Why The Night Lords Are the Most Ethical & Humane Legion | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal no this is not a meme video or some kind of early April Fool's joke a benefit of sacrificing most important real life knowledge to make room for more warm allure in my brain is that I'm able to take insights from the law that casuals probably wouldn't be able to perceive a recent Insight that I have realized is that the night Lords the sadistic criminal terrorists are actually the most Humane ethical and relatable Legion out of all of them including the salamanders not because they're friendly or say nice things or hug people no they they don't really do that however it's their actions that make them so goddamn morally good as well as the fact that they're key characters such as Talos savitar and malkarion are genuinely good guys who have gone out of their way to do positive meaningful things for innocent people on top of that the night Lords are one of the few traitor Legions whose Rebellion against the Imperium is actually pretty Justified and actually makes sense unlike most other Legions like the death God or sons of Horus before you get started if you want to enrich your knowledge of 40K law whilst being perpetually entertained even when doing mundane tasks like cooking or cleaning then you need to start listening to Warhammer audio books or just more magical content the issue though is you can't just blast Horus Rising when you're on the train or going for a walk the solution is brought to you by today's sponsor raycon premium wireless earbuds that cost around half of what you'd pay for most other brands they have noise isolation to get that crisp audio custom gel tips for a perfect fit water and sweat resistance so they can be used in the gym and so much more not to mention the eight hours of play time so perfect for a plane ride stop being a caveman that still uses these heavy bulky headphones or those peasant wide earphones and join us raycon isn't just an earbud brand though they also have high quality affordable speakers and headphones 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napalm strikes them it's still much better to curb stomp the one baby this is the night Lord's philosophy in a nutshell during their great Crusade era compliances they do not like to have hectic pitch battles and open Warfare they're actually really bad at it instead they love to infiltrate a world kidnap a few key characters horrifically torture them and then broadcast the torturing every day the world resisted they would kidnap more innocence and continue to viciously tear them apart until the plan it lost its will and surrendered compare this to the noble blood angels who would bomb cities to dust then drop hot in to rip everyone to shreds people who were just defending their Homeworld from foreign Invaders or the salamanders whose flame girls would ignite entire towns in seconds killing men women and children what about the honorable space wars who would tear apart an entire world with accent teeth within a week there are in-law examples of even the most loyal and Noble Legions going extremely [ __ ] hard on the genocide side of things funnily enough one of the very few times the night Lords used the virus bomb on an enemy was when they were battling a slaneshi cow's culture in the great Crusade bit of irony there for you the nightlord's reputation for brutality was so well known that systems who had heard of them would surrender if they caught wind of the sons of curse heading their way creating many bloodless endings to rebellions they were the empress terrorists his psychological warfare specialist who would shed the least amount of blood out of all the legions however they and almost they alone were censored been labeled as sadistic murderers not worthy of their Birthright they were being punished and looked down upon for fulfilling their Emperor given role if we look at their Primark he took a world full of rapists murderers pedophiles thieves unironic fairies and wife bashes and turned it into the most lawful planet in the galaxy sure he should have then built education and quality of life infrastructure instead of just ruling through absolute fear but during his rule millions of rapes thousands of murderers and dozens of fairy orgies were never committed he was Justice flawed [ __ ] justice but still Justice Conrad was also the first Primark to know about the heresy due to his future Visions it terrified him so he told fulgrim one of his closest brothers would this warning reach the emperor and change the course of fate in favor of the Imperium [ __ ] no once again Conrad got dogged with fulgrim telling Dawn who then roasted the [ __ ] out of Conrad when Nostromo Conrad's Homeworld returned to its criminal ways and the nightlord legion began to get full of criminal recruits that were tainting the legion Conrad was unhappy he was disgusted so disgusted in fact that to try maintain his legion's nobility he destroyed his own home world he would rather [ __ ] his own Legion than let them devolve into a bunch of sadistic demigods his favored Sons were Legends savitar was a god-tier warrior but also a pretty cool guy with a strong moral code when he was a prisoner of the Dark Angels an innocent psycho woman was viciously beaten by one of the jailers savitar broke out of his cell massacred the Jailer then calmly surrendered to be taken back to his cell he inflicted Justice upon an evil man the night Lord Talos treated his servants with respect and even killed a useful fellow nightlord when that night Lord murdered one of his servants he would go on to free his servants and ensure the safety of them and their child allowing himself to be killed instead of saved in order to protect them malcari on the war Sage protected an innocent woman from the Elder who were on a rampage walking slowly in his Dreadnought form so she could keep pump and also turning on his light so she could see he protected her long enough for her to get to safety making her and talos's two servants the only survivors out of thousands of Mortals that used to live on the night Lord ship they survived because of the efforts of the night Lords this was all after the heresy by the way when they were all traitors even when the heresy broke out and the night Lords turned their back on an Imperium that hated them they still maintained a strong code of honor and control they despised chaos and rarely used it with savitar even spitting on the ground when argul tal a half demon wordbearer tried to speak to him post heresy most of them stayed corruption free one of the only trade allegiance to do so going back to Conrad it was a pretty complicated bloke who had some serious issues the biggest one was his fracturing sanity as a result of his Visions these Visions caused them to have memory loss mood swings and schizophrenia he knew it was too late to save the soul of his Legion and he knew he had become an evil prick so he did the noblest thing he could he allowed an assassin to take his head in what was more or less an assisted suicide sure he did claim that he allowed his death to have Vindication but I think it was more than that most of the other Trader primarks would have and did a center demon Prince status if they were him likely fixing his mind in the process but he stayed true to himself to the end when Talus and his warband traveled to sagwalsa their old Homeworld and genocided the Imperial settlement there and sacrificed the astropaths in an extremely agonizing way in order to send a shockwave through the warp it wasn't just sadism and evilness that drove them their world had been settled by the enemy obviously they were going to [ __ ] kill them and the torturing and killing of the astropaths crippled many Imperial worlds worlds of their enemy they were at War and it was actually a stroke of tactical genius now I do admit the night Lords have done some seriously bad [ __ ] I'm not saying they are a benevolent or Flawless Legion they are very unethical and pretty evil but this video isn't a standalone about their moral compass it's comparing the them to the other Legions so despite their atrocities they still have the lowest amount of innocent blood on their hands and committed the least amount of destruction of infrastructure annoyingly in recent times the nightlord Riders have been removing their nuance and unexpected wholesomeness opting to instead make them a bunch of one-dimensional terrorists which is really [ __ ] because the moral dilemmas and gray areas that many Allegiance displayed during the start of heresy or for the night Lords beyond that with some of the best parts of the trade Allegiance law there's a reason why the Loyalists from the trade Allegiance are some of the best characters in the entire setting the internal conflict is very compelling however with the death of Talos loss of Mount Carion the death of savitar there really isn't many more compelling night Lords who believe in Justice all there has left other criminals from Nostromo or the evil new recruits who don't really understand nightlord culture there is Decimus the successor of Talos who could bring the night Lords back to what made them interesting but we haven't gotten any lore about him in a long time so yeah it really seems like GW is trying to contradict me here by going overboard on the evil Vibe recently but let's put the focus on Prime night Lords true night Lords when Talos Conrad and savitar were a thing another point that people don't seem to realize is that the prime nightlord Legion was Brave Talos faced down the Phoenix Lord janzar knowing he was going to die but he didn't even Flinch savitar was the only Space Marine who could even beat sigismund in a jewel Conrad took on the line and the Dark Angels turned the heresy something that even Horus was too scared to do Conrad faced his brother without fear and even happily antagonized the line to his face was this a good idea no Conrad got [ __ ] up pretty badly and his Legion and Fleet were devastated by the Dark Angels they were feared for a reason but he took it on the chin he didn't complain or back down he performed his duty to the war Master a duty he knew and likely foresaw would end in defeat and humiliation a duty that most other trade Allegiance were too scared to do I want to make a quick note about the night Lord been the most humanized and relatable Legion when Nostromo went back to being a crime-ridden [ __ ] its recruitment standards dropped dramatically the new night Lords lack strict psycho indoctrination and were chosen from the physically and mentally strongest recruits AKA violent criminals whilst this did produce some [ __ ] studies it was also the way Talos and his best friend zal another legendary nightlord were recruited it kept them in touch with their Human Side allowing them to have complicated discussions and debates with their battle brothers and human servants the night Lord mercutian saw the great Crusade as a Time Of Glory and Honor he wishes they could return to those times Talos sees the great Crusaders Folly as it was under the direction of the Emperor their now enemy when some blood angels got aboard talus's ship and killed a bunch of people including a young girl who was the only person to be bought on the ship for decades that young girl's father was destroyed and begun sowing the seeds of mutiny Talos caught on to this and marched to the father but instead of killing him as an example his showed empathy telling the father that he personally hunted down and killed the blood angel that murdered his daughter he got Vengeance for him he then warned him that he would not tolerate dissidents before leaving the father alive sure one of talus's Brothers then came back later and murdered the [ __ ] out of the father but that's besides the point when talos's best friend zal and Sirion were killed Talus was devastated even staying with Sirion as he died to comfort his friend Prime night Lords true night Lords were ethical and Humane honorable avoiding Mass death and destruction they fulfilled their Duty with our complaint face down Mighty of foes without fear and their key characters were known for their honor loyalty and unexpected compassion it's just a shame that all the good night Lords are gone and all we have left is a bunch of mustache twirling villains come on GW give Decimus some time in the sun if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a major mini we actually have a lord of the night who is one of those Prime Lords of the night not one of those you know uninteresting beta [ __ ] Hit the Subscribe button the real subscribe button for more surprisingly wholesome content join this for more memes and I'll see you next one peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 239,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: WdHG9nO7iOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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