Why OpenAI Playground is better than ChatGPT

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this is charging PT as you probably know it while it is quite easy to understand you just type a question and get an answer directly it is quite basic there is an even more powerful tool than openai has created called open AI playground hey friends and welcome back to the channel in this video we'll go through what is openai playground and why you should use open air playground instead of chat GPT first let's start with what is open AI playground while chargpt is a finalized solution open-air playground is more of a laboratory where you can experiment you can experiment with different machine learning models and parameters you can access it by going to platform.openai.com playground and this is how it looks like now let's dive in in the main reason to use it instead of child GPT the reason number one is that the playground offers way more customizable options now you can see how detailed and personalized it is compared to charge GPT it is a bit scary at first but we will go through it step by step the first parameter that you can set is the mode chat GPD only has one mode which is a chat but in open AI playground you have multiple which are complete chat insert and edit complete simply adds the text after yours chat allows you to add a prompt for the system and write down the conversation between the assistant and the user this is particularly useful if you want to build a chatbot insert or you can paste a big text and add insert one of the way to use it could be to paste an essay and add this insert into bracket to insert more text to add more example or context into a specific point then finally you have edit where you can type a text in the text box and add special instruction about that text you can use that to ask to fix grammar mistake for example the next parameter is the language model okay you can choose between different language models they all have the specificity and the cost related to them you can have more information by hovering them the next one is temperature temperature helps you to add some Randomness and creativity into the result of your prompt the closer it is to one the more creative the AI gets so for example if you're writing a history article you will want it to be zero because you just want facts and no creativity at all but if you're searching for YouTube titles for videos for example you can set it to one to have way more create if and interesting output you also have the maximum length which allows you to set the maximum length of the output that you will get the next parameter is the frequency and presence penalty frequency penalty lowers the chance of a word being selected again the more times that word has already been used presents penalty does not consider how frequently a world has been used but just if the world exists in the text prisons penalty will increase the likelihood that it will talk about new topics and use new words there are a lot of other parameters that I haven't talked about today and if you want a video about this please let me know in the comments in the meanwhile you can still play around with all the parameters that I've gave you as they already cover most of the things that you can do with openai playground second reason to use playground is that it gives you a whole range of examples once there is one that you like you can simply click on it and open it in the playground after that you will see how it's made what prompt are used and will be able to modify the prompt and run it for your specific case so if you click on open in playground right here it will automatically open a new tab and you will have the prompt written already before jumping into the third reason if you like the content so far please raise a thumb up it encourages me to make more videos and also help me with the algorithm the reason number three is that you can share and save presets as we saw previously you can use examples but you can also create your own presets and what's really nice about that that you can save and share them is that with chair GPD it's pretty hard to go back to a prompt that you had in the past you have to search into the history and that's pretty impractical if you want to save your preset you can just click on the same save button and put a name in the description if you want to share them you can click on the share button and it will give you a link so that you can send that link to other people the reason number four is that you can use speech to text while with child GPT you can only input text with openai playground you can input an audio file the way that it works is that you click on the top right record icon and then you can directly either upload an audio from your computer so MP4 or MP3 file or you can directly click on start recording and then you can directly speak to open AI playground and everything that you say we're gonna be shown inside the prompt this is really useful for tasks such as audio transcriptions where you want to transform your audio file into the text directly now you can see how openly I playground is way more powerful than chargpt you can play with a lot of parameters you can load save and share presets you can use your voice as an input I really invite you to try open AI playground and see all of the feature it offers thanks for watching and see you in the next video foreign
Channel: Donatien Thorez
Views: 17,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatGPT, OpenAI Playground, Playground, OpenAI, AI, ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, openai, chatgpt 4, openai playground tutorial
Id: MD7LlD4gSk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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