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so as somebody who talks about naruto a lot i get asked the question would you rank the konoha 12 i guess 13 a lot for questions along the lines of who's the weakest who's the strongest about the konoha 13. so i want to rank them so everybody knows where i stand and where you probably should stand because i'm very well informed the only problem is there's two ways you could rank the konoha 13 by usefulness or by combat ability because while eno may be the bottom of the barrel in terms of combat ability she's probably top three top four in usefulness so as it pertains to this video i'm gonna go with combat ability and maybe somewhere down the line we'll talk about how useful each of the konohaw 13 members is but for the moment we're talking about their abilities to punch each other in the face and we have to start somewhere and i've already alluded to where that somewhere is unfortunately it's enough is a support type through and through somebody who needs to be protected but doesn't necessarily mean they're not useful she just doesn't have much in the way of offensive capability eno kind of functions like akashi's nin ken she catches people so they stand still so the people around her can defeat said person but before we get into her actual ninjutsu ability that being mind transfer technique let's talk about kind of her fundamental abilities she actually has very impressive chakra control and because of this chakra control she studies to be a medical ninja and she's really good at it she's not as good as sakura or tsunade but she's completely fine and while none of us may ever forget the eno versus sakura tuning fight her taijutsu has improved dramatically since then i mean she was able to box with a reincarnated awesome whose entire fighting style was basically predicated on his fists by the time the war arc rolls around she actually has earth water yin and yang releases and in the anime she has fire release on top of this she has an ability originally created by hagaromo ino is one of the only people we've ever seen use chakra transfer technique essentially eno can pass her chakra to other people who are depleted of chakra but none of these things are eno's true strength ino is noted to be the best sensor type ninja in the history of the yamanaka she can focus on somebody's chakra from a great distance away and see if there's any changes to it these changes include being under genjutsu if they're molding chakra for an attack then she can use that information and pass it along to her teammates and not just by telling them like mentally send them the image because her skills are so impressive she's become the head of the konoha sensor team essentially she's erected an entire barrier around konoha and everybody in konoha has a registered chakra signature with her if anybody and i mean anybody who is not registered goes through the barrier she knows on top of this she can probe people's minds for information just like nagato's human path this is why eno is also the head of the interrogation corps but none of this is eno's offensive capability that is just hermine transfer jutsu which she can use to project her consciousness into the body of another inu improves this technique which sounds pretty lackluster by allowing her clones to be able to do it as well which means eno can create clones and then have all of them project their consciousness into other people this point that she can have all those people just stab each other this is powerful if you can catch the person and they're not moving which is what shikamaru is good for but she can also use mind-body transmission technique which allows her to telepathically communicate with people or connect everyone together to telepathically communicate to all of them once again not an offensive capability but the next person on our list does have offensive capabilities and that next person is 10 10. 1010 is regarded as one of the best users of space-time ninjutsu out there and i made that sound way cooler than it is because it's just her ability to summon weapons from other places but those weapons is where she makes her bread because ten-ten has an ability which is actually not really seen in any other person in naruto to adapt to any weapon she gets her hands on this allows her to use a wide variety of weapons like the monriki gusari or a bow staff but it also allows her to use weapons she has no prior knowledge of because of this she was able to wield some of the sage of six paths weapons like the jidondo or the bashun then you take into the fact that she is the leaf's top marksman she can hit a target a hundred times out of a hundred but unfortunately she doesn't have a lot of chakra usually if you can wield the stage of six past weapons you would be insanely powerful because the sage of six past weapons are insanely powerful but they use a ton of chakra which is why we only ever saw the sage of six bats and the gold and silver brothers use them so while she can wield them not for long so yeah if hakuna is going to defeat you then 1010 is your worst enemy that's that's all i have on 10 10. let's move on to our next installment of disappointing konoha 13 members kiva kiba is a little bit slept on but not that much kiba as a member of the inuzuku clan has very heightened senses essentially the inazuka clan has co-evolved with their dogs in order to take on more dog-like traits but this doesn't only pertain to scent it also pertains to just general sense like kiba was the only person who was aware that there was an ombu member stationed in the tuning exams arena this was because of his heightened senses but since we're talking about how the inazuka co-evolved with dogs let's talk about these dogs these dogs are ninja hounds dogs specifically bred from wolves in order to collaborate with the inazuka and accomplish police work war efforts search parties so if kiba is already insane smelling abilities weren't enough he also has a ninja hound who has an even better nose than he does kiba fights alongside akumaru and they use shadow clone and transformation techniques outside of shadow clone and transformation techniques kiba is also capable of earth and yang release essentially all of kieva's abilities revolve around making akamaru a clone of himself but he doesn't make this clone until he uses his four legs technique which is essentially a transformation that kiba goes under to give himself claws and fangs once akamaru is a clone of kiba they use the ability fang passing fang or fang overfang but let's say fang over fang isn't working there another option yes there is akumaru and kiba can join together to make a two-headed wolf and then they attack using fang wolf fang which is like fang overfang except there's only one of them but here's the thing even though they're spinning at an incredibly high velocity does not mean they can't see where they're going in fact it's been stated that fang wolf fang is almost impossible to dodge and even harder to block but it doesn't end there if kiba adds a shadow clone to him in akimaru he can make a three-headed wolf and then they can use tail-chasing fang rotating fang i i don't i don't know why every single thing has fang in it you have claws as well actually fun fact it doesn't end there either in konohahiden a light novel about konoha after the war a meteor breaks off of the moon in fact many meteor break off the moon and conveniently they start hurtling towards konoha and kiev is actually able to use an unnamed jutsu that's stronger than his strongest fang ability to destroy one of these meteorites which is a feat that's similar to what sasuke did in naruto the last which is a very impressive feat outside of using nakamura keepers actually got a couple of their techniques well i guess i wouldn't call them techniques they're more like strategies kiba frequently feeds both him and akamaru military pills which are essentially condensed food pills that increase both akamaru and his chakra output and on top of that he's also known for using smoke bombs in order to create a diversion because it doesn't affect his nose because it's so powerful so when he throws a smoke bomb he can still find you because he can still smell you and even though kiba isn't incredibly strong he's actually still very useful in konoha he's heavily involved with the police in boruto where he uses akamaru and his nose to sniff out criminals or find missing people this is actually kind of made him a celebrity he advertises for dog food brands so the next couple are kind of a hodgepodge but i'm obviously going to explain why i choose who i choose there's four people coming up here that are very powerful in separate ways those people are nedji hinata sai and shino you can make an argument for any four of these people at any four of these locations but i'm gonna be ranking them based off who would walk out of a fight alive if these people fought and conventional knowledge would tell you that shino is probably the weakest of these four but his abilities are easily the most promising in terms of straight up murdering somebody else so i have to ironically put the person who is an actual trained assassin in fourth place with psy i'm not saying psy is an incredibly powerful he is very powerful but the rest of this list is stronger tai is a root trained ombu member he is incredibly powerful he was chosen and trained by danzo he's killed thousands of people he's also stated to be the strongest route member of his generation as a member of the route he had to get incredibly trained in kenjutsu aka sword fighting hindo believed he trained him so well that he sent sai alone to kill sasuke didn't work but he sent him god i wish it did work though so i can use earth fire water and yang release near something you probably didn't know you know that ability that shifts we had that everyone was like oh my god he's got the body flicker technique he's so powerful psy can do that as well in fact psy can add his ink to the body flecker technique in order to more effectively cover up who's the after image and who's the real image since we're talking about size ink let's talk about his painting ability super beast scroll is size ability to essentially painted animal or a human or anything really and bring it to life this is an earth and yang release combat so i can draw tigers to attack his enemy draw a bird to fly on and this is an incredibly versatile ability i mean think about it birds for transportation tigers for attack snakes to restrain enemies mice for reconnaissance he has the power of the entire animal kingdom on his side he can also turn words into small animals so they fly to their target and splash onto a page and read a message that is completely concealed to people whose side doesn't want seeing and if this doesn't work psy can recreate the benevolent kings who are so powerful they were able to destroy tatora's birds and because he was trained by donzo he had to be trained in fuen jutsu also known as ceiling jutsu so when sai draws a particularly large tiger he can use his ability tiger vision staring bullet in order to bite people claw in and pull them into his scroll it's actually one of the most powerful ceiling jutsu's in the entirety of naruto but where psy slips up is his ability to instant kill yes his tigers and his birds are very powerful but they explode on impact if you get a good hit on one of his tigers it just explodes into ink that doesn't mean it can't rip your throat out if it doesn't get its claws around you but it's easy to defuse don't get me wrong his thai jutsu and his kenjutsu more than make up for this he's one of the most proficient users of those two things in the entire show but he doesn't have the hacks other people on this list have like our next entry on the list china like i said before shino is most likely weaker than psy by a not small margin but there is few people in naruto who can kill as proficiently as sheena one we've never seen him lose a fight two he could have access to more bugs if he wanted to but he chooses not to because he doesn't like what they represent three if he had joined the route like donzo wanted him to he would have been the strongest ever member much stronger than psy i mean think about the fact that he beat torun abarami by the way a reincarnated torun abarame in a fight in the war harun abrame was donzo's right-hand man the personal favorite of the worst man in the entire show of naruto because he was so proficient in his assassination ability torun could use the ring kaichu which is a microscopic bug that is only given to select members of the aburami clan when the certain opera may clan members decides to use this bug the microscopic bugs flood to their skin making their skin purple but here's the thing there's a reason only select avarami clan members are allowed to use these bugs it's because if while this mode is activated that abrami clan member touches anybody with any part of their skin wherever they touched on another human begins to melt shino was actually chosen to receive these bugs but didn't want to take them because he didn't like how violence they were and shino beat taurune who was using these bugs so let's talk about the bugs that he can use chino has a bug called the bikochu which has a better nose than all ninja dogs this bug can track ascent from across a country he has his bugs the key kite shoe which he uses to extend into fists or make walls or jam up conquerors puppets these bugs reproduce in 20 minutes so he can use them in mass volumes and never worry about them running out but he also has the kidaiju which is a bug that lives inside of him that he has to feed a certain amount of chakra and if he doesn't feed that bug the right amount of chakra it will grow and grow and grow until it explodes out of him at the sides of a boulder if he puts that bug inside of you you have no idea how much chakra to feed that bug and it will grow and destroy you this is what he did to one of the ten tails wood clones it's also massively implied in boroto that shino has access to the kochu the kochu is the bug that killed shishwii this bug is smaller than a mosquito but packs the same amount of poison as a viper one bites you it paralyzes you and then it slowly poisons you until you die a painful death oh and the worst part is after you die the poison disappears from your body no wonder donzo wanted the abarame and if you thought psy's ability to make mice for reconnaissance was impressive what about the fact that shino can make a bug do it that is much harder to see than a black and white mouse we saw in borto that chino was essentially able to go one on one against mitsuki in snake sage mode and it's heavily implied that shino could have easily killed mitsuki but he didn't choose to use his most poisonous in lethal bugs but you put shino in a fight to his death against psy and i think she now walks out of that but i couldn't in good conscience put chino above the next two on this list the first of which being hinata yeah hinata is stronger than both sai and shino i know feels weird right here's how strong hinata is she's been a housewife for about 10 years which means she has been out of active combat for 10 years kanabi her little sister an active jonine who's trying to be the next huge clan head surprise attacked her after she's been out of combat for 10 years and he's not a one in the anime hinata seemed to train her abilities to such a degree that she actually learns an ability to make needles out of water to shoot at enemies these are essentially created senbonn through her jutsu and by the time the war comes around her chakra control is so impressive it's actually considered to be medical ninja level oh and also hamura decided she was the princess of the biakugan and gave her what was left of his chakra yeah remember how naruto has sage of six paths chakra hinata has the opposite she has homurus chakra if hinata has hamura's chakra and naruto has hagoromo's chakra wouldn't it stand to reason that just like when you combined indra and asura's chakra you get hagaromo's chakra when you combine hammer and hagar on most chakra you would get kaguya and hinata has had two of naruto's children so she almost definitely has combined cells with him if you don't understand that i'm not explaining it would it be her or borto or himawari i don't i don't know regardless the reason that homura chose her as the princess of the biaga gun is because she's one of the most talented users of it ever just like with any biakugan user hinata can see in 360 degrees but she has a special ability if she focuses her vision in one spot she can see 20 kilometers away in the anime inata can see infrared yeah she can just scan for heat signatures and just like any other user of the yakugan she can use gentle fist and while initially in naruto she wasn't very good at it by the war she has completely mastered it so much to a degree that she made a new gentlefest ability that had never been created before in fact she is the second youngest person ever to make a jutsu the first youngest being kakashi hinata created gentle step dual lion fists which acts much just like a regular fist in a gentle step users kind of technique but when the user hits a target with their fist it drains the target of chakra in naruto the last we actually see her power up this ability with homura's chakra let's say you're not within her reach she has mastered the ability called vacuum palm which allows her to shoot concentrated gusts of air to deflect projectiles or push people back like all mighty push but unfortunately for her she is not the most powerful user of the biakugan on this list no that spot is reserved for our favorite pencil holder nettie now i'm mostly scaling off potential here because you could very much make the argument that pikinata is close to if not stronger than neji but our boy chose to be a pin cushion before he reached his true peak potential so i'm gonna have to give it to him and i mean who are we kidding nedji was a genius as a member of the side family now she's actually technically not allowed to learn any of the clan's advanced techniques things like rotation 128 palms he wasn't allowed to learn though so he just watched main branch users use these abilities and based off observation alone he was able to teach himself all of these techniques to put that into perspective rotation requires that you release chakra from all 361 of your tenketsu spots simultaneously and then spin at 750 miles an hour he just saw somebody do that and picked it up in fact hayashi hinata's father thought neji would surpass all other hyugas ever and neji's promise didn't stop after naruto just because he stopped showing up during the time skip negi was the only person of the kona ha 13 that was promoted to joni and on top of the biaku gone and gentle fist he could also use fire earth and water releases i mean neji at age 13 killed a member of the sound village 4 by sending chakra down a line negi was able to control chakra so incredibly well that he was able to send such disruptive chakra down this spider webbing to his opponent that it killed them it killed them by shutting down all 361 of their 10 katsu points simultaneously also at this young age he could use eight trigrams 128 palms which has him moving so fast that the things around him appear to have stopped in time let's say 128 palms isn't enough to stop all the incoming projectiles that's where rotation came in eight trigrams palm revolving heaven is considered the perfect technique it was created to protect hugos from their blind spot above their second vertebrae but here's the thing if neji couldn't get to rotate in order to use rotation he could use his ten ketsu's points other ways neji could shoot chakra from individual tenketsu points in order to free himself from any situation apply this to other world circumstances like let's say you throw a kunai and it's coming right here neji could shoot chakra from this point in order to deflect that kuna let's say he doesn't want to do that just like hinata he could also use vacuum palm so yes by the war arc neji and hinata were similarly powered but nedji had done more over the course of his career and if he had gone on to live as long as hinata has gone on to live he probably wouldn't be a house father so he would be much stronger than hinata is that being said him and ten-ten would have had some pretty powerful kids and i know you're saying you probably believe that the hugo members should be higher up on the list because the hugos are called the strongest clan in the leaf right that's honestly just because of numbers hyugas are taijutsu masters and that's about it unfortunately there is plenty of people on the naruto verse who could just keep the hyugas at a distance and defeat them if they can't get to your 10 quetzal points that's pretty much ggs that's enough with a pencil holder let's talk about somebody who isn't dead choji choji is very powerful actually naruto in boruto says that choji is the physically strongest person in the leaf koji when he was younger had to use the tri-colored pills in order to awaken to the butterfly mode but he can now do it on command and for a super in-depth explanation about the tri-colored pills in butterfly mode i covered the akamichi's in depth right here but i'll give you a brief synopsis tri-colored pills are essentially like the eight gates you eat them you get stronger but if you eat too many you die but butterfly mode is what happens when an akamichi member burns so much of their fat they make super concentrated chakra in their body this chakra is so concentrated it actually seeps out from their spine but when it hits their shoulder blades it shoots out into a butterfly-like formation choji is able to use this mode to handily beat gerobo in the sasuke retrieval arc and the hits just kind of keep rolling for choji after that in fact in the work he defeats hazashi hugo neji's father and reincarnated kakuzo you know the guy they needed kakashi and naruto to kill the first time the guy who fought hashirama and lived yeah him but also gave him infinite chakra in the ability to regenerate at any given moment obviously most of choji's strength comes from his partial and or full body expansion jutsu he can use this jutsu to make himself big or any shape really like when he uses human tank bullet jutsu which makes him a big ball that he can wrap his own hair around because the jutsu also applies to his hair and make that hair spikes much like daria this makes him a big old ball of kill but his true strength lies in his ability to just become massive because choji is said to be able to get the size of a mountain at the speed of lightning this is kind of like the colossal titan except the colossal titan is only 80 meters tall choji is well above that i don't know how far well above because it just says the size of a mountain but mountains are many sizes so let's assume 4 000 feet but choji can stack this massive state on top of butterfly mode where he can then use the chakra in these wings to focus on his punches and deliver devastating blows in fact he's so effective at this that him and his father fight the ghetto statue which is the husk of the ten tales i mean they lose but anybody else prior to this list would have lost much faster on top of this yang release partial expanse in jutsu he can also use earth and fire releases be careful who you judge based on looks but choju wouldn't stand much of a chance against the next person on our list brock lee and i know i said earlier that the hyukas were not that high on the list because all they could use was taijutsu but what rock lee does is in thai jutsu i mean let's remember rock lee in naruto for a second he almost beat gaura in a fight ingara destroyed half of konoha he beat sasuke in a fight was a natural-born prodigy and he basically beat kimimaru in a fight who was hirochimaru's perfect vessel in the last member of the kaguya clan i mean broccoli is so fast in naruto that when he was fighting sasuke sasuke could predict his moves with the sharingan but his body wasn't fast enough to move away from the moves brock lee was faster than gara's perfect sand defense and heaven forbid you get some sake in him and he starts using drunk in fist his moves become so unpredictable he's basically impossible to fight all of this power is achieved through incredible training and also the eight gates at 12 years old rockley could open five of the eighth gates by the time he turned 17 he could open six and by the time the war arc rolled around he could open the seventh which means he can open the eighth he just hasn't done it yet i mean in the sixth gate brock lee is so fast he was able to save kakashi from a truth seeker orb which are so fast obito couldn't use kamui to get away from them this is obito the guy who used kamui on minito to avoid his attacks and minotaur was known as the yellow flash i mean by the time that naruto the last came around brockley was able to kick a meteor in half there's really no reason to assume that he is any weaker than mike guy who was able to almost kill moderate but let's talk about somebody who could actually kill moderate right now sakura yes orato sakura would kill jubidara i have done an entire video about how strong sakura is that you can find right here but i'll talk in generalities for the moment sakura's chakra control is so precise she can apply chakra to her hand in order to catch ninjutsu and throw it back this is very similar to the rinigon's ability to pull in jutsu and shoot it back except she doesn't need a dojutsu she's just that talented but let's say she doesn't have time to catch it and you're about to land a fatal strike on her she can send chakra to where you're about to strike in order to nullify your attack her chakra control is so impressive she can feed chakra into a building and map out the entire thing she can find traps people hidden rooms her hundred healing seals her biakia seal actually stores more chakra than tsunades and while tsunade was able to use it to heal from death a hundred times over sakura doesn't use any of the chakra in her biakia seal in order to make herself look young so she could heal more than a hundred times she has killed a nine tails jin jerky she went toe to toe with shin uchiha who had a monkey kill sharon gone in like 17 other regular ones oh and by the way shinochiha had so much chakra he didn't have to turn off any of these sharingans chinuchiha is absolutely a pre-reincarnated modera-level threat and sakura was able to run the ones with him oh let's not forget the fact that she is entirely resistant to genjutsu her chakra control is so insane she can disrupt her chakra at any given hint of her being under genjutsu owen she can also summon lady kazio the strongest of the legendary sawneen summons a summon so large that tsunade and sakura when they both had their biaquis seals activated could only summon 70 percent of he summoned so powerful it was able to heal most of konoha simultaneously that's enough about sakura right let's talk about her husband the reason that i'm calling it the konoha 13 because sai and sasuke are both on the list i'm scaling to pre-nerf for everybody on this list so in this circumstance sasuke stills is running gone naruto does kurama we're to start with sasuke he has every chakra nature but yang and only decides to use lightning guess he uses fire sometimes moderate states that he would have chosen sasuke over obito as an apprentice if sasuke was alive when he had the choice with one arm he was able to box with kenshiki otozuki in a kenjutsu match while kinshiki was a lower ranking otozuki that is still insane and with the help of naruto he was able to kill a fused momoshiki he has eternal mangikyo sharon gone from the eyes he stole from hitachi the eyes that itachi gave him considering the fact that hitachi wasn't fighting sasuke to kill him hitachi was only fighting him to pull hiroshima out of him and his two eyes abilities are amaterasu which is a black flame that if it hits you you burn forever until you die or until the user releases it and kagatsushi which allows him to control the shape of this black flame allowing him to apply it to swords his hand whatever but since we were talking about orochimaru he also has a curse seal for the majority of the time and this curse seal allows him to pull in senjutsu chakra effectively making him a sage that he can then use to replace his depleted chakra and in his curse seal second form he grows two hand wings that he can use to fly and anything you cut off him i.e the hand wings he can replace with snakes well let's not forget his most important power-up in the war hugger almost slapped a rinnie sharon gone into his face nick it's not a rinnie sharingan it's a six tomaher winning gun i know nobody finds you correcting people saying renee sharing gone sexy okay and this sixth houmay rinnegan gives him all of the abilities of nagato which he could have used to bring nedji back to life but we won't talk about that he could also use it to instantly grow a new mechanized arm but also won't talk about that he also had unique runny gun abilities like heavenly hand power where he can switch the locations of things with semi-equal masses he can switch his body with a sword he can switch an enemy with a friend it's an ability that ashiki really didn't like he can also open space-time portals that allow him to travel between dimensions and hypothetically he can use limbo clones but we don't know for sure but what we do know is he can use his renigon to see invisible objects like limbo clones or like hagia traveling between dimensions and if none of that is enough he also has his susano which is a perfect susano so it can fly susano is actually very versatile he can wield swords or a bow his is the only susano we've ever seen with the ability to switch weapons those weapons aren't as powerful as people like hitachi's and is that enough can we can we move on please because the last person on the list you guessed it it's it's it's 10 10 obviously kidding it's obviously an article naruto has every single chakra release yin yang and yin yang yang because naruto has yin yang released that means he could hypothetically combined basic nature chakra releases in order to create keke genkai like how muwegi in the most recent data book is said to be able to create wood release by combining water in earth chakra releases but naruto also has a hashirama cell arm which should make him able to use wood release but let's not talk about things he can't do quite yet let's talk about things he can do he can use boil release lava release and magnet release because he had every single tail beast pulled into him at one point and all of those tail beasts either have some chakra left in him or liked him so much that they just granted them their keke gankai we know this because in porto naruto uses a lava release ross and shuriken but since we're talking about the tail beast let's talk about the tail beast that naruto has kurama brahma is stronger than all the other tailed beasts combined and because of that naruto is able to use a mold with karama that is called baryon mode where naruto and karama collide their chakra into each other to make a new form of energy a form of energy so powerful that naruto was able to box with a literal god in ishiki and since they are destroying chakra in order to make this mode and all chakra is created if naruto hits somebody with this mode activated it shortens their lifespan outside of that he's a perfect sage so at any point he can have a shadow clone somewhere collecting nature energy and he can have that shadow clone explode and simply send him all that senju to chakra this gives him an almost limitless access to chakra on top of the fact that he's a half uzumaki and has more chakra than almost anyone else in history outside of hashirama who quipped that when naruto had put a gin cloak on every single person in the shinobi alliance that that was about as much chakra as hashirama had look at this little idiot not to mention the fact that because naruto has gin yang release and you can combine basic chakra natures when you have yin yang release he could also technically use dust release which is a keke toda and is the combination of earth wind and fire we haven't even mentioned the fact that he has sage of six paths chakra which by the way he still has access to which is like a whole nother reserve of chakra that refills after he uses it that substantially increases his speed dexterity agility power all of these things he's the main character for a reason that's it that's the konohoth13 i hope you guys enjoyed this little i guess power scaling video if you disagree with my takes that's fine it's okay to be wrong but agree or disagree please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell baby listen i'm not saying the 1010 is the biggest waste of potential in the history of naruto but you make a woman who can wield the strongest weapons in her verse and she just ends up running a failing weapons business [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 937,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, anime, boruto, ranked, ranking naruto, power scaling, konoha 13, sasuke, shikamaru, ino, choji, shino, uchiha, uzumaki, aburame, kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, Konoha 12, Konoha, Ten ten, Kiba
Id: QxNlFEmhEe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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