Installing a downspout drain

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[Music] welcome to my backyard garden I've been working on a project the last couple of days redesigning my flowerbed going along the house and I still have the back section to do here but before I do that before I start on this I have to replace this downspout drain and I'm going to bury a drain pipe down from the spout out into the yard I have three pieces for this project first piece that's going to attach to the downspout coming down from the roof is this downspout adopter so this is expandable and what you do is you'll install it and turn it in to divert of the direction you want it to go next piece is that tubing that will be buried underneath the ground run from the house out into the yard and this piece will connect to it this pop-up emitter and you bury this at ground height and then this little piece pops out and whenever it rains and the water fills up the pipe okay and just flows out into the yard so all I have to do is dig a trench out into the yard put the adapter the tube and the pop-up emitter and we're all done [Music] [Music] [Music] trenches dug now I did the trench about eight to ten inches from the house to the to the yard two things the tubing that's gonna run from the house out here to the emitter is about is four inches wide and I want it to be below the surface level because this emitter is gonna be six inches down at the bottom so this is gonna be sitting at ground level so that trench right here at the end of the pipe it has to be six inches deep at least to fit that emitter the other thing is the pipe is also eight feet long so make sure you measure I laid it out here from the house underneath the downspout drain to here and that's I marked the end of this trench so I put the sand in there just to smooth the bottom out a little bit now it's time to put the pieces together and put them in the ground [Music] okay again you can see how this just slides up into the pipe it's totally supported down here you don't have to backfill now notice this tubing is perforated so most of the water I found out because I've installed three other ones in my house and it has to be raining really hard to get to the submitter but you notice here that the meter the emitter is right there at ground level so most of the water is going to drain out of this tube before it gets here unless we get a really heavy rain [Music] I want to make sure that you know I scraped off the bottom of the sod to make sure that it was flat filled in with some of the soil that I'm dug up here because it'll fill in nicely and I covered over the top of the pipe but I want to make sure that the sod is going to be level with the rest of the yard and then the emitters there so I filled in around that a bit all I have left to do now is fill in the trench sprinkle some grass seed and I'm done hope that was helpful if you liked the video give it a like share it with your friends leave your comments and questions below subscribe to my channel if you would and pound that bell to get notifications of my future videos back soon with more stuff bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Keith Wilkes
Views: 37,733
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Downspout Drain, Divert Rain Water, Install Downspout Drain, Pop-up Emitter
Id: LxgIlmSvPY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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