Compressing air to reach net zero. A 'revolutionary' innovation.

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If I had to guess then I would say that most of us  probably haven't given a great deal of thought to   the inner workings of compressors have we? I mean  what even is a compressor and why am I taking up   any of your valuable time talking about them?  Exactly! Well, this is a very simple example of   a compressor and what I'm demonstrating now is  perhaps one of the stupidest things you can do   with a.. OW! Thankfully history is littered with  people much smarter than me who understand the far   more useful potential that these sorts of devices  hold, not just for pushing air into bicycle tyres,   which is of course what this thing's really  designed for, but a multitude of applications   ranging from basic pumps to sophisticated  air conditioning systems and all sorts of   other devices that have become the indispensable  drivers of our modern society. They all need a   power source though of course. We wouldn't get  much done if we relied on hand-powered devices   like this to keep our homes cool for example. And  it's a lot of power. The Carbon Trust recently   calculated that air compressors of one form or  another account for more than 10 percent of total   industrial energy consumption. And a lot of that  energy is wasted in leakages and heat generation,   so finding ways to make compressors work  better is definitely a very good idea,   not just to save money during the current  global energy crisis, but perhaps more   importantly in the long term to reduce the  amount of energy we use in the first place.   And now there's a new compressor design  on the market that's not just potentially   revolutionary but actually literally  revolutionary. Let me show you what I mean. Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think.  It's easy to think of compressors as being   a fairly modern invention but in fact they  date back to at least 1588 when an Italian   engineer called Augustino Ramelli came up with  what we now would call a positive displacement   compressor which he intended to be used  to pump water up from underground wells.   In 1860 Ramelli's design was significantly  improved by two American brothers with the   fantastic names of Francis Marion  Roots and Philander Higley Roots.   Their device caught the eye of the superintendent  of a local iron foundry who realized that he could   use it to blast air into his furnaces much  more efficiently than his existing bellows.   The Roots brothers were smart enough to patent  their design and within 10 years they'd built a   monster, 48-ton version of their Roots Blower with  enough power to shove a train carrying 22 people   through a tunnel. So, you know, eat your heart out  hyperloop! These guys had nailed it 160 years ago!   And just to conform to nationalistic stereotyping,  it took a German engineer to optimize the design.   His name was Heinrich Krieger and in  1878 he twisted the blades of The Roots   Blower to produce a design that he successfully  patented as the Schraubengeblase or screw blower.   Then in 1935 a Swedish inventor by the  name of Alf Lysholm took the concept A   step further with his twin screw supercharger  which led to the development of the Lysholm   Compressor design that's still widely used in  all sorts of industrial applications today.   One of the challenges faced by all compressor  designs is leakage. Most designs rely on   extremely accurate machining to achieve very fine  tolerances between the compressing elements and   the chamber that houses them. It's what's  known in the business as a 'Clearance Gap'.   A gap is essential to avoid inefficiencies from  friction and costly maintenance from wear and tear   but you want that gap to be as small as possible  so that only a very tiny amount of fluid is lost.   We'll come back to that challenge in a moment,  but what about this new compressor design that   I mentioned earlier on? Well it's called the  Lontra Blade Compressor and it's manufactured   here in the UK by a company that is unsurprisingly  called LONTRA. To understand how it works I caught   up with the company's CEO Steve Lindsey via  Zoom recently. Steve explained that the basic   principle of the design is essentially just my old  bicycle pump bent round into a circle and he was   kind enough to lend me this scaled down model  to help show the inner workings of the device.   Inside this sealed metal chamber there are  two elements rotating perpendicular to each   other. The vertically rotating element has a  blade attached to it that draws in a parcel   of air via a large permanently open inlet at the  bottom of the chamber. As the blade continues to   rotate air fills up the entire chamber until the  blade reaches this point. So that's pretty much   exactly what happens as I pull open the handle  of my bicycle pump. I've now got a full chamber   of air in here. Now, here's where we get some  clever geometry going on. As the blade reaches   the top point it's able to pass through this very  precisely engineered slot in the perpendicular   rotating disc. But crucially, because the shape  of the blade is such that it slides very snugly   through the slot, the air that's been drawn  in behind it is not able to pass through,   so it's now captured in the chamber. Because the  unit is in perpetually rotating motion the blade   now sweeps back around the lower half of the  circle where it does two things - it draws more   air in behind it via the large lower intake port  and it squeezes the air that it captured during   the previous revolution, which is precisely what  happens as I push the handle of my bicycle pump   back down again. And just like in a bicycle pump,  that squeezed air is now at a nice high pressure.   You'll notice there are some holes drilled into  the wall of the rotating chamber. Those holes   are sealed in by the outer wall until they reach  this part of the rotation where they meet a large   external opening through which the compressed  air is able to escape. Again the basic principle   is not dissimilar to my bicycle pump. In my  case the pump puts air into my bicycle tyres   and in the case of the Lontra blade compressor it  provides compressed air for whatever application   it's bolted onto. And that's really all there  is to this beautifully simple design. The two   perpendicular rotating components are mechanically  linked through a gearing system so that once   everything's been correctly calibrated to ensure  the blade arrives at the slot at precisely the   right moment it will always arrive at that point,  at that moment, in all subsequent revolutions.   There's no back and forth motion like you're  getting a reciprocating piston setup which means   there's very little wear and tear to worry about  during the operational lifetime of the compressor.   An ideal pump or compressor or piston would have a  very long stroke or distance of travel but with a   very small diameter in order to minimize leakage,  which brings us nicely back to that clearance gap   I mentioned earlier. The trouble is if you make  the piston and rods very slender and long you   tend to get all sorts of wobbliness going on  that can quite quickly lead to poor tolerances   and breakage. Because the Lontra compressor is  essentially a bicycle pump wrapped around into a   circle it allows you to have that highly desirable  very long stroke but without the wobbliness   because all the forces are constantly being  translated around the circle which as I'm sure   you know is one of nature's strongest geometric  shapes. Now of course there is existing technology   like rotary compressors and screw compressors that  are engineered to partially overcome the leakage   problem and they're in use in their millions all  over the planet for myriad different applications.   But all of them rely on a clearance gap that  only reaches its tightest point at a very narrow   intersection at the very apex of a fin or lobe.  You can see that on either side of the apex the   gap drops quickly away and widens significantly.  So that means you have to have extremely tight   tolerances at that very small point where  you're actually achieving a seal which makes   that part of existing compressors a relatively  expensive component to manufacture. By contrast   the geometry of the Lontra blade compressor means  that the radius at the edge of the rotating disc   is concentric to the housing that it's rotating  within. That means there's a much wider surface   area for the clearance gap to seal against, which  in turn means you get a much better seal with a   much less expensive piece of machining. That  might sound like a bit of a pedantic detail   but it makes a massive difference to the overall  efficiency of the compressor. Lontra's technology   has already achieved energy savings of 21%  at a Severn-Trent water treatment facility   where it performs the crucial function of water  aeration. Even greater efficiency improvements of   around 34 percent have been achieved in industrial  pneumatic conveying applications, by which I mean   blowing commodities through a network of pipes  in a factory. All sorts of products from pasta   and beans to confectionery and powders and even  pharmaceutical tablets are all far more easily   transported around a production facility inside  enclosed plastic or metal tubes then they would   be via a conveyor belt. Imagine trying to convince  all your dried cannelloni to go around a corner   without falling off the belt! Nightmare! If you  can chuck it all in a plastic or metal tube and   blow it around using compressed air instead then  you've got yourself zero wastage and a much more   sterile and hygienic environment to boot. And  of course the Lontra system is not limited just   to those applications either. There are countless  different scenarios where the efficiency of their   compressor geometry would offer very significant  savings. According to Our World in Data,   energy use in industry represents more than 24  percent of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions,   and we established earlier that compressed air  accounts for about 10 percent of that energy use.   So if efficiency improvements of 34% could  be achieved in all industrial compressed air   applications then just that one measure alone  could potentially reduce overall carbon dioxide   equivalent emissions by more than 400 million  tons every year. Food for thought isn't it?   No doubt you've got your own views on the subject  and you may even be working in the development   of technologies like this and therefore have  some useful insights that you could share. If   you do then why not jump down to the comments  section below and leave your thoughts there.   That's it for this week though. A huge thank  you as always to our fantastic team of channel   supporters over at Patreon who enable me to keep  these videos free of ads and sponsorship messages   and who provide me with information and feedback  to keep the content as accurate as possible,   and I must just give a quick shout out  to some folks who've joined recently with   pledges of $10 or more a month. They are  Zvi Miller, David Harrow, Colin Matthews,   Alan Baker, Brad Cleavenger, Jay and Betty Crater,  Johannes Geyer, Steve Potter and Florin Bostina.   And of course a huge thank you to everyone else  who's joined since last time too. You can get   exclusive early access to every new video that I  produce plus regular exclusive extra content from   me and the chance to influence the video topics  we choose via monthly content polls by visiting and of course if you  found this video useful and informative then you   can really help the channel absolutely for free  by clicking the subscribe all option in YouTube's   drop down menu. That really does make a massive  difference to how well we get noticed by YouTube's   algorithms and it'll ensure you get notified  whenever a new video comes out. As always, thanks   very much for watching. Have a great week, and  remember to just have a think. See you next week.
Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 762,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compressed air energy storage, compressed air system, air compressor setup, air compressor working, Heat Pump, Air conditioning
Id: UhNgG3QDS-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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