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never did I think I would see the day that Star Wars would be reduced to a colossal failure that is the acolyte series by Leslie hedin that stars amandela Stenberg as OSHA and may this thing is currently at 133% on Rotten Tomatoes on the audience scale and it really shows it's very revealing about how the Star Wars fans feel feel about the overall direction by Disney by Bob Iger by Lucas film and their overall incompetence over there and their deliberate agenda and how Kathleen Kennedy really just plans to not stop at all we already talked about how there's a lot of conversations happening right now behind closed doors that Kathleen Kennedy wants to extend her contract Beyond 2024 I don't know if you guys knew this but this very year marks the end of her contract with the ability to renew it yet another 3 years I'll have to wait and see what happens with that this is Mike zero subscribe if you're new and like this video to see future updates you can also follow me at Mike 01 I thank you also very much for the great and kind support so the acolyte series episode three and four I think is what did it for fans a lot of fans just aren't even really interested anymore when it comes to Disney Star Wars the ray movies not helping At All by Charmin oade chinoi the director of that movie after saying that it's all about not listening to the fans it's all about diverting away from what George Lucas had created 40 plus years ago well things got even worse for Bob Iger and for the Disney heads and their financial financial situation with the acolyte series and what's going on over there let's discuss shall we now specifically we know that no matter what they do no matter what kind of damage control that they engage in it's not going to fix the fans's overall mind right how they actually perceive this series what they actually think about the show so with the acolyte backlash only worsening with each episode that debuts on Disney plus one significant development going on right now has much to do with the financial situation related to the acolyte series and how Disney lost Millions more due to the backlash one crucial update to the scenario now involves how the Walt Disney company/ luucas film recently made yet another decision to dismantle other very expensive SE pieces that were specifically meant for the acolytes season 2 which by the way is now in shambles and not moving forward at all anymore something that Kathleen Kennedy and Leslie hedin are endlessly battling Disney over to reinstate the acolyte for a second season the handful of set pieces that were recently dismantled and weren't able to be salvaged for another production recently lost Disney around $10 million right off the bat apart from what we talked about previously a couple of days ago however to make matter is even worse more merchandise for the acolyte was also cancelled and will no longer be moving into retail or online stores and even at the theme parks and whatever merchandise moves its way into stores will be reduced by 30 to 35% when it comes to the price tchs like Galaxy's Edge and the theme parks for example many of these products that were of course made and now cancelled consist of some or consisted of some special figurines certain lightsaber hilts and even wardrobe catered to the acolyte series that recently got discontinued even after producing these items this caused Disney Millions upon Millions more and lost them millions in that process as well which is the true Revelation that the majority of fans really want nothing to do with the acolyte series at all apart from the merchandise failing miserably when it comes to pre-sales for the acolyte parts of the acolyte season 2 were also shot during the same time of filming the acolyte season 1 as a form of an opening scene for the second season that is now going to a complete waste the entire scene reportedly cost Disney 12 million to film and consisted of a 10-minute sequence with a mixture of using the stagecraft technology and on location shots in Scotland as well as usage of course of CGI that was very expensive in the long run the main reason why Lesley's of course and Leslie's overall scene in the structure of this sequence was of course given the okay to film for the acolyte season 2 was to use this as a form of an epilogue to season 1 that was going to serve as a bridge between the first and the second season this entire sequence is now getting cancelled and ax and hence will not be promoting the acolyte season 2 in that light something that both Leslie hedin and Kathleen Kennedy are Furious about and it's already creating a massive divide between bober and those at Lucas film Dave filon reportedly was also involved in this scene that c lost and lost Disney 12 million they of course also included a very expensive practical effects with the use of puppeteers in the process this scene was also going to be used in 2026 for the acolyte season 2 that would focus on the master Sith lordes villain in the series that goes under the code name Shadow now guys let me just stop here before I move on now the fact that they have a lot of merchandise sales nose diing when it comes to pre-sales a lot of merchandise that's not even going to be making it to the shelves anymore and they also shot a exclusive scene for season 2 that is now no longer moving forward that was going to like I said before be attached to both season 1 and season 2 so they were going to use it as an epilog so to speak for the current one and using it as an opening for the next season which is in shambles like I said before as well now interestingly enough we know that Bob Iger really is is trying to defend the show at all costs as we talked about previously he is blaming everything on loud opinionated fans that are the minority that this is nothing more than a marketing mishap perhaps and it's the same corporate speech rinse and repeat that he did with the Last Jedi the rise of Skywalker bab Boba Fett Kenobi it's the same exact thing over and over and it gets very tiresome but hey it's Bob after all after all as well as Bob Chek did the same exact thing back then as well with other Star Wars Productions so both Bob Chek and Bob Iger as far as I see things they're very bad in their own unique ways but I think that Bob Iger really takes the man only I think he really dethrones Bob Chek as the worst Disney CEO moving on forward already Bob AER and the board are planning to create another emergency meeting for the final week of June on cause cutback for the acolyte marketing many commercials are now also getting cancelled that were already produced that Disney invested in so now you also have specific commercials that were created for the acolyte that are also getting axed that cost Disney a lot of money now look we know that there's a lot of things that Disney has done over the course of you know the last I would say 5 years 5 and 1/2 years that really has not been resonating well with fans at all I mean when you look at all these different Productions book of Bob effect Kenobi even Ahsoka was a little divisive to an extent a lot of people just did not enjoy that show I myself included was not a fan of Ahsoka but at least it wasn't an atrocity like the acolyte series I mean the aite makes everything else look like you can actually deal with it it makes everything else like The Last Jedi look reasonable that's how bad the aite is as far as I see it and as far as many of you guys out there see it as well so this whole financial situation for the acolyte series it's not a big shocker at all it's not a big surprise because this is Disney Star Wars after all but at the same exact time what's in even you know uh more mindboggling mindboggling scenario is that they keep doubling down they will just move on to a new face a new Creator that's going to be new to the audience that's going to make them think oh well maybe this is going to be different that's why they're using charmino be chinoi for the upcoming Ray Star Wars film who is no better than Leslie hedum by the way if not equally as bad so overall I would like to hear what you all have to say about this Below in the comments and if you guys did enjoy the content for today make sure to drop a thumbs up on this video to support the channel and I will catch you guys later [Music] a [Music]
Views: 9,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MikeZeroh, the acolyte episode 3, the acolyte episode 4, the acolyte backlash, woke disney, star wars, disney star wars, leslye headland the acolyte, kathleen kennedy the acolyte, amandla stenberg the acolyte, bob iger disney ceo
Id: hZ5hzYeCsHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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