The Loud House Movie is a Mediocre Trashfire (Ft. @LSMark )

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hey arnold the movie too boring channel chasers too good the spongebob movie yeah that's original well there's just not that much stuff to cover that'd be both funny and original yeah i guess you're right hey what's that the loud house movie seriously how is that more original than any of the other things i just listed what's the lighthouse [Music] a different perspective video what yeah let's do it the lighthouse is a nickelodeon animated tv show created in 2016 by chris never mind chris who i said never mind anyway the story is pretty simple lincoln loud is a middle child and a family of 11 siblings with five younger and older sisters all crammed into a small house basically they just kind of live their life and interact with one another i'm kind of surprised you haven't seen it considering the show's pretty popular and well known on nickelodeon i mean at least it was until it wasn't to put it lightly after the first few seasons the whole thing kind of went on a downward tilt if i could sum up its issues with one statement the show's simplicity was probably its best attribute but then the showrunners forgot about that well mr just stop being someone who's never seen a single episode of the lighthouse before would you please describe said problem in more detail i guess if i'm going into any more detail i'd say anyone who's watched the loud house in the last few years has probably seen that its focus has completely shifted from the original premise now instead of lincoln crashing through the crowded halls dodging girls like ping pong balls he's just kind of in school with his nobody friends and the girls aren't off much better mostly going on separate adventures the splitting off got so bad that lincoln's friend ronnie ann got her own spin-off show which is also pretty bad the point is the show has mostly lost sight of its roots so as a person that's watched the show as it slowly deteriorated i was a bit skeptical when i heard they were making a movie especially considering beforehand they made an hour-long special that's nothing but bad canada jokes but that's for another day anyway what were you thinking it was going to be like when you decided to watch a youtube personality ls mark lincoln description well i wasn't really thinking anything considering i was basically forced into watching it so it's safe to say that going in my expectations were set pretty low i had heard a lot of mixed things about the lighthouse show over the years with some people loving it and some hating it and after sitting through the movie i just thought it was incredibly mediocre hmm if that's the case how about we go into it and talk about how overwhelmingly disappointing it all was you mean like we were just about to do yes well in that case why didn't we just start here because we need to talk about this goddamn poster oh yeah this wasn't exactly a good omen for what was to come i mean obviously it doesn't look like they gave a single [ __ ] when they were composing the entire thing there's so much empty space and it's just completely barren as far as posters go this is genuinely one of the worst posters for a movie i have ever seen everyone has made the joke but it literally looks like a fan made poster you'd find by lighthouse fan 2007 on deviantart i think if your show is animated using rigs it'd be best for you to at least hand draw the characters on your poster most rigged characters look pretty lifeless when just standing in their base positions and what do you know half of these characters are just standing there blankly not even looking at lincoln like this villain lady why is she perched off to the side gazing into thin air what about this lad behind her what is he even doing and speaking to lincoln while watching the film i had to pause on one specific frame because i was a mia's the poster just [ __ ] ripped a frame of lincoln from the movie and slapped him onto the king's chair oh yeah that's lincoln alright never seen without his trusty parachute he wears that all the time yeah if anyone was paid to create this poster there is no god look at this dragon it wasn't even attempted to make this look like it was part of the actual frame they just took a still and added a drop shadow while it has a completely separate angle of placement this has got to be the work of some intern that was paid in peanuts so they didn't starve to death that night it genuinely looks like they knew they weren't going to have to make a cinematic poster so instead they just gave a big [ __ ] you to everyone that wanted to watch it and they ate it up because the movie is still currently in the top 10 for netflix movies as we're writing this says a lot about society doesn't it i mean it's just a poster don't be so quick to judge surely it's not representative of the movie's quality right right you did just watch it didn't you oh yeah so you know go on get on with it oh i'll get on with it but only after telling you about this 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family to go to scotland to try and find their relatives from abroad and in the process they find out get this they're scottish royalty and they spend the rest of the film just kinda existing there in the town more specifically their castle until the obvious villain decides to actually enact her plan and get rid of the loud so she can have some peace and quiet also dragons and ghosts oh yeah that too wait actually no not just that too the loud house isn't a series about supernatural phenomena at least as far as i know maybe they went back in time fought a couple wizards in the past saved the future and spoke to the dead i haven't checked out the newest season yet in the context of the rest of the series though this is completely stupid and world breaking the show was pretty down to earth and didn't dive too deep into mythological stuff but in here it just feels tacked on to help the plot and make everything feel more quote unquote movie-esque and it really doesn't work again i haven't seen the show so i wouldn't have cared about them straying away from the source material but these dumb fantasy elements just come off as random plot contrivances more than anything why is the dragon there so you can have a big action-packed finale why is the ghost girl there so she can easily explain to the characters what happened in the past so they can move the plot along nothing here feels natural at all but this honestly is the least of the story's problems you're right for being a loud house movie the characters don't really spend that much time in the loud house it seems like the writers thought making a movie from a tv show literally meant making the setting bigger but that takes away a large aspect of why the loud house worked in the first place lincoln had to traverse a small house with a big family of highly varying personalities that was the shtick and the best episodes of the series are the ones that play off that basic concept and add on to it with those interactions between characters here with so much room to do whatever the hell they want the louds don't really interact that much sure there are a few scenes where they hang out and they're all right i guess but most of it's just unnecessarily long montages of them doing [ __ ] and going off on their own small side tangents that go nowhere this is all in favor of a story that focuses on lincoln and how he feels like his sisters are more special than him and you know what i'm kind of happy about that giving all 10 girls something important to do or some kind of arc in a 90-minute run time would have made this thing a mess that's why i appreciate it being more focused is what i would be saying if they didn't abandon the lincoln stuff anyways i actually really liked the scene at the beginning where lincoln gets kicked out of the diner if a little on the nose you care for his character and care about his feelings but once they get into scotland they just do nothing with it it becomes about him wanting to be the duke he tries to get everyone to act like him which pisses them off but within the exact same minute he has a complete turnaround and is willing to help them out in a meaningful way it's barely about lincoln feeling inadequate now and what it's transformed into is rushed and dumb it's why i start losing interest once they arrive in scotland i would have much rather preferred a more focused character study about lincoln learning to have some confidence and appreciation for himself but he already does have confidence because at the start of the movie he keeps calling himself the man with the plan you already know what you're good at what is the point in any of this for the predictable moment where all the girls come together to say they're proud of lincoln and they all love him yada yada i just don't care it sucks because i would have really liked to see where this could have went but they did nothing with its potential that's really the word isn't it potential this movie had so much potential for what could have been done with it that they just didn't it lacks any sort of focus whatsoever by the halfway point and takes the villain finally deciding to get off her ass and do something for the plot to even pick back up again everything in this movie is so intent on being cinematic that i don't even take the time to give a reason for why it needs to be that way like i said before the loud house is a simple concept most simple concepts don't need an extravagant plot or setting for it to work in movie form now i might be in the minority on this but i do actually like hey arnold the movie it does the same plot as like five different episodes from the tv show but if there's one thing you can take away from it it's that the crew knew what worked best and understood the setting in cast were some of the most integral factors you could have set a loud house movie in the generic town they live in and it would have worked just fine because the characters are what drive the series and for them to interact better the small loud house could be seen as a necessity but i've already gone on about that and maybe the new characters have something to offer the world that makes it interesting i mean the villain was yeah yeah the big villain of the movie is one of the car takers at the castle but with the lie is no longer there she pretty much got it all to herself but oh no now that they've returned it means she actually has to do her job and so she sets out in our goal to get rid of the lards she doesn't really have a definite plan for this at first it's just kept as broad as getting rid of the loads it takes like 50 minutes to actually get to the part where it's revealed she knows about this staff that can control dragons for some reason they try to justify this by her not being too outwardly mad at first because they were only staying for a week but because of this it means the plot to sort of meanders for a while until a predictable moment where the lights decide to permanently move to scotland yeah i couldn't see that coming yeah and beyond that her entire plan to get rid of the louds makes pretty much no logical sense okay so we've got to accept in this movie that the mostly grounded loud house universe has both ghosts and dragons but if we're gonna go off that how about we talk about the villain's great ancestor that drove away the original louds from scotland she drove them away using the dragon at that time and got the crown from the link and lookalike and then she just kind of existed after that i guess i bring this up because the current villain decides that to make sure the louds never come back she needs to become the duchess with the authority of the crown to keep them away and i'm just left wondering why the [ __ ] didn't the ancestor do that like 400 [ __ ] years ago in her entire musical number explaining this plan there are several parallels to her and her ancestor singing about how she's finishing the ancestors plan but if it's the same plan why didn't the ancestor do it in the first place also when the lincoln lookalike has to give up the crown one of the sisters mentions that the dragon will take the crown from the duke if they see him as unworthy so if the current villain was going to pull off a similar plan why didn't she use the dragon to make lincoln give of the crown based on this old law now that it's established in the story and i don't know make the dragon crown her so no one can go against it she has control of the dragon and the ancestor used the staff to do the exact same thing taking away the crown so wouldn't the townspeople know what that meant if she did it again it's not like she wouldn't know since she has the journal but instead she decides to use the staff to make lincoln embarrass himself with the dragon so the townspeople don't like him anymore even though it's obviously not his fault for the dragon crashing into [ __ ] yeah and what's with their plan randomly shifting halfway through at first her goal was just to get rid of the light so she could have some peace and quiet why did they then need to turn her into some mustache twirling villain who now wants to be the ruler of all the land despite this motivation switching after the townsfolk were already abandoning the island yeah sure is great that she not gets to rule over all this nothing they could have easily come up with a different dumb excuse of her being so deranged and mad with power that she now wants the entire town empty so she can have permanent silence and nobody can bother her but i guess that would have made a little too much sense wouldn't it that's true what's even the point of having the crown after the louds are gone she wasn't really in search of power to begin with she was just chilling in the bath there was no reason that after the labs were gone she needed to be the duchess because she had a god damn dragon any louds that might come back in her lifetime could easily be scared off by the dragon her wanting to take the throne is entirely just to move the plot along a little bit further as when she tries to get the crown the ground's keeper exposes the fact that the louds never said they would give it to her if she hadn't asked for the power she didn't need to keep the louds away the entire third act wouldn't have happened and like you said her entire motivation seems to shift on a dime to now caring so much about the crown when it isn't even valuable anymore she's a woman in a castle with a dragon she doesn't need the [ __ ] crown yet the entire reason throughout her next encounter with the louds she pussyfoots around obliterating them is because they get a hold of the crown which holds no power anymore who gives a [ __ ] about a now meaningless piece of jewelry just kill them and move on with your day this new motivation that seems to only pop up for plot convenience is only added for that exact reason it doesn't match your prior motivations nor does it make any sense whatsoever and i know i keep saying stuff doesn't make sense in this movie but that's just because it doesn't don't blame me for this film's shitty inconsistent elements oh we're talking about the animation now i mean yeah if you want i think when you have a movie beast of a cartoon even if not released in theaters you expect some type of upgrade in regards to the animation hell even if this film were on par with the show i'd give it a pass but it somehow manages to look even worse in areas credit where credit is due i think the storyboarding and composition here is greed lighthouse is really good when it comes to character posing reminds me a lot of the fairly oddparents and the ways that characters will quickly shift from exaggerated positions but while the regular studio was busy working on season 5 they had to outsource the movie to a brand new studio who had never worked on the lighthouse before sure give such an ambitious project people with no experience working on the show in its style that'll go over well and it does really show just how clueless they were when it came to the style of the film some shots in this actually look pretty good and like they could be shown in the theater this one scene in the beginning with lincoln in his room showing lily slides has some really nice lighting effects and there are some similar shots throughout the film but for the most part it just doesn't look like the studio knew where to put the budget other than these wrap around shots throughout the movie and even then the wraparounds have their share of problems such as randomly repositioning characters and not creating full 3d models for them in the shots so if you look closely you can just sort of see them shift suddenly from one pose to the next just in general it's all really jittery and it doesn't help that the film has almost no shading that's like the bassline for making a feature film version of a 2d animated show if you can't pass that hurdle i fail to see how you can do perspective i mean just look at some of these shots that zoom out and look at characters doing [ __ ] in the background it looks like they're tacked on rather than actually being part of the scene and they barely move a radical departure from the show which was basically all about movement not to mention the weird consistent trait of the characters going off model which i thought wasn't even something that could happen since it's animated using rigs for the most part but i guess this film was able to prove me wrong and you know i think the reason for all this inconsistency could partially have to do with its production history oh really what happened with the production of the film surely it couldn't be that bad oh but then it was this movie was originally announced back in 2017 for a february 2020 release date in theaters but as the production got further along the plan shifted sure you could potentially blame the demonetization virus for why the film traded hands to be in netflix original but unfortunately for those people the announcement for being on netflix was back in 2019 now am i saying that all bad movies which people don't consider good enough for theaters are put on netflix to cut the studio's losses no not at all films like wish dragon and klaus show the potential for streaming service original movies just as much as any theatrical film but with the loud house cases specifically i do think it was a decision made from lack of faith put yourself in the studio head shoes right now this movie was announced when the loud house was reaching a peak in popularity but by 2019 the show's ratings have gone way down alongside the decline of network television the loud house might be popular but it's not nearly as recognizable a brand as something like spongebob that can just release a movie on its own and be fine for people to care about a movie about something like the loud house viewers need something to get excited for and this just doesn't bring anything special to the table it's bland milk toast easily forgettable nonsensical background noise that unconsciously plays because of autoplay on netflix it's not something you'd actively watch in a movie theater for 15 therefore i think that based on the plot and assets done so far the studio had a change of heart over the film midway through production and slashed its budget for a netflix release to make sure they didn't have an inevitable flop on their hands at the box office i'm sure in an alternate reality the film might look better with time and money put into it for a truly theatrical looking production but what would be the point putting sprinkles on tofu isn't going to make it any less bland to taste it's a sad reality but the film really got what it deserved if my theory is correct damn maybe it's a good thing this film never hit theaters went through such a troubled production that it was inevitable to end up the way it was and you also have to think about how the crew of this show is split between the next season of the series and a movie most of the time leading to a lot of input from a ton of different people making it harder for the main vision to shine through from all of the different takes and you can completely feel that in this movie there's no clear focus for most of the film having random bits of it supposedly being more important than others but getting too little focus to actually care about and that fits the same with the characters it reminds me a lot of phantom planet the denny phantom movie and that the film doesn't seem to know what it wants to be and in trying to do too much it ends up doing nothing at the same time really it's so stupidly sad since the film would probably have worked better with less division among the story's focus yeah that's ultimately the biggest issue even if you'd want to argue that a film based on a tv show should be primarily made for fans of the show i still think there's gotta be some kind of reach to a general audience to bring him in and i gotta say this has not convinced me to check out the lighthouse could it be a good show probably but i don't care because this film gave me no reason to car about any of these characters and to me that's ultimately its biggest failure well despite having different perspectives in relation to what we know about the show it looks like we just came to the same conclusion which might just speak volumes about the actual quality of what we just watched maybe people who still like the show will find this good i have no idea i'm not in that fandom but as a person that has liked and laughed at the show before in its earlier seasons this does really disappoint me and as a person that hasn't watched the series and doesn't plan to after this is over i feel the exact same way with that all said and done what are your thoughts on the loud house movie did you like it did you hate it leave your thoughts down below and maybe you can open our eyes to the true inner beauty of this film see you all in the next video and have a good day oh what's that huh looks like they updated the poster it's gotta be better than [ __ ] this movie okay so do you think everyone's gonna be pissed just like they were last time i don't know it's hard to say i think we did a much better job in this case being fair to the whole thing so now i think we'll be good okay good because i don't want any heat in my comment section over this get enough of that already okay yeah i'm sure we're perfectly fine you
Channel: Just Stop
Views: 590,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Just Stop, LS Mark, Just Stop LS Mark Crossover, Just Stop Loud House, The Loud House, The Loud House Movie, The Loud House Movie Rant, The Loud House Movie Review, LS Mark The Loud House, Just Stop Collab, LS Mark Collab, Nickelodeon, Netflix, Nord VPN, VPN, Best VPN
Id: ElW8uXSEhv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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