Why Thanos Actually Won In Avengers: Endgame

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hey guys early warning if the title didn't give it away already there are Avengers endgame spoilers ahead in Avengers infinity war Josh Brolin's Thanos finally achieved his goal in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after having been teased as far back is 2012 when he appeared in the mid credit scene of The Avengers he collected all six Infinity stones snapped his fingers and wiped out half of all life in the universe before retiring to a remote planet to live out his remaining days in peace but that piece was soon disturbed as the Avengers caught up with him an endgame and killed him upon realizing he'd destroyed the stones moreover he died again later in the movie when the 2014 version of the character showed up in 2023 which ended with Tony Stark using the Infinity stones to snap him out of existence but was that Thanos his goal all along did the mad Titan want to die this theory suggests so so let's get into it you may remember back in 2012 in that aforementioned Avengers mid-credits scene that fan OHS turned his big purple face to the camera and smiled signaling his introduction is the big bad of the MCU going forward played by the little-known Damien Poitier at the time the prune chin villain was reacting to the others suggestion that challenging humanity would be to court death while this could easily have been taken at face value meaning that going up against the Avengers would risk being killed it also immediately invoked images for Marvel's comic books you see in the comics Thanos has quite literally courted the affection of mistress death the personification of the very concept of death in the Marvel Universe he has a very deep and extremely twisted love for the character who's often presented as both an actual woman or a hooded skeletal Grim Reaper type being that love stems from an obsession with dying Thanos is weakness in the comics is often presented as being the fact that he subconsciously wants to die and getting close to the being who controls life and death will get him closer to it and there's a theory that the MCU version of the character has had the same morbid urge since the moment he was first introduced of course that theory starts with the mid-credits scene from The Avengers in which the mad Titans smiled at the idea of putting life at risk why else would he do that unless he at least somewhat liked the idea of dying then you have to think about the fact that in spite of the fact that he got his hands on the Infinity stones fairly easily in the end which he must have known he was capable of doing he was previously giving them away and letting others collect them on his behalf for several years he sent Loki after the space stone knowing the god of mischief could have potentially used it against him given his disloyal nature and he literally handed the would-be King of Jotunheim the mind stone in order to let him go after it essentially Thanos his plan was to give an evil sorcerer the opportunity to have two Infinity stones in his possession knowing full well that having them both would actually make him powerful enough to kill him it didn't end up happening but the danos really think someone known as the god of mischief wouldn't use two Infinity stones against him you have this experience in that arena then came his attempts to gain the power stone arguably the most dangerous of the Infinity stones in 2014's guardians of the galaxy rather than just show up on Morag and get it himself he sent the volatile Kree warlord Ronan after it I mean really what kind of maniac would send Ronan the accuser after an item powerful enough to destroy planets and expect him to just hand it over without any issues it's like Thanos was literally hand picking characters who might use the Infinity stones to turn on him because he wanted to die then came the moment he finally decided to get off his cosmic chair and collect the Infinity stones himself in that avengers age of ultron mid-credits scene in 2015 it's as though he was suggesting he'd have to go on a suicide mission given that his pawns weren't up to the task of killing him following a teaser in the mid credit scene of 2017 Thor Ragnarok the next time we actually saw that nose was in 2018 s Avengers infinity war from the very start of the movie it was emphasized that nobody in history had ever wielded more than one Infinity stone sopha knows clearly had no idea exactly what that would do to him even with the gauntlet he'd had made harnessing their power yet without hesitation he proceeds to add all them to his person one by one again this would certainly suggest he had absolutely no qualms about dying along the way enroute to collecting them all you also get a distinct impression that he wasn't going all-out which was always going to be a risk against characters like Iron Man Doctor Strange and Thor he could have easily killed guys like spider-man star-lord and Drax but it was like his efforts were half-baked in the hope that someone would land a killing blow of course it never happened and ultimately he snapped his fingers again having absolutely no idea or care about whether or not it would kill him but alas it didn't it just severely wounded him and that brings us to Avengers endgame where it seemed as though his mission to die was really turned up a notch it's kind of understandable he'd achieved his life goal of wiping out half of all life in the universe he lost all of his key allies including Gamora who you loved and he was seemingly permanently injured by the effects of the snap early in the movie it was revealed that he'd used the stones again in order to destroy them not only would he have known that the second use of the stones when he was already severely injured could have killed him but he also did so knowing that it would send out a huge wave of cosmic energy that would be detected by the heroes who'd be searching for him and that's exactly what happened and what do you know when they arrived on the remote planet he'd retired to he had absolutely no weapons no technology no warning systems no henchman or bodyguards and no defenses in place heck he was using his armor as a scarecrow and if that doesn't scream I want to die nothing ever will his use of the term I am inevitable just prior to Thor cutting his head off with Stormbreaker would also suggest he had a cockiness about him as if he knew death wouldn't actually be the end of him and let's be honest the idea of death would become a lot more easy to take if say you wanted to sit by the side of mistress death as her undead lover and let's not forget that Thor went for the head in that aforementioned scene based on the advice that Thanos had personally given him in the previous movie seriously why would you ever give someone advice on how to kill you especially if you know that person and his powerful friends are gonna be angry with you for the rest of their lives the answer because Thanos wanted Thor to catch up with them and go for his head simple of course Thanos returned in spite of his early demise an endgame courtesy of time travel as the 2014 version of the character was able to emerge in 2023 this past version of the mad Titan had literally seen himself decapitated by Thor courtesy of nebulas digital memory yet he was still prepared to fight the god of thunder again alongside both Captain America and Iron Men in spite of the fact that he had no Infinity stones in his possession at that point in fact he was well aware of the fact that the Avengers had all six of them in their possession but was still prepared to do battle with him when he had none even against the likes of Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch that's a guy with a death wish if we've ever heard of one he also looked remarkably unfazed when thousands of Heroes emerged through portals to fight him in fact it felt as though he might even have been relieved by it as if he knew death might be close of course Thanos would get his hands on all six Infinity stones again and he also used those words again I am inevitable before snapping his fingers to no effect and realizing Tony Stark had taken them from him the fact that he's used those words on two occasions both just before he died seems very telling it's like Marvel Studios are trying to tell us that in spite of what's about to happen to fan owes his use of those words mean we'll see him again somehow it was of course at that point that stark would snap Thanos and his armies out of existence and Thanos looked incredibly calm and accepting about the whole thing in fact he sat down and made himself comfortable ready for the moment he would turn to dust again it was like he was happy he was happening perhaps he knew he was heading to the other side to be with mistress death all things considered it's as though Thanos knew that a path towards collecting the Infinity stones in the MCU was a path to his demise and that's why he wanted them so badly and from the first moment we saw him that court death line was hinting towards that fact it's worth noting that in the MCU the Infinity stones were created by four cosmic entities those being infinity eternity entropy and you guessed it death they were shown in guardians of a galaxy on the wall the temple vault where the power stone was kept on meringue and again with a collector gave his explanation about the stones origins later in the same movie what better way of getting death's attention than by collecting the stones she helped to create and using them to kill trillions of living beings around the universe it's worth noting that there's an eternal movie set for release in phase four of the MCU and Thanos is one of the most prominent eternal characters in the comics specifically he's an eternal deviant hybrid and it would be very strange for a movie based on the Eternals not to include him there is every chance that ohs could re-emerge in that movie at death's side having achieved his goal to die and exists as her undead lover the very word eternal would suggest anybody who's part of that species will live forever and it would mean a no saying I am inevitable on two occasions makes a lot of sense the fact that Disney recently purchased Fox also makes the idea of Deadpool appearing in the MCU very plausible going forward and Deadpool and Thanos have a long-standing rivalry for deaths affections in the comics that has them both wanting to die to be by your side we might find that Thanos ends up getting resurrected in the franchise only to express his frustration at being forced to compete with the Merc with the mouth for the love of the dark cosmic entity once more and that would be an awesome and morbidly hilarious thing to see in a live-action movie Josh Brolin loves playing Thanos and given how iconic for characters become in such a short period of time he's this generations Darth Vader it would be strange to scrap him already it would be amazing to see him return as big and as bad as ever as a sort of undead entity whose ultimate goal to sit a death side gets revealed on screen before our very eyes if you thought that nose was dangerous in the MCU up to now just imagine what an undead immortal version of the character would be like with one of the most powerful cosmic entities in existence the character with power over the very concepts of life and death working alongside him we could get a whole new saga with an even more powerful nefarious and murderous version of the mad Titan as the big bat and think of how genocide elite have to become to up the ante in order to continue to impress mistress death it's hard to imagine that any genuine MCU fans would have any complaints about such a fantastic character returning that's for sure so what do you think of this theory did Thanos really want to die in Avengers endgame would you like to see him return as the a mortal lover mistress death in the MCU let us know your thoughts in the comment section and please remember to like the video and subscribe to screen rants so you never miss our great new uploads in the future see you next time guys [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,457,990
Rating: 4.28195 out of 5
Keywords: Thanos Endgame, Thanos MCU, Theory Video, Theory Videos, Movie Theory, Movie Theories, Superhero Movie, Superhero Movies, Comic Book Movie, Comic Book Movies, Marvel Movie, Marvel Movies, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Studios, Avengers: Endgame, Avengers Endgame, The Avengers, Screen Rant, Screenrant
Id: IONaTtzNl2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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