The WORST Village in Naruto?!

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so on this page we've talked a lot about what we believe is the strongest village in the naruto universe we've said it was the village hidden in the leaves or the village hidden in the clouds depending on how you look at it and while that's all well and good and you can decide well maybe i'd want to live in the hidden clouds if i was in the naruto verse or the hidden leaf because they're the strongest and safest villages but where would you not want to live where is the weakest village in naruto well the weakest ninja village that is i could go on and on about how the land of hot water is the weakest country in the entire naruto verse but that's not an interesting video no today we are talking the weakest ninja village in naruto and the answer might actually surprise you but before we get to talking about anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell and if you're looking for more nc hammer 23 content guys pop on over to my other page ncgamer23 where i play video games we're gaining about 100 subscribers a day over there we are on our way to being the biggest gaming page on youtube so get there early i guess so there's a lot of ways to gauge strength in the naruto universe and both my why konoha is the strongest village and is konoha the strongest village videos i talked about how different factors play into a village's strength these factors begin all the way back from when the village was incepted to now present day so i'm not just talking how many soldiers you can mobilize i'm talking how is the strength of your agriculture how strong is your economy and yes how many soldiers can you mobilize so without further ado what is the weakest village in naruto well unfortunately for yogara fans out there it's the hidden sand now this might seem wild to you because the hidden sand are the antagonists of a large part of naruto and they had konoha on their back heels for a little while there on top of that the sand siblings gara tamari and conquero are very strong so how is a nation with three of the strongest characters in the entire show the weakest nation well let's start these videos off the way that we tend to start these videos off and talk about the beginning the village hidden in the sand actually has a pretty well documented beginning you see after the warring states period ended in hashirama and matara decided to shake hands and create konoha it put other ninjas into a bind now two of the strongest clans on earth have come together to form an alliance meaning that hypothetically if we do not band together and create villages of our own we will get crushed and that was actually exactly what matara wanted to do after forming this alliance with hashirama so the formation of the four other major ninja villages was purely defensive but the formation of the hidden sand village was arguably the hardest to pull off you see the land of wind is all desert and during the warring states period there was just nomadic clans that wandered around the land of wind and they were ninjas you see the land of wind is so large and so splayed out that ninjas often wouldn't bump into each other there wasn't a lot of infighting there wasn't wars in the land of wind like there was between hashirama and matara's respective clans but because of this there was also no alliances no allegiances there was just kind of ninjas spread about an entire country but with this kind of freedom also creates a kind of person who doesn't want to bow down to others why should i join up with you what if you take the charge this is actually where our first person of import comes in retto the first kazekage siredo was dauntingly powerful he came from an era where shinobis were forged in the flame of battle and was still a cut above you see it stated in his data book entry that he used his overwhelming power to gather the desert dwelling shinobi of the land of wind essentially he demonstrated to all the people of the land to wind that his power was so significant that people should stand under him that under his rule that they would stand a chance against other shinobi villages if they came together now we don't know retto's abilities we just know that his power was strong enough to unify the entire country now that's a feat that's a bit easier than what hasherama or matara had to do in the land of fire but still very significant and while we don't know the feats that led up to retto becoming the first kaze kage after he became the first kazekage we have a very tangible feat that he pulled off you see when hagaromo made the nine-tailed beast out of the ten tails he put them in specific locations and in the land of wind he plays shukaku the one tails now say what you will about karama teasing shikaku for only having one tail and thus implying that shukaku is the weakest because of his one-tail status there is no actual lore in the naruto verse that says that tales relate to power outside of the fact that karama is the most powerful regardless shukaku is a very powerful entity an entity that reno caught see when the first ever five kage summit was held hashirama had captured eight of the nine-tailed beasts and he was offering to sell them to the other kage to promote peace kind of a mutually assured destruction approach but there was one problem ratto had already caught one of the tailed beasts so he didn't need hashirama's handout in fact he demanded that because he had caught his own tailed beast that he got a cut of every single one of the tail beast that hashirama sold on top of that he wanted part of the land of fires fertile land this is one of the most ridiculous asks in the history of business deals yes rheto caught a tailed beast congratulations you're talking to a guy who caught eight and once again we don't know reno's abilities and obviously hashirama's abilities are built exactly for capturing tail beasts would release suppresses tailbeast power so sure maybe retto was able to pure strength shukaku down into a seal or maybe he had help regardless just because you caught your own tail beast doesn't mean you should get a cut of mine just say you don't want to tail beasts and i won't sell you one but then again hashirama wasn't selling these tail beasts to make money he was selling them for peace and retto was basically saying well if you want me to be peaceful you're gonna have to pay me because i don't need what you're handing out breto actually makes a couple of good points here essentially saying that my country is entirely infertile we are a landlocked desert country which has no promises of agricultural advancement so please just give me fertile land and we'll be cool now hashirama essentially just says please can we all get along and i think reddo might actually back down we don't really see how the summit concludes okonawa didn't hand over any of that fertile land and none of the kage seemed like they wanted to hand over 30 duretta so maybe he just packed up and went home which is actually probably why we fell into the first great shinobi world war in the first place yes obviously hasherama was able to sell some of the tail beasts to the other nations but the hidden sand basically walked away with nothing and no incentive for peace into war could provide to them the fertile land that they need because i remind you of the land of land in the land of fire are right next to each other since we're talking about the land of wind just as a whole and not about the people that grew up in it let's talk about the land of wind for a second retto nailed it directly on the head the land of wind is an infertile hostile place to live it's a desert but retto also says something interesting during this five kage summit he calls the land of wind desert locked which i assume to be kind of close to land locked meaning that they do not have a coast or any access to water and here's thing that's kind of a weird point let's talk about it so on conventionally accepted naruto maps the back end of the land of wind is never seen it's because almost every single map that we get is just a square so we see the part of the land to wind that leads to konoha and the hidden stone because it's in the southwestern corner but it appears as though there's ocean to both the south and the west of the hidden sand but we don't see this ocean which makes me believe there might actually be more land behind the hidden sand or that the hidden sand doesn't have access to the ocean in one way or another which would really take the only saving grace for either their economy or their agricultural systems away from them so as a country you're a desert with no water and no ocean and on top of that to your north is the hidden stone into your east is the hidden fire now the hidden stone is one of the few villages we really haven't covered in depth yet but the hidden stone out of all the villages in naruto has the largest standing army and while very few ninjas of true regard have spun out of the hidden stone they are still a very formidable and offensively minded nation you see the hidden stone is fundamental in basically any shinobi great war and then to your east you have the hidden leaf which just flaunting all its fertile land around and is also probably the strongest village out there especially in the era of reno so you're not strong enough to expand because you can't increase your military might because you don't have the economic or agricultural means to do so so what do you do well you can still try and that's what they did fortunately the one thing that the hidden sand has going for it is that it is located in a desert and therefore is very hard to attack it is very hard to march an army of people not used to a desert across a desert not to mention that the hidden sand itself is actually stuck between two very large cliffs and the only way to get in is a tight tunnel so it's almost impossible to attack from the ground so the hidden sand could launch offensive campaigns and not worry about having them come back at them which is more likely than not what happened during the first great shinobi world war see we don't really know what happened during the first great shinobi world war you know the hidden stone and the hidden mist were in a battle and we know the hidden cloud and konoha were in a battle it's somewhat implied that the hidden stone and the hidden sand were in a battle because the hidden stone and hidden sand have hated each other forever and the hidden stone and the hidden sand had documented skirmishes that led up to the first creation of the world war so to assume that they made it official during the first grade shinobi world war is not the craziest assumption of all time especially when you consider the fact that retto almost definitely died during the first shinobi world war how do we know this well we don't technically but we do know a couple of things that lead us in that direction see there's a curse on the kaze kage not only are they cursed to lead the weakest village which has no agricultural economic means of its own they are all cursed to die at the blade of an assassin as to why i don't know maybe because they treated shukaku so poorly but we know for sure that both the third and the fourth kaze kages were assassinated and it stated several times that all kazekages had been assassinated implying that both the first and the second were then you take into account the fact that rasa the fourth kazakh and also ghara's father was in charge of the hidden sand by the time the third great shinobi world war came afoot which would mean that both the second and the third kazakhs would have to have ruled and died before the third great shinobi world war which gives us about 30 years so my personal head canon is that after the hidden sand realized that this war was draining what few resources they had they decided the one person who's probably the reason that this war started because of his refusal to join the peace treaty should probably go and thus he was assassinated and the hidden sand withdrew from the first great shinobi world war but here's the thing your leaders dying left right and center to assassins is also not great for building the strength of a village think of the turmoil that konoha was tossed into when hirozin was killed by orochimaru hell think of the turmoil that happened when tsunade fell into a coma being a major village with a power vacuum is a big deal and when it's the standard amongst those who lead you that's not good but if there was one person who did succeed in bringing a little bit of stability to the hidden sand it was the second kazekage you see the second kazekage focused on what he believed was important military might shimon the second kazekage realized we're probably not going to be selling crops or any major exports and thus we have to focus on one thing in one thing alone shinobi missions you see smaller villages will contract ninja villages to complete shinobi missions and then that money gets re-funneled into the economy of the shinobi village the only problem is you have to be able to do that work cheap and effectively and to offer cheap and effective labor you need strong shinobi and you also need a lot of shinobi you see the sand is not a populist region in the data books out of five its population is rated two the lowest out of the five major villages but then again its economy and its military are both rated twos as well also the lowest out of the five villages shamone wanted to fix this population issue and since they couldn't produce enough food to produce a bolstering population what he did was look into puppets you see there was a man in the hidden sand by the name of manzaimon chickamatsu the creator of puppetry within the ninja world and also a famous japanese playwright famous for his puppetry shimon saw manzaimanchikamatsu using his puppets to entertain the masses and found a way to apply that to military might essentially shamun figured that if you could have one ninja controlling 10 puppets he is now 10 shinobi this was actually incredibly effective so effective that an entire brigade called the puppet brigade was created and these puppeteers were able to stay off the front lines and have literal lifeless clones do all their battle for them this both increased military might and reduced casualties but this isn't all that shimon achieved shimon also started studying the jin cherokee that they had within the hidden sand you see since they caught shukaku he had been forced into ajin cherkey who had been forced into jail essentially both shukaku and his jin cherokee were forced inside of a teapot for the entirety of their existence fukaku was never treated well in the hin sand but shimon was interested in the abilities of shikaku specifically his magnet release so we actually created a team of scientists within the hidden sand to investigate chukaku's magnet release and surprisingly enough they were able to reverse engineer shukaku's magnet release by the time the third kaze kage came around yeah the third kazakage was not born with magnet release he figured it out by investigating shukaku and with that magna release he was able to control iron sand effectively making him the strongest kaze kage ever gara is stronger than him now but when they first said it he was in fact the strongest kazuka gay ever and for a while there things looked really good until the second great shinobi world war came around you see at this point the military might of the sand had increased exponentially the puppet brigade led by granny chu was one of the most effective killing machines ever created grenachio went head to head against hanzo the salamander and the hidden leaf and everybody basically inter myriad of poison knowledge that allowed her to extrapolate and create new poisons that were incurable on top of the fact that she had ten of monsaemon chickamatsu's best puppets of all time made her an unstoppable killing machine not to mention the fact that the hidden sand just became the first people on earth to reinvent a cacay gangkai things look good only problem is they got dragged into the second great shinobi world war and granny chio wasn't strong enough to defeat hanzo and all of her poisons kept getting countered by tsunade and all of the military my progress they had made seemed to get undone by villages making just as much progress as them imagine how aggravating that is you come from a deserted infertile land you have gone all in on military might and the best weapon you have granted you who is formidable as hell isn't enough to get you even the smallest bit of fertile land you lose to the small nation between you and the hidden fire and not to mention sokomo hatsuke is absolutely daring your country to shreds with the legendary sonian are in the hidden rain fighting hanzo the salamander sakamohatake kakashi's father is leading a offensive campaign in the hidden sand and it's coming quite well for him in fact it's going so well for him that this is where he earned his moniker the white fang do you remember how when those two hidden stone shinobi saw kakashi they were afraid that he was his father and they started to retreat because sakamoto had a run on site order yeah that's because he wasn't only in the hidden sand he also went to the hidden stone but how do we know that he was in the hidden sand well mostly the fact that he killed sorcery's parents who by the way were two incredibly strong shinobi so now not only has hidden sand failed to make any progress offensively defensively their line is falling apart as well and shimon dies how exactly we don't know but we know it's an assassin's blade i like to think that once again the village was not very happy that somebody who said we're gonna bolster the military might of our village and thus diverted resources away from everything else was now seeing absolutely no return on investment and in fact there's a guy out there with a chakra saber cutting down people's parrots and so they killed him in order to promote his bodyguard the guy who just reversed engineered the kekagenkai of shukaku and could now control iron sand so now your village which is already starting in a really rough spot has been on the losing side of two straight wars you've lost two leaders in about 20 years and you only have one tailed beast see this is the miscalculation that retto made by rejecting hashirama's offer for a tailed beast he didn't do a lot of math sure of course hashiram was only going to keep one tailed beast for himself but the miscalculation that retto made was assuming that hashirama wouldn't keep the strongest one and of course hashirama and tobirama knew which one was the strongest one because they a sorted them into strength and b hashrama fought them all so the hidden cloud ended up with two the hidden stone ended up with two the hidden mist ended up with two and yet hidden sand only had one on top of that your strongest shinobi is aging granny chew is in her 50s but hey at least you have sorcery you know that guy who just got trained by granny chihu he's your next generation right i mean he is a child genius so capable of creating new and inventive puppets there's no way he's not going to outshine granny chill one day and for a while this was absolutely the case sorcery is most likely the strongest puppet master of all time in fact he's so powerful that his defensive campaign in the third great shinobi world war earned him the nickname of sorcery of the red sand because he dyed the sand red with the enemy's blood he was able to make puppets so lifelike and so powerful that they seemed like they were humans and he could control a hundred of these humans at one time he was the perfect embodiment of what chamone wanted one man who could act has a hundred you know those super life-like puppets yeah that's cause they were once humans sorcery went so far as to make one of his best friends who died in a battle into a puppet and then when sorcery wanted a stronger puppet arguably the strongest puppet he kidnapped the third kazaikake well i should say he killed the third kaze kage and then he took his body but sorcery was so talented as a puppeteer he was able to give this puppet the iron sand ability a feat which is not talked about enough then of course you know he abandons the village so now the prodigy the grandchild of the strongest shinobi you had for generations has not only killed the third kazaikage but they've left not to mention that in the third great shinobi world war you were fighting an entirely defensive battle against the hidden stone and while you didn't necessarily lose anything because you had sorcery fighting for you you didn't gain anything well i guess you didn't lose land but you did lose one very important thing people again for the third war in a row for three wars now you have no spoils of war you have just lost shinobi and i don't know if you remember what i said earlier but in order to send your shinobi out on shinobi missions for smaller villages you need strong shinobi and a lot of them because of this shortage of manpower the hidden sand services got a bit more expensive and that's not good in fact their services got so much more expensive that the land of win daimio actually started outsourcing shinobi work to konoha you see konoha has a 5 in population according to the data book meaning their population is over double that of the hidden sand so even if the hidden sand shinobi were just as strong as those from konoha it would still be significantly cheaper to get them from konoha on top of that konawa is not that far from the hidden sand so economically it just made sense this is a massive problem for generations the hidden sand has been focusing on harnessing the power of its shinobi in order to get these missions and now being on the losing side of three straight wars they no longer have access to these missions they have no trade no agriculture and no missions effectively just creating a situation where they all just die in the desert fortunately the fourth kazekage rasa gara's father had a somewhat solution to this you see rasa just like the third kasikage whose name we do not know had magna release it's just something they can pass along now because they figured it out from shikaku arasa couldn't control iron sand no rasa can control golden sand which is not as powerful as iron sand it's more malleable less plentiful and i think less heavy it is however very good for sealing chukaku because gold is heavier than sand gold dust is also good for another thing filling your empty coffers ross has started to collect gold dust and sell it to other villages to make up for the economic losses of everything else but the village quickly started to realize that we couldn't rely on each other essentially the nomadic and individualistic ways of those who were brought to the hidden sand by reddo decades ago started to resurface people realized that the village wasn't providing for me so people started to realize it's better to focus on an individual strength as opposed to teamwork or a collaborative effort and nobody believed this more than rasa see rasa wanted his family to be the strongest rossi knew that in a society built out of people only looking to better themselves that those who were the strongest would rise to the top so rasa decided to seal shukaku in his youngest son see neither conqueror or tamari had the affinity for it realized that gara did so from the very second that garo was conceived rasa started to make him into the ultimate weapon in his mind think about it instead of focusing on something like a puppet brigade rasa was more worried about making one ultimate weapon one person who could keep everybody away from the village or push an offensive campaign forward because for decades focusing on a collaborative effort hadn't worked and if they were being real with themselves for decades they had been carried by one person it was manzaimanchikamatsu and then it was chio and then it was sorcery rasa realized that success had come through this lineage and decided to continue it himself but there is no promising puppeteers at least on sorcery's level so ajun cherokee was their only hope the only problem is that shukaku had been treated poorly by the hidden sand the entire time they had known each other so shukaku terrorized gara he wouldn't let gara sleep and if gaara did fall asleep he would take over gara's body and start terrorizing the hidden sand and this made sense for shikaku he had been sealed inside of a kettle for decades and as time marched on rasa started to realize that garu would never get shukaku under control so rasa determined to cut his losses ordered many assassinations on gaara all of which gara avoided and all of these assassinations actually taught gara how to control shukaku which apparently won daddy's love because rasa started calling off the assassinations and boom finally an ultimate weapon that is loyal to the hidden sand now it doesn't matter if we can't plant plants or ship goods we have somebody who we can use to take other people's stuff and 12 years later they were finally presented with an opportunity to do just that you see rochamara approached the hidden sand and specifically rasa and was essentially like yo we should take over konawa you guys have been trying to take over konawa literally since it was formed so if you help me take over kona hall i'll give you some land and then boom you don't even have to focus on using gara so heavily and so they send gar to the tuning exams to basically destroy konoha from the inside out and things are looking like really good you know until roche maro kills rasa so that he can impersonate him to get close to heroes in to kill harrison or for four so now the hidden sand has launched an offensive campaign against the strongest village on earth and sent their perfect weapon to this village and the perfect weapon lost and we've also lost our fourth cause kage to an assassin's blade and we quite literally have nobody to fill rasa's role not to mention the literal thousands of hidden sanshinobi who died in the konoha crush arc i think mike guy and kakashi alone are responsible for killing like close to a hundred of them so once again on the losing side of a war effort they kind of have to return to the hidden sand with their tails between their legs fortunately they can play the card that their kazikage had been assassinated and that they were misled into this konoha crush even though it's not really true because ross is not assassinated until much later on in the arc like they still very much agreed to invade konoha it was always really weird to me that they just let them get away with that but how much worse could things get right i mean we're not going to put a 13 year old in charge or anything oh they did that didn't they obviously gaura got talked no jutsu into being a good guy and was actually able to turn the hidden sand village around a little bit gar started to reverse the ideology of the hidden sand essentially he emphasized focused on growing together instead of individual and he uses ideology to improve the strength of the hidden sand a little bit but then you know two and a half years after the kona crush arc he gets abducted by data and then he gets killed and obviously comes back and he leads the allied shinobi forces and all of that and it's super duper cute but all of the problems of the hidden sand still persist even though gaara is the kazekage even now in boruto they don't have a thriving economic system they haven't found a way to establish agricultural practices they still only have one tail beast and actually at the current moment that tailed beast lives with naruto at the end of the mitsuki retrieval arc they actually send shukaku out of the hidden sand to live in konoha which means that the hin sand has effectively zero-tailed beasts especially when you subscribe to the theory that the one-tailed shukaku is going to go into himawari at least i hope man please just give her something truly the only silver lining for the hidden sand is their upcoming crop of shinobi specifically shinki gara adopted a child who had magnet release specifically the magnet released at the third kaze kage is able to control iron sand and is the clear-cut winner for next kaze kage but that doesn't really mean anything the hidden cloud has made cannons that can shoot the moon we learned that naruto the last that the hidden cloud has focused on weapons research in the time of peace in order to make massive chakra cannons konoha has become the tech capital of the world the hidden mist is now a popular tourist destination and just all-around nice place to be enoki did incredible scientific research in the hidden stone that allowed him to essentially recreate himself and that self can use particle release better than he ever could but what is the hidden sand accomplished in this next generation there's a train that runs from the hidden sand to konohan now that was built by the thunder rail company which belongs to konawa i think the hidden sand tells an interesting story a story that lies at the base of basically all naruto stories the hidden sand tells the story that the subject of your birth can very much decide who you become in your life but only if you let it if reto accepted hashirama's deal for peace and took one of the tailed beasts maybe the first shinobi world war wouldn't have happened maybe retto wouldn't have been assassinated maybe they could have used those two-tailed beasts to launch a more effective battle against konoha or the hidden stone maybe in that era of peace they could have focused on agricultural advances or establishing technological dominance hell you had the scientific prowess to backwards engineer or kk genkai that you could then apply to some of the strongest people in your village you made a puppeteer brigade why didn't you make a magnet release brigade the story of the hidden sand tells a story of dissension and distrust how individualistic natures will never get you far and that ultimately you need to rely on those around you if you ever want to establish true might and true glory in this world an army of one is just an outing and while we've seen one man armies in naruto like minito these are people who in their final moments have needed those around them in order to achieve what they need in their life most minotau died with his wife's arms around his waist as she helped him seal the thing that was going to destroy their village together the third raikage fought off ten thousand men for three days straight so his army could make it back to their village collaboration and cooperation is one of those important themes throughout all of naruto and maybe the denial of this cooperation and collaboration and instead focusing on individualistic desires is the curse that plagued the kazekage because every single one of them died alone until one of them realized that they needed the people around them but then again what do i know it's just something to think on what do you guys think why do you think the kaze kage have all been assassinated tell me in the comments below and while you're there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noted bell here's my thing about magnet release okay obviously iron sand and gold sand that makes sense both of those things are magnetic how does magnet release attract sand [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 381,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, gaara, kankuro, sasori, hidden sand village, granny chiyo, shinobi world war, kazekage, rasa, puppet masters, magnet release
Id: TmP-1dX8AUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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