Minecraft's Exploration Problem

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the year was 2016 Donald Trump was just elected to office harambe had been shot to death but most importantly a new Minecraft update was on the horizon 1.11 the exploration update with Minecraft at the lowest it's ever been this update had the potential to turn things around in an instant and the only thing they decided to add was Woodland Mansions that's it Woodland Mansions are easily the worst structure in the entire game and for three main reasons one they're extremely hard to get to to find one you have to go to a village level up different cartographers until one sells you a woodland Explorer map buy it travel thousands of blocks until you get to the right location and then you can go inside the Mansion two they're extremely challenging to Traverse Mansions are a Labyrinth of rooms tunnels and secret passageways you can't just go inside and loot the place you have to burn the entire thing down just to get to any of the chests and speaking of chests there's issue number three they have nothing in them manions have no good loot no helpful features nothing before 1.14 you could at least get tonos of UND dying from the evoker but now that you can get them from raids instead there's literally no reason to go to a mansion unless you want the one specific Armature but let's face it nobody wants to weigh this [ __ ] the Woodland Mansion is just a small part of the wider problem with Minecraft's exploration system from structures to biomes those stupid ass desert Wells that do absolutely nothing there are so many great locations in this game that have just been forgotten about I remember when I would love to go out and explore but nowadays it just doesn't feel the same then again since that point we've survived a worldwide plague housing prices have more than doubled and we've all aged 10 years but come on why do things feel so different the point is exploration can be so much much more than it is now even though there's a ton of problems holding it back and even though the housing market is about to crash we can make it live up to its full potential as a core part of the game this is Minecraft's exploration problem and how to solve it oh [ __ ] come on there we go let's say you're on an [Applause] [Music] expedition climbing harrowing terrain and fighting dangerous mobs all to reach your final destination the ancient city it's the most dangerous area in the entire game covered in darkness and crawling with skull sensors ready to alert your presence to Minecraft's deadliest enemy the warden you Tre carefully making sure to stay quiet when suddenly a skeleton shoots you from behind skull sensors activate and the warden erupts out of the ground ready to destroy you in one fatal blow you inun as fast as you can looking for anything you can grab before you're forced to escape and right before the warden catches you you spot it One Singular chest with everything at stake you race towards the chest open it and you got to be kidding me bro ancient cities were added in the wild update also known as caves and cliffs part three and despite being added 2 years late they have a lot of things going for them they're interesting exciting and most importantly dangerous in an age where Minecraft continues to get easier ancient cities offer a challenge that you can't find anywhere else they also have the worst loot in the entire game to illustrate my point I'm going to read out every single item that could be found in an ancient city here we go coal bone Soul torch potion of regeneration amethyst skull that one stupid ass music disc that sounds like a broken washing machine glowberries book bottle of enchanting skull sensor iron leggings skull Catalyst Compass lead damaged enchanted diamond hoe Jesus Christ this sucks more music discs name tags s Diamond horse armor diamond leggings this would be fine if it wasn't the only type of armor that spawns here there's literally nothing else just pants Ward armor trim silence armor trim and finally enchanted golden apples which would be useful if the warden didn't already on-shot you in full netherite armor but you're probably asking yourself right now jet how could you have forgotten to talk about the recovery Compass it's the most useful item the ancient city has to offer allowing you to easily locate your items when you die the recovery cup is sucks ass like that guy said it points to your last death location which is is admittedly a very useful feature the only problem is it's kept in the ancient city which we've already established as the most dangerous location in the entire game if you're able to get it you're most likely a pretty skilled player meaning you're not going to die too often but the players who do die often aren't experienced enough to Traverse through the ancient city which is where the problem is those who can get to the compass don't need it since they're already skilled enough to obtain it and those who aren't skilled enough to obtain it are the ones who actually need it but they can't get to it because they're not skilled enough but if they get skilled enough they don't need the compass anymore because they're not going to die so what's the point of going there at all dude it's a Minecraft item who cares I care they really got to take these guns away from me ancient cities are a perfect example of our first exploration issue risk versus reward for any structure to feel balanced there needs to be an equal level of each too much risk and too little reward and you'll end up with the ancient city incredibly difficult to navigate but with no reward for those who do too little risk and too much reward and you'll end up with something like end cities they're home to some of the most powerful items in the game but only guarded by a bunch of purple cubes look at them they're not going to do anything I'm going to save that issue for a different any related video but as far as the ancient cities go I think there's a few things we can do to drastically improve them when creating any structure you want to ask three questions one what challenge should it give the player two what stage of the game should it inhabit and three what reward does it offer the ancient city already has the challenge part down I don't think we need to make it any hard but the second question is still up for debate what stage of the game should it inhabit when should the average player visit an ancient city well since the warden is probably the most dangerous bomb in the entire game I would argue you should visit it during the late game probably sometime after you've defeated the Ender Dragon so to make sure it's locked to that stage of the game we're going to introduce the abyss Explorer map it gives you the exact location of one of these ancient cities and just like the other Explorer Maps can be purchased from a cartographer Village but here's the twist he'll only be able to give you that trade after the Ender Dragon has been defeated this ensures that players can only find an ancient city after they beat the dragon making its place in Minecraft's progression a lot more straightforward but then again there's always the chance that someone just stumbles upon one by accident so to solve that problem I came up with a genius idea we made them a little bit rarer I could come up with a better solution but I've been making this video for 6 months and I just want to be done with a man so that's the second one down but there's still one more question we need to answer what reward does it offer why should I go through all this trouble to find an ancient city what greater purpose do they serve well let's ask ourselves what are late game Minecraft players always in need of that's right a girl girl experience points think about it the first thing we all do after beating the Ender Dragon is build a hyper efficient Enderman Farm to enchant all our items an obviously intentional mechanic carefully implemented by the Mojang developers so to Aid Us in this Noble grind of obtaining unnecessarily powerful armor we're going to introduce a form of XP storage meet the skull file it's crafted with seven Echo shards and can hold up to 1,395 experience points which equates to exactly 30 Levels by shift right clicking you can instantly store any amount of XP you want throw it in a chest and save it for later but if you pick it up and drink it that stored XP is deposited directly back inside of you yeah we're going to need a better term for that not only is this cool as [ __ ] but it also makes sense for lore reasons since skull blocks are already capable of storing small amounts of XP this vile alone gives a whole new reason to visit an ancient city it offers something that'll be useful to the player for years to come and at least in my opinion is a fair reward for the risk of going there while we're here I'm going to tweak just a couple other things about the ancient city any Enchanted armor can now spawn in chests not just leggings I get what they were trying to do with the Swift sneak thing where it's like oh Swift sneak is put on leggings so so we only have leggings shut up okay just just put all the armor pieces there it makes so much more sense and we're going to remove the recovery compass from ancient cities and instead put it in the Woodland Mansion which we're also going to make three times more common you're welcome so there you go we've just taken the ancient city from one of the most useless structures in the entire game to one of the most useful but unfortunately for us this is just one structure in a sea of problems that we have yet to solve but first I have a very special announcement to make you may have noticed in the last few clips that the items I'm talking about are you know actually real I'm not just talking out of my ass anymore and that's because I've decided to code them into my very own mod that's right I've shipped 10 Taiwanese sweat shop workers directly to my house to code this mod from my basement it's available to download now on my patreon which is only8 bucks a month same price as Twitter blue yet somehow twice as many features it's genuinely a really high quality mod I spent a ton of time with the sweat shop the developers to ensure that this is the best mod it can possibly be so if you find any bugs while playing don't tell me cuz I'm not going to fix also if you don't have any money I guess that's okay too we're doing a raffle on my Discord next week for a few people to get the mod for free but with that out of the way let's get back to fixing Minecraft's exper all right you free get out of here what a horrible person time to go take some oil from Middle Eastern country Minecraft has an incredibly diverse world it's full of lush Greenery unique animals and interesting structures like those stupid godamn desert Wells that just sit there for no reason most importantly it's full of biomes biomes are what piece the Minecraft world together giving it important variety and making it feel real the only problem is you never see them before making this video I started a new survival world just to refresh my myself on the single player experience I went mining built a house you know all the normal stuff you do in a Minecraft playthrough but after a few days of playing I realized something huge I had stayed in this planes biome for my entire playthrough no joke I literally went back and tracked how long I spent in each biome and found these results 57% of my time was spent in the original plains biome 38% of my time was spent underground in caves and this tiny sliver of colors right here is every other biome in the game in one single biome I had built my entire base gathered all of my materials and set myself up to survive for almost the entire playthrough however there is always the chance that I could just be stupid jet were you there on January 6th yes what is that by the way so to make sure my play style wasn't biased in any way I reran the trial with a few other players and got virtually the same results they spent the majority of their time in the first biome they spawned into only leaving it for very short time periods sometimes they left to gather specific materials other times to advance through the game but no matter what they always came straight back to spawn and when you look at how Minecraft is structured it's pretty clear why almost everything the player needs is found underground need ores for armor and tools go underground and mine for need an enchant table or lapis go underground and mine for it need obsidian to get to the nether go underground and mine for it caves are overflowing with useful items to the player whereas the surface has pretty much just two things food and wood which I already get every morning so it's not even that useful since most important items can be found underground players are obviously going to spend more time there and if every biome has the same underground they're never going to leave the one they spawned into opting instead to make one base at spawn and nothing else this is one of the biggest issues holding Minecraft's exploration back it's far too easy to get everything you need from one specific area trees and animals can be found almost anywhere every biome spawns the same amount of ores when every biome is functionally the same there's no reason to go out and find new ones resulting in players staying at spawn for their entire playthrough but don't worry because I have an amazing idea that can fix all of this we're going to add underground [Music] biomes [ __ ] was that yeah we already did that why are you at my house we added a few different cave variants but it didn't work for some reason yeah because they're all completely useless why the hell would anyone want to go out and find a dripstone cave that's a good point actually do you have any other ideas well you could make different amounts of each or spawn in certain biomes and deciding players to explore if they need more of a particular resource that would be too much work Jesus you really do suck at this why the hell would that be too much work your employees work more than 30 minutes today you're the biggest company in the figure it out the Badlands biome a Barren Wasteland full of nothing but terracotta and rolling tumble weeds or so it seems beneath the surface lies a gold mine like not a figurative gold mine like an actual just mine of gold the bad lands is one of only two biomes in the game that has its own unique ore distribution generating over three times more gold than any other area the second of these biomes is the mountains which is the only place you can find emeralds in their ore form now these two features aren't inherently very useful you're not going to be traveling out to a badlands biome for five extra gold ingots but in concept it's a very good way of introducing function to certain biomes let's say that you need a large amount of coal for a Pro you're doing and don't want to spend 40,000 years Gathering it all well instead of slaving a WI a strip mine directly underneath your base you could go out and find a desert biome deserts would now generate coal much more than other biomes giving you a convenient place to get bulk amounts of it this is because deserts are often sites of ancient ocean basins which one filled by surrounding rivers with sediments containing organic remains offer just the right conditions for oil and gas to form yeah I studied plate tectonics to find out which Minecraft biome was more likely to have coal I hate my life if certain biomes had higher levels of certain resources say it would make players want to go out and find them giving an incentive to explore rather than sit in one place and get all your resources from there copper could be more common in oceans because it forms on real life seaf floors diamonds could be more common in jungles because rainforests often hous precious gemstones and Birch forests could have more iron because they dirly needed they're about as useful as the winners of the last three M votes if you're curious here's how I mapped it out for every other biome in the game taking into account balancing realism and also just what I felt like fit but the good thing about this is we don't need to stop at ores either so certain biomes could spawn more of one type of animal individual crops could grow faster or slower mob drops could be more common there are literally infinite ways to differentiate these biomes and if Mojang were to add more attributes like this it would encourage exploration in all stages of the game but luckily for us they kind of already are in snapshot 23w 31a a big change was made to how librarian villagers operate before the update you would cycle through each book trade until you found the one you were after with each trade having an equal chance of appearing Ever After Mojang's changes each trade was now locked to a certain biome if you wanted efficiency you would have to find a villager from a desert biome and if you needed mending you would have to get a swamp villager they literally added diversity employment LS to Minecraft [ __ ] crazy on the surface this seems like a really good change it forces players to go out and get villagers from all sorts of biomes rather than just set up a full trading Hall and the one they spawned into but that being said it still has a couple issues for example how the hell is someone supposed to know which biomes they need to go to if a new player were to go and cycle a library Aran they're going to be pretty confused why the only two trades they're getting are Smite 4 and blast protection like yeah you could always just look it up but if we keep adding features that need a Wiki to be able to understand on a basic level we're just going to end up like Terraria where we have to go through six different web pages just to figure out how to craft the terrablade is this it oh yeah of course why why wouldn't it be that how could I have forgotten so here's a simple solution don't make trades exclusive to certain biomes simply make them more common in them imagine if in that desert idea from earlier IID made it that coal could only be found in the desert and nowhere else the player can't find a desert biome or if the only one is extremely far away it's going to be almost impossible for that player to get any coal we've suddenly just turned a cool and engaging feature into a very annoying feature the Villager trades have the same problem that there's no Savannah near you it's impossible to get sharpness if you can't find a swamp guess you're going to have to live without mending but by making these trades more common in certain biomes rather than exclusive you get the best of both worlds newer players don't need to figure out which biomes have books because they can still technically get all of them from one area but if you're having trouble with one or just want the process to go faster you can go out and find the biomes where they're easier to get in other words you don't need to hit the diversity quota but it's definitely going to help you out so there you have it with these small changes Minecraft's biome system has been completely reworked every single biome now offers something useful to the player in both early and late stages of the game maybe instead of building one base at spawn the strategy would be to build multiple outposts across your World specific places you would travel to in order to harvest the biome resources or use it to build more efficient Farms all connected via Railways Railways Railways hey Daryl yeah why was the last time you used a railway I don't know like West word expansion Westward exp how old are you oh you mean in Minecraft I don't know man it's been a while no no no go back okay were you there for the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad yeah I was one of the project managers for it you know making sure the workers stayed in line Daryl 1,200 migrant workers died while making that railroad what the hell man well you just hired 10 more from Taiwan so who's the real villain I'm firing this [Music] guy okay here's our goal we need to stop the player from wanting to keep their stuff in one Central Area hinders exploration and generally just makes the game bored we instead need to encourage them to spread out over multiple different locations giving them more variety in their gameplay and inciting them to explore we've already done most of the work with the biome tweaks we just added but there's one more thing stopping them from being fully effective and that is transportation how's the player going to get between these areas is it going to be on Horseback is it going to be by Minecart is it going to be using an 18,000 block per second TNT cannon that uses Advanced logarithmic calculations to precisely accelerate an ender pearl at whatever angle you choose maybe but probably not more than likely you're going to be using one of the more basic forms of Transport things like Minecarts horses not chest boats the elytra nether highways the list goes on a lot of these could be absolutely perfect for what we need yet for some reason we never use any of them it's like my guy Daryl said we haven't used Minecarts since the Transcontinental Railroad was finished back in 1869 rest in peace to those 1,200 migrant workers the point is transportation has a big problem and to find out why we need to go back to the wonderful year of 2010 Minecraft was still in its infancy and players needed a fast way to get around their world so Notch introduced Minecarts by setting up Rail lines in between locations you would be able to make permanent reusable Transportation wherever you want it yeah it's a little expensive but it was the only choice you had instantly making mine carts one of the most useful items in the entire game so as long as nothing challenges them for that spot Transportation should live happily ever after 2011 Minecraft is now in beta and Notch wanted to have a use for this new Hunger mechanic he was making so he invented sprinting by double tapping forward you could run over 7 m/ second almost the exact same speed as Minecart as long as you had a stable food source unlike many of the 1200 migrant workers there was literally no reason to use Minecarts anymore okay maybe it's not that bad okay they're still slightly faster right and you probably don't want to run anywhere anyway so as long as Mojang doesn't add anything faster than Minecarts we should be okay 2013 the horse update is released which as you can probably tell adds horses a new mode of Transport that's faster than mine cart horses can go anywhere they don't use up food can jump up four blocks travel 14 m/ second a hell of a lot faster than eight and Saddles are now found in pretty much every chest in the game okay horses are are just infinitely better than mine carts in every single way that's called The Meta okay and and trust me Mojang is not going to add anything crazier than that 2016 flying is now a vanilla mechanic cuz that Mak sense at least it's hard to get right Jesus Christ you can see the issue here every time mojing tries to add a new of transport it completely invalidates everything that came before horses made the mine cart obsolete the elytra made horses Obsolete and chest boats made nothing obsolete I just irrationally hate that everyone has a different idea on how they want to fix this problem some people think we need to give Minecarts a huge speed buff others want the elytra to be removed from the game this guy just said the n-word like it's it's crazy but I think there's a way we can solve this problem without using racial slurs and that's by introducing specialization in 375 BC an Athenian philosopher named Plato wrote a book called Republic which contained the oldest known mention of division of labor Plato explained that for a society to function efficiently you needed different people supplying different things a farmer to harvest crops a builder to make houses Etc this is the main idea of specialization by giving each person one role it allows them to get much better at it than they would otherwise leading to faster advancements in technology and a more efficient Society the mine carts and Minecraft on the other hand are not very efficient because Minecraft's transportation system isn't specialized boats are able to go really fast on water and really fast on land horses are able to travel to existing locations which was previously the mine cart's job and explore new ones every new form of Transport just does the same thing as the last one when they should all be doing different things this was a really easy concept to explain I did not need to go back to 375 BC so using the teachings of Plato let's go ahead and specialize each form of transportation starting with the OG and my absolute goat the minecart since Rail lines take so long to set up the mine cart's main job should be to transport the player between frequently visited locations places they're going to go multiple times things like bases Automatic Farms if you live in Omaha narcotics vendors so we're going to need to make a few big tweaks first we need to buff the speed like I said earlier sprinting is only slightly slower than mine carts if we want people to use these they need to be worth the materials they put into it to do this we're going to increase their speed by about 1 and 1/2 times this ensures they stay comfortably above sprinting at 12 m/ second while not being too overpowered at say twice the original speed which in my opinion is a little bit much for normal rails secondly we need to make them cheaper to set up these things are wildly expensive to make it almost explains the ultra low wages of the 1200 migrant workers who die building the Transcontinental Railroad in my experience getting the normal rails for a mine cart track was never that big of an issue so for those we're just going to give a small increase to how many you get per craft but what has been an issue for me is getting all the powered rails the crafting recipe for these is extremely unforgiving you get six per craft six that's like the amount of times I've had sex multip Ed by six now we could just increase this amount like we did for normal rails but I have a slightly cooler idea we're going to replace the gold and the powered real recipe with copper not only does this make it a lot cheaper because let's face it we all have way more copper than we need these days but this also gives another use to Copper which it is entire in need of this thing has like two crafting recipes but we're not just going to stop there let's take the old gold powered rail recipe and repurpose it for a new even faster type of rail superpowered rails superpowered rails would Propel mine carts about one and a half times more than normal powered rails offering a higher tier of speed if the player is Rich enough to craft them hey editing jet here I actually stole both of these ideas from a YouTube comment but I have more subs than him so I'm going to get all the credit not only do these changes make it easier for early game players to set up Minecart rails but it also makes Minecarts viable for later game players since with the higher mine cart speed as well as the superpowered rails you're going to be moving at about 18 m/s which looks something like this holy [ __ ] oh my God going faster than OJ Simpsons Ford Bronco so there we go Mine Cart fixed kind of there's still something else in our way and that is of course horses as we said earlier horses are pretty much just mine carts but better they're faster easier to get all terrain can jump mine carts can't do that a Toyota Tundra can't do that the problem is if we strip horses of any of these qualities they kind of lose their original purpose which is to explore new areas horses should be the go-to transport method when planning an adventure but they shouldn't be used to travel between existing areas that's the mine cart's job so we have a very interesting problem here we need to find a way to make horses good for exploring but bad for traveling which sucks cuz those are like the same exact fing thing but luckily for you guys I'm the second coming of Jesus Christ so I know exactly how to solve this problem what if we gave horses a stamina bar as you ride the horse the bar will slowly decrease until it reaches the end at which point your Steed will suddenly get a lot slower forcing you to let it rest and recharge this will make it slightly more annoying to use when traveling since you wouldn't want to keep stopping to let your horse rest but in theory it wouldn't affect you while exploring since you're frequently getting off your horse to collect materials or loot the structures you find giving it enough time to rest and be ready to ride when you come back and before you ask yes I made sure the cool down was just long enough for your horse to travel about 8 mil away from where you left him so there we go mine carts and horses fixed almost we're like we're like almost there we're so close there's just one last thing we need to take care of and that is ice boat highways because Jesus Christ these things are horrible by pairing a boat with a trail of solid ice you're able to achieve ungodly speeds remember those mine cart changes we made earlier well with the superpowered rails as well as the general speed boost you'll be going at a max speed of about 40 mph ice boat roads are 170 not to mention that Gathering a ton of ice is infinitely easier than Gathering a ton of rails so if you think that this is in any way fair or balanced please unsubscribe for my YouTube channel and block me on Twitter because I I do not want you here now we could just make boats slower on Ice which we are going to do but I wanted something a little more symbolic something that would Shake every ice boat lover to their core he on you'd say you're an ice boat racer right yeah I'm racist I that that's not what I said okay just come through the portal I got something for you come over here I set up this beautiful ice boat track just for you a in the nether in the nether don't worry about why it's in nut just get in the boat go on your ice boat track have some fun you've earned it man this I'm I'm in my natural habitat you're natural habitat that's good just keep going keep going you're good you got it yo this track sucks yep no it's great what the hell what the hell ice was never supposed to exist in the nether dumbass what the hell I was never supposed to exist it melts this is so stupid okay thanks that's good and now mine carts are fully balanced you see how much work that was godam I'm just going to go and make videos on my live Channel now the thing I've neglected to mention throughout all of this is is the elytra it's kind of like the final boss of the transportation issue because it does absolutely everything it is so outrageously useful that it's probably more worth it to speedrun the entire game and get it first than spend any time getting other forms of Transport so how do we fix this well if we Nerf it everyone just throws a fit on Twitter Mojang already tried that so our only option is making it harder to obtain for now I'm just going to make the chances of finding an nship three times less but we'll definitely come back to this in a later video because that is a lazy solution that I wrote In The Script 15 minutes ago just so that I can be done with this video so there we go every mode of Transport has a different specific use that players can use to connect their world we have in my opinion fixed transportation and honestly exploration as a whole throughout this video we've done a lot of things from structures to biomes to I forgot to do anything with the desert Wells we have truly improved exploration far beyond what it was before but there's something I've been avoiding talking about something I've been carefully treading around over the course of this video and it is single-handedly the reason why Minecraft can never and will never be a true exploration game the 1200 migrant workers in January of last year Mojang released a snapshot that made a big change to how netherite is acquired they introduced a new item called the netherite upgrade template now in addition to needing your previous Diamond equipment you would also need an upgrade template to craft netherite but here's the kicker it can only be found in Bastion remnants this at first seems great it's the first time exploring something has been mandatory for progression since the addition of the stronghold over 10 years ago it requires the player to visit a dangerous area for a worthwhile reward and is overall a really great Concept in single player let's say you play on a fairly large server one that already has all the bastions looted how are you supposed to obtain netherite yeah they're craftable but you need one in the first place in order to make another if no one's willing to let you borrow theirs netherite is impossible to obtain this is why exploration cannot be mandatory as soon as you lock pivotal items behind biomes or structures it runs the risk of harming the multiplayer experience not to mention the dozens of different play styles that exist within it a builder doesn't want to be forced to fight the ward they just want to build their house and be a little [ __ ] so for as long as it supports multiplayer and caters to different play Styles Minecraft cannot and will not be a true exploration [Music] game but maybe it doesn't have to be if you look back on every feature I've suggested in this video not a single one is necessary for the player to complete you can get by just fine without skull files you don't need to visit a desert to get coal exploration was never meant to be the focus of Minecraft it's just one of the many elements that makes the game what it is and in my opinion we've done a pretty damn good job at improving it again the mod containing all of the features talked about in this video can be found on my patreon alongside some other cool benefits so take a look if you're interested and if you're not buy it anyway so I can afford more drugs Jesus [ __ ] Christ dude oh my God I'm like sweating I'm like sweating after that recording session bro I can't take complaining about Mojang anymore I'm so I'm I'm so [ __ ] done with this [ __ ] bro just go over to my live Channel subscribe to that I'm posting on there now
Channel: JetStarfish
Views: 1,372,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft update, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft isnt special anymore, minecraft mod, minecraft major problem, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, why i don't like minecraft, hardcore minecraft, why is minecraft boring, gaming isn't fun anymore, updates mojang won't add to minecraft, minecraft funny, the reason gaming isn't fun anymore, minecraft mods, minecraft shorts, minecraft review, when a fortnite player plays minecraft
Id: d4tr_hhNZ2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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