Pop-up Emitter or Drain Basin? Which One Works Best for Discharge?

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welcome to the french draymond channel i'm your host robert sherwood i want to talk about the most important thing to any drainage system and that's the discharge the problem is with vegetation like our grass that's usually what does a system in i see so many flooded yards over the discharge so let's talk about all the different ways of discharging your roof runoff system maybe your sump pump to daylight you know whatever your drainage situation is if you're taking it to a a grassy swell a grassy ditch you really have to watch how you go about daylighting so let's talk about all the different things what we're doing what we've done you know where we're at right now so you know years ago i really just kind of gave up on the pop-up because the grass grew over it so quick and that was it as soon as the grass would grow over a pop-up it was done your system couldn't work basements would flood crawl spaces would flood it was a disaster over what because grass and vegetation just grew over the discharge end so we went to just putting in speedy basins now we got a lot of complaints about the smell these stay full of water in a clay environment they hold a lot of water that's the beauty about the pop-up emitter it don't hold very much water you can drill a few holes you know we always do we drill a few holes when we put them in and that way they can just leach that little bit of water that's in a pop-up emitter that'll actually leech so that works out really nice so we'd get complaints about these speedy basins because earthworms would also find their way into this i i don't know why but they just go inside these they drowned and then it smells horrible it just smells awful and this wasn't enough the grass would grow over this as well i mean we even went to you know a 9x9 and even 12 by 12s you know so that big systems that really really depended you know we just couldn't afford a flooded basement a flooded you know garage whatever it may be we would go to a nine 9x9 we'd go to you know 12x12s now the grass would have to work extra hard to try to grow over this so we succeeded it was always available during a rain the discharge always worked that's key the problem is this holds even more water in a clay application now we know clay will perk because it'll turn from concrete to mud problem is it's not really going to take in a lot of water like a big pail of water and that's what you end up with when you have one of these bigger basins now again this solved one of our problems this solved our biggest problem that's the grass grown over a discharge end so our systems were always available come a big storm they were on call they were ready they were waiting they took care of business but what do you do about the petri dish that's breeding mosquitoes creating odors in the backyard unwanted odors in the backyard and here in the north this could freeze up you got a big block of ice right at the end of your discharge so it always took us right back to the pop-up emitter so i'm going to tell you what we're doing now what we think works the best and this is in collaboration with all our subscribers and their comments i mean together we get places a lot faster it's been it's been an incredible it's been an incredible asset having you guys in our comment section so we like these low profile 90s now if you need some more height for whatever reason then just go with a regular regular 90. but these low profile 90s they don't hold very much water the problem is we got to take care of this so the grass don't grow over it so what do you do well that's where you know we put a turf restrictor plate so we build a pretty nice pop-up we've been shipping these all over the united states all year long we've you know obviously we've gotten tons of feedback you know we've made a lot of changes a lot of modifications and we just really really have dialed this thing in so a lot of people ask why do you use you know the fitting that's not barbed and you know that's simply because you know it clicks into the pipe no problem and then you can take it apart in the event that branches and leaves and things during low volume rains collecting that 90 super easy just to take that off dump it out branches are probably the biggest thing because if you live where there's a lot of big trees it's going to drop limbs on the roof of your house and even though you might drag those branches off there's a lot of broken pieces of bark and wood that fall in the gutter they find their way into your drainage system so you know it's just something that we've learned over you know the course of 35 years of doing this that that's something that has to be addressed so you really want that to be something you can access and service so again we're taking care of both our problems you know we're shipping low profile right now this is standard we ship the low profile 90 with the turf restrictor plate the full assembly just you pop it on you're done now we're the only ones doing the 45s if you want a 45 with the turf restrictor plate you just have to call the office and we make them up for you as needed so you can see that to minimize the amount of water you're leaving in your discharge line compared to the 90s see so you're asking the water to come up so if you have the slope you know if you're taking us to a ditch bank you're taking this you know to an area that actually breaks and you have good fall good slope you can see the difference you know and if you don't have it well there's nothing wrong with this 90 this low profile 90 doesn't hold but a couple cups of water you drill some holes in the bottom even in clay that's going to leach out over time if you put a piece of you know knife cut pipe you know 15 feet of it at the end of your downspout with some stone and filter fabric like we show you now you really got something this will never hold water it'll always dry up for you and in the north you won't have to worry about freeze up and in the south you won't have to worry about a petri dish you know the pop-up is the safest and most healthiest for your family the only problem was it used to have the most liability until we went to the turf restrictor plate so i'm going to take it in the field i want to show you applications of use i want to show you how it's been working for us and and catch you guys up on all that it helps all of us to see the use in real world so that's a gutter downspout with one of our clean outs with the grate and then we ran this at quite a distance away we like to be safe run a safe distance away this is the perfect example how the turf restrictor plate works so normally a pop-up the grass just grows right over it very quickly and then you're done then the pop-up is no longer going to let water emit and you're in trouble you're going to have the water cascade over the gutter trough right along the foundation of your building you can see that the turf restrictor plate it won't let grass grow over the pop-up emitter but you can see that the grass is really growing over the turf restrictor plate this gives the homeowner time to weed whip deal with it when life happens and you don't have time to be watching grass grow because literally that's what you'd have to do with a small standard pop-up emitter that's where the turf restrictor plate comes in okay so i had one of our customers that we did an install for call me and we went through this and he was so kind to let me video him for his very first time experiencing what it's like to pick up a pop-up with a turf restrictor plate and literally just it's snaps right off the corrugated pipe super easy he has big giant trees he lives in a forest you can see that we got the leech pipe with the fabric and the stone in there and this just snaps right back in he'll push it right back in check it out this is his first time so there you go it's just that easy i wanted to go over an engineering bulletin that i have the reason why our fabric works so well is because it's double punch and the longer you have your system in the better the soil filter zone that's formed becomes
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Keywords: drain basin in yard, pop up emitter french drain, stop grass from growing, pop up emitter with spring, pop up emitter for sump pump, pop up emitter alternative, pop up emitter drain, pop up emitter installation, pop up emitter adapter, pop up emitter for corrugated pipe adapter, How to bury downspouts, buried downspouts, roof runoff, roof runoff system, gutter system, bury gutters underground, Yard Drainage, french drains, yard drain, yard water solutions
Id: nmgXE7csiKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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