Ranking The 9 Main Star Wars Musical Scores (ft. Sideways)

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Oh, neat! Thanks for sharing! I probably wouldn't have seen this otherwise.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Zagorath 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
funding for shaper Atlas is provided by surf shark VPN tuned until the end to find out about their amazing service I love Star Wars but it does not love me back this franchise is filled with some of the highest highs and lowest lows in media history there are no universally agreed-upon opinions in this franchise other than the original two are good everything else is totally up in the air actually wait a minute there is one universally loved element of these films the one and only consistent creative voice throughout the entire nine film saga and the one aspect of every film that everyone agrees has some semblance of quality that is of course oh my god these movies have such phenomenal scores they are all inspiring and the best part is that the quality of the scores is completely independent from the quality of the movie most of the time even if you hate nearly every aspect of one of these movies you can't deny that John Williams gave it his all and delivered an absolute masterpiece of a score eight out of nine times so as a tribute to the musical maestro himself I figured I'd rank and review every score from the main saga of Star Wars films rogue one solo even the Clone Wars movie surprisingly all have great scores but I figured it was best to keep things simple and just stick to William's work for this list I'm not only looking at how great the music sounds on its own but how well it complements the scenes within the film and how well implemented the various songs throughout the franchise's history are used in each film but then I remembered that I have no substantial musical training and it might be great to get a second opinion from someone who actually analyzes film scores and what do you know sideways happen to be free if you like my channel definitely give his a watch hi everyone I'm sideways I make videos about film scores of music theory and all kinds of music related stuff I literally cannot shut up about music no matter how much people beg together we formed our own rankings of the nine scores and then combined our lists together to make the definitive Star Wars score ranking so let's get into it even though sideways and I had wildly different rankings in almost every respect there is one placement we unanimously agreed upon one movie with a score so shockingly horrendous that it easily took the bottom spot by a huge margin and that movie is the rise of [ __ ] Walker look the goal of this list is total objectivity when it comes to the quality of the film's these scores are attached to for the purposes of this list it doesn't matter that this is the worst Star Wars movie if anything the musical score here is way better than the movie it's attached to but with that said the score is still bad really bad sideways already has an excellent 27 minute video about this topic so I'll take over here and keep it brief this is a score that serves almost exclusively as a Greatest Hits medley that misunderstands the meaning behind many of the songs it's plain I mean there are a few things I like in here the way the Imperial March plays when the Star Destroyers rise up was kind of cool I liked the celebration music at the end quite a bit it's no return the Jedi celebration music but it has a nice uplifting feel to it and that final scene contains a beautiful melding of different mystical star wars themes I kind of like it once the score kicks in during the lightsaber fight on the second Death Star ruins it's fairly exciting and I honestly don't hate the fact that Yoda's theme plays with luke lifts the x-wing I think it's an OK callback showing that Luke is following in his old masters footsteps okay that's enough nice things about rise of Skywalker for one video I think god I'm just so sick of nearly every aspect of this score it over plays so many tracks to the point where they just lose all meaning particularly the force theme and Palpatine steam hearing them over and over is absolutely comical after a while I don't need to hear Palpatine steam when they're just talking about his plan it does nothing for me just cool it with the Palpatine guys there is such a thing as too much Palpatine the use of the main theme when all the ships came to help was honestly cringe-worthy and only enhance the feeling of phone eNOS present within the actual scene there's a ton of baffling miscalculations like when a heroic flourish accompanies Chewbacca being taken prisoner look guys Chuy's alive isn't this a happy moment oh wait no it's not he's a prisoner plus nobody actually expected him to be dead what is wrong with this movie but for me personally the mole I hate the most and there are a lot of hateable moments I won't mention cuz I always covered them pretty well but I personally hate the use of the force theme during the climax first of all if Palpatine's theme is blaring as he overwhelms Rey with lightning you'd think the proper musical response when she gets the upper hands would be oh I don't know a heroic reworking of Rey's theme is Rey even her own character anymore not only do I hate the mystical beautiful force theme accompanying palpatine's face getting melted off and general pride getting blown out a window I hate it even more cuz the very last movie knew exactly where and how to use the force theme in its climax I'll get to that when I get to it but here's a quick comparison which scene do you think the music fits better [Music] what a [ __ ] show I can't wait to tear into the rest of this movie at a later date but for now just know that the score sucks and I don't even blame John Williams for this the whole movie was a rushed hodgepodge and many of Williams unique ideas were sadly left out in favor of original trilogy pandering again sideways explains this really well in this video to conclude I think it's absolutely hysterical that after this movie's baffling nomination for the Academy Award for Best Original Score the Academy changed the eligibility requirements so that 60% of a film score must be new it can't be a coincidence that this rule came immediately after the ceremony where this pile of dog [ __ ] got nominated there was barely anything original about any of this trash endgame was robbed of a nomination I'm so mad let's just move on fortunately this is the only bad Star Wars score so this will be a much happier video from this point forward all right this placement is bound to surprise some people so let me just reiterate that all eight of these remaining scores are good at the bare minimum but with that said the final - yes it has duel of the fates yes I personally adore duel of the fates and I think it underscores the Maul fight very nicely but aside from duel of the fates it's really not an exceptional score in my opinion the word I most prominently used in my notes to describe multiple tracks was epic all the music during the Droid fight on the Trade Federation ship was epic all the music when they're being chased by the big gooberfish is epic all the music when they're escaping Naboo now that is epic but that's really how I describe most of the soundtrack it gives off an exciting feel in the moment and makes the scenes way more engaging than they'd be otherwise but for the most part nothing sticks out as being all that memorable overall the score just feels way too bombastic all the time no matter the situation and there's very little variation there are individual moments that really stick out like the majestic choir that kicks in when they reach the underwater city also I really like the music when Anakin boots up his podracer it almost sounds Lion King asked and comes across as really beautiful [Music] but these are just fleeting moments there's not much I can really grasp onto or remember that well Corazon is a big waste of time in a story and coincidentally I'm bored by every piece of music set on this planet but the score comes back to life again at the same time as the story when Jar Jar shouts from then on I'm really into the final act the music when Anakin takes flight is great mainly because it's the music when you complete a level and legostarwars and I think that's the only reason actually is literally just nostalgia but duel of the fates rocks bygones funeral music is pretty sick I love the parade music at the end it's a series of subsequent jams I wish the score was more varied overall since most tracks while good feel very se me and interchangeable but it's a good score and believe me when I say that our boy John was only just getting warmed up with these prequels I completely agree there's a lot of parts of the score that just feel like all gasp and no brakes which in a glance feels exactly like something you'd want from a bombastic film like this but at the end of the day the score reflects the story you can tell that John Williams was just as confused as the audience when they were trying to figure out what emotional beats Lucas was trying to hit which is unfortunate because as cool as some of those set pieces are they end up coming off a little confused in the big picture like yes dual fates is really cool but when you find out that what they're singing has no meaning because Williams just liked the way certain Sanskrit word sounded it's awkward through-and-through just like Jar Jar and I mean it's cool that the parade at the end of the film is the Emperor's theme sped up and it's neat that he included elements of the Imperial March and Anakin's theme but it ever really feels like Williams does anything with that so I mean like oh and all the faith menaces okay it's not bad it's not bad the two of us were certainly very mixed on the last Jedi score and given my history with this film you might be surprised to hear that I was actually on the more positive side of things this time around I personally thought that this was by far the best score out of all the sequels since while it's certainly one of the less hummable Star Wars scores I feel like it's an integral aspect of the film's themes and tone it underscores many emotional beats nicely and works for the avant-garde nature of many sequences the sacred Jedi text music is very light-hearted and mystical underscoring Yoda's nature very well without feeling redundant there's a tremendous sense of dread and urgency in the score when Rey reaches out to the dark I love the whimsy when Luke reunites with r2 the otherwise awful space Leia scene has an exceptionally beautiful reworking of Leia's theme it's insanely powerful my biggest shoutout goes to the song and I'm pretty sure nobody has ever complimented ever in history before the Kanto Bight music you take that back I was way too distracted by all the garbage on screen to notice what a unique Jam it is it's like they mixed the cantina music from a new hope with coconut mall from Mario Kart Wii I didn't know I needed a song like that in Star Wars until now and obviously my best compliments are reserved for the final act so many action beats in the praetorian guard battle are underscored perfectly the music building up to the light speed ram is intense springing back Luke and Leia's theme from Return the Jedi is absolutely fantastic and when Luke marches out onto the battlefield it's tremendously powerful there's a twinge of Imperial March in there as if Luke is carrying Vader with him onto the battlefield the music during the climax gives me chills the angelic choir when Rey lifts the rocks the intensity of the reveal that Luke isn't there the elegant absolutely perfect use of binary sunset aka the force theme during Luke's death and the wistful conclusion as Luke fades away I honestly couldn't have asked for a better death scene for Luke Skywalker and it's mostly thanks to the music so I really dig the last Jedi score overall even if it does have its fair share of problems like it's overuse of the force theme true a voice said that it feels like Disney's trying to use the force theme as the new main theme for the sequels but I guess you kind of gotta weigh that out for yourself [Music] for me I was really excited to hear a new theme for the newest addition to the cast rows it's this light-hearted but sincere theme that I thought perfectly encapsulated roses a character all while still making it feel like she belongs in the Star Wars Canon at large I was excited to see how her theme was gonna develop in Episode nine but she doesn't actually show up in Episode nine and neither does her theme I also really loved hearing Luke and Leia's theme when they shared that little moment I guess you could even say that it felt like these two moments rhymed like poetry so if they rhyme but for me personally one of the greatest musical moments in this film is actually a moment of silence if you notice Williams builds up to this profound moment when whole dough takes out the supremacy it makes you feel like you're being suspended in the vacuum of space while also drawing attention to the breathtaking visuals of what's happening on screen which just adds to the overall effect it's absolutely spectacular [Music] having said all that we still have weird moments like it's really strange that we get the main Star Wars theme when bb-8 shoots coins at a security guard so yeah even though it's got some positives it's definitely not my favorite score the fools oh oh wait let me do this one okay so for me the real treat of the force awakens comes from when you compare this film to the Phantom Menace instead of Williams having to connect the musical dots from Anakin to Vader with the sequel trilogy Williams could power forward in right new music and while there is still the challenge of having to write new music that would fit within the same universe of the other six films Williams had all the opportunity in the world to morph and bend old music into new themes and ideas to develop this new story which from a film score nerd perspective was incredibly exciting like just looking at race theme alone gay fans hundreds of hours of speculation about who Ray was and what she was gonna become and what Williams was gonna do with her theme for the other two films hearing that menacing theme for the first order in kylo Ren and how it was related to the Emperor's theme was as electric as it was enticing even themes like the march of the resistance gave our heroes a militaristic or even imperialistic tone which for me created a parallel between the resistance in the sequel trilogy and the Empire in the original trilogy which when you first hear it makes you think like Oh what if in the sequels the resistance are kind of the bad guys like oh that's really interesting the film laid out a really fantastic framework for the sequels to build off of and even if the sequel trilogy came to a really unfortunate ending it had a killer opening force awakens' certainly deserves a ton of credit for opting to do its own thing a lot of the time and introduced a plethora of new musical themes for its characters ironic considering this is the most derivative of the original trilogy story-wise but it's the least derivative in the score Department but yeah I remember being blown away by race team when I saw the movie in theaters the first time cuz it was incredibly unique by Star Wars standards I love how it basically tells the story of her life since there's no dialogue in the scene it's just so captivating and whimsical one thing to note is that the movie elects not to use music and many key scenes which works for those scenes but as a side effect leaves the score a little barren there's a ton to talk about outside of the excellent character themes but there are definitely some standout moments the attack on the village in the beginning perfectly establishes the might of the first order and the sorrow of the villages destruction I love the sense of wonder when the Falcon approaches Maz is Castle Java flow is the solid alternative to the og cantina music the score when kylo abducts Rey is really damn frightening Hans death scene is flat-out incredible thanks in no small parts of the music the moment where rey beats kylo has an amazing heroic flourish the ending has great emotionally resonant in corporations of both Leia and raised themes and an excellent build-up to the review of Luke so yeah lots the like here and it doesn't feel too redundant pretty good stuff Star Wars a billion years in the making what can be said about the most iconic score in film history that hasn't already been said a new hope is a tremendous technical accomplishment in nearly every way and one of its most praised elements is the exceptional music I love how it feels whimsical and mystical whenever it focuses on the droids making their journey feel like a fairy tale binary sunset is arguably the most iconic scene in the entire franchise and the score carries it so far John Williams is like have you ever heard the sound of despair a call from the boy to do something great and a glimmer of hope all at once cuz here it is seriously imagine this team without John Williams you can't imagine the ending scene without the music Williams score is baked into the very DNA of this franchise and this film in particular it's impossible to take it out and keep the same emotional impact because he captures the essences of the story so perfectly Leia's theme is a great example it's hauntingly beautiful and it can invoke a number of feelings sorrow wistful nostalgia and above all hope this song is the essence of hope distilled into a musical format I love when it briefly appears again during the chasm scene [Music] the cantina song is a phenomenal mood setter it sounds familiar yet alien at the same time it's insane that this song we've only heard once in the entire series has become an integral cornerstone of the series itself but it's also kinda easy to see why the Wookiee prisoner sequence starts out both whimsical and sinister at the same time to go along with the goofy plan but transitions nicely into action when the gang starts blasting the action in general is scored very well however if I had to nitpick the most iconic film score of all time I'd say there are definitely a lot of missed opportunities in the score where there could have been more impact for example the destruction of Alderaan doesn't have the punch that it really deserves the score doesn't convey much sorrow or horror very well during this pivotal moments I also think some sort of musical flourish should have been in the cards when Han saves Luke in the Death Star battle the score doesn't acknowledge his heroic return and I always found that to be really odd many scenes probably gonna use music as well like obi-wan invaders duel for instance but those are all totally nitpicks this is an excellent score if a bit on the simple side compared to everything that comes after it I'm so conflicted about this film on one hand this is the one that started at all but on the other hand there's a lot of retconning with the music when you look at the series at large like a lot of people don't notice the Imperial March doesn't show up in this film the first time we hear it is in the Empire Strikes Back and looking back on it a lot of people don't realize that the force theme isn't actually the force theme it's obi-wan Kenobi's theme gum yeah my little friend don't be afraid I don't what it he'll be alright so when you hear obi-wan Kenobi steam or the force theme right here for our binary sunset it almost feels like Lucas got lucky when Williams figured out how to use and develop that theme in the following eight films but then again in my experience there's no such thing as luck but you're right this is the original without it there would be no Star Wars and there are just so many moments in this film that we remember not only because of the magical visuals but the memorable music as well I don't like sound its course attack of the clones soundtrack is shockingly spectacular and I hate attack of the clones it's my least favorite prequel and secondly favorite Star Wars movie overall but hot damn this is such an exceptional varied emotionally powerful score it's hard not to get even the tiniest bit invested in what's going on on screen just the tiniest bit I want to agree when I was a kid I thought this film was the coolest thing ever but since revisiting this film as an adult those scenes about the sand are pretty awkward sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me well if it works having said that I really love how Williams scored the entire third act the orchestration the arrangement everything about this last third of the film just sounds absolutely amazing but one of my favorite moments of this film actually comes from this really subtle moment when Anakin is looking for his mother if you pay attention we're hearing the duel of fates which at this point we've only heard four Darth Maul [Music] similarly we're hearing it while Anakin is riding a speeder bike across Tatooine which again if you've been paying attention is exactly how we're introduced to Darth Maul in Episode one it's this great visual and musical reflection that hints us toward Anakin falling to the dark side but if I have to talk about my favorite part of this film then really I can't think of a better theme than the love theme for Anakin and Padme across the stars across the stars is one of the most gorgeous things I've ever heard it's used so effectively throughout the film and just builds and builds in intensity as Anakin and Padme romance grows more intense honestly the best word I have to describe this song is God like one of my favorite touches is the Imperial March at the ends transitioning to across the stars as the scene cuts from Palpatine's buddy and empire to the wedding of the forbidden lovers so damn good but wait there's more the speeder chase sounds totally unique unlike the more homogenized bombastic sound of the action in Phantom Menace it's all thanks to the phenomenal instrumentation Kamino is such an air of mystery surrounding it and the score accordingly gives off an eerie mysterious feeling so perfectly and the reveal of the clones is scored absolutely phenomenally as well there's so many other great pieces like the excellent action score accompanying obi-wan and Django's fight the delightful whimsy when Anakin and Padme roll around in the grass the subtle use of Imperial March and the Emperor's theme when Anakin talks about killing sand people and like I don't know the entire third act Mace Windu's entrance super exciting the moment Yoda and the clones arrive awesome when we hear across the stars as Padme falls out of the gunship I felt that bro but my favorite musical moment in the film comes during the Yoda vs. Dooku fight not only is the choir an incredible dramatic touch but when Yoda lifts the big pillar thing and saves obi-wan and Anakin we get to hear this in action II reworking of Yoda's theme from Empire it's just so satisfying Attack of the Clones score is just excellent all around there's no element I can call weak outside of a couple oddly reused tracks and that really doesn't bother me that much at all if there was ever any doubt that John Williams was the best thing about the prequels let such doubts be quelled by this film believe it or not it was a pretty close call between clones and Empire for this spot but in the end Empire just contributed so much to the symphonic Star Wars universe that it was impossible to ignore the Imperial March originated in this film and it appears so frequently yet never comes across as overused because it represents the main thesis of the film itself The Empire Strikes Back this is the theme that illustrates how the Empire refuses to stop striking back they are relentless in their pursuit of the rebels and this theme embodies the dark oppressive atmosphere of the film absolutely perfectly unlike a certain movie which takes a pre-established returning the Jedi theme and overplays it to no end because it has nothing to say and it knows it anyway I adore Imperial March and I love how it only gets more intimidating as the film goes on during my personal favorite scene in Star Wars the Carbonite freezing scene it gets louder and more sinister than ever before [Music] but that's nothing compared to the slow burn after the I am your Puff Daddy seen it slowed down because this dark revelation really needs to set in for Luke and it makes the scene way more intense than it already is but even that's nothing compared to its use when Vader throw [ __ ] at Luke and he gets blown out of window this moment of pure torment is stunningly intense and the music complements it expertly god I just can't overstate how well this movie introduces and adapts Imperial March to a variety of scenes and its constant use makes those moments of light and levity so much more impactful for instance every piece with Yoda is just beautiful his proper introduction gives off an air of mystery mixed with sorrow and the theme where he lifts the x-wing is exceptionally gorgeous capturing the majesty of the force so perfectly the score during the asteroid fields sequence is such a great Dyer escape theme it expresses the magnitude and danger of the asteroid field so well the Battle of Hoth has music that excellently accompanies a brutal last stands and of course Han and Leia's love theme so powerful it's used in the affirmation carbon-freezing scene both during their farewell kiss and sombrely after Han is frozen just wreck me emotionally it's given an urgent field during the boba fett chase which is inspired it makes for a powerful melancholic ends to the film and finally it's used in what is perhaps my favorite musical moment in all of Star Wars this scene gives me chills every time it feels like the gang is finally home free after all this horror they've endured and the music swelling like that is the stuff dreams are made of and then the score syncs up with the blaster bolts at the end I mean honestly what more could you ask for Empire Strikes Back score is the perfect melding of darkness and light countering each oppressive sting with a glimmer of tremendous hope and love it's so easy to see what makes this score and this film work as well as they do I mean really hitting the nail on the head here I'm not really sure how I could expand on that it's tough to overstate just how amazing this score is the introduction of the Imperial March han and the princess Yodas theme we watch as obi-wan steam transforms into the force team as Luke continues his training it becomes a Jedi himself and I think it's safe to say that the entire battle for hot sequence might be my favorite from all 9 Star Wars films like both in the music and the actual scene just listen to the speeders approaching the walkers it's tense it's bombastic it's brilliant I don't know what else could be said as far as I'm concerned this is the score that made Star Wars Star Wars but personally it's actually not my favorite this one's my favorite without question absolute favorite I love everything Williams did down to the Ewoks okay maybe not that you walks but really I here's gush for hours about how much I love this score so like first off we have that moment between Luke and Leia and we get Luke and Leia's theme yes it's you which when you look at the music you can argue that Luke and Leia's theme is a combination of Luke's theme or the main theme and Leia's theme from the first film and okay I lied I actually think my favorite moment in Star Wars is actually the final confrontation between Luke and Vader I love that Williams alternates between the Emperor's theme and Obi Wan's theme to represent the conflict between the light side and the dark side of the force [Music] I will not fight you Father but wait hang on I lied okay my actual favorite Mon star wars is Vader's Redemption if you listen closely you get this delicate orchestration of the Imperial March you get some violins some harp it's this beautiful touching moment which as a composer feels like Williams has done the impossible in only changing the instrumentation he somehow taken one of the most ominous oppressive pieces of music that we almost unilaterally associate with villainy and evil and he somehow managed to make it fit in for a father and son reuniting it's amazing I just keep going on and on but I have to stop at some point return the Jedi score is honestly pretty underrated in the grand scheme of things I personally think that it contains some of the most haunting exhilarating powerful tracks in the saga with that said they're all mainly crammed into the last third and while the rest of the score is good there's not a whole lot in those first two thirds I consider to be phenomenal but there is some stuff and here it is the Sail Barge assault is one of the most exciting pieces of music in the entire series that opening offers such incredible build up to the upcoming action and the finale is insanely triumphant I should also mention that the rancor battle has some excellent boss music I also really enjoy a lot of the music on end or from the soothing ending of the levitation scene to the mystical reworking of classic Star Wars themes as Threepio tells the Ewoks stories of their past adventures too of course that gorgeous Luke and Leia scene and as soon as Luke enters the second Death Star to confront the Emperor every single piece of music from that moment on is phenomenal the Emperor's theme is a master class in eeriness it perfectly captures the essence of this demon and makes you feel like you're in hell the it's a trap sequence is everything amazing urgent intense exciting sinister all at once I love that flora so the classic main theme when they lock s-foils in attack positions before the urgency kicks in again and it all culminates with this iconic line oh my god I love this movie the moment where Luke attacks Vader is so emotionally rich with the eerie wobbly chanting giving me chills every time it's unlike anything else I've heard in Star Wars which is perfect because it underscores the darkest most twisted moment for our hero and the way it transitions into the Emperor's theme is so incredible that same theme of course grows in intensity when the Emperor electrocutes Luke which makes the moment all the more shocking all of my puns are intended don't even ask it is darkness incarnate complete with magnificent chanting and stunning intensity and Vader's heroic sacrifices a tremendous triumphant musical moment if I've ever seen one and the escape from the second Death Star comes standard with some awesome action II sounds now while I don't like most special edition changes I actually prefer the new celebration music / yup knob yup nub is quirky and cute but the special edition version is a gorgeous finale and send-off for this story Return of the Jedi score is absolutely awe-inspiring offering some of the most emotionally resonant tracks in the entire series and making for one phenomenal symphonic ride and yet there's still one more movie to go [Music] Revenge of the Sith is one of my favorite film scores in cinematic history its operatic and supreme in ways that so few soundtracks truly are it's fitting since this movie depicts the most important and heartbreaking events in the entire saga meaning it would be a Herculean task to accurately capture such feelings through music and yet john williams rises to the occasion so effortlessly sideways and i had wildly different rankings for this film but in the end he graciously suggested that i put it at number one anyway which was awesome this score is always felt like the black sheep of the family so to speak when it came to the grand scheme of Star Wars at least for me well it has these epic moments like Anakin becoming Vader in the conflict between window and Palpatine and personal favorite Padme funeral I think this film introduces the least amount of reoccurring new musical material when it comes to the whole 9 film saga aside from rise of crap Walker but what that means is that this ends up becoming the ultimate version of Williams trying to occupy and develop the musical space that he's created with the other five films which up to this point we're the only ones he'd scored like well it is one of the few new pieces of music introduced in this film when you listen to that epic duel between Anakin and obi-wan in the last half hour of the film it really feels like Williams as flexing as hard as he can [Music] which for me highlights how important it is to remember that when you're looking at music you have to keep in mind your own perspective while I absolutely love going through all nine films and trying to hear all the musical connections that Williams has crafted over a 40-year span in a way it feels like when it comes to this film you really have to step back and think about how the music is speaking to you so while this film wasn't specifically my number one I want to know why you loved this score from the pulse-pounding opening scene that perfectly syncs with a battle it's clear that Williams is kicking the intensity up a notch the music contributes to such an exciting opening act to the film and it just gets more musically enticing as it goes along like when Anakin lands the cruiser also Grievous's entrance on Utapau is such fire and I have no idea why also the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise is scored so hauntingly and eerily it's just perfect there's a few other great touches here and there like the build-up to know what's up and the subtle reincorporation of the Emperor's theme when poppy reveals himself but nothing compares to the chilling eeriness of Padma's ruminations this is the start of the greatest trend in Revenge of the Sith score the way it tells the story by accompanying sequences with no dialogue it's such a phenomenal scene because it doesn't have any George Lucas dialogue just powerful emotional visuals accompanied by this tremendous harrowing score and from the moment mace windu barges in the sheaves office the score is practically perfect for the rest of the film this music track entitled I am the Senate that's not a joke it is literally called that is insane it is horror music the monster has been unleashed and he is on a killing spree the music sets up that idea so well the part where Anakin strolls in sounds phenomenal and the best part has to be when mace gets his hand chopped off it slays me and it's followed up by the Emperor's theme growing in volume and intensity as it goes along order 66 is absolutely phenomenal it's tragic to an insane extent and completely carries the scene every bit of sadness is punctuated perfectly by the music there's such a sense of finality through bail or ganas lion and so it is and I think the score winding down at that point plays a big role I love the way society is scored this whole scene is operatic and intense and absolutely wonderful and I'm so sorry is one of my favorite musical moments in film capturing Anakin's internal conflict and regret over all his dark deeds it is heart-wrenching and the quintessential example of the power of score over scripts a path I can't follow also tells the story way better than words ever could so it's a shame it has to accompany words especially words like don't make me kill you the score captures the broken friendship between Anakin and obi-wan in a way words could never and it all leads into one of the greatest scores to any fight in history ever it is freakin insane how amazing this music is also duel of the fates honestly Fitz Yoda vs. Sidious way more than that fit them all fight in my opinion since this is literally a duel for the fate of the galaxy so that's great but even that doesn't compare to the finale of the Anakin and obi-wan do oh my god the aftermath of this duel is hauntingly beautiful and emotionally moving and the way the dramatic chanting overtakes the force theme during Padme is death and Vader's rebirth it's fire Revenge of the Sith is a masterclass in film scoring it gives each scene way more weight and emotional resonance than they could possibly have otherwise and it's also exciting and captivating to listen to outside of the context of the film even though Revenge of the Sith is far from my favourite Star Wars movie and I don't think it's great overall it has in my opinion the absolute best score in Star Wars history it's everything I could possibly want in a film score and more so that was our list hope you enjoyed it let us know in the comments what your score ranking would be anyway if you'll excuse me I need to think of a flimsy connection between the video topic and the sponsor in order to create the illusion of a seamless transition got it hey remember when the resistance ship got tracked through Lightspeed by Palpatine I mean a Supreme Leader smoke if only they had used a VPN to hide their light 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Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 971,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Sideways, Star Wars, John Williams, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi
Id: dZf1ELlt7bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.