Why Is Konoha The Strongest Hidden Village?

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this video is sponsored by tokyo treat and sakura co i think it's common knowledge amongst most naruto fans that konoha is the strongest village in all of the naruto verse it's dominated most of the wars it's participated in it held the largest sway in the fourth great ninja war and more importantly than anything all the main character-esque characters seem to come from there name five characters from the hidden stone i'll wait but we ever sat back and wondered why konoha was the strongest village what economic political or even just biological things had to occur to make konoha the strongest out of all the five ninja villages and while some may write it off as simply well this is where naruto was going to be born so we had to make konoha that way it's not quite that simple in fact there's a long story history that makes a lot of sense in terms of village building that led to the power that konoha achieved but before we get to talking about fictional history guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell and if you really like fictional history class go ahead and hit that join button and become a member of the web alliance over here on youtube you will be getting three additional videos from me a month on top of cool badges emotes and shout outs at the end of every video before we get into all that guys today we gotta talk about our favorite returning sponsor tokyo treat and sakura co let's start with the big box tokyo treat tokyo treat is a monthly snack box filled with up to 20 exclusive to japan in limited edition snacks these snacks are also seasonally flavored this month's theme is sakura and not like sasuke's wife like the pink flower and you might be thinking opening this box is kind of intimidating if you don't speak japanese and if you're like me you probably don't know what this bag says that's why they send a 24 page pamphlet with every single box and this pamphlet will tell you everything from what the snack is to the allergens that are inside of it to what its significance is in japan but enough talking let's try it so from the pamphlet i learned these are latte marshmallows but i'm sure they can be enjoyed without the coffee down the hatch oh yeah they're good without the coffee they're light and fluffy and the taste of sakura is subtle but sweet but since we're talking about sakura let's get into our second box sakura co this month's theme for sakura co is matcha and mochi and the way that sakurako differs from tokyo treat is that these are handmade traditional japanese snacks made by artisans and every month they sent you a different piece of kitchenware this month was chopsticks but where sakurako is very similar to tokyo treat is the 24 page pamphlet and that's helpful because i don't know what this is but thanks to the pamphlet i now know that these are matcha cream daifuku let's try them somehow it's still incredibly fresh and it's bitter and sweet simultaneously so what are you guys waiting for become a global snacker like me use the code nc hammer04 at checkout for five dollars off your first order but don't just go searching up sakurako or tokyo treat guys make sure you use the links that are both in my description and my pinned comment let's get to snacking so how did konoha become the biggest kid in class let's start this video in the only way that really makes sense at the beginning and i know what most of you are thinking well of course kona ha is the biggest kid in class they had both the senju and the uchiha but what if i told you konoha's strength began way before the senju and the uchiha decided to shake hands what if i told you konoha's strength was always faded because of its location in the naruto worlds we are aware of one continent this is the continent where the land of fire the land of sound the land of wind the land of rock all exist and on this one continent the land of fire is directly in the middle equatorial some might say and i know what you're thinking being in the middle doesn't necessarily make it a good place to be look at nebraska but in a world where this is the only continent being equatorial means a lot of things for you equatorial meaning that your country lays along the equator of the earth countries that lay along the earth's equator are usually warm and tropical and therefore see dense growths of greenery and life which is very consistent with what we see in konoha in fact every bit of konohas seems to be incredibly covered in trees almost like it's a rain forest i mean konoha literally means village hidden in the leaves and the country is literally called the land of fire implying warmth and heat so agriculturally the land of fire is very advantageous it would have rich soil and be very good for farming on top of that its dense woods would provide cover for animals or humans and even though the land of fire is central it also has a lot of coast specifically a coast that faces towards the hidden mist village and a coast that faces towards a hidden sand village and i know what you're saying well konoha does have significantly less coast than all the other countries but remember there's only been confirmed life on this one continent so having a coast that points in the direction of where there is no living beings means nothing so by having waterways that face towards other countries you can trade with is also very advantageous politically and economically so we take into account the fact that konoha arguably has the least harsh weather the land of mist being covered in mist the land of clouds being high up in mountainous the land of stone being basically stone and therefore impossible to plant crops and food on and then the land of wind literally being a desert konoha is a green belt of incredible agricultural promise so to assume that a lot of people would try to settle there is not ridiculous and to assume that the strong would rise to the top of that crop and monopolize that area which is very advantageous for easy living is also not that ridiculous just how we got the uchiha and the senju resources are not infinite in the naruto world this is actually why the first and second great shinobi world wars occurred and resources also played a large factor in the third great shinobi world war so in this green belt i guess of the land of fire strong would rise to the top and the strong would only get stronger because of promises in agriculture and the ease of living people in the hidden sand cannot focus on getting stronger as a ninja if they're hungry and thirsty but enough about fictional geography let's talk about the uchiha and the senju obviously in the warring states period they were warring factions but they weren't necessarily always fighting each other just to fight each other essentially it was well known that they were the two strongest clans so if a village wanted to take over another village they would hire either the uchiha or the senju to help them take over that other village but if the village that was about to be invaded caught word that the village that was about to invade them hired the senju they would hire the uchiha and therefore the uchiha and the senju fought proxy wars for generations but fighting these proxy wars made both the uchiha and the senju significantly stronger obviously yes it also killed a lot of their children and resulted in their clans not being as large as they could be but it sharpened their respective blades of both the senju and the uchiha for reference the warring states period was 1500 years at least so that's a lot of time to perfect your craft of killing each other and then one day these two clans decide to come together now the two clans who are considered the strongest clans on earth who have spent thousands of years sharpening their blades against each other have become one unified force the threat of the existence of this unified force is so significant it causes the other countries to create hidden villages of their own see konoha didn't inspire other countries to make their own villages it scared them into it but just because the hands were shook in between the uchiha and the senju does it mean that the squirmishes were over matara wanted to be the hokage but toby rama said that it should be brought up to a democratic vote amongst konoha members and the democratic process elected hashirama now this isn't great but hashirama essentially goes well matara you can be my shadow hokage and sends moderate to deal with the other countries but this isn't the first time that the senju and the uchiha had a different approach to something and it definitely wouldn't be the last most specifically i'm talking about the uchiha's want to stay within their own clan what do i mean by that even after the formation of konohod the uchihas decided to stay as a whole as a clan they didn't invite others to breed into their clan there was no hafuchiha babies running around in order to keep the strength of their clan pure they continued to breed within themselves making them almost a sovereign state inside of konoha one that would willingly participate in wars and back up konahan any matter but still its own isolated cell while the senzu did something that is incredibly important for the strengthening of konoha the senju decided to cast their name to the side they were no longer the senju clan they were a clan that lived in konoha so the senju decided to marry outside of their clan and they were led by their literal leader hashirama see hashirama though it was for political reasons married in uzumaki and this set the president for all other senju members that they should marry outside of their clan in order to strengthen kanoa as a whole this is why you don't see the senjus running around konoha like you used to see the uchihas it's not that they were wiped out or kicked out of konoha they've just taken other names but that doesn't change the blood that's running through the veins of konoha now not only do you have an isolated sect of the uchihans that still count towards your military force but you also have the other strongest clan on earth increasing the strength of the entire village by marrying outside of their clan and then when moderator gets fed up with being in the village and tries to rally the uchihas against the village the uchihas kick him out stopping the village from breaking in half in losing half of its fighting force and it's at this point that we start to have the build up towards the first great shinobi world war hashirama and tobiraham are able to kill moderate that's all done but moderate brings an idea to hashirama during their battle catching all of the tailed beasts something modera was able to do in order to fight hashirama so seeing the build-up to the first great shinobi world war and no longer wanting war hashirama goes out and catches all of the tail beasts except for shukaku who the wind country had already caught land of wind hashirama then calls the other kages of all the other hidden villages and here's the thing the only reason this worked is because it was konaha calling the conference there had been squirmishes along the borders for years but konoha was the man with a big stick and a large part of the reason they had the big stick was the fact that monarch went around to each village specifically the village hid in the stone and told them they needed to be subservient to konah and then he would proceed to kick the out of whoever was in charge there like he did to enoki and moon and it's at this meeting that hashirama sells seven of the tailed beasts to the other countries well technically he wanted to give them away toby rama is the only reason he sold them and while this wouldn't stop the war from happening it essentially funded konoha to make it through it wars are incredibly expensive in fact the armistice that was signed at the end of the first grade shinobi world war was signed because the countries were running out of resources and the after war realization that all of the countries were a destroyed had lost their kage's in all of their resources put all of the countries into a depression after the first great shinobi world war except for konwa konoha had taken massive losses they had lost both hashirama and tobirama in the war but their war effort was essentially funded by the other villages meaning that the economic disparity that they saw after the first great shinobi world war was significantly less than all the other hidden villages that money could also be put towards repairing konoha or setting up infrastructure or agriculture in fact that money was used during the first great shinobi world war by toby rama who took the money of his brother's spoils and set up important systems in konoha specifically the ombu the police force and the ninja school he even went so far as to create the tuning exams during a world war tobirama focused on infrastructure specifically infrastructure that would keep konoha whole with the police force in the ombu monitoring threats in keeping the status quo in a growing village but he also focused on his war effort creating the ninja school and the tuning exams to make sure that any ninja they put into the warfront is a old enough and be prepared but toby rama also focused on something else vitally important research toby rama created the shadow clone flying raijin in edo tensai and while he did all three of these things during the warring states period it set the president for scientific or i guess ninjutsu research in konoha by focusing on academics enshrining the ninjas that they are creating in konoha it created a stronger class of ninja i mean think about how you pass through ninja academy you have to create a shadow clone a jutsu that hadn't existed until 10 years earlier when toby rama created it a jutsu that effectively doubles the fighting power of your village if every ninja on the front line knows how to do it and this precedent for research would remain a key ingredient in konoha's strength for many years down the line looking at toby rama's successor hebrews considered the professor he was considered the professor because he learned every single jutsu and fighting technique of the leaf except for flying rising but at the very highest level of shinobi you had people actively searching for strength through the medium of identifying and figuring out multiple ninjutsu's in fighting techniques look at the person hirozin adopted orochimaru who had an endless quest to understand every single ninjutsu ever created and therefore that drove him to figure out immortality he rediscovered the jutsus of toby rama and made them better he figured out cloning how to make sharing gardens from scratch how to graft new body parts onto existing people hell he brought back wood release while sometimes the research may not have been ethical looking directly at you orochimaru having research being done to actively enhance the ninjutsu of a village is massive for strength think of it a bit like weapons technology in our world having a plane that can fly and not be detected by sonar is significantly better than one that can be but since we're talking about redefining battlefields we have to talk about one of orochimaru's partners tsunade you see tsunare was a senju and therefore inherently was strong a reality for a lot of people in konoha at this current time were nameless but because of the economic disparity of the aftermath of the first great shinobi world war we got the second great shinobi world war now who was fighting who was relatively hazy in this war we just know that a lot of countries were in the land of rain but the long line of academics who made their names by doing research into ninjutsu he didn't stop with hirozin or orochimaru in fact the second great shinobi world war is where tsunade made her name for two reasons one with her almost omnipotent medical ninjutsu she was able to counter the hundreds if not thousands of poisons that granny chio had create you see grandchild's whole thing was that she made a bunch of poisons that were all incurable and undetectable therefore for puppets even scraped you you were dead because there was no cure and that was kind of the land of winds claimed to fame rainy chia was the majority of their military force but tsunade was able to counter that giving konoha the already stronger and economically more powerful country a leg up but on top of that because of her exploits in the second great shinobi world war she was able to make it a reality that every single three-man shinobi team should have a medical ninja and by enacting this rule and making it a reality for konoha konoha saw a massive increase in survivability and mission success think about it if one of your team members got injured before there was nothing you could do for them and then you were down to two people but if you have a doctor who can also fight there they can bring that person back onto the field which is going to massively improve your success rate in battle and to this day this is not something that other villages have instilled it's still weirdly enough specifically from konoha we haven't seen it from the hidden cloud the hidden stone the hidden wind or the hidden water so because of this in the vastness of the medical ninjas that konoha has they have better survivability and therefore larger military might than the other countries and while their army may not technically be the largest because the hidden stone and hidden cloud are said to be larger by keeping their strongest ninjas alive or just keeping many ninja alive they're able to gain battle experience and also maintain the upper hand also because their success rate on missions was higher because of the addition of a medical ninja smaller countries were more likely to hire konohan ninjas four missions and since completing ninja missions is a large part of any hidden village's economy this gave konoha an economical leg up it allowed them to a make their services cheaper and b guarantee that they're gonna get completed more often which put villages like the hidden sand in a bind see during the second and third great shinobi world wars the hidden sands entire objective was to increase their military might so that they would get hired for missions this is more likely not why puppeteering was made in why the hidden sand was so vehement on creating military might because they wanted to make their ninja mission hirings cheaper so they could undercut konoha but they were never able to accomplish this so now you have a rich country getting richer that has access to favorable ports can give you cheap ninja missions none of their ninjas are dying they have an agricultural advantage over the other countries and slowly but surely konoha began to increase the lead ahead of other villages which is why the third great shinobi world war happened essentially when other villages began to thrive while others began to fail the failing villages didn't like that very much specifically the hidden stone the hidden cloud and the hidden mist take a look at a second at the political situation of the third great shinobi world war we know for a fact that the hidden stone in konoha were warring this is where the battle of konami bridge happens enoki sends a force of a thousand shinobi to try and take over konoha the minotaur stops single-handedly we know they're fighting we also know that conal ha in the hidden cloud are fighting because minotau comes up against a and killer b and we also know that the hidden mists in konahawa are fighting because the hidden missed abduct rin put a sobo in her and try to send her back to konoha to act as a trojan horse essentially the only village we don't know that's fighting konoha is the hidden sand but we know that saucer gets the nickname sorcery of the red sand during this war so the hidden sand we're fighting somebody probably the hidden stone but we don't know but we know for sure that at least three villages are attempting to attack konoha from basically all sides and konoha individually beats every single one of these villages in order however military might isn't everything sometimes you have to be bureaucratic and bureaucracy is something that is learned you're not just born with the ability to lead diplomatically which is where another one of konoha's many advantages comes in the fact that they had a kage for longer than any other village outside of the hidden stone in here is it obviously the hidden stone had a nokia for like 300 years and so is at the conclusion of the third great shinobi world's war that hirozin realized that he needed to step down as hokage to take the blame and the anger onto himself for the war this was done mostly to sue the donzo who wanted the third great snowy world war to continue until konahawk came out on top which is arguably the way things were going but by pulling out of the war at an appropriate time and putting an end to the bloodshed konoha was able to once again prosper economically but since we're talking about donzo let's talk about danzo you may not agree with his approach i know i don't but dondo's creation of the root is one of the reason konoha is as successful as it is and here's the thing donzo creating the route isn't necessarily even that evil compared to some of the things other villages have done look at kinkaku and ginkaku attacking tobii rama during a peace summit hidden cloud jonin trying to abduct hinata to restart the third great shinova world war enoki attempting to invade konoha after an amistis had already been agreed upon hidden mist abducting a child to slap a tailed beast inside of her and have her destroy an entire village when you look at all the various war crimes that have occurred over the duration of naruto's history the route starts to make a little bit of sense the route begins to make even more sense when you look at how stable konoha has been obviously donzo and therefore subsequently the route were responsible for the uchiha massacre not great i'll admit that but the uchiha massacre is significantly less bloody and less detrimental to the health of konoha than a war between the uchiha and the rest of konoha would have been also we don't necessarily know whether or not the uchiha would have won this therefore from danto's point of view which would have been on the side of the loser if the uchiha had one having the uchiha all die is significantly better for the stability of konoha and this is just one of the many things donzo did to keep konoha stable and powerful he also managed to turn hanzo the salamander against the akatsuki he managed to make kona hawk come together as a whole by revealing that naruto was the jinchuriki to the ninetales and making him the center of everybody's hate giving them something to rally around none of these things are good things and all of these things probably had better solutions but donzo's work in the shadows and therefore subsequently the work of the root in the shadows actually did a good job at keeping konoha stable while places like the hidden mist had a coup that zabaza and kisame were involved in the hidden cloud had kinkaku and ginkaku their two strongest shinobi defect from the village and tried to kill toby rama the hidden sand hokage was killed by sorcery and turned into a puppet i mean i guess technically roach mario did kill hirozin but roach maro also killed the kazekage honestly the only village possibly more stable than konoha is the hidden stone and that's because of the wild amount of nationalism that they have for their village and also the fact that they've had the same kage for damn near 100 years like them or not donzo was doing what he believed was best for the leaf and even though his methods often resulted in bloodshed it did usually stop conflict or it undermined the strength of other villages once again increasing the gap between konoha and subsequent other villages and that brings us to the modern era of naruto not boruto naruto and sasuke are born an accumulation of all the powerful bloodlines that have come to konoha seeking refuge in community takes shape in the form of the konoha 12. arguably the strongest generation of shinobi in konoha ever and therefore the strongest generation of shinobi ever using the prosperity and the systems put in place by toby rama and many of those who came before them the kona hot 12 are able to flourish until each one of them is a hijoning to low cog a to actual god level shinobi arguably the weakest member of the konoha 12 is eno eno who single-handedly runs the interrogation corpse and the survey corpse that keep a field over konoha at all points allowing konoha to effectively understand anybody leaving or entering konoha at any given point this is done by registering chakra signals with enos survey corps and if an unregistered chakra signal comes into konoha at any point eno will know where and when this is a borderline impenetrable defense around an already very powerful village and that is coming from the weakest member kiba who's probably the least useful member of the konoha 12 is incredibly apt at tracking fighting and being a police asset shino who's arguably the least talked about member of the kona hot 12 is easily hijoning to low kake level and if you use some of the bugs that he could use but refuses to use on moral grounds he would be high kage level not to mention now we're getting into boruto era that kakashi in combination with the kaminarian group managed to usher in an era of technological advancement in konoha making kotoha now essentially the tech capital of the ninja world yes trains run into every village but those trains are created in konoha shinobi where like the one that boruto wore during the tuning exams that allowed him to create any jutsu he wanted was created in konoha because of the route set by toby rama here is in tsunade in orochimaru that konoha is the center for research so in summation an equatorial location that allowed for agricultural advancements and advantageous ports to shipping to other countries sets the groundwork for groups of people to come to this area at which point the strongest rose to the top in form of the senju in the uchiha the combination of these clans in the advancement in technological and ninjutsu research allowed konoha to separate from other villages backed largely by a massive income of wealth by hashirama selling the tale beasts revolutionizing the way that they approach war by combining medical ninjutsu's two front line teams allowed konohat to earn more in shinobi missions once again bolstering the economy then the combination of all these powerful bloodlines all living under the same roof looking to live in the most rich and prosperous country on earth created the strongest generation of ninja the konoha 12th and now the konoha 12 are the ruling class of konoha while their children are also incredibly strong but the high mobility that has now been granted by technological upgrades like the thunder trains has created interbreeding between villages look at shikimaru and tamari meaning that the senju's idea to strengthen a village is now growing out even further konoha's bloodline is now seeping into the outer world making the ninja world as a whole stronger that is why konoha is the strongest village feel like i just wrote my own guns germs and steel for naruto but if you enjoyed this fictional history lesson guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell and if you want to support my career as a fictional teacher go ahead and hit that join button to become a member of the web alliance over here on youtube getting access to three additional videos from me a month access to cool badge emotes and a shout out with your name at the end listen there's actually a solid argument to be made that konawa isn't actually the strongest village out there but we'll save that for another video [Music] foreign
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 299,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, tobirama, hiruzen, minato, hashirama, madara, itachi, uchiha, uchiha massacre, konoha, hidden leaf, hidden stone, hidden cloud, hidden mist, hidden sand, hokage, kage
Id: 4GLWInY4j-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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