Why Tumblr sucks ep.18 : Charles Manson fans

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to be discussing tumblr in a reaction to Charles Manson I know that we have discussed a true-crime community but I did think that this was kind of an interesting case study because this isn't a killer that died ages ago like he literally just died a couple days ago so I thought it'd be interesting to see what some of the tumblr rights are saying however before we get into that let's look at today's seminar okay so this is today's fan art thank you so much for this I love what the t-shirt says I love the eyes and I like that they're left blank because they kind of make me think of like gum a demon or a spirit or something so I really really like this drawing thank you so much I love the style of it I will be linking the artist in the description as usual and let's get on with the video also side note if you're on Twitter you're gonna know that a hair dye is coming and it might be a huge failure so whatever if you're not following me on Twitter though you should because I'm gonna start like asking you guys there for videos like if you want to give me your input so sorry for the plug okay so let me just start off with this preface because every time someone comments this I know these people exist outside of tumblr this happens to be a case study about tumblr why do I use tumblr because I've been on tumblr since I was like 13 which means I've been on tumblr for more than 10 years so that's the one I feel the most comfortable talking about because I don't really use reddit I might do that at one point anyways there were a lot of people who were level-headed and we're saying that it's great that Charles Manson is dead and that he's a horrible person blah blah blah so those people were there however there was an equal amount of people who were weird so we're gonna talk about the weird people here we have one post where there's a question that says Charles Manson got the easy way out by dying and this person answered what the hell are you talking about first of all he spent almost 50 years in prison for murders that he didn't even actually commit second of all he was obviously very sick towards the end with internal bleeding it's not like he just passed away peacefully in his sleep so you know before we talk about this let's just get like a memory refresher on who Charles Manson was okay so he was a cult leader he had the Manson family that was like a weird commune type thing in the late 1960s I'm reading this so yeah so his followers committed a series of nine murders at four different locations he was found guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder for the deaths of seven people including actress Sharon Tate all of which were carried out his instruction by members of the group Manson was also convicted of first degree murder for two other deaths okay so clearly a great guy here we have one which i think is kind of funny but in the context of this person's blog I stopped thinking it's funny because this person is actually serious and it says rest in peace Charles Manson a man of grace and wisdom and then under there's a picture saying I gotta take a [ __ ] excuse me so it's kind of funny because obviously this isn't like a very refined behavior but the person's blog it does really idolize serial killers so it's just kind of like oh okay so here there is a post that says anti TCC I love how anti that true crime community blogs honor the sanctity of life and victims by wishing the true crime community would kill itself and go die while simultaneously saying all the life should be protected at anyone who idolizes murder is disgusting so I can see why this would seem hypocritical the thing is that there is a different standard when anti TCC people are saying that life is you know sacred and that victims of these murders shouldn't have been victims they are talking about people who did nothing wrong I mean they're talking about people who did not deserve to die on the other hand the standard is different when we're talking about people who go out and kill other people and act like gods okay that's not okay so the reason that they talk about the sanctity of life is because some people don't go around murdering people if you don't care about the sanctity of like these murders like Charles Manson we're not gonna care about the sanctity of your life does that make sense I mean it's pretty obvious it's kind of like if someone shoots a family member of yours in the head are you gonna care about the sanity of their life no because they didn't care about the sanity of the life of someone else I don't think thank titty sorry so here we have a no one so it's a picture of rest in peace Charles Manson oh he was born the same year as my grandpa anyways Charles Manson November 12 to November 20th whatever rest in peace you'll be missed I mean I could say that most people won't miss him and in fact are probably popping a bottle right now anyways thankfully when I looked in the notes I saw a lot of people reblogging it saying what the [ __ ] so that's good but yeah this whole flower crown editing I mean do you remember that he was like aside from a murder he was like a Nazi like if as if that's not bad enough that he's a murderer there are plenty of other things that are super [ __ ] up about him I also found an article on the independent UK and I'll link it below but it's saying how many uh Nazis are hailing Charles Manson as a visionary leader okay so true crime community you're pretty much aligning yourself with these people cuz you both look up to him find for different reasons but still you probably will agree on a lot of things and if you find yourself agreeing on the walk things with neo-nazis who think a serial killer was a great person maybe it's time to chill here there was a description of a blog and it says that side of the TCC sometimes in foreign law there are times I make memes and [ __ ] posts you never know queen of controversy no I don't glorify serial killers only mass murders well aren't you the edge Lord of the Internet I don't know this just hits me is like trying really hard you know like how's that there are some people who try really hard to be like those gamer girls because guys find them attractive or whatever and it's just kind of like you don't want to try it hard either you gain or you don't an either way it doesn't really change anything about you here it just seems like she's trying to be like that cool edgy whatever no no and also no here we have in memory of Charles Manson says today is a sad day for the true crime community it saddens me to say that Charles Manson has passed away he was a great musician and composer but Charles will remain alive in our memory as long as we remember him he did not have an easy life so I hope he has a better life wherever he is rest in peace I've made a video as tribute it's the least I can do for him so whatever he didn't have an easy life okay cool even if I give you that though you know who didn't have easy lives the people that died because of him so killing a pregnant woman like of all the things well anyways then the fact that you say I made a video as tribute it's the least I can do for him what makes you think that if he were alive and out he wouldn't try to kill you like what makes you think that you're superior to the other human beings he killed or him like that he told his millions to kill what makes you think you're the exception that's kind of the same thing with Hitler where I see people who Hitler would have gotten killed in a second who say oh yeah Heil Heil Hitler or whatever and it's like [ __ ] you would have been dead here we have another profile and it says Charles Manson is BAE and at first I thought like oh ha this is a joke or whatever and it's not and there's the profile picture of this person is Charles Manson and then above it there was um also a Jif of Charles Manson so okay I guess here we have a painting of Manson it says either us uncle Charlie you're known the great acid trip in the sky stay witchy then under it says rest in peace Charlie Manson true crime icon see I have an issue with the use of the term icon because this person clearly you know likes Charles Manson to some degree whatever the degree is but using the term icon is just disk because I thought has a lot of implications and none of them are particularly negative especially because this is a painting and you know icons also mean a painting of Jesus Christ or holy figures or whatever so this that was a weird thing I don't know if they did that on purpose and while the definition of icon is a person or thing regarded as representative symbol of something I do feel like it has a kind of more positive connotation I don't know that might just be my own bias though clearly this person does like Manson though okay so here there's another person that says look I'm not going to pretend that Charles Manson was a perfect person but honestly [ __ ] you if you celebrate anyone's death even his there are a lot of people who admire him even if it's just because he was so psychologically twisted I presented an unprecedented psyche to the intellectual world as a whole say what you will about him but he contributed hugely to the history of this world and his loss is devastating blow to all of us whether you like it or not and I'm just kidding but this is totally something that someone on this hell site would say I love this pose I have to put in something a little funnier because that's exactly what someone is hell site would say props to that person so here we have another one that says rest in peace Charlie you will be missed hashtag sad day today who's missing him apart from you nut jobs that are obsessed with serial killers thinking that you'd be the exception no okay no okay last post I'm not sure if y'all heard but Charles Manson died last night 83 is still a good age to make it to but it's still sad to hear I was even planning on writing him I guess it's too late for that rest in peace Charles Manson 1934 to 2017 so at least this one doesn't seem to be overly like oh my god he was a good person boo boo but still the person sad wanted to write to him so it would indicate that this person is in favor of Charles Manson and you know I really don't understand the phenomenon and you know like I can understand that the bad boy thing has always been a thing but at the same time there is a difference between being a bad boy who's like a high school jock who's just a jerk and then the one who like goes out and kills people or makes a little cult and tells them to kill people and has sex with underage girls like I there is so much of wrong with them that I can't even begin to list it because otherwise we're gonna be here until tomorrow morning but I'm just so dumbfounded at how people are so willing to make excuses for people who shouldn't have excuses and this goes back to our topic of acceptance that this whole thing of like you should try and be more understanding it's like there's some things we're not supposed to be understanding about because we have morals we have laws we have a system in place if we accept everything it's over and the thing is people saying that he should be accepted or at least appreciated it's just no he does not have to be any of that he doesn't deserve any respect whatsoever anyways you guys I'm not trying to say that all the true crime communities like this were plenty of people that were answering saying hey I'm part of the true crime community don't lump me in with this [ __ ] or whatever and I know that some people are just genuinely interested in crime not like obsessed with the killers but these are just people who are so Trust I know the difference anyways thank you guys so much for watching I'll catch you next time
Views: 300,085
Rating: 4.9231606 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, murder, serial killer, charles manson, manson family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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