The Khloe Kardashian picture circus

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to talk about khloe kardashian which if you've been here for long enough you know that i don't particularly like the kardashians and i don't really like discussing them because i feel like they permeate every social media and you can never escape them but anyway today we are going to be talking about khloe kardashian not just because it's trending right now it's all over social media but mainly because i think it can begin an important conversation to have quick side note if the vibe seems off right now well it is because i was lucky enough to get a vaccination appointment and by the time you're watching this video i will literally be in the hospital which i have a phobia hospital so i have pretty bad anxiety about going there by myself if you don't know lucky you khloe kardashian there was a picture taken of her that was not super filtered super photoshopped like all her other pictures and basically she had her lawyers remove all traces of that picture now i've seen the picture i saw it before this whole media frenzy began and i would post it here but i'm afraid that she would remove my video for showing the picture the picture that was posted of chloe was a bikini picture of her at some event with her family at some home of theirs so it was nothing not safe for work anything along those lines she looked happy in the picture i'm assuming that's why the family member took the picture and the picture was posted and she basically got her lawyers to mass remove that picture from anywhere i saw it before it was removed i genuinely did not think anything of it i just saw it and i was like huh this is unfiltered not photoshopped cool goodbye scroll not that big of a deal some people are mentioning the streisand effect in terms of this picture because the whole circus around getting the picture removed was a bigger deal than the picture itself so basically nobody would be talking about this picture had there not been such a big deal to get it removed genuinely i don't even think it would have been in the news for over a day if even a day bigger things are happening in the world but anyway now one thing i want to mention is that i have very mixed feelings over this whole thing not that i'm that invested that like feelings sounds like a lot i'm split in this particular situation because i have body dysmorphia self-esteem issues all of that i'm signed up for that and can't unsubscribe unfortunately so i know what it's like to feel embarrassed to feel disgusted with your body and things like that i've been there i am there can't leave there so i empathize with that aspect on the other side i also can't forget that the kardashians were one of the first influencer families they were pretty much the family that created this beauty standard that now chloe allegedly can't attain for herself so as much as i empathize i'm also like you can't create a monster and then come to us and talk to us about the monster you created and cry about it let's be real the kardashians created a lot of this and also let's remember that a lot of the kardashian jenners their whole [ __ ] social circle whatever you want to call them a lot of these people have had plastic surgery but won't admit to it now i have no problem with plastic surgery do whatever you want it's your own body i don't care but the reality is if you get plastic surgery and then don't admit to it and then try and claim something as ridiculous as i got this in the gym you're worsening the standard you already created because some standards are unattainable without plastic surgery and we need to be realistic about that because the young people watching this won't know and you're going to skew their brains out of all the kardashian sisters chloe has been the most discussed negatively in terms of her appearance so she's been called the fat sister the ugly sister she's been more heavily critiqued in terms of her appearance than the other ones i think that's something that has a big impact on this particular situation but anyway basically what chloe did is she went on instagram live in a dimly lit room and was showing her body taking off her sweater and just trying to show that her body is closer to her filtered photoshopped pictures rather than that one picture and then she made a couple of other posts which included another video of like her in her bathroom basically naked is showing her body again and then she had a couple of posts that had text on them we're going to talk about a couple of the text posts not all of them because it was a pretty redundant post like i said i don't wish that type of insecurity on anyone but i do think that to get your lawyers to remove a picture then you go live to show that your body is closer to your photoshop pictures then you post a video then you have text posts it's just it was a picture like i think this was all so overblown so just magnified it's hard to believe it all started from a bikini picture that her family took because she looked happy in it that that's all this really was and like all of us have unflattering pictures on the internet all of us have that friend that always posts the least flattering picture of you i would understand if it was a not safer work picture if it was a nude that she sent with someone that she trusted i understand all of that but this is not the same thing and i think it's overblown she says hey guys this is me and my body unretouched and unfiltered the photo that was posted this week is beautiful but as someone who has struggled with body immature whole life when someone takes a photo of you that isn't flattering in bad lighting or doesn't capture your body the way it is after working so hard to get to this point and then shares it to the world you should have every right to ask for it to not be shared regardless of who you are in truth the pressure constant ridicule and judgment my entire life to be perfect and the other standards of how i should look has been too much to bear chloe is the fat sister chloe's the ugly sister her dad must not be her real dad because she looks so different the only way she could have lost that weight must have been from surgery should i go on the standard that you are trying to meet is a standard that not only your family but your family had a very big role in obviously i will never condone commenting on someone's body negatively it's pointless it's sad it's pathetic there's no need to ever do that i don't understand people who feel the need to go to that length but again the standard you were talking about is a standard very much perpetuated by your family a standard that your family cashes in on may i also add who are the people selling laxative teas who are the people selling lollipops that are appetite suppressants allegedly like who is that is that not you guys this whole situation could be solved with a this you meme because really this family is one of the biggest families that perpetuates the standard that is now making your life hell or that has made your life hell for a long time let's not pretend that the standard is this weird ominous thing that's just there it's created and it's enforced by people like your family also on that same note we have to remember this is something i wasn't aware of until someone mentioned it on twitter and i fact checked it and it actually turns out to be true that khloe kardashian called her ex and jordan woods fat asses on national television that may have been a slip maybe she was frustrated because she got cheated on i don't know but the deal is there but if we're gonna go in that direction let's also make sure there's no hypocrisy oh but who cares how she feels because she grew up in a life of privilege she's on a reality show so she signed up for all this i'm of course not asking for sympathy but i'm asking to be acknowledged for being human i'm not perfect but i promise you that i try to live my life as honestly as possible and with empathy and kindness it doesn't mean that i have not made mistakes but i'm not going to lie it's almost unbearable trying to live up to the impossible standards that the public have all set for me for over a decade now in photos every single one in perfection has been microanalyzed and made fun of to the smallest detail and i'm reminded of them every day by the world and when i take that criticism to use his motivation to get myself in the best shape of my life and to even help others with the same struggles i'm told i couldn't have done it all through hard work i must have paid for it all again i don't second any type of negative comment on people's bodies the reason people jump to think that it's surgery is because your family has gotten a number of plastic surgeries without admitting it i may add so you can't really blame people for thinking you got plastic surgery since your whole family is basically a poster board for plastic surgeries and like i said there's nothing wrong with getting plastic surgery if you want it's your own body but let's not just lie about it and worsen the beauty standard that is now making your life hellish it's it's all a vicious cycle that you guys continue to buy into because by posting a video by posting your live stream on instagram you are just furthering that body standard by saying hey no guys like that picture isn't me i'm really this perfect in real life i'm really this ripped i'm really this it's like you are feeding what's eating you up my friend shona i'll put her art pieces here she made art pieces based on this that are so entirely relevant because they do really cash in on the insecurities of the masses with like i said laxative teas lollipop appetite suppressants whatever it is it sounds like a joke when i say it out loud but they are cashing in on this so when you're trying to cash in on us feeling bad about ourselves it's hard for people to really really really feel that that that bad for you because you created the monster and now the monster is eating you up and now it's a problem because it's hitting you where where was this where was all this preoccupation prior did it not mean anything because it didn't affect you that's a determination you guys watching can make anyways guys let me know what you think of the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 193,729
Rating: 4.9573927 out of 5
Keywords: kim kardashian, kkw, khloe kardashian, kylie jenner, kardashians, kardashian family, kardashian flat tummy tea
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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