Why Is Palworld So Good? Should Pokemon Be Worried?

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so we're we're talking about PW world today which if you don't know is a game that came out recently that is immensely popular I think this is even outdated at this time I think this is the most recent stat here but 4 million sales in 3 days as well as being the number five most played game ever period at a single moment so this is on Steam I it might even be higher right now but power world on Steam has beaten a large majority of games like crazy games cyber Punk Elden ring um valheim uh Call of Duty Terraria um it is number five most played game ever with an all-time peak of a million2 200 just shy of uh 1.3 million I think this number might even be outdated who knows at this time but the only games uh beating it for an alltime Peak is pubg which is like there must have been like two games out at during that ancient archaic time anyways counter- strike 2 which I I think we can all understand counter- strike lostar I'm a little surprised like I played lost AR I liked Lost AR I enjoyed lost AR I was not familiar with it being this popular if I'm being honest so that's a little surprising and Dota 2 which is understandable as well it was kind of like the Moa before League of Legends came out frankly very basically it is a very popular game power world 4 million players and 4 million purchases sales people have uh it's sort of the meme game right people have described this game as like Pokemon with guns um if I was to describe it having played it during early access and a little bit I have about a little over 20 hours clocked into the game I would describe it as like Pokemon as in you capture these creatures you fight with them you battle with them combined with like valheim and and rust if you're familiar with these it's kind of like these Resource Management Base building games sort of these two games combined I think the main thing about the game is that it has this very sort of jokey slapstick look to it it looks like a fake game one of my friends I was talking to him I was like hey do you want to play power world and he was like that's a real game I thought that was a joke it's known for having like the integration of like more adult content such as guns what if you had guns and you could shoot Pokemon that's that's basically the question this game is answering and basically the most important thing about it is that it's fun it's like actually fun I don't think I've had this much fun with a game in a long time in fact I've been very burnt out with gaming in general I've told you guys how many times have I said like man I just don't know what to play I don't like these popular games like League of Legends I can't get into like I just don't know what to really play and I feel like I was very burnt out with gaming I can't remember the last time I binged the game like four or 5 days in a row till power came out recently it says something about how fun the game is I I think the question is we sort of answered it already but the question is like why why is it such a phenomenon I think the most basic answer is like well it's fun but a lot of games are fun right outer Wilds is Fun Some people say I'm just kidding I finished that recently and it was very great experience it was very cathartic I think one of the best games ever but you know people say valerant is fun I don't think so but like you know a lot of games are fun so what about power world makes it so successful I think it you can't talk about power world without talking about Pokémon it's very similar to Pokémon in fact I have in an act of Genius irony I've worn my Pokemon jacket this brand is atsuko not sponsored actually not sponsored anyways why is power world so popular other than the fact that it it's just fun right a lot like I said a lot of games are fun and I think it has to do with Pokemon we all love Pokémon who doesn't love look at this [ __ ] fat [ __ ] look at that goddamn fat chachu [ __ ] everyone loves Pokemon everyone sees oh Pikachu everyone loves Pokémon and we play the games but I do think the the sentiment for a while I was going to say lately but I think for a while that Pokemon has been kind of I don't know maybe lacking dare I say bad I mean before I even started recording this I was just raging about how bad the Pokémon designs have been some businessman at Nintendo or game freak is watching this [ __ ] Matsumoto son's watching this going oh you think that's bad and we're going to see like the next evolution of concador Giga concador is going to come out in the next Pokemon game just to spite me I swear people have been wanting a more funner Pokemon experience I think put simply people just want Pokemon to be more fun and I think uh what we talked about before is that there's this conversation like well you're a grown adult how could you expect to find enjoyment from a a game targeted to children and I think this is a very like disingenuous thing to say because there's a lot of games and a lot of media in general like intended for children that adults can enjoy I mean let's talk about Marvel superhero movies that's a kids thing superheroes comic books Sonic the Hedgehog I don't think they're making Sonic games with like oh yes this 28-year-old person with a full-time job is going to have a ball no it's all intended when I see Sonic I'm like man I [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of Sonic you know it's all intended like they don't intend these things to be adult yeah yeah I'm going to draw ganst fetish point of Sonic with his feed out like they don't intend these things to be oriented for adults but that doesn't mean that adults can't enjoy it in fact let's just rewind the clock I think there are plenty of adults that enjoyed Pokémon even though a lot of us might have been kids I think adults enjoyed it too and also I have been an adult and I have enjoyed Pokémon yes I was younger but I was by no means a kid when I was still enjoying Pokemon I I think what it is is like we talked about this the other day where yes we grew up and maybe there's an argument people want to say like oh you're growing out of the games it's not meant for you it's meant for children but I I think there's something to do with how it's served up I think there has to be there's something to be said about how these games are the mechanics of it might be very rudimentary might be simple to a degree might be quote unquote meant for children but I think what makes it so unpalatable to adults is its packaging the example I gave was Pokémon Snap uh the original Pokémon Snap I was a kid when I played it but I enjoyed it very much but also my mother played it and my aunt I remember my aunt getting angry at me because she took a picture of like the Mew and I was a dumb kid and I overwrote her save file with like a [ __ ] dumbass picture of a star me zoomed up like this you know it it's it's adults can enjoy that stuff and so the reason I bring up Pokemon Snap it's because they made a new Pokemon Snap a remake of Pokemon Snap and I was very excited for this game I was like oh I remember Pokémon Snap I had a great time playing this my family had a great time playing this I'm so excited for the next Pokemon Snap game and I bought it and I could not I could not bear it I could not stand playing that game why I think it's because it was just so dumbed down and what do I mean by dumbed down it's not that the game itself was oh well you're an adult you can't enjoy children's game because mechanically taking pictures of Pokemon just pressing a you move and you go that's not inherently an adult mechanic it's not like some kind of adult themes or some kind of highbrow adult gaming it's still very rudimentary but what's the difference it's that it it's packaged like you're a a [ __ ] dumb Dum I remember playing it and it's like it it just babies you so much you boot up Pokemon Sam it's like hello trainer take this camera press a to take the camera from you great now press a to use the camera press a to [ __ ] your pants need your diaper changed do do here comes chansy you know it just like it was so frustrating to get through this game it they just like they wouldn't let me play it they just assumed I was literally I mean you know they always say well it's a kids game what do you expect it's like do these kids have brain damage like what kind of kids are they making these games for it's so dumb down it's so inaccessible it's so unpalatable to anyone with like more than a single brain cell I feel and that's why I think power has become so popular is because I think a lot of people yes power roll does take it to the extreme there's guns and violence large implications of some sort of unethical sexual activity between the pals and the and the people but that being said I think people are just like oh at its core I like what Pokemon is the creatures and they're cute and cuddly and cool and I can use them and fight with them this kind of genre of creature collecting and battling with them but we want it to be actually good or at least stimulating I can't remember the last time I think a lot of these experiences that streamers are having you see maybe you yourself go through this and you go oh what's that and then you you upgrade it and you're like wait I can give it a what and you equipped it and you you we go out there and I shoot the gun or I launch the pengull it in a missile launcher and it's this it's like wao and it's like wait I can make a saddle for this I could write it and you start writing it and this sort of natural wonder childlike Wonder in progression I have not felt that in gaming in general but definitely not Pokémon this sense of accomplishment and wonder and just just fun Pokemon has lacked this for a very long time also a lot of what power world presented everything pointed to it being like hated it looks weird it's a lot of conflicting art styles a lot of the conversation has been about po World plagiarizing designs from Pokémon and that being a problem and what I said earlier to to my chat is that like it's a shame that this is a problem for power world being sort of outed as plagiarizing a lot of these designs uh from Pokemon because like I was saying to them I don't think they needed to do that because Pokemon designs have been really kind of mid for a while Pokemon designs have not been good for a very very long time especially in recent times I personally think gen 3 was like the peak of Pokémon design and Gen 4 still solid but after that it's just been declining of course you run out of ideas I guess after you do crab and pigeon literally a dozen eggs there's not much room to go after that right I think it's a shame that they even did that because I think that that's not why people like pow world I don't think people play pow world and go that reminds me of alux Ray I love this game people aren't thinking that so it's such a negative impact to your game I don't know why they even felt the need to do that so there's a pal that is pretty much looks like this Pokemon primarina and is an example of this sort of plagiarism primarina [ __ ] ugly ass design dude why you need well like that's that's why I'm flabbergasted like the plagiarism and the ethics aside like why do you are are you copying designs that are bad here's the thing and I I talked about this earlier the only reason that Pokemon can get away with they they kind of you know they do a lot of bad designs they do a lot of good designs but it doesn't really matter because Pokemon has the brand Pokemon is it's Pokemon look I'm look at this I'm like oh this [ __ ] jacket's sick look it's a Pokémon jacket do you think it's because I play Scarlet Violet and I'm like I [ __ ] love this game no it's it's just like it's Nostalgia it's the brand the Pokemon has this mysticism to it po world doesn't have that it doesn't have that brand power it doesn't have that lore the story The the mysticism behind it so they're not going to take advantage of copying these designs and I think it's also what held them back there's been a lot of talk about Pokemon Nintendo they're like oh they're getting ready to sue oh they're they're going to have a problem with this I think Pokemon if I was Pokemon I'd be like great it's actually so good they did this it's so good that they seem like a ripoff of us that their designs are plagiarized because now they don't have a chance because if I think that power could have been an actual serious like competition for Pokémon heaven forbid they actually were original so a lot of people are like oh it's bad it's so popular that because they plagarized it's like I don't think you need to worry about that cuz I think they shot themselves in the foot it's not going anywhere I think that Pokémon has nothing to worry about because they are gimmicky and kind of silly and they kind of plagiarize some designs I think that's going to going to be their own undoing in the long run no one's going to care about power world in the future unfortunately like I think it's a really fun game I really do I had a lot of fun playing it but there's no longevity there so it's like let's not even let's not get so up in arms about power world because you know there's a lot of issues with it there's like this these talks about the company supporting AI in the past and a lot of these these plagiarism um that's been going on with the the designs and stuff it's like dude this game's going to fall off because it needed to be its own thing and being so compared to um Pokemon is going to be its Downfall by some miracle they can fledge it out who knows but I I don't think so I don't think Pokemon has anything to worry about I'm not going to buy no [ __ ] power jacket it doesn't have any sort of cohesiveness in its feeling it doesn't conjure the sort of mysticism that Pokemon has yeah it doesn't have a soul it doesn't have Spirit I'm not going to buy po world like check it out it's a power like orb I don't see that's the thing I know Pokeball everyone knows Pokéball I don't what I don't even know what the PO world is it a pal pal orb see I I I played that game for 20 hours straight it's a gimmick po world and hey don't get me wrong like I think it's really fun again it's such a shame that it's it's such a focus on the Pokemon aspect of it like the pals the creatures that's not what makes the game fun it it's it's sort of gimmick and it's sort of a draw but I find the most enjoyable part is the progression of the base building being able to send the pals to work and having the system become more efficient and leveling up that's what is the biggest Shame about power world and all this drama surrounding it is that what makes it fun is not that I see this thing I'm like that reminds me of Pikachu I'm having such a fun time no it's just like there's been so many games where things remind me of Pikachu but I don't give it two seconds of thought it's because the actual like game aspect of it is really engaging it's really fun I will say I haven't gone to late game who knows the longevity of it like once you get to the max level where the room to grow is there's 111 lb I think something around that like I'm not really sure I'm assuming they're going to do DLC with like more Pals probably and yeah you know I don't think it it's going to give Pokemon a run for its money but I can imagine a pal World 2 with like a different map and different Pals sure I like I could totally imagine that but yeah it doesn't really they don't really give you a reason to care about the pals because what they did was tap into our primalis and violent nature which for years since I've became Professor Orlando I have been talking about committing heinous acts to Pokémon and you guys are like Professor Lando you're so [ __ ] sick you [ __ ] can't do that to Pokémon but look what happened power world came out and everyone's actually like you know what actually I've been wanting to do this to Pokemon this whole time it's like God I knew it I knew I wasn't the weird one we have this like I have just always thought to myself man I wish I could just [ __ ] do something [ __ ] up to this Pokémon and now we can and millions of people are in power world I feel admonished in that and it's just again it's it's kind of slapstick it's just like when you load the pen gullet into the rocket launcher and you shoot it and it it koos itself that's pretty funny and it's satisfying to do that man I wish I could take Pikachu and just like I wish I could do that but I can't cuz Pokemon they're just family friendly or whatever going back I before I get away from this I'm giving po World a lot of flack for this Fiasco with the Pokémon designs why did they plagiarize these designs and uh there's this conversation about AI art being used I think there is some confusion I think the developers have been found to use AI in previous games and have been supporting AI art in the past I don't think there's any hard evidence that this game Power has AI that being said it's not an excuse for them and it's still something that I disagree with you know that being said it's such a focus about the art I'm giving power to hard time cuz I'm like why are you copying dog [ __ ] Pokemon designs and you know I'm giving Pokemon a hard time what is Conor who made that Conor is like your 5-year-old W go Daddy I had a nightmare I'm like oh son come here what is it I had a nightmare something monster draw it for me son he look like this and he would draw conl door so it's like this this is not really a message to Pokemon but more to power world like power world you could have like escaped this whole Fiasco with being accused of plagiarism and rightfully so some of these are kind of suspicious but Professor Lando you're [ __ ] on Conor so much why don't why don't you make some Pokémon and I you know I I thought to myself sure let's do it let's draw some some you know Fakemon I think call it colloquially it's called like power look how easy it could have been cuz I'm no professional artist but I bet we can come up with some passible stuff let let's draw some give me two typings that you see in Pokémon you know like it's like grass fire like fairy fighting fairy fighting I feel that's a pretty hard one uh multiple people said ballerina so let's do [Music] ballerina all right there's my f femon it's a it's based on a ballerina and it's typing is fairy fighting I didn't want to give it a humanoid shape cuz I feel that's not very fairy like so I feel like some kind of smaller kind of Nymph like look so there there there's my there's my Fakemon you know what's crazy it's that like I mean I'm no game developer obviously but isn't this the fun part like like you got to team together you have money and you're like okay we get to make a game and it's kind of like Pokémon with guns isn't the best part about that process is being able to make the Pokémon making the creatures making the charact I feel like that would be the best part about it isn't that the fun part all right we're calling this um I I I I don't know a name [ __ ] braw Arina that's kind of a cute one braw Arina the tiptoe Pokémon ballerina numbers have dwindled in the past decade for poachers Desiring just a sniff of its Ecentric stench all right let's let's just uh let's do another one forget the typing give me like a thing like that will work off you know like turtle or spaceship like give me some kind of like let's forego the typing for now cuz honestly you can make the typing fit whatever right cuz you can draw a design change the color blue suddenly it's water or give it like a flame on the top of it some Suddenly It's fire you know so a ghost okay you let's do simple let's do like a very simple that that you can imagine po world making like ghost very obvious archetype like we'll do like ghost very simply ghost see I'm curious cuz I'm putting myself like if I was a designer on PO world what you would do is like okay we need a ghost so my first go-to is like okay which Pokémon have been ghosts see it's like where is the line between inspiration and plagiarism right not the pals that are clearly plagiarized there's there's like a fine line no I wouldn't even say that it's a very obvious line between like inspiration plagiarism so I right now I'm thinking okay what are ghost Pokemon Gengar sarcophagus uh there's like the candle one and then you think of other media cuz I mean I think I think even Pokémon does that they draw inspiration from from elsewhere so what's like something in media related to to ghosts ghost pepper that's an interesting one okay sure ghost pepper I thought would be cool it's like a genie it's like a flaming thing and it's like a it's like a genie lamp but it's like a pepper that was my first first idea which it's good I feel I want to do something cooler [Music] though yeah May something like this there there's our ghost pepper all right we we'll do one more we'll do one more uh fat [ __ ] okay we'll make a fat [ __ ] what would be a good fat fat [ __ ] don't just say you're just saying things that are fat [ __ ] I'm saying like give me give me a prompt as you're just like Snorlax you want what you want me just draw Snorlax what are you talking about a bee that's an interesting one okay let's do a [Music] b this is my fat [Music] be [Music] all right there we go those are three little fake Pokemon okay we got fat B ghost pepper and our ballerina foot um so yeah I mean that wasn't to like those designs weren't like freaking amazing by any means but just I mean look we just did that like right now and again I'm not like a professional artist or anything I just like to draw like things and like there that that was ser serviceable or at the very least a good springboard like I feel if we just sat down and you gave me and my chat 5 hours we can make a whole gen they're not all going to be bangers but I feel we could do like a pretty solid fake gen like I don't think it's that hard to come up with fake Pokemon at least like that is not just direct plagiarisms I also wanted to talk about like you know I I think like if you watch a video or anyone talk about power world it's like you can't avoid talking about Pokemon but I also think like I don't think you can avoid talking about Digimon too I think there's something to be said about Digimon this should be Digimon a mature take on Pokemon that's what Digimon has first and foremost always been I've always liked Digimon better than Pokemon I always thought the Digimon designs were cooler it was kind of scary to Digimon like it's no wonder why it's not as popular as Pokemon but I feel like it could definitely be way more popular than it is but they always seem to just settle to be like this weird very focused on being like a anime like I I see all these games come out there's like Digimon I mean cyber sluth and then there which is good I like cyber sluth but there's also like Digimon World Survivor or something it just they're always like narrowed into like I I guess the Japanese Market that's what I I conclude like when I look at that I'm like Ah that's such a Japanese like thing Pokemon's Japanese but like they're very they have a very good grasp on like the World Market and what people want to consume outside of Japan whenever I see Digimon game or even just Digimon stuff in general it's like it's just so like this very specific anime e type of thing and and yeah I'm not saying Digimon could be exactly like what power world is like it's different oh we want more mature Pokemon we want a Pokemon that's more directed towards a mature audience it's like we have that man we've had that for a very long time and it's called Digimon and it's just such a shame that you know people are like Pokemon's dropping the ball it's like dude what about Digimon dropping the ball for the past two decades I heard that the TCG for Digimon is like really good and the designs are really cool and I like cyber sluth it's just Digimon could also plays A Part here and in sort of leaving up this I want to call it like a power vacuum for power world to come and um kind of swoop in here it's like yes Pokemon put a lot on the table but I also think Digimon did as well and continues to I I would really like to see Digimon get more popular and maybe come out with either a game or a show or something some sort of media that we could enjoy and because I would very much like to be saying oh I like Digimon I'm playing the Digimon game where you shoot because you talking about Pokemon with guns Digimon for the longest time that's been what Digimon is that's what we joke about we literally call Digimon Pokemon with guns cuz there are literally Digimon with like Gatling guns on their arm or missile rockets in their [ __ ] BBA that's literally what Digimon is Digimon please I feel like there's room for that there's a lot of talk about po World copying like not not just the design the Pokémon but like mechanically oh this game is similar to this other game it's just like Pokémon it's just like valheim rust and that's why we don't like it there's something interesting here because we saw this happen before in the past but the response was way more positive Team Fortress 2 OverWatch we saw OverWatch is just Team Fortress 2 because the game types push the payload capture the point it's the same thing herob based character shooter you have you can pick from a myriad of characters they all like um synergize with each other in different ways you can pick fast characters Scout you can pick characters that heal medic you can pick characters that focus on tanking or attack it's basically the same game but we weren't saying like I mean maybe there's some people that were saying that it is similar I'm sure there's people that did have sort of an alcra at the time but generally everyone loved OverWatch and I think the large part about it is that it was wholly uh like as a brand and as the way it presented itself it was very original and not only original it presented its own story and sort of lore to the characters and they gave you reason it had a soul to it it did have a soul to it Counter-Strike and valerant they're not the same game obviously but it's the same thing like come on you know DOTA and League of Legends are two completely different games but they're they're mobas you know what I mean so I I think basically my comparison is that like here with um power world like maybe if it was wholly original with its designs and its aesthetic and everything maybe people would have overlooked the fact that it's essentially just copying the Pokemon formula or copying this other game formula yeah so in conclusion what is there really to say there's no real point to my video it wasn't to say like oh yes play power world or you shouldn't play power world it's just sort of like taking a look at what's been going on and sort of voicing my feelings about um this phenomena and kind of like my feelings about Pokemon and frustrations with the games why I was drawn to power world if you want to play it keep playing it if you don't want to play it don't play it what I what I think I'm going to do is I'm not going to stream it anymore but I might go into the settings bump up the EXP to Max play through one day unlock all the [ __ ] and I want to try shooting all the missiles and all the little things items with the PO Pals and get my fix pretty much for streaming I'm done streaming it that's my thoughts on power world I think it's a great game it's very fun it's a shame that it has all these negative things kind of weighing down what could be I think um an actual Contender for Pokemon maybe not one to one trading blows but there could have been something great here maybe we'll see a power world 2 right now it's still the one of like the fifth most played game on Steam period that's pretty much what I have to say about it I I guess I would like to see Pokemon be a little more palatable for an older audience I would like to see Power World shape up with some more originality and I would like to see Digimon throw itself into the ring too Digimon seems to have just given up completely on trying to go mono Amano with uh Pokemon here I'm not saying it needs to but I think there's again I think Digimon also leaves a lot on the table here Conor [ __ ] sucks who was thinking that a
Channel: Profussy Lando
Views: 24,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professor lando, lando
Id: Ls4ZvkKMDaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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