being killed off the fight also has some interesting gimmicks and choreography like we don't get to see Psy fight that much sorcery using other living people as puppets is really cool conqueror getting a rematch with sorcery felt like it made sense and this is also actually the only time we see Daedra and saucery fight together in the manga now don't get me wrong this fight's not great I just think it's better than all of the fights I put below it foreign [Music] war fights this is the best one in my opinion because something actually happens in it Yamato gets captured by Kabuto now that doesn't end up really going anywhere but still it's something it makes the fight feel less like a chunk of dead time than all the others I talked about so far there's also some neat stuff that happens like the Airborne battle between Enoki and datera I like well enough and Kabuto fighting everybody else and getting trapped in the lime and then turning into a snake and gobbling Yamato up is not bad [Music] yeah the the beginning of the war Arc is that bad [Music] I know some people like this fight but it's just like a Canon filler fight it doesn't tell us anything about the characters that we need to know we already kind of got what Chino and conqueror are capable of from their preliminary fights it just doesn't need to happen now I wouldn't care if the fight was good but it's pretty forgettable foreign so next up we have F tier and this isn't your standard typical F tier which would normally imply absolutely awful the worst thing you've ever seen before the fights in this tier actually aren't bad they're not exceptional or anything but they're definitely not what you would normally consider f-tier quality remember each tier is capped at 11 fights which means that the only reason these fights are down here is because all of the other fights are better than them not because it's how I would grade them individually foreign this fight's good it's pretty engaging in the anime and narratively it does a really good job conveying how powerful tamari is plus it's like the only time pre-shipping we get to see 1010 do anything but it's held back substantially by the fact that in the manga it's just one panel now when analyzing it as a scene or a moment rather than as a fight I don't actually think there's anything wrong with that it's pretty funny and it's a time efficient way to convey the exact same thing the anime version does that said I'd be extremely hard-pressed to call this one panel a good fight so that's why it's chilling all the way down here yeah yeah yeah whatever I know this fight's way higher than most of you expected and plenty of you are probably typing an angry comment as we speak but just keep in mind we are still at the second lowest tier of the list and this is the second lowest fight in that tier so I'm not calling it a masterpiece or anything I just don't think it belongs in the evil doodoo butt dungeon along with Kabuto and team 7 versus Team obero or team Guy versus Team guy I think it's better than all of the early War Arc fights probably like I said earlier maybe you could go over it with a microscope and adjust their individual placements a little bit but generally speaking I think this fight is more compelling than any of those are maybe this is just me but every time I get to it I'm way more personally invested than I am in any of the fights in G tier because I actually want Sakura to win since she's a main character and you spend so much time with her up to this point this fight's really not as bad as people say it is at least not the Manga version I'll admit the anime version is pretty slow and a little boring so this is actually the inverse of 1010 versus tamari this time I like the manga version a lot more and the anime is what's holding it back this fight does its job pretty well the combat itself is good it lets us know how strong sorcery is supposed to be and it gives Sakura the opportunity to interact with his poison so she can make an antidote for it the problem I have with it is after this fight happens conqueror becomes impossible to respect their take seriously for the whole rest of the series I know Kishimoto wanted to make sasuri look strong but he practically deleted conqueror from the series in the process this is such a minor fight that I considered not including it but it managed to climb this far up the list so why not it's a short Skirmish between Sasuke and the character literally no one likes or cares about but it's cool it's well choreographed and Visually stimulating it has less of an effect on the plot than any of the other fights we've talked about so far but aside from that there's really nothing wrong with it thank you I hate that this fight is so short like it's really really short and I want to put it higher but I just can't because there's barely anything here if it had been extended to the length of a proper battle it probably would have been one of the coolest fights in the whole series speaking of fights that would have benefited from being longer man the way this fight starts is so good and then it just abruptly ends like I would have loved to see the whole thing play out basically exactly what I said with the last fight it's super cool but there's not enough here for me to put it any higher foreign this is the same deal as the last two it's a good fight but if it was longer I'd like it more I know many of you are probably wondering how this fight snuck all the way up here to number 81 of 99 but I mean it I like it the ship it in flashback version of this fight in the anime is also doing a lot of favors the very end where blocky actually kills hayate is really cool and maybe I shouldn't be taking it into consideration because it's like a weird filler version of the fight but I don't even know if I have to like even though nobody cares about Baki or hayate the circumstances of the fight add more intensity to it than something like mifune versus Hanzo the fight also feels more complete than the last three so I think this is a pretty good spot for it this fight is also very short but it's pretty good like with 1010 versus tamari it conveys how powerful one of the sand siblings is very effectively and it also has a few twists and turns along the way this fight's pretty funny but because it's literally supposed to be a waste of time like that's what Toby's goal is to make sure the Itachi Pursuit team doesn't make it to Sasuke and hitachi's fight before it finishes that is how the fight feels like a waste of time I don't think I've ever gone back to read it or watch it in isolation it's pretty good though like I said Toby is funny and the moment at the end where he reveals that he's uh actually Modera is really cool I like this fight but it's really really long and not super focused so going back to watch or read it is pretty difficult it includes a lot of Great Moments so I feel bad putting it this low and you could probably convince me to kick it up a few spots it's just difficult to evaluate because of how long it is two different fights happen while this fight is ongoing Kakashi vs Obito and the flashback matara vs hashirama so this fight actually has the opposite problem that most of the fights in this tier have which is that it's way too long [Music] moving on to eat here this is the last group of fights we have to cover before I feel we get to the truly great stuff if I had to title list here something aside from a letter I'd probably give it good with an asterisk at the end [Music] despite the fact that it's at the bottom Naruto vs Kiba is more or less representative of all the fights in this tier I always have a good time with it and don't think it has any glaring issues but I have a lot of small problems with it that keep me from enjoying it as much as I want to the highlights of this fight the fangoverfang the Uzumaki barrage and Naruto's double transformation plan are all great it's just paced weirdly it drags in places where it really shouldn't and sometimes comes to a complete stop way too much time is spent on Naruto getting up after being punched once and that scenes also played like a big triumphant moment when again Naruto got hit and got up that's all that happened like I said though these aren't major issues the good definitely outweighs the bad here foreign this fight has some of the coolest visual moments in the series and is extremely intense like I love asakujaku Kisame writing in on the wave is great but I really don't like these fake Akatsuki clone fights they feel like and ultimately are just wastes of time [Music] it's a little bit difficult for me to decide which fight I like better out of the two which is why they're so close together on the list here but I think I prefer this one because I like Naruto and Kakashi's teamwork and find it more satisfying than guide beating Kisame by himself asakujaku is dope but it would have been neat to see Lee Neji and Tenten do something aside from getting trapped in water prison [Music] foreign the only issue I have with this fight is that Foo and torinay are kind of whatever but for a minor like Side Story bee battle this is pretty good it's well choreographed and clever and watching Obito fight anyone is always fun it doesn't overstay its welcome either it seems aware of its own unimportance I'd probably put it higher if it was more meaningful since it has practically no narrative implications it's just carried by how cool it is [Music] thank you this one's short and pretty basic in the manga it's like eight or nine pages long so there's not a lot to talk about here but hey it's Shikamaru everybody likes Shikamaru and this is a pretty good first outing for them it sets out to show us how smart he is and it succeeds [Music] the Manga version of this fight is quite a bit different than the anime version it's shorter and isn't shown concurrently alongside other events it all happens at once in the manga it's weird because I have different problems with both of them I think the anime version is too bloated and the Manga version is a bit too short that said I still like what's here it's a welcome opportunity to see how much Naruto and Sakura have grown since the first Bell test in part one this isn't how we get introduced to Gara but it is the first time we get to see him in action and it's awesome it's against a bunch of nobodies and it's hard to even call it a fight which is why it isn't higher but it's iconic for a reason this one's surprisingly short and anti-climactic for the final fight of the arc that it's in it's like two chapters long and it doesn't actually end up mattering since daederus survives in the end overall I like it though and it has some great moments we get to see calmly for the first time and by extension this is how we learned that Kakashi can use the mangekyo Sharingan plus seeing Naruto lay the smackdown on data always makes me happy foreign [Music] veterans you may be surprised by how high this fight is on the list those of you who are new here some time ago I made a video titled the worst fight in Naruto and this fight was the subject now in my defense I did say that I thought it was only the worst major fight in Naruto because I had some what I thought were insightful things to say about it and didn't want to talk about like team Guy versus Team guy or whatever obviously my opinion of it has improved since then because it's all the way up here at number is slipping my mind I don't remember what number we're on but anyway there is a lot to like about this fight neji's extremely cool and imposing and the 64 Palms is one of my favorite Jutsu in the series but everything that I said I didn't like about the fight in that video still applies for the most part in a fight where the subtext is that Naruto is trying to prove to Neji that fate and Gifts aren't absolute it really sucks that he goes from failing to land the single hit on Neji before he uses the nine tails chakra to beating Neji in one punch after he uses its chakra I think the broad stroke storytelling and theming here is good and the fight has some visually spectacular moments but in execution it's very flawed [Music] this fight starts off strong and falls off as soon as Kisame traps be in the bubble that part's pretty boring and in the anime specifically is really long I love the beginning like I said the pencil moment Kisame getting his chest ripped open by B it's all great but there's such a steep drop off around the halfway point that I don't think I can put this fight any higher than this it's awesome that we get to see Itachi and Sasuke fight side by side before the end of the series and Kabuto is a solid enough villain but aside from that the fight doesn't do anything to wow me and izanami is a pretty lame way to wrap it up [Music] all right so this is where we start to get to the really good stuff I don't really have any problems with any of the fights from here on out I think they're all excellent if any issues do come up they'll likely be small or massively overshadowed by what I think the fight does right foreign [Music] I figured this fight would make a good Benchmark for around this point in the list it's solid doesn't have any glaring problems and does exactly what it sets out to do it's good from top to bottom it's got tons of Great Moments Like Eureka outsmarting Mizuki Eureka protecting Naruto from the shuriken and Naruto making however many Shadow clones this is [Music] this is another short one with some no-name bad guys but despite that it manages to be pretty good the choreography here is spectacular and the events provide characterization for the main cast that's welcome and still very necessary this early on in the series it also sets up the encounter with Zabuza and in doing so creates the framework for the entire rest of the art going forward I wish I could say this fight was more important but narratively it doesn't accomplish much zaku gets an off-screen death shortly after this and Shino is outside of a fight I put all the way down in G tier practically never relevant again but despite that this fight is still really cool especially in the manga the anime version gets dragged down hard by some backstory for zaku that I couldn't care less about but I really like everything else and there's one moment in particular that carried the fight this high and that's zaku blowing up his arms from the inside after Shino plugged up the holes in his hands [Music] the only thing that sucks about this fight is that it doesn't actually end it's a little inconclusive but that's not really a problem because that's kind of how it had to be Lee stopping short of actually using the primary Lotus on Sasuke that makes sense after all the purpose of this fight was to introduce and hype up Rock Lee and to get the audience excited to see what he was going to do next and by the way don't think this even needs to be said but it did a good job setting aside all the meta-narrative stuff it's also just a great fight even if it is a little short the scene of Sasuke getting kicked in the face is Iconic for a reason [Music] this one's long and the quality is a bit inconsistent but considering both the high points and the low points I think this is where it averages out to there are some sections I find dull or underwhelming and because of how many characters are present it does feel a bit bloated at times but the highlights make up for that there's some really cool stuff that happens in this fight and Naruto versus the third raikage specifically is awesome I'll admit right from the beginning here that this one's placement has less to do with the action and more to do with the context of the scene now don't get me wrong there are some striking visuals in this fight in particular I'm a huge fan of the panel where Sasuke first enters second state but if I'm being honest as like a fight it's not better than some of the stuff I have it ahead of getting to see orochimaru's body stealing ritual for the first time is incredible though and I think the sheer catharsis of Sasuke finally beating Orochimaru and eliminating the looming threat of him having his body stolen is enough to get it this high [Music] foreign [Music] I know this fight is probably way higher than a lot of you would put it but I really do think this is where it belongs yeah it's the third highest fight of the tuning exam preliminaries but it's great the Lion's barrage is awesome and I like the dynamic presented by yoroy's ability to absorb chakra I also think it acts as a neat bit of foreshadowing Sasuke's decision to activate the Sharingan even when under the threat of the curse mark shows he's willing to risk destroying his own body in pursuit of his goals much like his decision to train with Orochimaru even though by doing so he risks having his body stolen and just like how he's able to suppress the curse mark and eventually defeat uroy Sasuke is able to stop Orochimaru from stealing his body before using his training to hunt down and kill Itachi I don't know if this was intentional or not but if it was it's an extremely cool parallel this one's really short the shortest one that's managed to sneak up this high for sure but the action is great the encounter is intense and it's between two characters that I enjoy watching is it too high maybe a little but I'm not moving it down [Music] this fight's pacing suffers because it frequently gets interrupted for the sake of exposition dumping but when Neji and Hinata are fighting each other it's super entertaining plus the information we get out of this is really important it's practically vital going forward as a character moment for Neji Hinata and even for Naruto I think this fight excels too so even though I have a handful of issues with it I really really like it in spite of them [Music] I'll admit not a whole lot happens in this fight it's really just guy and Kisame throwing a couple big stupid attacks back and forth at each other but hey all I really needed to convince me to put it this high was getting to see hirudora in the seventh gate for the first time [Music] this one's intense and very scary when I first saw this as a kid I was genuinely concerned that Sakura and Lee were gonna get themselves killed I don't think there are any low points here every section of this fight is good even the Sakura section I know not everybody's gonna agree with that but I enjoy watching her use the substitution due to this creatively to outsmart the sound ninja getting to see more from Lee and the inoshikacho trio is also welcome but the real highlight of this fight is Sasuke waking up with an active curse mark at the end and using it to blow zaku down foreign [Music] [Music] was where I said we're getting to the really good stuff from here on out it's nothing but bangers fights I have few to know issues with and have gone out of my way to re-watch before [Music] this fight's phenomenal both as an action set piece and as a vehicle for educating us more about the characters that take part in it I don't think it's possible not to like Kakashi after watching this and it also fleshes the three getting out and makes them more compelling my favorite section of the Bell test is a shockingly the Sasuke section but I also think that Naruto and Sakura have good scenes as well everybody remembers thousand years of death and kakasha uses Sakura to demonstrate what a genjutsu looks like to us for the first time [Music] this fight's awesome I love pretty much every panel from the Manga version and the anime version has super clean and fluid animation Kakashi and Obito are super fun to watch the choreography is probably the best on the list so far and the context that this adds to the main story is initially just welcome and enriching but eventually becomes vital yeah this one's a classic it kind of speaks for itself honestly I'm a bit worried that I have to explain why I put it this low rather than why I put it this High I know a lot of people really like this fight many of you probably even like the still image of Modera and the nine tail staring hashirama down more than most of the fights we've talked about so far it's definitely an iconic shot and this is one of the most iconic fights in the series for good reason too the context alone is exciting this is practically the most legendary battle in Shinobi history it's been mentioned and hinted at since all the way back in part one the Naruto and Sasuke met in the final Valley so finally getting to see it was incredibly satisfying [Music] foreign [Music] some of you guys may have already left a comment about this by now but yeah you could probably split this fight and some other fights into multiple smaller fights maybe Naruto and B versus Obito and the jinchuriki is a different fight from Naruto B Kakashi and Guy versus Obito and the jinchuriki and maybe that's a different fight from narutobi Kakashi and gai versus Obito and matara but I don't really consider Kakashi and guy showing up the conclusion to the first fight there I feel like it's just part of the same fight anyway this one's long and because of how long it is it does have some moments that I'm not the biggest fan of but the highlights here are incredible if you've been around the channel for a while what I'm about to say won't surprise you but I really like the Modera section in particular Uchiha reflection is super cool and the guy blasting matara susano with the hiridora is equally cool guy and Kakashi are also loads of fun to watch lightning cable specifically as one of my favorite Jutsu in the series but even the beginning portion of the fight where it's just Naruto hoe in the Sixth Gen Cherokee I really like it the later portions certainly help it out a lot but I don't think any of the core sections of this fighter pad [Music] there's not a whole lot to this one but what is there is like come on bro you know what I'm saying like the the big old Mega Rasengan barrage the Ross and shuriken tug of war at the end even though some stuff happens in the middle of it that extends it it's pretty short in terms of actual run time but while the fight's actually going on it's so high energy dude I love it [Music] like I alluded to earlier in the video I cannot believe this didn't get a boss fight in storm 3. this fight is crazy dude hey let's just go over some of the stuff that happens in this fight Naruto almost gets his soul ripped out nagato sucks up so much chakra that he stops being crippled and is able to use his legs again Itachi straight up switches sides they blow up chewbacco tensei at the end like it's so cool I'm honestly surprised I don't have it higher it only managed to make it smack dab into the middle of the list but I guess Naruto just has a lot of really good fights [Music] you see what I'm talking about like what's this one doing all the way down here I thought it was one of my favorites but it's barely cracking the top 50. we get to see Naruto and Sasuke use their cool new Six Paths powers and everybody likes good old matara so this fight kind of had to be good that said for what it is I think it's way too short I am still to this day not happy about how it ended this fight could have been way longer and way more climactic I don't think that it would have suffered from being extended but still what we got is perfectly fine more than that actually it's very good foreign yeah I know putting this above Naruto and Sasuke versus Madara is a little out there but I really do think it's that good just go back and watch it again for yourself if you don't believe me I promise it's better than you remember it being the action and pacing here are surprisingly tight even though the fight is really short it manages to make a lot out of its limited run time all the character stuff we get here is excellent too Sasuke shows everyone how far gone he is Sakura is forced to come to terms with the fact that Sasuke is not the same person he used to be Kakashi's forced to come to terms with the same thing and sees himself in the same position hirus in was in back when he fought Orochimaru in part one and Naruto stays as stubborn and unyielding as ever foreign [Music] this is another long one right like some people consider it its own arc and like all the other long fights I've talked about this one suffers from having some moments I'm not a huge fan of the pacing isn't perfect but this is made up for by the fact that it has some of my favorite moments in the whole series spread throughout it like a lot of them in fact it's kind of bloated and inconsistent but the high points here are too great to ignore plus this doesn't really have anything to do with the fight but tin Tails jinchuriki Obito has one of my favorite designs not just in Naruto but across all of media I'd say that Naruto and Sasuke versus Madura is definitely more consistent but this one absolutely has higher Peaks [Music] this one is so intense and high octane man it's not super long there's not a whole lot to it but what's there it just gets me so excited every time I watch her read it plus of course most importantly we have this fight to thank for teaching us that Naruto is 73 times faster than the raikage after all [Music] it's been a while since we talked about any fights from the kazakage rescue Arc and it's been a really long time since we talked about any fights that took place in the air but this one is a good example of both of them it happens right after we find out that GAR has become kazakage too so getting to see what he's capable of at the same time as we get to meet a new member of the Akatsuki it's hard to ask for any more than that this fight's unique because like I said earlier it takes place in the air and one aspect of that that I love is how creative it is for gara to use his sand to create a cloud below his feet this is just a really cool matchup and it also has extremely high stakes since if Gara loses he's gonna die [Music] thank you we've officially entered the big boy zone now that we're in B tier I don't think I have anything bad to say about any of the fights moving forward maybe a complaint or two will slip through the cracks but I'd honestly be surprised because I really really like all of these fights also just as a fair warning brace yourself for a lot of Sasuke fights we're gonna go through quite a few of those in a row here [Music] foreign fight above Naruto and Sasuke vs matara why yes in fact I am because this one's actually a complete fight in the anime the animation can get a bit but it still manages to look pretty good on the whole the manga versions my preferred way to experience it though and reading this as it was happening was crazy yeah Kakashi getting the perfect susano that's stupid sure but it's also very cool and the Final Act of teamwork between team seven at the end not only is it clever but it's also very satisfying and even a little heartwarming [Music] foreign this is one of the most necessary fights in the series there's a massive Gap in power at this point between Sasuke and his two former teammates and Kishimoto had to let us know that somehow this fight had been silently built up to for a long time since the final Valley arguably since the tuning exams when Orochimaru first warned Sakura that Sasuke would seek him out in search of power all that stuff gets paid off here it turns out Orochimaru wasn't lying At All by training with him Sasuke got strong and he lets everybody know with all sorts of cool new [ __ ] he couldn't do last time we saw him this is the complete opposite of the last fight in all but its necessity it's just as important but Sasuke gets humbled big time here the Chidori that starts it all off is gorgeous and every hit that Sasuke takes afterwards is brutal the anime version had some serious weight to Itachi's punches and kicks which helps illustrate how hopeless this is for Sasuke Jiraiya getting to be cool at the end is a nice bonus too [Music] Crystal ice mirrors is still one of the most unique Jutsu we've ever seen the Sasuke vs Haku solo section at the beginning is great Sasuke saving Naruto is an incredible character moment and finally of course there's the moment at the very end of this fight where Naruto uses the nine tails chakra and completely steamrolls Haku this one's a classic for sure [Music] thank you Landing just outside the top 40 is our first fight from the Sasuke retrieval Arc and this one is super cool when looking back over this list I was worried I had it a little too high but now this is definitely where it belongs just go back and watch it if you don't remember it's basically just two minutes of some of the best hand-to-hand combat in the series and the animation is shockingly good for how minor the fight is foreign it's really hard for me to decide which one's better between this and the sound 4 fight but I think this one edges it out just a bit because it involves Naruto the Rivalry between Naruto and Sasuke is a core aspect of the series and this is actually the first time we get to see them fight ever the action here is great too I love how tangible the environment feels Sasuke kicking Naruto into some laundry and then beating him up while he's covered by it that's great the clone section's my favorite part of the fight though [Music] hey man listen all the sound four fights are great one of them just had to be the least great I know everybody has their own opinions about how they'd rank these and whatnot this being placed here might upset some people but look like I said I like it I like all the sound four fights cyclon's even my favorite member of the group actually I also don't normally like Kiba or conquero but this fight makes them both look extremely respectable foreign who doesn't love to see a good bit of 4D chess huh not much else to say about this other than it's really fun to watch Shikamaru out smart people the continuity between this fight and Naruto vs Neji is particularly clever too [Music] this one and the last one could honestly go either way I just think that tyugi is a more interesting opponent for Shikamaru because of her big summons and crazy genjutsu and I also think that the fight feels more intense because Shikamaru is actually at risk of death here not just not becoming a tuning the highlights here are your typical Shikamaru moments but I think my favorite one is him breaking his own finger with Shadow possession to snap himself out of tayuya's genjutsu [Music] foreign if the animation here was as clean as it is in something like Sasuke versus the sound for this fight would probably be like top 20. just like everybody else I love Kakashi and I love pain and getting to see the two of them interact is just as cool as you think it would be I enjoy this fight for the same reasons I enjoy the last two it's a ton of fun watching Kakashi try and outsmart someone who's way stronger than he is [Music] this is such a crazy matchup it's so perfect keto Maru was practically the only member of the sound 4 who could have fought Neji and Neji was practically the only member of shikamaru's team who could have fought kiromaru watching them counter outplay and adapt to each other over the course of the fight is extremely entertaining from start to finish thank you as good as all the fights and beat here were now that we're in eighth year you can obviously expect these to be even better these fights are spectacular and while we haven't reached the very best that Naruto has to offer yet we're getting pretty close this was like the Super Bowl for me when I was a kid dude I could not wait to see this fight so after the first announcement and all this time and build up and the fight getting delayed it could have ended up being a huge disappointment but it wasn't the hand-to-hand section or I guess you could say uh hand to sand section at the beginning of the fight is solid honestly better than it needed to be it's got really good shot composition and some creative choreography my favorite part of the fight though well I'm pretty sure is the same as everybody else's [Music] this is one of those Classics everyone remembers this fight I'm pretty sure any of you watching right now could name at least one or two moments from it if I asked you to there's a lot to like here as usual Kakashi is the coolest guy in the whole entire universe and Zabuza is a good opponent for him I also think that the way that Naruto and Sasuke end up contributing here is very clever not just the plan itself which is also very clever but I'm talking more on a meta level with an opponent like Zabuza they obviously can't straight up fight him so locking him in place and making their objective to just get him to move his arm it's a smart way to get them involved and like I said the plan that they end up coming up with to save Kakashi is awesome like the last one I'm pretty sure my favorite moment from this fight is the same everybody else would pick the double water dragon at the end that's some good Naruto right there [Music] this has got to be the most underrated Naruto fight ever I don't see anyone talk about it despite how cool it is I'll admit it's short and pretty simple but this is such a colossal Act of disrespect on tsunade's part that you gotta respect it and the moment at the end where she stops Naruto's like incomplete Rasengan or whatever you want to call it by breaking open the ground with one finger so sick dude yeah yeah you guys know me I like Modera one of his fights was bound to make it up here eventually honestly like I said I'm pretty sure some of you guys are shocked that I put the other two moderate fights as low as I did but I couldn't help myself with this one by now the moment where he asks the five kage if they'd like his clones to use susano or not it's pretty famous and the perfect susano is pretty sick too but Mata is not the only person who gets cool moments in this fight Tsunade is a beast as it turns out you get to watch that woman go to work here she gets straight impaled by Jesus no doesn't care about it not one bit gets the sword out of there then gets busy laying the smackdown on matara the other kage are pretty cool too but matara and Tsunade are the stars of the show here in my opinion oh my god dude like man what is this Game of Thrones ass fight doing in Naruto Obito is a straight up demon here this has got to be the most ruthless Savage Act of bullying in the whole series right there are multiple things that this fight arguably does better than any other in the series they hand the hand combat here the way ninja tools are used and my favorite aspect the way fire style is used like Sasuke melts off his face this is also probably the scariest Orochimaru has ever been which is saying something since being creepy and ominous is kind of his whole thing well the best part of the fight is definitely Sasuke versus Orochimaru and for once I don't think that's my bias talking I think we can all agree that that's the case Naruto gets some good moments here too I'm a big fan of his entrance his interactions with Sasuke and him beating up the giant snake this fight is also obviously very important since it's where the seeds for one of the series most important subplots get planted this fight is just really really really good it basically sets up the entire Arc single-handedly by killing Asuma and giving Shikamaru the ability to see what Hidan can do firsthand the coolness level here is also like off the charts Shikamaru Asuma kotetsu izumo Hidan kakuzu all extremely cool characters and pretty much every combat interaction is also extremely cool also because the fight revolves pretty much entirely around hidan's immortality and the mechanics of the joshing curse ritual the fact that it essentially forces the reader or viewer to figure out how that works along with all the other characters makes it even more engaging than it already is in the first place foreign we've been on the insane train for the past couple or so in a row here and I think this one is the most insane of all of them this fight is completely and utterly ridiculous before I saw it I didn't even know this sort of stuff was possible in Naruto I don't know if any of you are familiar with the classic one trillion Lions versus the Sun but that basically happens here and it's not even the craziest thing there's a whole other different moment where Naruto shoots a Kamehameha gray ape ozaru laser out of his mouth at Orochimaru I could see why somebody might think this is too over the top but I love it it's super pretty and it's a ton of fun to watch foreign speaking of insane and over the top here we have the fight with drunk Lee and Sans tsunami at the time that it happened this was definitely the second or third craziest fight in the whole series behind only Naruto vs Gara and Gara vs Lee Kimi maro's ke genkai is also extremely unique and I think that watching his abilities interact with gara's specifically manages to be interesting all the way up until the end of the fight [Music] let's see while I'm a fan of the Sasuke section here for once it's not my favorite part of the fight Naruto totally steals the show from him in my opinion this is Naruto vs Neji but done well the hard-headed Brute Force approach that Naruto takes to this fight is perfectly emblematic of the sort of person he is and leads to some awesome set pieces like the 2K barrage and the headbutt at the end this fight's just really cool it's an interesting matchup it's got a ton of big explosions and it's got incredible paneling and shot composition this is absolutely Conan at her best and it's got some of my favorite moments from Obito too I really really wanted to throw it into s tier but there just wasn't quite enough room [Music] now that we've reached s tier we'll be looking at fights that are nothing short of what I'd consider All-Stars of Naruto's catalog these are examples of the series at its best and are all in my opinion close to if not outright Perfect all of these fights contain impeccable action set pieces and progress or enhance the story as they happen seamlessly and meaningfully [Music] I'm impressed by how much this fight manages to achieve while still being fast-paced and engaging it introduces the audience to two of the series most memorable villains establishes the akovski and explains what it is debuts the mangekyo Sharingan and pays off all the build up that Hitachi had received up to this point those are all incredibly important aspects of the story and I haven't even mentioned yet how Kakashi being hospitalized further incentivizes Naruto and Jiraiya to track down Tsunade narratively as a scene it pulls its weight and then some and as a fight boy is it entertaining Itachi does more than enough crazy [ __ ] here to leave a lasting impression on the audience not the least of which is using tsukuyomi for the first time which is one of the most iconic scenes in the series so just to be clear this includes the entirety of Tsunade shizuni Naruto and jaraya versus Kabuto and Orochimaru this fight is [ __ ] awesome every section of it is great Kabuto roiding up and fighting Tsunade Naruto trying and failing to summon gamabunta again jaraya fighting Orochimaru on top of the snake asani and performing their respective summoning Jutsu so not a clobbering Orochimaru and using gamabunta's sword as a weapon and of course who could forget Naruto using the Rasengan for the first time on Kabuto this fight completes tsunade's character Arc and allows Naruto to take a step forward in his all while delivering spectacular visuals and character moments come on man don't make me explain this one we're all on the same page already surely this is the best sound for fight and it's not close when he jumps in front of the rest of the team to deal with jerobo himself it's so sick and the fight only gets crazier from there later on choji expands to the size of the whole forest and body slams jerobo and it doesn't work jarobo just picks him up the end of the fight is what gets it all the way up here though butterfly choji is such an ice cold [ __ ] Thug all right so most of the fights from the kazakage rescue are inner below e-tier and the same goes for most bites that involve Puppet Masters the only other Sakura fight in the series that doesn't involve any other main characters is all the way down in F tier and like I said when talking about it I'm pretty sure people are going to tell me I put it way too high this fight is like an Unholy Trinity combination where all three of those things are present and still landed itself all the way up here in S2 it is by far the best fight from the kazakage rescue Arc by far the best Puppet Master fight and by far the best fight that focuses on Sakura even though the fights split up into multiple sections sort of like a multi-phase boss battle I don't think there are any low points here it's fun to watch Sakura and she'll fight hiruko the third kazakage puppet the hundred puppets that saucery summons and sauceries puppet body saucery himself is charismatic enough and has abilities that are cool enough that he left a lasting impression on me despite the fact that this is really his only major fight the animation here is extremely fluid Sakura and Chio make an interesting team this fight excels in practically every every area I don't think there's anything wrong with it this is another one that everybody likes in fact it's so popular that I'm worried I don't have anything new to say as plenty of other people have pointed out before the animation character Dynamics choreography and pacing here are all perfect it's an achievement and visual storytelling that puts many of the series best aspects to good use and deserves all of the praise that it receives [Music] so a problem that you're likely to run into when dealing with prequels or flashbacks or things of that nature is a lack of tension because you already know what to expect when the story is covering an event with a known outcome this problem is even worse flying right in the face of all of that we have Minato versus Obito without a doubt one of the most intense fights in all of Naruto the One Touch kill Dynamic of the fight probably has something to do with that Minato and Obito are such interesting opponents for each other because they basically do the same thing both of them can teleport and can essentially beat anyone they're fighting by simply establishing physical contact this means both of them are incredibly fast and by extension hard to hit but all either of them needs is a single good hit and the fight is over watching both of them fish for the one hit they need to win is incredible and the way that this contextualizes one of the most important historic events in the series makes it an almost necessary addition to its fight catalog [Music] it would have been insane of me to put this fight anywhere lower than S tier and I'm probably gonna get burnt at the stake for putting it outside the top 15. as I've already said though I think everything in s tier and above is perfect and this fight is no exception as a payoff to the enormous amount of build up the eighth gate had received this is extremely effective guys thrown up against the most impossibly strong opponent imaginable matara Uchiha with the power of the ten tails and he's actually able to keep up with him depending on who you ask a guy was actually winning this fight although it did take a little bit of outside help as a standard for around this point in the list the fight is visually stunning and conceptually Brilliant some of the coolest attacks and action set pieces in the series make their appearance here like sekizo and of course night guy number 15. Burger King foot lettuce this is where everything we learned in the aftermath of hitachi's death comes to a head Sasuke seeking the same closure he thought he'd get by killing Itachi and the only way it seems attainable to him is to kill danzo an Avengers Clan the emotion here is palpable especially in the raikage section which happens to be my favorite part of the fight since both Sasuke and the raikage are royally pissed off in this way the fight also acts as a payoff to taka's fight with killer bee since a thinks Sasuke killed B while Sasuke doesn't care and just wants to get to danzo the action here is great and super varied because of how different all of the kage's abilities are even the kage's aides get some cool moments here most notably darawi and chojiro in my opinion it's made even more engaging by the fact that this is the first time we get to see most of these characters fight and it also happens at a point in time where we're still not super familiar with the mechanics of Sasuke's mangekyo Sharingan and are still in the process of learning how it works this is just the type of fight that keeps you on the edge of your seat it's filled with twists and turns and has plenty of stuff that will surprise you the first time you see it [Music] I'm always down to watch moderate cause some Mayhem and this is one of the best examples of that this fight feels desperate chaotic and unpredictable in a way that few others manage to the Allied Shinobi forces is closer than ever to Victory now that they've taken care of Obito and all they have to do is take out Madara who's Blind by the way the problem is he's got sage mode and later on he gets one of his renagon back everyone throws everything that they can at him but it just doesn't work the situation gets worse and worse until it ends with Naruto and Sasuke at death's door and matara as the new jinchuriki of the Tim Tales this is up there with Payne's assault and contention for the most dire things have ever gotten in the series matara truly feels Unstoppable here what better way could there have possibly been to show us that Sasuke might be capable of killing Itachi than to have him kill another member of the Akatsuki that's all this needed to be a short little encounter where Sasuke beats Daedra then goes on his way to find Itachi and kill him instead it decided it was going to be one of the best fights in the whole series it goes so far above and beyond what you'd expect of it it even helped characterize daedara he had a whole Arc where he was one of the primary antagonists and you learned just as much about him if not more here than you did in that entire section of the story The Action here is also next level probably because watching Sasuke and daedora interact is so interesting this is also probably the best example of Sasuke's tactical prowess we ever get just based off this fight alone and nothing else his brain is big I know a lot of people aren't happy with the way it ended and maybe it is a little contrived but come on it doesn't really bother me and even if it did everything else is way better than it would need be to make up for that [Music] Kakashi is so cool here dude it's been unfortunate for Zabuza because it makes him look a lot worse by comparison but Kakashi stunts on him here the highlight of this fight for me has to be everything involving Haku though from Kakashi hitting Haku with the raikiri to Zabuza hesitating to cut through him and Kakashi at the same time that small detail adds so much Humanity to zombies as a character and even helps set up what happens immediately after this fight which is sabusa running through all of gato's men and killing him it's a spectacular climax to Naruto's first story arc and tazabuza's character Arc [Music] here we are finally at Double S tier if Str represented the best fights in the series then double s represents the best of the best this is the absolute Pinnacle of what Naruto has to offer in terms of fights it doesn't get any better than this this is a really long one but it doesn't have any low points at least not that I could spot in fact I think every section here is in contention for the best part of the fight Kakashi and team 10 vs hidon and kakazu has incredible animation and moment-to-moment action I'd go so far as to say as some of the best in the series Shikamaru probably gets his best ever character moment when he buries Hidan and later we get the debut and in my opinion best use of the Ross and shuriken speaking of the Ross and shuriken and this might go without saying I think this is a good character moment for Naruto too since like with Sasuke versus daedera we get to see him take out a member of the Akatsuki here and by extension get a clear indication of how far he's come since the start of the series The top-notch visuals and action set pieces combined with the various aspects of the story that are being progressed or outright paid off here creates a level of Engagement that I feel simply isn't present in any other fight that we've talked about so far this fight is so important definitely one of the most consequential at least of part one if not all of Naruto here isn't dying and Orochimaru losing his arms or pivotal plot points presented through a fight that was at the time it happened on a scale totally unlike anything that had come before it because of the power level of both fighters in this specific situation what's at stake here is magnified as you watch this it feels like if Heroes and dies No One's Gonna Be able to stop Orochimaru from wreaking havoc and doing whatever else he wants he's got the first two Hokage at his disposal and will probably be able to revive the third after he kills him speaking of that Orochimaru is just plain scary here the shot of the first two Hokage stepping out of their coffins is chilling and Orochimaru himself continues to be creepy and weird this fight also accomplishes an impressive amount of World building first of all you may have missed this but were introduced to the sound 4 here they're the ones who create the barrier we're also introduced to the reanimation Jutsu here and to the first two Hokage and we learn more about the abilities of all three present Hokage and we also learn more about heroism's relationship with Orochimaru it's difficult for me to concisely articulate how much worse the series would be without this fight while we're on the subject of important fights here's where we meet pain and get introduced to Mainstay Concepts like sage mode and the Rinnegan obviously this is also the fight where Jiraiya dies which you know kind of a big deal one thing I really like about it is something it has in common with the first Heaton encounter which is that it forces the viewer to figure out the antagonist's abilities in real time I also think that the running on feels just as scary and otherworldly as all the joshing [ __ ] did even beyond that the fight's just unsettling Payne himself feels inhuman and the visual design of the rain Village makes the environment seem hostile too it's also hard to deny how many memorable moments are present here the massive or sang on the Frog song The Gathering of the Six Paths of pain and jariah's death like all the other fights I've praised that introduced important villains this one succeeds at its job but does so with flying colors I think this is the second most effective example of that in the series The sheer power and versatility of the Six Paths of pain are conveyed flawlessly here that's also not all the fight accomplishes either like the last one the World building we get here is excellent and Jiraiya's death is brutal and extremely effective I know it didn't make everyone sad but most people will tell you it was an emotional gut punch hey what's good it's number eight and I'm not just don't worry I'm not gonna do that anyway the reason this fight is all the way up here is 99 because of the action there is some neat stuff going on narratively here this is Sasuke's first mission as a member of the Akatsuki and this is also where we get introduced to Killer B but I'm just gonna be honest and say that here we have a case of the cool [ __ ] happening on screen or on the page being more important than the storytelling it's just so much fun to watch there are no sections here that I would describe as anything less than some of the coolest [ __ ] I've seen in my entire life also Sasuke finally getting and using his mangekyo Sharingan is just I guess I can throw in some narrative points for the way that this enhances the five kage Summit as well [Music] foreign [Music] is top-notch the Dynamics present between Sasuke and danzo both on a character level and in terms of their abilities leave nothing to be desired even though Sasuke is divisive to say the very least at this point danzo is so hateable that it's impossible not to side with Sasuke I remember watching this fight as it was airing on Crunchyroll back when you would find the app by looking up like watch Naruto free online on the app store and just being so invested I wanted danzo to die so bad so that's getting stronger here than he's ever been the guy hits like a truck carrying nuclear artillery but thonzo is Immortal at least for like 10 minutes Izanagi is so cool especially when danzo's abusing it with his creepy weird Sharingan arm and the way that Sasuke manages to kill him by tricking him into thinking that one of his eyes is actually still open is one of my favorite little bits of tactical combat in the whole series this fight is by a landslide the best fight from the tuning exam preliminaries and one of the best fights in all of Naruto even if you isolate it and strip the rest of the series context away from it it's a compelling Underdog Story with Incredible action and animation I know there are plenty of people out there who have watched this fight multiple times but not a single second of any other Naruto material that's a testament to how well it's paced and how well all of the exposition is handled even if you don't know anything else about Naruto in this fight you're taught everything you need to know about these two characters I don't think this negatively affects the pacing either because every time the fight stops so something can be explained it's immediately demonstrated and paid off through a nice visual reward it's a genius level Master Class of action and storytelling that excels at everything it attempts to do and having said that yes I only think it's the sixth best fight in Naruto this is easily the best villain introduction in Naruto now narratively and I want to stress I only mean narratively it's not particularly ambitious its only goal is to establish how strong matara is but if we grade it based on how well it achieved that goal it's an A plus perfect score I don't know if any of you ever had a teacher that would give you like 110 on a test if you did a really good job but that's the sort of stuff we're talking about here aside from its narrative purpose though which again it excels at better than maybe every other Naruto fight this fight is extremely ambitious it's choreographed directed and animated brilliantly it's got some extremely unique action set pieces that are brought to life and made to look gorgeous both in the manga and in the anime it's also littered with iconic or at least memorable shots and moments like seriously they're everywhere on a meta level one of the reasons this fight is so satisfying to watch is because it acts as a payoff to all of the hype and buildup matara received throughout the series as I've said in previous videos there was a lot of that by the way the build up period lasted for a very very very long time now this could have been a double-edged sword because of how impossibly high it set the bar for Modera but I think we can all agree that he cleared it and then some with his first appearance [Music] Naruto vs Pain is basically the climax of the second act of the story and so obviously like the last one there's a lot of build up here now while this particular fight was foreshadowed and the entire Arc was clearly leading up to it I'm talking about the way that Naruto's big heroic save the day moment was built up too something like this eventually happening was kind of a foregone conclusion given how the series started with Naruto making it as clear as he did that he wanted to be a distinguished ninja with everybody's respect this is where Kishimoto keeps his promise that he's going to take this loser kid and turn him into a total badass Payne's a perfect enemy for something like this his abilities are extremely unique and he's strong enough to push Naruto to his absolute limit I don't just mean Naruto gets pushed physically here either pain strength is so great and so varied that Naruto is forced to use everything in his Arsenal here everything that we've seen him trained to develop and use over the course of the series makes an appearance in this fight what makes this fight even more satisfying is that it retroactively adds meaning and purpose to many of the fights that Payne took part in before this the Intel that people like Kakashi and jaraya were able to gather by fighting pain is crucial to Naruto's survival and eventual Victory here this fight also includes tons of extremely important character moments this is basically where Payne's entire ideology gets laid out mostly through his famous cycle of hatred speech to Naruto Hinata finally confesses her love to Naruto here and even fights pain to try and keep him safe which is by far the most important thing she does in ship it in it's also revealed here that Naruto's dad was the fourth Hokage and admittedly this may have been like a Jon Snow situation where everybody kind of already knew without being told but still setting aside how obvious it may have been it's cathartic to see Naruto interact with his dad for the first time now while the last two fights maybe even the last three or four have more consistently good action and visuals than this one does I think that the scene where Naruto and his six-tail cloak fights the tendo pain is on par with if not better than anything present in all four of those fights and in terms of narrative context the only one that even belongs in the same conversation as this fight is Sasuke vs danzo I'll admit that of the fights in double s tier this one's placement is probably the most adjustable I could totally see why someone might move it up or down a few spots but all things considered I think I've made a good case for it being the fourth best fight in Naruto I'm not exactly sure how I want to phrase this next point but we've been talking about build up for a while and I think the placement of the last two fights should convey how important I think it is having said that the Sasuke Itachi subplot was the one that I thought was by far the most interesting in the series and it had existed since all the way back when Sasuke first introduced himself to Kakashi and the other members of Team seven so the idea that this fight was going to happen was one that had give or take existed for around as long as the nebulous idea that Naruto was going to fight somebody like pain the difference between these two fights in that respect is that we knew Sasuke was going to be fighting Hitachi specifically from the very beginning so I think I can safely say without making anybody mad that this fight was probably the event that received the most intricate and lengthy buildup in the series the first time I watched it it was excruciatingly intense because like everybody else I thought Itachi was a psychopath who had killed his entire clan for no reason Sasuke was playing with his life by trying to kill somebody who had the mindset that we all thought Itachi did and every time we saw Itachi fight before this he was on a completely different level than the person he was up against the audience has given every reason to believe that Itachi is the most dangerous type of person both because of his mentality and because of how powerful he is and even though Sasuke was a core protagonist you can call me naive for this but I thought it was seriously possible that he was going to die here in terms of the combat and visuals I enjoy how back and forth the action is and think there are plenty of unique and exciting exchanges that Hitachi and Sasuke have with one another over the course of the fight I think it Peaks Twice first when Sasuke uses Kieran and immediately after that when Hitachi uses the susano for the first time the aftermath of the fight includes what's probably my favorite Exposition dump in the series this is an insane plot twist that recontextualizes not only this fight but a good chunk of the first half of Naruto I know that this scene isn't actually a part of Sasuke versus Hitachi but I have a hard time separating the two and I don't think that this scene can exist without the fight like Naruto vs Pain this is another example of a fight that doesn't necessarily have better action than many of the other fights in double s tier but has so much more narrative weight to it that I think I can Overlook that yeah yeah this is probably a little cliche but honestly who cares I'm already a huge fan of this fight in the manga but the anime version is definitely the definitive way to consume it this is arguably where the series peaked in terms of animation and all of the other important aspects like the directing and choreography are flawless it's set up about as well as you could ask for with the series long rivalry between Naruto and Sasuke and the sudden Revelation at the end of the kaguya fight that Sasuke is not actually on the same side as all of the other protagonists Sasuke is the Perfect final enemy for Naruto both ideologically and in physical combat they know each other better than practically anyone else and that's one thing that makes it so satisfying both to watch them fight and to watch them talk things out after the fight Naruto finally getting through to Sasuke resonated with me in a way that I'm not even sure I can properly describe and that was just the cherry on top of one of the most gorgeous and exciting fights I've ever seen when I started making this list I knew this fight was gonna be at the top literally everything that I look for in a Naruto fight is present here and is executed perfectly no matter which metric we use to judge it I think it's better than every other fight on this list it's the best fight in the manga and the best fight in the anime it's got my favorite character dynamic character moments character dialogue is built up to over the course of part one and over the course of the arc that it's the finale of has the best animation in all of part 1 and arguably the entire Series has the best combat and choreography has the best pacing as the best back and forth shift between who's winning and who's losing has some of my favorite uses of each character's respective abilities in the series progresses the plot arguably more than any other Naruto fight like I said anything that you want to look for in this fight is there and done brilliantly this is the best one and nope I won't be taking any questions or discussing this further anyway thanks everybody for watching this Titanic Behemoth of a video it's almost killed me to put it all together if you've stuck around this long consider subscribe driving if you don't want to don't worry about it but I'd really appreciate it thanks again for watching the video and as always take care of yourself and have a fantastic day swaikage out bye [Music]
Channel: Swagkage
Views: 1,155,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wLXQHu1oIc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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