How To Install Perforated Pipe, French Drain for Do It Yourself Job

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Hey good morning Chuck here with Apple drains today we're gonna take a look at perforated pipe and why holes point down and for all those do-it-yourselfers the homeowners projects it's really important that those holes point down into the gravel in your trench and I'm going to show you why so back in the day we used to use terracotta filled tile these are 1 foot sections and they're round and the pipe just butts together but it's still the same principle today but we're going to show you the old method so we've got our trench we're going to put some gravel at the bottom a good base next go ahead and spread that gravel so the pipe can set level in the trench now we're going to lay our old terracotta it just sits in the trench on top of the gravel and butts together pipe just sits in the trench on top of the gravel and there seems and the way the system works is that as water comes down from above it's not going to drop in here it's going to go through all the gravel flood up into the seams of each section of pipe and the pipe can also flows through the gravel so you can see that if you have your holes today's pipe has holes in it and if you have that holes pointing upward that water has to flood all the way up to here before it begins to flow granted some water does flow through the gravel but we'll cover this up and give it a test we're going to add gravel just like it would be down in the ground next we're going to simulate the rain with our garden hose just let it run right here I'm just going to take it down in the ground so you can see so we've got water running into the trench and in just a few seconds we've got water running into the trench and you can see that water coming out of the pipe it's flooding up through the gravel and it's also coming through the gravel underneath as well but most of the water comes through the seam of the pipe okay now we're going to simulate it with today's pipe and you can see there's holes on the one side of the pipe this is the perforation these holes point down we'll set that into the trench it rains water comes down through the gravel and floods up into your pipe and it will enter those holes which are on the bottom but those holes are pointing upward that water has to rise all the way up here before you can enter the hole so we put our holes pointing down and now we're going to cover it up with gravel now let's just simulate by putting our garden hose out here and see how long that water how long it takes for the water to get through the pipe through the gravel pretty good rainfall we're adding water to the gravel water goes down through the gravel to the bottom of the trench and will eventually begin to flow it flows through the gravel first because there are voids in the gravel but as we add more water directly and will start to flow through the pipe and that's why holes point down you can see the water coming through the holes plugs up from the bottom of the trench into the pipe and is carried away hey this is Chuck with Apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something I guarantee you can do it have a great day you
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 2,544,204
Rating: 4.7438235 out of 5
Keywords: French Drain, How To, YArd Drain, Perforated Pipe, Drain, Drainage, Do It Yourself (Hobby), Do It Yourself, DIY, Project, Pipe, gravel, gravel drain, yard drain, holes, apple drains,, install, drainage system, rainwater, low spot, catch basin, channel drain, storm drain, crawl space, footer tile, drain tile
Id: XmmdGiEh1Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2013
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