How to make Interviewers see you as the right FIT for the Job

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now I imagine you haven't eaten for two days and suddenly there is this gorgeous chocolate cake sitting in front of you not only do you want it you're probably salivating at the sides of your mouth and that is exactly how the interviewer is gonna feel when they listen to your answer to their question why should we hire you coming up hey everyone welcome back to supercharge my name is sonal an HR director and this channel is all about sharing practical tips on how to supercharge your career so why should we hire you is my favorite questions by far and there are three reasons for it the first reason is the answer to this question says a lot about how you sell yourself how you persuade someone to do something how do you convince them how do you influence them and every single job needs that the second reason I ask this question is if I'm not really sure about a candidate I'm on the fence the answer to this question can help me tilt in one or the other direction and the third reason I ask this question very honestly I realize oops it's the end of the interview and I forgot to ask that strengths question because I want to know how well they know themselves this is an opportunity for me to do that and this question can be asked in multiple ways why do you feel you are the best person for this job what makes you think you are the right fit for this job tomato tomahto this is exactly the same thing and today I'm gonna teach you an approach that will really up your game in terms of how you approach this not only how you answer it but how you approach this question so the key to answering this question is understanding what is your us be your unique proposition something that you're good at and others not so much and in order to understand more about USP let's get out a little bit in a marketing lesson so we've got an interviewer and they are looking for something and we've got you and this is what you're good at in the perfect world the overlap between the two is what is the zone of success however I wish it were that simple you know it isn't because there's some third factor which is the competing candidates the completing candidates come into the picture in the geeky Venn diagram and there you see they're also good at something and maybe they're better at something as opposed to you and we are not gonna be focusing on that but we need to be mindful of it the zone in red is what I call the zone of failure however the zone of success which is the green which we saw in the beginning is where we want to focus all our efforts on because the zone of equality is what competing candidates are good at and what you're good at who cares right and the zone of irrelevance is everything in gray which basically doesn't necessarily help you towards the preparation of the interview now the zone of equality is typically when the answers to questions are so monotonous so rehearsed that everyone looks the same to an interviewer for example you know why should we hire you for this position I'm very hard-working I'm very organized very obliging just you know answers when people are answering to this question you don't want to do that you want to stand out and how do we stand out I have an approach and the name of the approach is the Kennedy approach approach is an aim of course it does you should know me better you remember what John F Kennedy said ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country let's flip that let's supercharge it ask not what your company can do for you ask what you can do for your company let's break this down into three there's the company or the position there's you and there's do and let's look at these three and a little bit more detail the position our company has a job description and you read the job description but you don't read it once you should read it to four to five times because when you do you will read between the lines and see there is a gap there is a pain area and that is why they need someone to you know to fill this position your job should be hmm how can I fill their gap how can i cure their pain so that they love me and to do that you need to look a little bit deeper into your strengths that you know you're good at the second thing to keep in mind is when we say ask what you can do company remember the world only only you can do this this makes you unique and nobody else for example you know what they need someone with the business analysis experience but you happen to be also at writing and you know that these skills are gonna help when the time comes to you know synthesize very complicated information and make it easy to understand for anybody in the audience or you know you have an MBA but you also are an engineer so you're very strong in analytical thinking or you have a lot of experience in strategy but you're also comfortable with tactical you know rolling up the sleeves and getting your hands to kind of dirty approach people love that sort of stuff think about stuff that lands you into the green zone because you know that will help you to stand out and please don't say you don't have any of those skills we all do we're all unique in that sense we're not robots the third thing to remember when we say in now in the Kennedy approaches ask what you can do they do there it's important to not just say you know I'm really good at this I am very strong in this you know it's like blah blah blah people say this a lot prove it show it how to is number one show it through stories give examples lots of examples and the second I mean I know examples are common the second is bring something physical to the meeting I've interviewed like 5,000 people in 15 years I can tell you less than 1% of this bunch of people has actually brought something to the meeting saying you know in this position I had an opportunity to do this and I have a sample for you and obviously you need to enjoy that's not something confidential that you cannot share you know if it's a position in you know a designer position you can talk about I know I designed this advertising campaign or you know something that you did in finance and the deal was done because of your background and ebony can share that if it's already public I've talked about this in another video where we talked about interview preparation I will link that somewhere in the in the description so that's it that's the Kennedy approach before I conclude I'd like to share three tips that I think will help you stay on course the first step is in your head think bullet points when you're asked this question think one two three and those are the reasons they should hire me it will help you stay organized in your head the second thing is you know humility is a trait that is really valued and I personally do not like candidates who are arrogant and who think they are the best thing that you know happen to this world since sliced bread however this question is almost like giving you permission to show what a rock star you are so take that opportunity don't be shy and don't be modest this is not the time to do that the third thing I wanted to say is you know it can happen that it's the end of the interview and they didn't ask you about your strengths they didn't ask you about why they should hire you maybe they forgot it habits possible so you know in the end when they say would you have any questions for me take that opportunity and say yes in fact I'd like to share about this that I have done and I am so glad that you asked me this question and these are the reasons why I think I'm the right fit and super excited about this position so that's it that's the Kennedy approach think company position gaps what are their gaps because there's a reason this position exists secondly think how only you and no one else is an answer to their prayers because you have something unique to offer and finally stories show Intel bring something physical if you can to the meeting bring examples but also bring specimens of your work which show you don't just talk but you also do and with that three-step approach I can guarantee you they're going to look at you the way of starving person looks at a gorgeous chocolate cake sitting in front of them thank you so much for watching and if this was helpful goes without saying give it a thumbs up I would appreciate it share it with your friends if you haven't subscribed already what are you waiting for display two more where this came from so do that and I should see you in the next video ciao [Music]
Channel: Sonal Bahl - Career Strategist
Views: 237,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why should we hire you, why are you the best candidate for this job, how to answer tough interview questions, why should we hire you best answer no experience, why should we hire you interview question, linda raynier interview tips, don georgevich, deniz sasal, how to sell yourself in a job interview, how to impress your interviewer, interview tips, how to create your USP, why should we hire you best answer pdf, 10 strengths and weaknesses, what are your areas of improvement
Id: KDku8Wmw4Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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