How to Create Custom GPTs in ChatGPT (OpenAI GPTs Tutorial for Beginners)

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the biggest chat GPT update of the year has just been released we've got a brand new interface here but more importantly we now have the ability to create our own gpts right inside of chat GPT so in this video I'm going to show you step by step how to create your own custom GPT here's one that I made it took about 10 minutes you don't need any technical skills to do this English is the new coding language so I'll take you through all the steps and also the top five mistakes to avoid when creating your own custom GPT I've been helping some people out and these mistakes keep coming up so make sure that you avoid them so my name is darra let us dive straight in so how do you access these gpts well you can see inside of chat gbt that we have a bit of a new interface here we no longer have the dropdowns for the different models at the top of the page these are now in the sidebar here so we can still select if we want to use gbd4 or GPT 3.5 or use the plugins but if we want to access the gpts we just click open the sidebar here and then we click on to Explorer and it can open up here and we can see that we can create our gpts or we can use other people's gpts they'll appear right here now Sam Alman did say that the gpts are now live for all chat GPT plus subscribers so you should be seeing this in your account if you have a chat gbt Plus account now if you want to upgrade you can just click on your username there click on my plan and then it should open up and you can upgrade if you want now interestingly I've been talking to some people and a lot of people seem to want to upgrade because of these new gpts and the new features like Del 3 so it's going to be interesting how much these new releases really grow this company so what really are the benefit of these gpts to us as users and also as creators of the GPT well really this new ability allows us to create custom versions of chat GPT that we can create for a specific purpose and that'll just make them more useful to us really as users so here is the GPT that I created socres GPT and really it's just to help people think more deeply about a specific problem so for example I can just click one of the conversation starters here saying I'm addicted to my phone and Socrates will use his wisdom to really help me uh solve that problem or think more deeply about how I could uh solve it so of course we can do this in chat GPT I can just ask it to pretend it's Socrates but we don't have those conversation starters we don't have all those instructions so this is just a quick way to share out really a prompt or any AI agent with people and that's the real benefit of these custom gpts so what's the benefit for you to create a GPT then well I can't see any information about who uses my GPT all I can see is the number of times that people have used it so I can see there's been 49 chats here can we get that to 100 I'll leave the link to this in the description below so please go and try it out but really the main benefit to us as creators is we can put our GPT into the GPT store and that should be opening at the end of November open AR rolling out a revenue sharing model which probably will be based on usage so if we have a GPD that's highly used then we can earn basically passive income uh from creating these gpts now another benefit of these gpts is not only that you can put them in the uh GPT store but you can see here that you can have them public like that so they may appear in the GPD store but you can also send them to people with the link so you could share these out to team members maybe specific tasks for your businesses or it could be only for you so you could have essentially your own AI agent that you've trained for a particular task in your business and this is just uh something that can really help you do it quickly and you can just keep it private and use it for yourself there's actually one more benefit of creating these gpts as a Creator and that's a sort of lead generation or track traffic driving tool so you can see in this GPT here actually there's a link back to the Creator's website and so this is driving visitors to the website right from chat GPT so if you want to set that up for yourself you just click down into your profile name click on settings and beta click on profile or Builder profile and here you'll be able to enable this and connect your domain so that then you can be driving traffic back to your website right inside of chat GPT so now that we know what gpts are and the benefits of them let's go ahead and start making our GPT step by step so open up the sidebar here click on explore click on create a GPT and here we have our GPT Builder so on the left hand window here this is actually where we create our GPT and there are two options here so the create tab it's like talking to jat GPT and it'll prompt us to actually build our GPT in the configure tab here this gives us more options to customize our GPT you can start straight here it might be better to go through the Builder and then actually customize it in configure and then over on the right hand side of the screen here we have our preview screen where we can test out our GPT make sure it's working like we want it so we can preview all of the answers before launching it so let's start with the create Tab and as you can see here the first prompt is what would you like to make and this is where the first big mistake comes in with people creating their gpts on the top mistake to avoid and the first mistake I've seen is people trying to make something too big uh the first time that they make a GPT if you're not making your first GPT in under four minutes you're doing it wrong get something done and then you can build on that once you understand how to actually go through the steps of building a GPT then build something more complicated using all of the upload files AI agents and all of that stuff so what I suggest you do is go into the explore tab here and have a look at the gpts that are already in the GPT store this way we'll be creating a GPT in the style that chat GPT thinks is appropriate for its store first time around so so I'm going to pick the negotiator here try and recreate this one and then the next iterations I can add more complicated options in there so come back to the create tab here and I'm going to put in I want to create an expert negotiator to help me get a pay rise or better terms on a lace or a deal so it says here great choice I suggest naming the GPT negotiation coach does that work for you so before I reply to that we're going to go back to the top five mistakes takes to avoid when creating your top GPT and this is important number two not backing up your instructions so chat GPT is having out outages and also if you exceed 50 messages in 3 hours you might lose all of your instructions on on work so right from the start what I would recommend you do is any instructions that you're putting in here that you copy and paste these into a Google doc for example you like the name okay negotiation coach I actually love that so I'm going to put this um you know just copy and paste these in in as you go along I talked to someone who spent an hour putting in instructions all of it gone because Chachi BT went down so avoid that mistake and back up your instruction so I'm going to say yes that's a perfect name now once I've confirmed my name chat GPT has actually gone ahead and created an icon for my GPT using D 3 and I think that looks perfect as well handshaking negotiation uh again I think that looks perfect and you can see that it's just prompting me this is quite an automated process so next we have some questions here and it really uh asked me for instructions about the role and the goal of this GPT so generally the next step after name and image is going to be to give more instructions on on the role so it has suggested some options here like getting specific guidance on a salary so I've just said yes to all of that stuff and I've also said you know negotiating the price of a house maybe or a business deal common negotiations that many people need help with so I'm going to try and create this GPT to have broad appeal so that many people are using it now the next question seems to be part of the process every time as well it asks for your tone or the tone that it should maintain so formal or casual or unapproachable and it'll also ask are there any topics that you should steer clear of like legal advice or overly aggressive negotiation tactics so I'll just say um casual and approachable and there's nothing that really I think needs to be avoided the next step in the process then is to confirm how the GPD should handle requests for clarification so if the user's question are vague should the GPD ask for more details and just going to confirm that yes they should do that the next question then is asking about how we would like to present the information should we use examples and analogies in the advice or more upto-date Trends in data and I think examples and analogies in this uh GPT would be the best case scenario giving examples of how to negotiate something and you can see here we've got a problem this is why it's important to back it up so let's just regenerate this and hopefully we can continue with the build so this doesn't seem to be resolving but let's try and go ahead and save this just for only me at the moment and hopefully we can save this and continue later so we saved it successfully so let's just go back in and click on edit GPT again and it says welcome back anything you should like to change now in this scenario what we can do is we can open up the conf figure Tab and here we could add in more detailed instructions uh if we wanted to now one thing you might want to do here is change the conversation starters so what right now we've got four here tips for closing a business deal how to start a negotiation conversation what's a good strategy for lease negotiations how do I negotiate a higher salary so out of those four conversation starters personally I only think the first one is strong that would actually get me to click on it and uh this is a really important um part of the process as well so that actually brings us beautifully on to the next common mistake when creating your gpts and that's using the default bio and conversation starters so I think in this case the bio is actually perfect I'm ready to assist you with pay Rises leases and Deals so it gives a clear example of what the benefit is to me as a user um but all also these conversation starters are critical because if people don't want to click on um on your GPT as soon as they open it up then you're going to get no users and then you're never going to get into the GPT store or it just won't be beneficial to your team so the common mistake then is just using these default conversation starters so what I recommend you do is open up chat gbt and ask it to help you brainstorm some conversation start so I just gave some some instructions there saying to start the conversation with help me I've got some good ideas here help me secure a pay rise at work help me get a discount Etc so we've got what's a good strategy for lease negotiation I'm going to change that to help me negotiate a better deal on my rent I think that's much more action oriented and much more likely for people to click and this even SS more action oriented help me secure a pay rise at work rather than how do I secure uh a higher salary our changes are still unpublished as you can see so let's make sure that we update them and confirm them and now we can click open our GPT and to test it out all we need to do is click on one of the conversation starters and get going now for example you can see that in this uh case right now it's just spitting out a pretty long answer it doesn't feel like a natural conversation to me so this is something that we can update in our instructions I'm going to go back here and edit GPT I can configure and put in something like so I'll ask it to give short answers make it feel like a consultation update this again you can try it out and see if this is any better help me secure a pay rise at work and now you can see it feels much more like I'm having a consultation with somebody there's specific questions and I could even refine that even more to say no even shorter just one question at a time something like that but that's how easy it is to add in instructions and make your GPT even better now there are even more customization options so let's open this up even more into the configure tab once again so we could keep adding to those instructions until we get the responses that we like but what you can also do is upload a knowledge base as well now there are two reasons you'd want to upload a knowledge base the first reason is to have more upto-date information so we know that chat gpt's training data is only up to April 2023 uh so if there are recent Trends or information that you want to include it would be good to upload them as a file there so you can just upload a PDF text file really anything like that now the second reason you'd want to upload files is if there was specialized knowledge or a specific uh knowledge base so for example this is somebody who built uh uh horm I think his name is hormy he's a quite a like a well-known guy but you can see that if we look down here the knowledge base that this guy trained this GPT on was hundreds of hours of uh hormos content so this would be like YouTube videos things like that so the creator of that GPT probably just went through uh the Youtube videos took them uh maybe got the transcripts just by putting them in a tool like that or downloading them straight from um YouTube itself copy those in put put them back into chat GPT and then he would have had a GPT trained on a specific knowledge base now another customization feature is the uh capabilities so by default these will all be toggled on so we've got web browsing Del 3 and code interpreter I'm going to keep web browsing on because I think it might be helpful to get up to-date negotiation tactics or information but I don't think we'll need the other two so I'll leave those off so this gpts as quick as possible now down here we also have actions as well which is a little bit more of an advanced feature but we'll have a quick look at it in this video Let's click in and learn a little bit more about what these actions are so what these actions allow you to do is to retrieve information or take actions outside of chat gbt and there's a direct link here to learn more and the full article is here also on the open aai Dev day they also did a segment on this particular feature and it's at 24 minutes where I'll put the link in the description and you can um check it out but essentially what it allows you to do is use zapier which allows you to connect chat GPD to other tools like notion or slack or Gmail or Google Sheets or Google forms and allows you to use and integrate all of these tools together so the example that they looked at on the dev day was that they connected chat GPT to Google Calendar using zapier and then she was able to talk to chat upt as if it was her AI like personal assistant and see if there was any conflicts on the calendar and cancel a meeting by sending a slack uh message to someone so that's pretty amazing stuff and just opens up a whole new world of possibilities for what these gpts can actually do but I think for this video we're not going to get into all those details but do subscribe if you want to see videos on that as well so I think we pretty much covered everything in the configure tab here and looked at all the possibilities of what you can do now make sure that you save all of your updates here and this is the next most important thing and the most common mistake is not sharing your GPT properly so make sure that you are actually have selected the right option so at the moment this is only me because I'm still working on it but you might want to share it out and get some feedback so you can confirm that and then obviously if you want it to be public and in the GPT store whenever that opens um select that option we don't know when the GPD store is going to open they said at the end of this month but if you feel like your GPD is ready I'd leave that option on so it's the first one to really get in there so that wraps up this video give it a like if you found it helpful subscribe to stay updated and if you've made it all the way to the end maybe you're interested in joining my Chachi PT insiders Community we are sharing all our gpts getting feedback from each other and helping each other out ride this AI wave so the link to that will also be in the description if you want to check it out so thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Daragh Walsh
Views: 26,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daragh walsh, Gpts, Custom gpts, chatgpt, chatgpt gpts, How to create GPTS, Gpts store, Gpts api, How to get access to gpts, Chat gpt create, Gpts openai, Build gpts, Sam altman, Openai dev day, How to use GPTS, Chatgpts, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, gpt actions, gpt marketplace, custom gpt, chatgpt 4, chatgpt news, chatgpt update
Id: 2txql6RUSbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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