Lithium-ion outperformed. Again!

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Back in 2021 I made a video looking at a very  promising battery technology that apparently   had several competitive advantages over the  market dominant lithium ion. The new upstart   used a lithium sulfur chemistry. According to  the Encyclopaedia of analytical science sulfur   is the 10th most abundant material on earth,  available in the ocean, in the atmosphere,   in the Earth's crust, and in practically all  plant and animal life. Enthusiastic proponents   of lithium sulfur technology suggest it could,  in theory, store as much as five times more   energy than existing Lithium-ion batteries.  It's quite a claim isn't it? And one that's   right now probably provoking an understandably  sceptical reaction in you good folks who've been   patiently watching video after video from dozens  of YouTubers like me over the past few years all   telling you about the next game changing battery  technology that's going to disrupt the market!   And sure enough, as I discovered when I made that  first video, early versions of the chemistry did   have significant shortcomings. We'll have a look  at what they were in a moment but essentially   they resulted in a battery that was pretty  unstable, with an impractically short cycle life,   and an inherently slow power performance.  Scientists in various research facilities   around the world have been working on the problem  since the early 2000s and by the time we took   a look at progress 18 months ago or so there  were a couple of promising approaches in the   offing. Since then even more new scientific  research papers have been published outlining   yet more alternative approaches that also claim to  improve performance of lithium sulfur chemistry.   So what's going on then? Like who's actually  got the best technology here and is there a   genuine possibility that one of this lot  might actually successfully bolt one of   their batteries to anything useful in the near  future, like an electric vehicle for example? Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think. We'll  try to establish whether this lithium sulfur idea   has got any realistic chance of disrupting the  energy storage market a bit later in the video,   but first of all let's take a quick look at how  it works and what caused those initial problems.   The basic principle of energy storage using  electrodes and a liquid electrolyte is one that   will no doubt be familiar to you. In a typical  lithium-ion battery cell, lithium atoms are   stored in the crystalline structure of the anode  in a process the scientists call intercalation.   When a load is attached to the cell the lithium  ions travel across the electrolyte and electrons   travel out through a circuit. Then they hook  up again on the cathode side, which in the   case of an NMC battery contains minerals like  nickel, manganese and cobalt, hence the name.   Lithium-sulfur chemistry has some very  specific differences to that setup. For   a start its cathode doesn't contain any nickel,  manganese or cobalt. I'm sure you've heard all   sorts of terrible things about those critical  minerals in the news over the past few years,   so taking them out of battery chemistries wherever  possible is probably not a bad thing to aspire to.   Inside a lithium-sulfur battery cell the lithium  reacts with the solid sulfur to create what are   known as polysulfides which are soluble in the  electrolyte and are therefore free to float   across the separator and over to the anode  on the other side. Sulfur itself is actually   an electrical insulator so in order for this  chemistry to work at all the sulfur has to sit   on some kind of electrically conductive material.  If you just stuck a solid lump of sulfur into   the cell then at best you might get some small  interactions at the surface but that's about it.   What you need is for the sulfur to be highly  distributed on some kind of conductive scaffold,   and developers have been playing with all sorts of  ideas for this in recent years including the use   of things like carbon nanofibers or exfoliated  graphite, which is also a nanomaterial,   or even a very exotic substance called Bucky  Balls or Buckminster Fullerene to give it its   proper name. Fully explaining what they are  would take another entire video which would   probably melt my brain but suffice to say  they're made up of 60 carbon atoms fused   together into a sphere and they're only found in  laboratories or outer space! A sulfur cathode has   a potential theoretical specific capacity of  something like 1670 milliamp hours per gram... That compares very favourably to an NMC cathode  which comes in at only about 150 milliamp hours   per gram, so it's not hard to see the attraction,  both for the boffins in the science department and   the bean counters in the finance department. But  that whopping number turned out to be a bit of   a double-edged sword for our dear friends in the  research labs because it makes balancing the two   electrodes much more of a challenge. Graphite is  usually the go-to material for the anode side of a   modern battery and its specific capacity is about  380 milliamp hours per gram. That's close enough   to work quite nicely with an NMC cathode, but it  doesn't work quite so well with the much higher   capacity of sulfur. You really need something on  the anode side that's a closer match. That's led   researchers towards materials like lithium metal,  which comes with its own challenges like dendrite   formation, which we've touched on in previous  videos on the channel. If the dendrites grow   large enough they can short-circuit the cell which  is not something you want under any circumstances.   That's actually one of the challenges that have  hampered progress in the solid state industry,   but it's apparently being worked on  and we're told it's not insurmountable.   But the development challenges kept coming like  an unwanted gift that just keeps giving. The next   couple of issues happen at the anode side of  the cell. If it's not controlled properly the   soluble lithium sulfide coming off the cathode  can do one of two very unhelpful things when it   arrives over here. It can either break down in a  redox reaction and flow back to the cathode where   it recombines again and starts floating back and  forth in a perpetual motion known as polysulfide   shuttle. That results in a phenomenon the science  bods called infinite charge, where it charges up   once and then won't charge anymore because those  polysulfides just keep bouncing between the two   electrodes. So that's quite irritating. The second  thing that can happen at the anode is a reaction   with whatever the anode is made of. That can  cause a very unwelcome mossy-like growth known as   surface electrolyte interphase or SEI. That's not  ideal either because if too much of that builds up   then your anode starts to act like an electrical  insulator. Back at Monash University one of the   boffins went off on a slightly random scientific  research tangent which I won't bore you with here   but which you can find out about by jumping back  to my original video. That tangential discovery   allowed the team to come up with a glucose based  binder that helped prevent the SEI build up on   the anode. It turned out the lithium atoms in the  polysulfide very happily combined with the oxygen   atoms in the glucose molecule, so by integrating  the glucose based additive into the cathode matrix   the Monash team were able to stabilize the  sulfur and minimize the anode coating problem.   It also improved the web-like structure of the  cathode which opened up the matrix to provide   more surface area for lithium to interact with  the sulfur. Their results showed that 42 percent   of polysulfides eventually are absorbed in the  presence of glucose compared with only 16% with   previous methods, and that meant an energy density  of 500 watt hours per kilogram and an increase in   the battery's operational durability up to a  thousand charge cycles. All of which brings us   nicely to the Silicon Valley start-up called Lyten  Inc. who are probably the closest to actually   getting a lithium sulfur battery to market. Now  there wasn't a great deal of information available   when we first took a look at these guys back in  2021 but more little snippets have filtered out   in various articles and interviews in the interim  period between then and now so it's probably worth   returning to their technology here to see if it  still stacks up. Lyten claim their battery has the   potential to reach a gravimetric energy density  of no less than 900 watt hours per kilogram.   That not only outperforms the Monash team but also  far exceeds existing Lithium-ion batteries and   even the current crop of solid-state batteries  that are just starting to come to market.   In visual terms a single Lyten battery has the  equivalent energy density of three typical 2170   lithium-ion batteries and it's significantly  lighter too which is something we'll come back   to in a moment. Lyten's USP is the development  of a highly engineered mesoporic type of carbon   for their cathode based on their patented 3D  graphene technology. That allows them to create   a kind of hierarchy of pore structures that  facilitate something called polysulfide caging   which alleviates the problems of SEI coating and  polysulfide shuttling that we just looked at.   Now I'm not smart enough to take you through  the minutiae of the chemical reactions here   but my layman's understanding of it is that  it's a combination of mechanical and chemical   caging structures or interactions that allow the  polysulfides to do their energy release work but   then keep them where they are so they don't  interact with the rest of the bulk electrolyte   or the anode. Lyten reckons that this allows  them to tightly control the redeposition of the   polysulfides in order to release as much of that  potential 1670 milliamp hours per gram of energy   as possible from the sulfur. Under Department of  Defense test protocols a Lyten cell apparently   demonstrated an operational durability of more  than 1400 cycles with a charge time of less than   20 minutes. That would you put it right up there  with the longest lasting EV batteries available   today. And as a very important additional benefit,  Lyten's batteries will be safer in vehicles than   conventional lithium-ion batteries because, as  I mentioned earlier lithium sulfur contains no   nickel, manganese or cobalt, nor the oxides  that go with them, which are what drive the   thermal runaway events that have plagued some  electrical vehicles in the past. Testing show   that the battery could be overcharged at  twice the rate of charge for the cell for   over four hours and its internal temperature  increased by only about 10 degrees Celsius.   Lyten also claim that the interdispersed graphene  and sulfur cathode architecture allows the battery   to continue performing well in test temperatures  as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius. And according   to their CEO, Dan Cook, they'll be able to do all  that for significantly less than 80 dollars per   kilowatt hour. If that's true then it would make  the lithium sulfur battery extremely competitive   compared to existing lithium-ion costs. The very  light cell weight that I touched on a moment ago   has obvious advantages for electric vehicles but  perhaps more importantly for objects that have to   fight against gravity like drones for example  or even electrically powered planes like this   one from Israeli company Eviation, which by  the way has more than two billion dollars of   pre-orders already. With a lighter battery on  board the flight distances of these planes will   be significantly enhanced. So when will we see  these batteries actually hit the market then?   Well Lyten are up and running already actually.  On November 4th 2022 they announced their first   3D graphene fabrication facility located at their  headquarters in San Jose, California and they plan   to reach volume production of lithium sulfur cells  within a couple of years. Lyten certainly look   like they could be in prime position to corner the  market if they can get a wiggle on and get volume   production up and running in the time scales  they're projecting. But there are plenty of others   trying to find that Holy Grail of performance  versus cost and longevity. At least three new   research papers have been published just in the  last year or so, each with their own take on how   to most efficiently and effectively eliminate  some of the issues we've discussed today.   So I guess Lyten will need to keep a careful  eye on the competition in the coming years.   That's it for this week. A huge thank you  as always to the fantastic team of channel   supporters over at Patreon who literally keep this  channel running and help me produce videos that   are free of ads and sponsorship messages, and an  extra special thank you to the folks whose names   are scrolling up the screen here, all of whom  celebrated an anniversary of Patreon support in   January. If you feel you could support the  channel too, then for about the price of a   coffee each month you now get early exclusive  access to all my videos so you can provide   feedback before I publish them on YouTube. Plus  you'll get regular exclusive extra content from   me and you'll be able to directly influence the  video topics we choose via monthly content polls.   And of course if you found this video useful  and informative then you can really help us   by subscribing to the channel and hitting the  notification bell. And make sure you drop down   the menu and select all notifications  too otherwise the YouTube algorithm has   a habit of forgetting to let you know when new  videos arrive. As always, thanks very much for   watching. Have a great week, and remember  to just have a think. See you next week.
Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 202,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lithium ion battery, lithium ion battery explosion, lithium ion battery fire, lithium ion battery manufacturing, lithium ion battery charger, lithium sulfur battery, lithium sulfur battery breakthrough, lithium sulfur battery vs lithium ion, lithium sulphur battery, lithium sulphur battery breakthrough, lithium sulphur battery working, lithium sulphur battery news, lithium sulphur battery vs lithium-ion, lithium sulphur vs lithium ion, lithium sulphur breakthrough
Id: Cr_l7hG_Hx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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