Why is our upper atmosphere cooling?

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Way back in nineteen sixty-seven, a  couple of smart cookies called Suki   Manabe and Richard Wetherald were working on a  project for the United States Weather Service,   to build a numerical model that  could be used to study the climate.   In those days of course, the world’s most  powerful mainframe supercomputers had far less   computing power than the mobile phone you have  in your pocket today, so Manabe and Wetherald   were trying to make the physics as simple as  possible so that the valve-driven contraptions   of their time wouldn’t overheat and cause a  major fire in the basement of the building.  To achieve that simplification the two scientists  wanted to know the minimum number of discrete   levels in the atmosphere, and which greenhouse  gases it was essential to include in the model   so that it would adequately reflect the way  temperatures vary with altitude. They were kind   of focussed on water vapour initially because that  is the main greenhouse gas by far, but when they   included the other main gases, they created a data  table representing the first ever robust estimate   of how much the world would warm if carbon  dioxide concentrations doubled. That estimate   was two-point three six degrees Celsius, not far  off today’s super computer model estimates of   three degrees Celsius. What their model also found  though, was that while increased levels of carbon   dioxide caused a warming effect in the lower part  of the atmosphere that we call the troposphere,   it actually had a cooling effect higher up, in  the region known as the stratosphere. Now you   might think, ‘well that’s handy, the tropospheric  warming that we humans have apparently caused   by our profligate carbon dioxide emissions will  surely be offset by this stratospheric cooling,   right? Which means we can all calm down and stop  panicking’. And that would be nice, wouldn’t it?   If it were even remotely true, which it isn’t.  A slew of recent research papers has found that,   far from being an advantageous temperature  offset, cooling in the upper layers of our   atmosphere could have consequences that we could  well do without. It may be endangering the safety   of the satellites that run our daily lives, and  even more worryingly, there’s now evidence that   it’s opening up another hole in the ozone layer.  This time it’s not above Antarctica though,   it’s at the other end of the world above the  Arctic – which is just what we need isn’t it!? Hello and welcome to just have a think, I’ll come onto that rather daunting Ozone   layer hole a bit later in the video,  but first of all, it’s worth having a   quick look at that original work by Manabe and  Wetherald, because it’s apparently a bit of an   iconic thing in the climate modelling world. So, here’s a very basic representation of how   the earth’s atmosphere is composed. Down here  near the surface you’ve got the troposphere,   which goes up to about 11 kilometres. Then  there’s the stratosphere which reaches up   to about 50 kilometres. After that you’ve got  the mesosphere, which is where meteors tend   to provide us with their impressive light shows.  Then finally there’s the thermosphere which goes   right out to about seven hundred kilometres  above the earth’s surface. That’s where   low earth orbit stuff like the space station  and most commercial satellites can be found.  As we go upwards, you might instinctively  expect the air to get progressively colder,   and for the most part you’d be right, certainly  until you reach the stratosphere anyway. Then   some weird stuff happens that actually causes  air temperature to start rising again. To   explain the intricate detail of why that happens,  I recommend jumping over to my YouTube buddy Simon   Clark’s channel. Simon has a PhD in theoretical  atmospheric physics, and in twenty-twenty-two he   made this brilliantly entertaining explainer video  all about the upper levels of our atmosphere.   You can jump straight to that video by clicking up  there somewhere or by following the link that I’ve   left in the description section. By the way,  Simon also recently published this book,   called Firmament, which explains in language  that you and I can understand exactly how all   the earth’s atmospheric systems interact, and  I have to say, it’s pretty mind-blowing stuff!  At the very basic level that I can get my  head around, greenhouse gases in the lower   atmosphere absorb the long wave length infra-red  radiation leaving the surface of the planet,   which causes it to warm up. By the time you get to  the stratosphere, most of this available thermal   energy has already been captured, so thing get  colder. But the other atmospheric molecule we’ve   all heard about is Ozone. Ozone mainly rattles  around at between about fifteen and thirty   kilometres up, and it’s very good at absorbing the  SHORT wave length light coming INTO the TOP of the   atmosphere from the sun. That light warms up the  Ozone molecules, and the heating that occurs as a   result is enough to overcome the cooling effect of  being further away from the Earth’s surface. Weird   though it is, that temperature swing from warm  to cold to warmer again is a completely normal   function of our planet’s atmosphere. What Manabe  and Wetherald did in their pioneering work more   than fifty years ago was to simulate atmospheric  temperatures changes based on three levels of CO2   concentrations –a hundred and fifty parts per  million, three hundred parts per million, and   six hundred parts per million. Down here at the  surface we can see the two-point three-six degrees   Celsius rise that the model predicted when CO2  concentrations doubled from three hundred to   six hundred parts per million. What Manabe and  Wetherald’s models showed, was that a doubling   of atmospheric CO2 concentrations would lead to a  significant decrease in stratospheric rewarming,   starting at somewhere around twelve kilometres up  and becoming more and more pronounced the further   up they looked. By the early 2000s, real-world  measurements of multidecadal changes in the   thermal structure of the atmosphere were available  from weather balloon networks, satellite-based   microwave sounders, and reanalyses of conditions  from the near surface up to the lower part of the   stratosphere, at between twenty and twenty-five  kilometres up. What those measurements revealed   was significant anthropogenic influence, not only  as a result of well-mixed greenhouse gases, but   also from the depletion of stratospheric ozone and  it’s subsequent recovery thanks to the landmark   Montreal Protocol of nineteen eighty seven, AND  changes in particulate pollution as industry and   transport systems got larger and dirtier, and  then more recently started getting cleaner.  This latest paper, published in May  twenty-twenty-three by a team at the   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, is the first  to use modern satellite technology to continue   those stratospheric measurements from twenty-five  kilometres all the way up to fifty kilometres,   where measurements are less affected by  pollution and changes in stratospheric   ozone and where the temperature signal of CO2  increase is expected to be considerably larger.  The researchers compared and compiled data  from several different satellite sources   and drilled into quite a considerable  amount of detail to produce their graphs   and charts , which had enough sensitivity  to detect atmospheric changes from events   like the Mount Pinatubo volcanic  eruption in nineteen-ninety-one.  What they found was that taking measurements right  up to fifty kilometres improved the detectability   of a human fingerprint by a factor of five. The  additional cooling that they found up there as a   result of increased CO2 concentrations pretty  much completely dismisses the theory that our   warming planet is simply a result of changes  in solar activity. If that was the case then   the upper layers of the atmosphere would be  warming, not cooling. So that’s one myth busted.  But, what about those other, slightly worrying  consequences that I mentioned earlier?  Well, satellite data provides incontrovertible  evidence that higher concentrations of carbon   dioxide molecules have permeated right up  through all the levels of our atmosphere,   not just the stratosphere. This paper,  published in October twenty-twenty-two,   found that the mesosphere and lower thermosphere  cooled by one point seven degrees Celsius between   two-thousand-and-two and twenty-nineteen,  and that the expected doubling of CO2 levels   towards the end of this century will further cool  these zones by about seven point five degrees   Celsius. According to analysis carried  out by NASA, that cooling is a causing   an additional contraction of our atmosphere  that can’t be explained by natural variation   like the recent slow-down in solar activity.  Those changes might sound pretty negligible,   but believe it or not they’re enough to reduce the  amount of drag experienced by orbiting satellites.   That’s actually beneficial for the satellites  themselves because if they don’t have to fight   so hard against drag then they’ll be able to  stay in orbit for longer. But as science writer   Fred Pearce points out in this recent article  for three-sixty Yale, that effect also holds   true for the increasingly large amount of space  debris that is also hurtling around our planet.   There are apparently more than thirty thousand  bits of orbiting detritus that are more than ten   centimetres in size. A decrease in atmospheric  drag means that this debris will ALSO now stick   around for much longer before falling back towards  earth, and that increases the risk of catastrophic   collisions with the space hardware that we now  rely on for so much of our modern technology.   Now I don’t want to get too hysterical here,  but it’s fair to say that more collisions will   cause more debris, which increases the risk  of yet more collisions, and so on and so on,   and if we start to lose significant numbers  of these things then it could disrupt stuff   we now take for granted, like mobile  telephony, television broadcasting,   GPS guidance systems, internet access, weather  forecasting, and environmental monitoring.  What really caught my attention though  was this paper, published in June   twenty-twenty-one explaining how fragile  our ozone layer is, and how susceptible   it appears to be to the additional high level  stratospheric cooling we’ve just looked at.   Most folks assume we fixed the Ozone layer when  the world banned the use of chlorofluorocarbons,   or CFCs, back in nineteen-eighty-seven. That was  what the Montreal protocol was all about wasn’t   it? We certainly stopped the main human cause  of the problem, but it was always going to take   decades for nature to restore ozone levels back  to where they were. That process was initially   predicted to take until about the middle of this  century. We looked at what drives ozone depletion   in a video last year, which you can jump back to  by clicking up there somewhere. It’s mostly caused   by very cold clouds that form in the stratosphere  during the winter seasons over the poles.   Thankfully, Antarctica appears to be  continuing on its path to Ozone recovery,   but the additional stratospheric cooling caused  by increased human emissions of CO2 now seems to   be opening up a new hole above the Arctic, as  this twenty-twenty NASA satellite image shows.  The authors of the paper are not sure what’s  causing the difference in temperature influence   between the two poles, but they do make the  very important observation that, unlike the vast   uninhabited frozen wilderness at the southern end  of our planet, the regions immediately surrounding   the Arctic include some of the most densely  populated areas on the earth, and given that ozone   depletion is closely linked with rises in cases  of skin cancer as a result of over exposure to   harmful ultra violet sunlight, it might be worth  adding this consequence to the ever increasing   list of reasons to start taking far more urgent  action, not only to eradicate human-induced carbon   dioxide emissions into our atmosphere but also  to warn people in more northern climes about   the dangers of over exposure to sunlight so that  we can start adapting our behaviour accordingly.  Just a thought! And as always feel free to  leave yours down in the comments section below.  That’s it for this week though. Thanks, as  always to our fantastic Patreon supporters,   who enable me to run this channel  on a full-time basis without having   to include ads and sponsorship  messages in any of my videos.   If you feel I’ve earned that level of support from  you and you’d like the chance to influence future   content, then you can do that over at Patreon dot  com forward slash just have a think where you’ll   also get early access to all my videos plus  exclusive additional monthly content from me.  And if you feel I’ve earned your support here on  YouTube then you can demonstrate that absolutely   for free by subscribing and hitting that like  button. It’s dead easy to do that. You just   need to click down there or on that icon there. As always, thanks very much for watching! Have   a great week, and remember to just  have a think. See you next week.
Channel: Just Have a Think
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Id: ssFQ1XFp7Pw
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Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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