Is this NEW AI (Claude 2.0) BETTER Than ChatGPT For Coding & Productivity?!

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have you seen this yet this just might give Chachi PT and Bard a run for its money this is called Claude 2.0 and today we are going to dive into it what the differences are between it chat BT Bart play around with it a bit more and even see if it is better than chat gpt's code interpreter let's get into it okay wait wait wait you gotta back up what exactly even is Claude let's start with the basics all right all right I hear you before we jump into anything we really need to understand what exactly is Claude the first version of Claude came out about five months ago and Claude 2.0 has had some major upgrades but before we even get into what those upgrades are one thing that's important to note is actually it is built by two former open AI employees so you can kind of see the parallels here and where this is going let's dive in a little bit more into what Claude 2.0 in particular really offers claw 2.0 has been characterized as an AI Powerhouse the news articles social media it's really coming up as to be the next the new the best first chat GPT and it's for a good reason it is capable of digesting up to 100 000 tokens roughly the equivalent to 75 000 words in a single prompt one of my biggest frustrations with chat GPT even as a plus user is the amount of tax that I can input in one prompt and this is often due to when I wanted to summarize a long article for me or yeah that's typically the case and it's too long I have to break it down so this is really great and actually this is a huge leap from claude's previous version which was a 9 000 token limit which is a huge Advantage the ai's ability to provide responses in a more contextual and improved manner okay let's talk about its testing abilities so it's made multiple strides since the first version of itself according to anthropic who is the parent company of Claude Claude 2 scored 76.5 percent in the bar exam's multiple choice section and for comparison's sake GPT 3.5 achieved 50.3 percent and a few score higher than 90 percent of graduate school applicants in the GRE reading and writing exams now let's get into how it is for coding it scored a 71.2 percent on the Codex human evil python coding test and an 88 on gsm8k grade school math problems this AI is smart it's I mean it's smarter than GPT 3.5 at least in a few areas that we just saw and it really from my perspective when I started playing around with it is much more user-friendly experience I felt more comfortable there I don't know why all right but let's get into battle of the Bots well it's not really bots battle of the AI Claude versus chat GPT versus Bard I'm going to share with you some points so you can really make a decision as to which one you think is best let's start with price so Chachi PT is free for those using the gbt 3.5 version for those who want to move to the more powerful version which I was just mentioning gpt4 you'll have to pay 20 per month Claude is free Bard is free now let's go into availability where can you access these AI chat GPT is most widely available it's been around for the longest per se and you can really access it I believe most places of the world if not all Bard is available in fewer countries than chat GPT but still really rolling out quickly now Claude is temporarily available in only the US and UK you might be asking well if you're in Canada how do you have access that's how I have access all right let's get into privacy chat GPT lets users delete their interactions and does not support browsing through a VPN when I have my VPN on it blocks me it doesn't like me Bart has the option to delete interactions in 18 months it is not let users retrieve previous interactions it supports vpnso which is a plus and Claude lets users delete their own conversations and of course supports vpns well how does Claude even compare to code interpreter fill me in now one thing I wanted to talk about as that Tiff just asked is what is it like compared to code interpreter I have a lot of coders who watch these videos I am a coder how does that stack up well it's really hard to compare the two and I've seen a ton of different videos online saying Claude is way better or outperforms chat gpt's code interpreter plug-in and I would say it depends on what your expectations are meaning chat gpt's code interpreter plug-in is very specific to data it is it's using python you can create really interesting graphs some GIFs I it's it's it's cool I I don't get overly excited about it but it's cool whereas with Claude I found it does all of that plus plus you can interact with it in many different languages past just python uh but it's different comparing a plug-in to the entire chat bot so I do think from a better user experience Claude is definitely stacking up compared to code interpreter okay enough of you talking enough enough let's just get into it I want to see this sure let's just get into it okay you can see here on screen I am logged into Claude it's and I just signed in as I mentioned it's completely free which is great and yesterday I was tinkering around on this you can see here python rock paper scissors game they also give you some prompts to start with uh as examples so whether you want to attach a PDF help me practice something explain how this works that's what I did yesterday was explain how this python Game Works didn't input a python game it just gave me one which is the rock paper scissors and and also too you can add files which is great so let's go ahead and let's try again explain how this python game works and see what it gives me all right so you can see here it gives us the code and then also too it really breaks down like first of all can we just talk about how nice this UI is why do I like this UI so much I don't I don't know am I alone on this please let me know uh but it does do a really good job of breaking it down so this code implements a simple rock paper scissors game it talks about each function that's used and then it summarizes it pretty nicely and then also too you can copy or retry now I want to do something where it's like I upload a CSV similar to what I do with code interpreter inside chatgpt and see if it is able to produce a graph for me let's do this okay let me go here add and where was the CSV I did a while ago all right we're gonna have to blur this out because you know I love you but we can't get that personal let's see here CSV oh you know what I might have deleted it okay one second okay I got the CSV I'm going to use for both Claude and then chat GPT let me go back open menu okay let me go here and say create a plot a graph with the data in the CSV let's keep it simple I got to make sure I use this exact prompt when I'm using Code interpreter now keep in mind this is not using a plug-in it's just using their main chat AI versus when I go into chat TPT it's using a specific plugin a plug-in that's specific for this task so it'll be interesting to see how it Compares so let's do headlines open houses too big is the question uh yeah I think it is well let's see what it does all right so it can't visualize graphs directly I can analyze the data in the CSV file and describe it all right this is interesting you can hear my Skype going off quit who uses Skype by the way that's what someone commented the other day when I said my subscribers because they're like you still use Skype ew I don't know okay I do do you use Skype okay we're getting off track here all right so yeah very interesting uh the file contains daily headline sentiment sentiment scores ranging from negative one to positive for the New York Times over a period of 30 days yes by the way I did it uh headlines for the New York Times all right so you can see here let's now go into I gotta turn my VPN off and I'm gonna go do the same thing plot a graph of course it will actually have a visual aspect now but see what kind of data we get from chat CPT code interpreter you can see it perfect great so now let's go to chat gpt4 code interpreter and attach the same CSV headlines I'm trying to show you the headline CSV I should have done that to start with it's taking too long but you get the point it's basically headlines from the first issue we run into is file is too large right that is an issue well let's see if we can make it smaller let's see how big is what did it say the max was let's see here let's try the other one then okay plot a graph with the data in a CSV let's see what comes back with working I still really like how code interpret actually shows you what it's doing the work it's putting into it and then of course we will get the graph back so all in all I think Claude 2.0 based on the reasons I listed earlier is a better user experience right now they're very close to each other I really like the UI I don't know why it's so similar to this really curious to get your take on that because I keep on getting caught up on that I mean this graph is intense it's definitely not for the average viewer even looking at it now so yes I I think Claude 2.0 wins on my heart for my favorite chat bot right now uh but code interpreter of course is better for this specific task because that's what it's designated to do so these videos saying that code interpreter is not good as good as Claude I don't understand I mean I've seen the videos and I don't I don't I think it's just for the hype curious to hear your takes though I will link Claude down below I would link chat GPT but I'm sure you all already have it and uh I hope you enjoyed this video going through some of the major different chat Bots out there right now from Bard from chat gbt and now Claude coming on the market I think with more coming on the market it's going to push them to continue to really evolve at a very quick pace which could be interesting okay I have construction going on starting up again bye everyone hit the subscribe [Music]
Channel: Tiff In Tech
Views: 50,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Claude 2.0, Better Than ChatGPT, new AI, tiff in tech, Tiffintech, secret ai better than chatgpt, ai tools, chat gpt, top ai tools better than chatgpt, ai tools better than chatgpt, ai tools for 2023, claude 2.0 ai, claude vs chatgpt, claude ai chatbot, anthropic claude ai, learn to code, coding for beginners, how to learn coding, learning to code, how to learn programming, how to learn code, how to start coding, girls who code, Self taught programmer
Id: xW8XDyGB0H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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