Massive GPT-4 Upgrades! (And How To Access Them)

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so today was the first ever open AI Dev day and I feel like open AI completely changed the game again in this video I'm going to break down all the big announcements maybe even test a few of the things that they showed off as well as give you some of my feedback and insights that I took away from the event so I'm in the process of editing this video right now and I forgot to mention I'm going to show you how you can actually get access to this right now even if it's not in your chat GPT account yet so stick around to the end for that they started off the event by talking about how far they've come just in the past past year with open AI talking about things like GPT 4 the chat GPT app with the ability to talk straight to it with your voice chat GPT for Enterprise and the fact that there are 2 million developers using their API and 100 million weekly active users of chat GPT after they talked about what they'd accomplished so far they started to break into what's coming next and what we should have access to today now the first big announcement that they made during this Dev day keynote was gp4 turbo and with the announcement of GPT 4 Turbo they talked about how there are six major improvements with it the first one being context length gp4 supported up to 8K and in some cases up to 32k context line gp4 turbo supports up to 128,000 tokens of context if you want to know how much 128,000 tokens of context is that's essentially 96,000 words of input and output text this makes it a bigger context window than what you can do with anthropics cl and as far as I know the largest context window of any publicly available large language model so between the amount of words that you input and the amount of words that it outputs you're going to get just shy of a 100,000 words with this one with something like anthropic CLA it's closer to 75,000 words the next update in gp4 Turbo is they're giving users more control now keep in mind as he's explaining these things he's mostly talking about GPT for Turbo when using the API this is a developer conference remember so these are the gp4 turbo features that people developing with gp4 turbo are going to get access to and we can also use in the playground which I'll show off in just a couple minutes here but I am also going to talk about chat GPT cuz chat GPT also came up at this event there's some exciting news there as well but first let's see what he has to say about getting more control inside of gp4 Turbo we have a new feature called Json mode which ensures that the model will respond with valid Json this has been a huge developer request it'll make calling apis much easier the model is also much better at function calling you can now call many functions at once and it'll do better at following instructions in general we're also introducing a new feature called reproducible outputs you can pass a seed parameter and it'll make the model return consistent outputs this of course gives you a higher degree of control over Model Behavior this rolls out in beta today the third major upgrade to gp4 Turbo was that it's going to get better knowledge knowledge not only is the knowledge cut off window updated all the way through April of 2023 he also announced that you're going to be able to inject your own information inside of these GPT apps so we're launching retrieval in the platform you can bring Knowledge from outside documents or databases into whatever you're building the fourth big update to gp4 Turbo was new modalities during this portion he announced that Dolly 3 GPT 4 with vision and their text to speech technology is all going to be available inside of the gp4 turbo API for anybody to use gp4 turbo can now accept images as inputs via the API generate captions classifications and Analysis and with our new text of speech model you'll be able to generate incredibly natural sounding audio for text in the API with six preset voices to choose from did you know that Alexander Graham Bell the eminent inventor was enchanted by the world of sounds as they talked about the new modalities he also talked about whisper version three which is their speech recognition software that helps translate whatever you're saying into the text that it hears the fifth major update inside of GP T4 turbo is customization during this portion they talked about custom models where you will work closely with the open AI team to fine-tune a model specific for your business needs this sounds a little bit more like an Enterprise feature that most of us that are just playing around with the open AI playground or chat GPT are probably not going to really need to leverage we won't be able to do this with many companies to start it'll take a lot of work and in the interest of expectations at least initially it won't be cheap but if you're excited to push things as far as they can currently go in touch with us and the sixth upgrade to gp4 Turbo was higher rate limits we're doubling the tokens per minute for all of our established GPT 4 customers so that it's easier to do more and you'll be able to request changes to further rate limits and quotas directly in your API account settings after talking about rate limits and the six big new updates with gp4 turbo they then went and talked about their copyright shield and this is something that will seem very familiar if you've heard the news from Microsoft Adobe Shutterstock a ton of companies have been doing this basically saying that if you get into any sort of copyright issues by using their models they will help cover the legal costs of it so if you're building an app that uses their API or you're one of their Enterprise customers you know that you can use the gp4 turbo and not really risk any legal repercussions at least not from a copyright standpoint there's actually one more developer request that's been even bigger than all of these and then to wrap up the conversation around gp4 turbo he talked about the pricing of gp4 Turbo and how it's getting much much cheaper and gp4 turbo better model is considerably cheaper than gp4 by a factor of 3x for prompt tokens and 2x for completion tokens starting today so the new pricing is 1 cent per th000 prompt tokens and 3 cents per th000 completion tokens for most customers that will lead to a blended rate more than 2.75 times cheaper to use for gp4 Turbo than gp4 what this basically means is that the people that are out there developing apps use using gp4 turbo technology all the copyrighting apps journaling apps personal assisted apps all of these kinds of tools that are out there the cost for them to actually develop them and the running costs of running these have gotten a lot cheaper this means a lot of these companies that are out there that are running on open AI apis are either going to get a lot more profitable or they're going to pass some of the savings onto the users and get a lot less expensive it also means there's probably going to be a lot more app popping up again whenever we see prices come down like this like we did with gpt3 we saw an explosion of new AI apps come out that were essentially just a wrapper on the open AI API that already existed this will likely see an explosion in New AI apps but I think if AI app developers were smart they would use the new feature called gpts which we're going to talk about in just a minute here they also announced that if you are using GPT 3.5 and that API that's also gotten less expensive as well hopefully some of these companies pass the cost along to users like they should and then of course there's chat GPT which is probably the version of GPT 4 that most people watching a video like this are actually using he just got done explaining all of the cool features that are coming out with gp4 turbo and then he said this chat GPT now uses gp4 Turbo with all the latest improvements including the latest knowledge cut off which will'll Continue to update that's all live today so from the sound of what Sam Alman just said here all of those updates that we just heard about to GPT 4 Turbo are also going to be inside of chat GPT hopefully that includes the much larger context window and the higher rate limit cuz those are the things that I'm most excited about from what he just talked about with gp4 turbo he then went on to talk about something that we kind of knew was coming for a while because we've already been seeing some leak screenshots as it's been rolling out and that is that you're no longer going to need to switch between browse and plugins and Dolly 3 they're just going to roll them all into one and you can ask any sort of questions or prompt however you need to prompt and it will decide what the best model is for the question that you ask chat GPT will just know what to use and when you need it personally I've been refreshing my chat GPT account all day today and the new update hasn't actually rolled out into my account yet but they did say it'll be available today and from the sounds of it pretty much all chat GPT plus users should have it this week sometime ideally with in the next 24 to 48 hours now everything they've shared so far is really really cool gp4 is getting cheaper to use with the API we're getting larger context Windows we're getting higher rate limits we're getting more customizability we're getting the ability to have it query documents but this wasn't even the coolest stuff that they shared at this event today the next big announcement that they made at this event is called gpts and this kind of sounds like something that's going to replace the plugins that we get inside of chat GPT right now except they're making making them really easy for anybody to build you can build a GPT a customized version of chat GPT for almost anything with instructions expanded knowledge and actions and then you can publish it for others to use when you go to create one of these gpts you create it with custom instructions to sort of tailor how it's going to react when somebody prompts it you can provide it with expanded knowledge so this can be any sort of additional data that you want worked into this GPT and then actions things that it can actually perform once prompted and the cool EST thing about creating these gpts is anybody can create one using natural language you get into chat GPT you tell it what you want to create and it walks you through and helps you through the process of creating these gpts so to start where your GPT will live is on this upper left corner I'm going to start with clicking on the zappier your AI actions and on the right hand side you can see that's my calendar for today to start I can ask what's on my schedule for today we build gpts with security in mind so before it performs any action or Shar data it will ask for your permission so right here I'm going to say allow gbt is designed to take in your instructions make a decision on which capability to call to perform that action and then execute that for you so you can see right here it's already connected to my calendar it pulls into my my information and then I've also prompted it to identify conflicts on my calendar so you can see right here it actually was able to identify that so it looks like I have something coming up so what if I want to let Sam know that I have to leave early so right here I say Let Sam no I got to go chasing gpus with that I'm going to swap to my conversation with Sam and then I'm going to say yes please run that Sam did you get that I did and then my buddy Rowan Chung who is actually at this event today was able to get early access to it because apparently if you were at the event you also got Early Access to some of these new features and he created his own GPT that he called X Optimizer GPT he explained that he downloaded his Twitter post data from Twitter anal analytics configured some custom instructions and then pasted in the draft of this post and had X Optimizer GPT write this post and here's the screenshot he shared where he configured it gave it the name X Optimizer GPT gave it a description become a helpful bot that optimizes post on X to maximize engagement he gave it some custom instructions to analyze the data provided and then uploaded a handful of spreadsheets for it to reference for the knowledge he then gave it the capability of web browsing Dolly image generation and code interpreter he then prompted it with optimize this post and tell me when to post it he wrote a x post here and then his ex Optimizer GPT basically gave him an optimal time rated it an 8 out of 10 said it's clear and engaging but we can make it more concise and Punchy and then suggested a new version of the tweet and again you can build this all with natural language GPT Builder asks me what I want to make and I'm going to say I want to help startup Founders through their business ideas and get advice after the founder has gotten some advice Grill them on why they are not growing faster it's also going to let's see ask me about a name how do I feel about startup Mentor that's good there and you can see here on on the right in the preview mode that it's already starting to fill out the GPT where it says what it does it has some like ideas of additional questions that I could ask you know what I actually so it just generated a candidate of course I could regenerate that or change it but I sort of like that so I will say that's great and you see now that the GPT is being built out a little bit more as we go what I want this to do how it can interact with users I could talk about style here but what I'm going to say uh is I am going to upload transcripts of some lectures about startups I have given please give advice based off of those it's going to go figure out how to do that and I would like to show you the configure tab so you can see some of the things that were built out here as we were going by by the Builder itself and you can see that there's capabilities here that I can enable um I could add custom actions I'm going to upload a file so here is a lecture that I gave with some startup advice um and I'm going to add that here in terms of these questions this is a dumb one the rest of those are reasonable uh and like very much things Founders often ask um I'm going to add one more thing to the instructions here which is be concise and constructive with feedback so I will say three things to look for when hiring employees at an early stage startup now it's going to look at that document I uploaded it'll also have of course all of the background knowledge of gp4 that's pretty good those are three things that I definitely have said many times and then what's even cooler about these gpts is that they are launching a GPT store this is like the app store for chat GPT it sounds like it's kind of replacing plugins like I mentioned earlier but the coolest thing about what they're doing with this app store is that you can actually sell your gpts inside of this app store you can list a GPT there and will be able to feature the best and the most popular gpts of course we'll make sure the gpts in the store follow our policies before they're accessible Revenue sharing is important to us we're going to pay people who build the most useful and the most used gpts a portion of our Revenue now it'll be really interesting to see what people do with these gpts it seems like in order to really Thrive as a GPT Builder you're going to need to create some proprietary sort of gpts right if anybody can go and create their own GPT just using natural language and prompting it and telling it what it wants out of this GPT what's to stop somebody from seeing a GPT that they really like in the store and just going and prompting chat GPT to build up a new one like the one they just saw I feel like the only way you're going to be able to create actual Revenue selling these gpts is to have it with custom data inside of it now people will get really creative with custom instructions and I think the more creative you can get with custom instructions the more likely you'll be able to create one of these gpts that's really effective but I feel like the real amazing gpts are going to come from the people who upload custom data that have access to custom information and data they upload it into their GPT and and allow people to buy access to this custom data through their GPT that's where I think it's going to have the most success for people but I do think in the early days people are going to make some decent money selling access to gpts that do fairly basic things they're probably just going to get knocked off and cloned over time now I am bummed out that I don't have access to build my own gpts and chat GPT yet however they are making the same kind of functionality available with the API and they're calling it assistance API and this if you've got access to the GPT API and playground which I'll show you in a minute you can actually do this right now today it seems to be fully rolled out the assistance API includes persistent threads so they don't have to figure out how to deal with long conversationist so that persistent threads that he just mentioned that's essentially like memory later on they showed off an example and you can see right here all of the threads these are the discussions that have happened within one of these AI assistants and it can actually reference previous conversations for context to what you're asking now basically meaning it's going to remember past conversations to inform future conversations and once again they did demo using this new AI assistant functionality inside of open ai's playground they were creating an app called Wanderlust you can see the instructions here are you're a helpful travel assistant that can write and execute code and has access to a digital map to display information and then the model is gp4 1106 preview 1106 referencing today the day this was announced November 6th this is the November 6th version of GPT 4 and here I'll also go ahead and select some tools I'll turn on code interpreter and retrieval and save if I say hey let's go to Paris all right that's it with just a few lines of code users can now have a very specialized assistant right inside the app you can invoke multiple functions at once for the first time so here if I carry on and say hey what are the top 10 things to do when I have the assistant respond to that again and here what's interesting is that the assistant knows about functions including those to annotate the map that you see on the right and so now all of these pins are dropping in real time here next let's talk about retrieval and retrieval is about giving our assistant more knowledge Beyond this immediate user messages in fact I got inspired and I already booked my tickets to uh to Paris so I'm just going to drag and drop here this PDF while it's uploading I can just sneak peek at it very typical United flight ticket and behind the scene here what's happening is that retrieval is reading these files and boom the information about this PDF appeared on the screen and this is of course a very tiny PDF but assistants can par long form documents from extensive text to intricate product specs depending on what you're building and that was pretty much all of the major announcements that they made at the open AI Dev Day event which were some pretty dang big exciting announcements you can play around with the new gp4 turbo model using the API inside of open ai's Playground now this isn't free to use you do have to have a credit card on file to use it you can actually see that in my usage cost here you could see I've spent you know a few pennies basically already but let's jump back over to this playground Tab and you'll notice up in the top there's a little drop down with Assistance or chat now chat is sort of the window where were used to where you can enter a system prompt and then come over here have a chat just like you would with chat GPT and if you come over to the model you can now see that we do have access to gp4 1106 preview we can mess with all of these settings here and have a chat with gp4 turbo directly inside of the playground using the API however we also have this new assist feature in here which they just showed off inside of the devday preview so right now I can click create create a new assistant call it matbot 3000 I can give it custom instructions like you are an AI representation of Matt wolf use the knowledge provided from Matt wolf YouTube and podcast transcripts to inform the responses to any questions then under model of course I can select gp4 1106 preview give it access to code interpreter and retrieval and then upload whatever transcripts I want from past podcasts and YouTube videos save my custom assistant and then chat with it like I would any other bot here I didn't actually upload any information so it's not going to pull from any transcripts but this is something I want to build but I'm just going to go ahead and type what are you designed to do click add and run you can actually see the logs on the right side of what it was doing and it says I am designed to assist you by providing information and insights based on the knowledge I've gathered from Matt Wolf's YouTube videos and podcast transcripts I can help answer questions related to content marketing podcasting digital marketing strategies productivity and more as these are topics frequently covered by Matt wolf I didn't enter that information there so that info must have been pulled from the web I can then come back over to my sidebar over here click on threads and view the previous thread that we had so between creating custom AI assistance outside of chat GPT and creating gpts inside of chat GPT we can now essentially create our own AI Bots very inexpensively with the API and if you're building them with gpts inside of chat GPT possibly even make money off of them now for my final thoughts about this event I think it's pretty groundbreaking news I wish these updates were actually in everybody's chat GPT accounts when they announced that they would be but it sounds like other than just the chat GPT stuff the fact that is combining everything into an allinone chat and that we can now create gpts everything else it seems like we have access to Now using the API the chat GPT part it looks like we should have access to this week at the very latest I do find that the direction open AI is going into very interesting because every time they roll out some new updates it seemingly kills a whole bunch of SAS startups that have been building similar stuff on top of the chat GPT or GPT for API all the companies that used open AI apis to build a PDF reader are now becoming kind of obsolete because of open AI rolling out these features a lot of the companies that help you make custom chat Bots for customers and for knowledge bases and for things like that most of those companies are now sort of becoming obsoleted by open AI so it seems like if you're out there building apps using open ai's apis selling those apps and doing well with them well open AI is kind of keeping track of that figuring out what stuff works really well and then just rolling out those features into the API or into chat GPT and with the fact that they're building this new gpt's store directly inside of chat GPT it almost feels like they're trying to encourage people to build inside of their platform build these gpts inside of chat GPT as opposed to building software products using their API outside of chat GPT that seems to be the direction they want people to work in and if you do want to build on top of their API and build thirdparty tools that just are rappers around the API you have to be prepared for the fact that chat GPT might just come and roll that feature in eventually and possibly make your business obsolete not saying that's going to happen with all companies I think some companies are going to do a good job of building a moat and do some things that bring more value than what you would just get out of chat GPT but I would say 90% of the startups that are out there that are building SAS companies on the back of open ai's apis are probably going to be obsoleted because of open AI so just something to think about something that I find fascinating and I'm excited to play around with all these new features of GPT 4 and continue making matbot 3000 probably coming to a Future tools website near you pretty soon speaking of Future tools if you love nerding out about Ai and you want to stay in the loop with the latest cool AI tools keep up to date with all the latest AI news make sure you check out futur tools. this is where I curate all the coolest tools all the latest AI news and I even have a free newsletter where I will deliver it directly to your email inbox you can find it all over at future tools. thank you so much for tuning into this video I really appreciate you taking the time I know this isn't as polished as my usual videos but today was Dev day and I had to talk about it so I had to get a video out even if it's not got the same level of editing and polish as some of my other videos if you do want to stay up to date with all the latest AI news and get videos and breakdowns and tutorials around how to use this stuff give this video a like And subscribe to my channel and I will keep you in the loop and make sure videos like this show up in your YouTube feed thank you once again for watching this video and any other videos of mine that you watched I really really appreciate it I'm having so much fun talking about all of this AI stuff and I hope you're enjoying nerding out with me so thank you once again really appreciate you see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 268,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools, openai, chatgpt, gpt-4, gpt-4 turbo, ai news, chatgpt 4, openai chatgpt, ai, what is chatgpt, chatgpt plus, chat gpt, open ai, gpt 4, openai chat, gpt-4 demo, ai tools, openai gpt4, sam altman, openai gpt 4, openai chatbot, chatgpt news, matt wolfe, ai video
Id: nhzQULulAko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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