Tesla's Charging Partnerships Just Changed the EV Landscape...

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Don’t know why people get so hung up on the shape of the connector itself. The industry just needs to standardize on something and have a functional charging network.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/yuserinterface 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

Another tesla Youtuber / influencer, stockholder telling us how tesla is the best thing since sliced bread?

No thank you.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/ibeelive 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

Tesla should have done this immediately ten years ago

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/cashew76 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

idk man sounds like a us issue

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MaticTheProto 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

As the owner of two non-Tesla EVs, none of this really matters to me in the short term, whole I own these vehicles, which I plan on running into the ground.

Fine, I’ll buy an adapter, just in case, but Tesla has to make their network open to all and affordable, meaning a lot cheaper than gas, and comparable to EA or other provider.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Altruistic_Profile96 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

This is so huge. As a North American, I am so thrilled!

Having a standard and specifically being the Tesla connector is massive!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ChalupaCabre 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

I can't be the only one who will never give this company a penny. I'll go back to gas before I use anything Tesla.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/carlton_the_doorman1 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

In the US…

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/luscious_lobster 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies
electric vehicles have made huge progress in the  last couple years but there's been a major problem   and I think it might have just been fixed Tesla  filed for their North American charge standard   to be open sourced and available to anyone to  license and now we're starting to see the first   dominoes fall first it was forward in May that  announced that they're going to start shipping   cars with the nacs adapter the next couple of  years and they're going to have access thanks   to Tesla to the supercharger Network and now in  June 2023 GM is on board you might not realize   it but what Tesla announced was the North American  charge standard and with the news of late how more   companies are picking this over the CCS standard  it's going to be one of the biggest game changers   in electric vehicles and I know it's not that  glamorous to talk about charging adapters but   standardization and what this is going to do to  the entire industry is going to be breathtaking   and I don't think you've probably fully realized  just how much of a difference it's going to make   so to go from j1772 CCS over to Tesla's adapter  is going to be an absolute Game Changer and today   let's talk about charging and the future electric  cars and why this is so important I'm Ricky and   this is Two Bit da Vinci so let's talk about how  we got here it actually started with app Tara all the way back several years ago that made a  petition to get the entire U.S government and   other car companies to use Tesla's standard and  of course Tesla standardized their nacs standard   which is just a Tesla Port but now open sourced  and available for anyone to use and then in May   2023 Ford announced that they would be partnering  with Tesla to have access to the supercharger   Network and that Future Ford cars will ship with  this very adapter for all their charging needs   and cars that have already been sold with ccs will  get an adapter to have access to the superchargers   and now General Motors recently just in the last  couple of days is following suit and doing the   same thing but before we talk about how important  this is going to be for the entire industry all   Chargers all car makers let's talk a little bit  about the importance of Standards anybody who has   an iPad or a laptop or a smartphone you know how  important USB has been now whether it's been USB   a or C they're backwards compatible and you USB  kind of changes the game and USBC in particular   has been one of the most ubiquitous and most  successful charging standards of all time now   of course the one device that doesn't use USB  is my iPhone which still has the lightning cable   now lightning was amazing compared to the 24 pin  connector that came before it it was reversible   and compact but it never became a standard instead  we got to USBC which is actually similarly elegant   reversible but actually better because it has  higher data throughput and better charge speed so   this is actually the analogy that I was thinking  when the first Tesla Chargers came out with this   adapter I thought this is going to be great and I  think in the future we'll see something like this   but probably different because who's gonna get  it right the first time but Tesla actually nailed   it all the way back in 2012. this design has not  really changed and it is still in use to this day   it is very rare that companies nail something so  complicated so early on normally you'll see things   like lightning where I was like all right step  in the right direction but we need more changes   before it can actually take off as a standard  so we have two companies really in particular   to thank which would be Tesla and aptera Tesla  obviously for open sourcing the standard and   allowing others to use it and but also have  Tara for having that petition which over 40   000 people signed interestingly in the case  of aptera they're very early prototypes came   with the Tesla adapter which made people think  do they have access to Tesla supported Network   what do they know that we don't but it turned out  they just wanted this elegant cable from the very   beginning and part of the reason why is on the  apterra EV the charge port is behind the rear   license plate and the aptera has like a motorcycle  size license plate and the odds are a traditional   CCS adapter just would not work so before we talk  about why this cable is so genius and why everyone   should use it let's compare the standards and see  how we got here and what countries and what parts   of the world use which standard as I mentioned  over on the right is j1772 and if you're thinking   yeah sure the Tesla cable is a little bit thinner  a little more elegant but it's not that big of a   difference this is a an AC cable meaning that this  is for when you plug into your house either 120 or   240 volt but not for DC fast charging this does  both in fact in order to get both AC and DC fast   charging from this port as we mentioned you have  the j1772 up on top but you also have this goofy   two pin DC charging cable on the bottom this  results in a really thick and cumbersome cable   that's much much more difficult to use compared  to this they'll get back to the genius of this   here again in a minute oh yeah so in the US we  have ccs1 as I mentioned the combined charging   standard one and also Tesla's nacs in Europe we  have ccs2 the combined charging standard type 2.   as you can tell plug is a little bit different  but the basic anatomy is the same you have this   top flat off section here for AC charging and over  here on the right you have the control pins for   the data transfer and then the big DC pins for  DC fast charging but the port overall is that   size in China we have the gbt standard and here  we have 20234-2 and dash three one is for AC and   again one is for DC and what does that look like  well here is the port for each type this is the   dot two standard for AC again kind of a flat top  and you've got your pens for alternating current   and then below we have the dot three standard  which is for DC fast charging again it has that   kind of flat off area to make it easy to plug in  but you have your DC plugs control systems and   grounding but this is what it looks like in China  interestingly in Japan we have another standard   called chadamo and what's actually kind of fun  about this is in Japanese it actually comes from   a term for how about a cup of tea which is the  idea of how long it would take to charge your   car I like that part but the charger itself not  so much now here is a look at what that looks   like and what's interesting is the chadamo  standard gives you the charging for DC fast   charging but it actually isn't so simple because  as you can see in this picture of a Nissan Leaf   you have this again hodgepodge of too many Parts  this would be your DC fast charging section and   this is your home charging section and that is  what the charge port on a Nissan electric leaf   would look like not exactly ideal now one thing  you probably noticed that all those adapters had   in common is you have different pins for AC  and different pins for DC and the reason why   is because when you plug in something like a 1772  you're engaging these alternating current pins and   the way that this works is that when you plug this  into the wall ac from your house comes in through   this and it goes into the rectifying Circuit of  the cars now the rectifying circuit takes it back   to DC and then feeds that DC into the battery pack  now this is why home charging is limited typically   to around 10 kilowatts because that's how massive  the rectifying circuit in each car is you're   actually using these cars on board rectifier  to take it from AC to DC in comparison when   you plug into a DC fast charger you are bypassing  the internals of the car and taking DC from the   charging station straight to the battery pack  that's why you normally have two pins so then   how does Tesla do it how can Tesla seemingly do  the impossible like no one else can and send AC   or DC through well it's actually just some clever  engineering Tesla's philosophy is simplicity so   just from this one cable you can have AC or DC and  the way they do it is with some extra circuit and   Logic on board first let's talk about what happens  when you plug in at home over like an AC system   right this would be the L1 L2 first you would have  the charge from your house go through the onboard   charger and then onto the battery positive  side is a very similar thing comes through   and goes like this in contrast when your DC fast  charging you could actually close these Gates and   have the DC come straight through to the car  pack and that's fundamentally What's Happening   Here Tesla's adapter has extra hard work to  detect if it's AC or DC coming in and if it's   AC it'll route it through the charge controller  on board Rectify it and then to the pack and if   it's direct current already it just goes straight  on through so that's kind of the technical reason   for why this is good but really it comes down to  much more as I mentioned there's a couple other   components too first is ease of use this cable is  an absolute pleasure to use if you've ever charge   your car with a cup of coffee in your hand or  something this is incredibly easy to manipulate   just line up and plug in with this it's actually  much harder to line up because as you can imagine   with the DC pins hanging out the bottom you have  to line it up quite this way as well now if it's   cold out this gets more difficult to twist the  cabling is not so easy it's a little bit tougher   and as a result it's just that much more more  tough to manage in my experience I often have   to use two hands to plug this Cable in whereas  with this I don't the second is safety here to   keep this from falling out they have a mechanical  latch right out here but the problem is being on   the handle if a user at a public station drops  it and this part breaks off which I've seen I   have actually been at Electrify America stations  where that has happened if this were to break off   you could be DC fast charging 400 volt 800 volt  something like that to your car and you could   just pull this back out if that happened it could  Arc it could electrocute you it could catch fire   it could be all sorts of dangerous and that's what  I hate about this cable this is seemingly okay but   drop it the right way over and over and it could  break Tesla has none of that as you can notice and   the reason why is this right here is their latch  but the part that actually latches is on the car   side so the car detects this brings in the latch  and holds it in place as a result this is just   a lot lighter a lot less likely to get damaged if  you dropped it at a charging station and the only   real button is up here it's kind of a software  button this triggers the car's door to open and   you just plug it right in in comparison on a CCS  car you have a door for the charge door and then   you have a separate cover for the DC pins which  you don't have to open if you're just AC charging   at home but the minute you're DC charging you have  to open the door drop that door and then plug the   whole thing in none of this makes any sense and  you can solve all of that with this now some of   you are going to say oh CCs is a standard and  it's just fine there's no world where the CCS   plug is better than this this is vastly superior  these are the early days of EVs and we can choose   the right one we don't have to be stuck with  a bad standard I've heard every one including   Tesla should move to CCS that would be horrible  if I had to stick that in my car I would enjoy   it less there's just no way around it better safer  easier to use easier to plug in one hand operation   just win-win-win all around now there's actually  other benefits to standardizing too we can finally   standardize where the charge ports are located on  these cars if you've driven EVS they're all over   the place some are in the front some are in the  back on the left on the right if you're going to   place them wherever you want imagine the drama and  struggle it would be for a charging infrastructure   company to figure out where to put chargers at  stations it's very difficult but Tesla it's really   standardized the charge door is always the back  left of the car at least here in North America   it's right here near the tail light in the back  and that's where the Chargers are this means you   back up into your parking spot and plug it in on  the left side if you could follow that standard   you just imagine how much easier it would be to  roll out new Chargers you don't have to have 35   feet of cabling and everything else now to be  fair I do wish Tesla's cables were a little   bit longer I mean there's going to be a cyber  truck or some other vehicle that just needs a   little bit more cable run and it's really really  stingy how long that cable is obviously shorter   cables have advantages like less heat losses and  safety and stuff but I do wish they were a little   bit longer but I think if everybody went nacs we  could also agree to put the door in the same place   every car would work the same way there are cars  like the Ford F-150 Lightning that have to take   up two stalls at a supercharger station because  of how the doors are and how the charging ports   are located even if they had a magic dock which  I think we can get rid of now we don't need them   anymore because if everyone goes to nacs there's  no need for Tesla to build adapters on their end   of it and then there's the entire life cycle of  a charge session unlike gasoline that was really   dumb and simple you just put your gas hose in and  start filling up your car and when it fills up   it'll trigger a little thing and you pull it out  and you're on your way in an AV when you plug into   a charger the car announces to the charger what  it is what it expects it's pack voltage and kind   of what it operates under the EV continues to tell  the station about its level of state of charge and   tells it what it expects in terms of current every  car will have a different charging curve so maybe   at 65 percent it only wants this much charge as  it keeps filling up it wants less and less it is   a responsibility of the car to keep the station  apprised on what it's looking for as it fills   up and the station also has to tell a car about  how much grid availability there is or maybe the   charging cable has gotten too hot and it needs to  cool off and lower the charge speed and all that   other stuff there's so many variables on a really  really hot summer day and get pretty hot and the   handle too and their sensors all along all of the  stuff newer cables are liquid cooled there's all   kinds of tech that goes into it but this is a  complicated interaction and part of the problem   is some of these companies use different vendors  for various parts maybe the inverted and the   rectifier is some company that provides that the  battery management system or this or that it's   not as vertically integrated as what Tesla does  there's a couple of reasons why Tesla systems work   so well one complete vertical integration they  build all of the software all the modules all   the stuff themselves and they build the Chargers  and that way customers but like apple I've always   made that analogy they make everything and it's  impossible to compete with that and two is Tesla   software is just second to none and I think  by forcing people to go nacs and tying a Tesla   Supercharger networks and following their apis  and their software methodology it'll force all   of the companies to do a better job of handling  this and I do think charging for all companies   is about to get better so what does this mean  for EA and other public charging networks well   let's talk about that first of all really great  sub vendor companies like ABB have announced   that they will provide nacs adapters and plugs on  all the new charge stations that they sell going   forward this means that if your EA and you're  building another EA charging system you could   buy abb's Chargers by the way they're known to  be way more reliable than the Signet Chargers and   other things that EA has messed with in the past  but you can buy an ABB charger that has a new nacs   plug on it now what you do with the old Chargers  that have CCS I'm not exactly sure but one thing   is interesting is these EA Stations don't get  used very much and that's because there aren't   that many non-teslas out there and if now you can  charge on Tesla's networks the they're probably   going to get even less use I would imagine so they  definitely have to win on user experience and they   have so much else to do so in this interim  stage companies like EA can sell adapters   to let people with nacs vehicles charge at their  old-fashioned CCS networks and then make sure to   make the switch to nacs going forward for all the  vehicles and charging systems in the future but   in all reality this is going to be a major kick  in the pants for EA to upgrade and get their act   a little bit together if you've ever noticed EA  Chargers run on a special build of Windows called   Windows embedded Edition and this is absolutely  insane that is not what you want to do honestly   page one rewrite get rid of off of that run sort  of a custom Linux distro and get a crack Notch   team of software Engineers to make sure that it  works because crashes I've seen the blue screen   of death Windows Splash screens it's absolutely  insane how far behind they are and how much work   they need to do on the software side we also need  Auto plug and charge since Tesla subtractors don't   have any kind of screens you have to have all that  figured out on the app and back end so every car   is on Tesla's database it says I'm a Ford F-150  cool here's my VIN and I'm all set up here's my   account information the payment Gateway is all  set up I plug in and I charge because there are   no screens there's nothing else you just plug in  and walk away and if you're forced to follow that   and you comply with Tesla's API rules and fall in  line I think the charging experience is going to   be so much better for everybody else so what does  it mean for car makers then well The Dominoes have   started to fall that's what every headline says  and the analogy is perfect because all you need is   literally one Domino to start a chain reaction and  that's where the expression comes from and that's   what we're seeing first it was Ford well apparent  right then it was Ford in May saying look we're   having a little bit of a demand problem with our  mockies our F-150 lightnings are not selling as   well as they could we got to do this because if  I was buying a Ford Lightning my first question   would be how am I going to charge it on the road  because I had a Ford Lightning I went out to   Arizona pick up my solar panels and I had nothing  but disaster and drama at every charging stop I   made with EA then came GM and now GM is also on  board they have access to Tesla's supercharger   Network and their future EVS in the future I  mean they don't really make any right now they   make like 10 Hummers a year or something and like  basically nothing but their future EVS can roll   with nacs both companies have their challenges  right GM I think is really lost I feel like   they're just a rudderless ship let's build a bolt  too not on the new architecture and then cancel it   not make them it's just a weird situation but at  least they figured this out and similarly for Ford   yes the F-150 is a great truck and the Maki is a  great vehicle but they aren't investing enough in   platform architecture I don't think compare that  to like Meb or the egmp platforms by VW or Hyundai   Kia respectively those platforms have shown you a  wide variety of cars that are possible and they're   able to bring them out very quickly and that's the  platform GM has ultium and they have invested in   that Ford really hasn't but this is definitely  a good move now what I would like to see next is   Volkswagen because I actually got a chance to go  out to Huntington Beach Surf City California and   see the ID Buzz long wheelbase and that thing is  absolutely fantastic I love it I have never been   in any vehicle where in the first second and third  row there is so much room you could have an entire   football team basketball team and they would  fit so well I would love one of those cars but   if I don't see VW join this agreement and go nacs  and have access to the supercharger Network it's   a non-starter for me if you're asking me would  I trade my model Y which I can drive anywhere   without even worrying about anything all day every  day or take a ID buzz and deal with Electrify   America that's a non-starter as amazing as your  car is it wouldn't matter because if I can't   charge it it's not a good road tripping car now  if you're gonna buy a buzz and drive around town   and charge it home it's fine you'll be okay but if  you have plans to drive long distances and I think   anybody who drives a buzz probably will you're  going to want to see them be next in line and I   really do hope they figure that out because the  software stuff is always where VW has struggled   um top it for another day let me know if you want  me to talk about some of these other topics that I   could talk about but the big thing here is we are  going to see standardization and standardization   is what made the internet possible imagine if when  you went to www.nba.com it was a different site   or a different address a different convention it  didn't work the right way it didn't render in your   browser the internet would not work and we have  seen standardization completely across the board   when it comes to software and that's why software  works so well and the internet works so well the   nacs North American charging standard might get  people in Europe kind of thinking you know what   gives why is a North American well the EU has  really strict guidelines I don't see them changing   from CCS type 2 anytime soon I think you're stuck  with that in my opinion an inferior charging cable   but I don't see them making this switch right to  your Congress people and people in the EU write to   whoever's in charge of the standards bodies and  request a similar change but the cool thing is   unlike the internet which has to work no matter  what country you're in charging a car really   you're not going to leave North America when will  you take your car outside of North America it's   not going to be a problem so if Japanese cars  or European cars have a different adapter than   the cars that you have here in the U.S or you know  that's okay we don't have to have one standard to   rule them all but we do need to have one standard  for all car companies if we're going to compete   with gasoline cars and we are now a new era where  EVS are not some small thing they are the best   selling cars the best-selling car in 2023 of any  variety for the first time is not a Toyota Corolla   which it almost always is it's a Tesla Model y so  far this year 2023 we are living in unprecedented   times the Eevee Revolution is kind of here it's  happening and we cannot make the mistake of   living with a inferior standard like ccs and more  companies if you're building cars and you don't   have nacs and you don't have supercharger network  access who's gonna buy your cars it will not make   any sense to you it won't make any difference how  amazing the ionic 5 for example in my opinion one   of the best EVS in the world you can buy it won't  make any sense to buy it if I could have a model   Y and have access to the supercharger Network so  I'm hoping vw's next and then it'll be Hyundai   Kia the Japanese who knows what the Japanese are  doing but everyone probably should follow suit   finally I'll leave you with one last thought what  if you're a Tesla owner should you be angry now   you're not going to have as many stalls because  other people's EVS that didn't buy a Tesla now   they can use your parking spots to charge their  cars I don't think you have anything to worry   about first of all this gives Tesla access as  a public charging provider to all kinds of new   money from the government as part of the IRA and  other infrastructure bills and they will build new   Chargers new Tesla superchargers in California  are coming with 20 to 30 to 40 50 stalls and   next door you see like four from EA and no one's  using any of them but Tesla will be motivated and   incentivized to continue to build up more charging  networks and the other good news is non-tesla EVS   are just minuscule today there just aren't  very many Ford and GM there aren't many cars   that they're selling today so the immediate impact  pretty minimal and the long-term impact Tesla now   becomes an infrastructure Company the company that  knows what they're doing the best builds the best   stuff the best offer the best integration they who  also have an interest in actually doing this right   can build Chargers and make money and by the  way I think Tesla cars will charge for cheaper   right I think the average Tesla let's say is 30  cents per kilowatt hour and maybe the forwards and   GMS are charged 40 cents so you'll pay a little  bit of a premium and that premium goes straight in   Tesla's pocket that would be my probably take and  I'm not sure if GM and Ford are paying them like a   monthly subscription fee if you will to have this  access but either way if Florida GM want any shot   to sell electric vehicles this is definitely  right move and hopefully this kind of gives   you a rundown of what we're looking like and why  I think this might be one of the most important   moments an electric vehicle history we've proven  car companies can make good EVS the Tesla Model Y   is the best selling car in the world of any kind  insane absolutely amazing now what we need is   standardization on the charging port and charging  networks and infrastructure locations and all the   rest and I think it's coming and if you think  that's amazing you got to watch this video next
Channel: Two Bit da Vinci
Views: 36,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two bit da vinci, tesla gm deal, tesla gm ford, tesla gm partnershipt, tesla ford charging, tesla ford deal, tesla nacs, nacs charge standard, tesla charger adapter, tesla charger install, tesla supercharger network, tesla charging stations, tesla charging adapters, tesla charging options, The Future of Electric Cars Just Changed FOREVER, Here's Why, electric cars, tesla, north american charging standard, tesla nacs standard, tesla nacs adapter, tesla nacs charger
Id: 4b5MSBjYaCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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