Why PVC is far superior to corrugated for drainage pipe

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this is sean i'm making this video today because my youtube channel has recently been expanding pretty well and so i wanted to talk about why i use schedule 40 pvc instead of other pipes and so if you found anything i've done useful or entertaining please subscribe to my channel and that will allow you to get updates and see all my future content and projects all right go ahead that's not doing much draining is it i wanted to show you really quickly this drainage pipe is the old corrugated style which doesn't flow very well and i wanted to show you what's going on right here is it's just gushing out of the back of this thing so that's the problem with this black this black corrugated pipe is it clogs up it gets crushed it doesn't flow and then the water ends up going backwards so look at what's happening here and it it just started raining look at that look at how that's flowing backwards so that pipe definitely needs to be replaced this pipe is about two years old and it's slammed full of water and it's just leaking out water out of the perforations and so not doing anything this is a video a homeowner sent me when she was trying to figure out why her basement was flooding so badly and you can see there that corrugated pipe is just completely gushing and overflowing it's clogged up it's not flowing and all that water is landing right up against the foundation we were over here exposing some of this corrugated pipe and i wanted to show you there's a crack right there and that pipe is just full of mud so we've talked about this before why this pipe is an inferior product if you're going to go through all the trouble to dig a trench you might as well put a quality pipe in there instead of a cheap pipe so that's what we're here doing today she's got water going into the basement here now take a look at this we've got this pipe right here coming from this gutter so you're collecting all this water you're sending it into a pipe but then they've got it sent into a perforated pipe which has holes so all that water that's being collected is then being dumped right here and where's it going it's already underground so it's going straight into the foundation and i don't know why anybody puts in a system like this if you follow this pipe you'll see it out here a little bit and i presume this is it again again it's a perforated pipe you don't ever want to collect water into it catch it into a pipe which is the hard part and then redistribute it along the foundation and i see this over and over and over again so we've got the fittings with us we're going to grab this pipe put it into our system which is going to take the water all the way across and down to the street before it lets it go this clip shows an example of a homeowner who recently within two years had paid to have this drainage system installed and her crawl space was still flooding really really badly giving her all kinds of worries about her house and the integrity and every time it rains she would lay in bed and worry about it and so this is how a lot of companies are doing it they're taking that gutter water after they catch it into a pipe they're dumping it into this perforated pipe and this didn't make any sense to me so i like to take my gutter gutter water once it's in a pipe keep it in a pipe until it's gone and completely not causing any problems anymore and so i see this all the time where a company has come in and put this perforated pipe along the foundation and dumping gutter water straight into it [Music] [Music] hey you saw in the opening clip that pvc carries water really well and the water flows really well through it so you may be asking why everybody doesn't use pvc and this clip illustrates well because pvc this is thick wall it doesn't it doesn't bend it's very difficult to work with and so when you're talking about trenching you've got to have your trenching correct or the angles don't work and that's the end of it so here i am i'm trying to figure out is that going to be a 45 to make that angle or is it going to be a 22 and so we we really have to have some skills to be able to use this pipe correctly so you can see there our trench is a little bit off and we're going to have to cut that bank there on the right you can look at any my videos and see examples of how the trench has to be perfect for the pvc angles and everything else to work but there's a couple examples for you what you don't see here you can see that the pvc has to be laid in there correctly but what you're not seeing is the pvc also has to be falling for this to flow right so it has to be sloping downward for the water to continue to flow this clip shows what happens when a pipe does not have fall so that's a high quality pvc pipe right there but it was holding water because it wasn't pitched correctly and anytime a pipe holds water the roots are going to go for it so by having a properly sloping pipe it doesn't hold water and the roots don't get in there so what does it take to get the pipe sloping down the correct way and getting it pitched correctly well it takes trenching it and this this moment is just burned in my mind because here it looks like i'm trenching and everything's going great but in reality this segment i had to trench this probably four times to get it to fall here's another example this one also is burned in my mind where you you trench it you lay the pipe in it's not falling you trench it you lay the pipe in it's not falling you say okay let me just go so deep that it it has to be falling and it's still not falling and so you really have to work and get that thing pitching down for it to work right everything's got good fall on it we're in a fairly level yard here so we didn't have a lot of fall to work with so we ended up as usual we have to come higher on this side that'll that's one way to achieve fall and it's funny because sometimes so when we get this covered up it won't really be covered up all that well because it's so high i'll get some youtubers on my channel if you've seen comments they say the pipe's not installed correctly so how what do i consider correctly well i consider a pipe installed correctly when my level says it's got fall and during a rainstorm which isn't really that much but the pipe is gushing so that's how i consider a pipe installed correctly and this homeowner you can see how flat this this area is he said every every all other considerations are irrelevant compared to getting this piping in here right and whenever you're dealing with fairly flat area like this you really have to fuss with it and screw around and trench and throw your pipe in there and trench again but what you see here is when you fuss around with it so much you really do get good fall everywhere so as opposed to just trenching this thing and throwing the pipe in there may be a high spot here or even a low spot so you can see it flattens out a little bit but we still have just about a quarter bubble right there so same kind of thing right there we got about a quarter bubble there which a quarter bubble is what you need but we'll take as much as we can get so we got a quarter bubble there quarter bubble there now we're back to a full bubble so the ground is kind of going down too but again that's how you tell the pipe is installed correctly or properly if you want to say it that way the level doesn't lie and if that pipe is slipping downhill that water is going to gush through there all the guys that work with me have their own levels and some of them i've i've given them a level like there's jeremy's level right there right there and every single part every single place on the pipe that we like we throw a level on it and make sure it's falling and that's the only way to make sure it's installed correctly i'm over here working on getting this channel drain connected in so we've got our adapter here we've got a long sweep 90. we've got a 45 and a street 22 and so that made our curve real nice we've got a full bubble everywhere going down here the reason i like to do a full bubble is because any water that gets in here it's going to have a very very easy escape route to go flowing down here i don't know if you can hear it but that gutter is just barely dripping you hear that and that little bit of flow we just got back from lunch that little tiny bit of flow because this pipe has great fall to it and it's smooth on the inside that flow is making it all the way out here to the outfall so look at that isn't that incredible that just a little drip like that when run through a proper pipe that is properly set in every place to have fall is going to flow like that so you can imagine that when it rains this thing is going to pour out of here jeremy we have the full bubble and that's a good thing right it is a great thing for the flow of water downhill and away from the home therefore saving the homeowner any sort of problem in the future that's what we ended up with our sanitary tea a little nipple and a 45 so we started putting this thing together but it didn't quite work out right and so luckily i've got a good crew and they know that we're not worried about that if if we mess up we just get it right so there we go we are just about finished up with this job and i wanted to give it a little test how about that we've got drainage that's how a drainage system is supposed to work it's supposed to carry the water away from the house and to wherever it's not going to be a problem don't use black corrugated pipe and send it into your foundation in this video i've tried to talk about some of the pros and cons of corrugated versus pvc pipe and as far as i'm concerned pvc is far far superior than corrugated and even though pvc is much more expensive much more difficult to work with it gives much better flow and that flow keeps the pipe cleaned out it keeps it blown out of debris and it keeps the water from holding inside the pipe as well when water holds inside the pipe the roots go for it when the roots get in there it gets clogged up and so i think i've done a pretty good job here of showing you all these different outfalls and how well they're working so if you like this type of video this is much different than my normal video let me know in the comments section and better yet show me your outfalls in the comment section so the creek across the street from us has now flooded into the street so when this happens we know that we have to worry about you can see it's flooded up behind those trees it's risen much higher than it usually is and it's in the street when that happens we know that we have to worry about water in our basement water flowing from two directions into this drain put at the corner of our sidewalk this window well in our laundry room basement area is the culprit that would normally have filled up with water and leaked into our basement the storm's been going for about 30 minutes now and the creek across the street has filled with water into the street so we know when that happens we're going to have an issue and we are dry right here
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 975,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pvc vs corrugated pipe, schedule 40 pvc drainage pipe, never use corrugated
Id: ibMIBcGlyoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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