Why I Stole Infinite Hearts To Buy Immortality…

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this crooked admin stole all my hearts leaving me with one and to get revenge I must first uncover his identity and then take all of his remaining Hearts until he's banned and here's how I've spawned in and falling no no no no what bro what's this wait wait if you can't escape your band we're watching you all those cameras this prison is rigged with cameras they're currently bang on if I'll survive or not watching me escape was a show to them if this is a show there must be somewhere around here since the outside of this prison looks like a Rubik's Cube maybe the prism will slowly change hint it's on the floor wait wait barnac might be helping me maybe it involves mining wait I've got Mighty fatigue this means I can no longer mine out of here okay I'm gonna right click the four oh oh my God a sugar box it seems like a shulker box was camouflaged as the floor I've lost snake in some planks I can easily make a crafting oh my God wait that was bad if I made a crafting table there the blocks I had remaining would have been useless crafting table like that place it down use the rest to use a bow cause using the bow I can escape oh my God I'm out that's it two more left until I'm down it okay On to the Next Room I've seemed to lost the hall and I'm in a massive lava pool what is this and there's more cameras there must be something just like the camouflage shocker okay another shocker and I've got a bunch of loot this time it seems like I've got 19 blocks Now using 19 blocks I don't think I can reach the end I've got 40 seconds to run one heart with the resources I have I could make a flying machine okay I placed that there I placed a slime block there I could use the boat to get up that smart and I capture this but if I can but the problem starts now okay I've placed them both like that and placed a slime block if I just place a sticky piston right here if I just power it like that and break that I pulled it aside because now I could place the sticky piston like this there's a redstone block there redstone block there place a bow because as soon as this goes I'll have to jump in oh my God oh my God that was so smart I think I need to jump over this oh oh my God that was insane now this just at least they reached the end oh I escaped the second room oh my God what is this this entire thing's a Minefield final room okay animal one hot I'm with a high Advantage now so I can see anything around here 5 spot there jump here for Ashoka please please okay we're gonna end the pool and a fishing rod oh my God I'm gonna say these because I don't know what they do I might have an idea do both activate pressure plates there's nothing I can see right now I'm gonna try another lap around here after running around on the Minefield I finally found the exit 20 seconds left okay what do I do I see the exit right there I can end the pool but if I end the pill I'll die I have a better idea he's a fishing rod this is gonna be very risky but let me fish on the boat and the aim is jump to jump and the boat's right there I can fishing with the boat and pull it closer one more oh my God okay the admin was small if I didn't bring the boat along I wouldn't have been able to escape and I end up building that corner oh my God I'm free on one hop now was the time to find the admin abuser with no clues I decided to steal all the cameras from the prison and start to plant them in people's houses so I could watch them 24 7. this looks like a good spot and honestly what if I just hide the camera right there and now if I look inside oh my God I should be able to see the entire area and now that I had the first camera working I had to go find another house there's no one around here so if I just put one here I'd honestly one downstairs too I now have two cameras set up so if the admin walks in at any point I can catch him in 4k when he goes into creative mode honestly that's a really good angle with this act like see the entire of the house but I've only got six more left oh my God he's there I just run away and now that I'm in a safe spot I can see exactly what he's doing if you're the abusing admin I'm Gonna Catch You right now I spent five minutes watching him to see if he'd cheat in some hearts but it turns out he was legit and the last one will just go here and with that I'm good now I have eyes all over the server okay I'm watching these guys so far she doesn't look sauce which means Kai's legit okay he's not doing anything right now no he broke a camera wait that's that's bad that's bad he's noticed at this moment the plan could go Haywire if they let anyone know the anime is going to go into hiding that's hot that's a hot right there are they cheating in Hearts right now why are the hearts not burning wait okay that just seems like a normal trade after watching people for a while no one was acting suspicious was I gonna stay on one heart forever wait wait wait wait how has he got that many hearts whoa whoa how do we call the admin have we caught the admin already is that infinite amount of hearts in the chest he's thrown out over 100 Hearts right now with all the evidence I needed I caught the abusing admin it's the next day but I think Donny's gonna log off any second which is good I'll make my way there I spent two days learning the pattern of Donnie when he logs on and when he logs off and in two minutes he's gonna log off to grab food and that's when I'll strike he's just like okay that's prime time to go in I had to rig this entire place before he comes Tony takes a minute to bring the food back to his desk I had to I need to put all TNT in this house from Wise on the camera he was standing right here I fill this place over TNT and I just leave a pressure plate there and let me leave so I don't get caught in the crossfire so whenever Donny logs back on he's gonna blow up and the admin will now be dead oh my God wait oh my God I was so small he's completely dead are we going extra hot that was a little too easy but it's loose right here I got 1500 foreign oh my God what is this no it turns out Donnie wasn't the admin and now since Donny died admin's gone into hiding which will make my chances to find him so much harder the thing is I still have my cameras right now and to bring the admin out of hiding I have a plan that involves the shop and the thing is I'm not selling this another idea this is just debate them because the real plan is to cause chaos on This Server if I can inflate the hearts currency the Adam is sure to come out because he's gonna steal all the hearts and what I'm gonna be selling I'm gonna sell players houses because when a customer comes up he's gonna pick a number between one and nine whatever he picks that's the house he's gonna buy and I'm gonna steal it and rebuild it in the place he wants and that's how you create chaos are you selling that another armor uh no no I'm not and I was just to bait you listen oh I see you've got hearts in there okay nice so what I'm selling is a house picking her between one and nine nine I'm gonna give you a spruce house and it's gonna cost you 15 hearts all right you got it just come back in a day okay once the deal was complete my job now was a steal house but how could I do that without being noticed so this is the house I really need to take and it's a big house like I thought kipley didn't notice it so I need to break this first of all from watching Kidley this is about the time she gets off her PC so I have one hour to take this entire house before she hops back on and now it really starts oh my God I used to mind this entire thing really doesn't even look like I made a dent yet oh my God I need to continue all this with 30 minutes left I continue breaking this entire house down and before she could even log on it was complete I stole her showcas but I don't think it matters let me leave this place before anyone notices following the chords Kai gave me I started to build her house but now that she know it was actually stolen half of it seems to be done this has just taken a lot longer than I would have thought but luckily I have this screenshot because if I didn't remember how it looked this plan wouldn't work but honestly I'm pretty proud of this it looks good but I I really don't know where I lost the books wow this is amazing I know right all right follow me this is your new house let me know if anyone says anything yeah good luck enjoy your new house all I needed was Kipling to see the house because when she'd realize it's her own house a massive fight would start causing the admin to intervene oh my God you stole my house where where's the fight going down oh my God they're right there they're right that they're right there I'm not leaving my own house I paid for it oh oh my God oh my God I should probably okay yo before they call my name I was never here this is oh my God before she said she said my name and I'm gonna disappear oh this is perfect with two people now fighting I only had to do one more thing then the admin would intervene okay the next thing involves this house oh it looks like it was already digged down for me so I'm gonna give him a birthday present that's gonna be explosive boom that should be done nice places here I put a sign happy birthday loveler from Toby and the reason I said Toby is because the last day I've been viewing this house Toby's been going in and out so it makes the perfect Alibi for him trying to kill luffler oh my God lovely just open it hey left me a present he did leave your present bro oh my God oh my God perfect he's calling him out now now that the entire server was at War I caused enough chaos for the admin to join so I could finally learn his identity before I could see who it was the server closed why did the server close why am I back to one Hall and they've got nothing in my inventory it turns out that admin did a rollback all the progress I made was gone and there was no way for me to figure out who the abusing admin was can we go Lou back oh wait wait someone's throwing stuff oh my God wait I can't move though I can't move which house is this after seeing a corner of the admin I quickly ran to the house to find out his true identity oh my God Central is admin let me get out of here before he realizes I'm here now I know Etc I have an idea how to kill him first I need to secure his head the only person drives etro's head is cycling he's here I thought English huh oh Michael wait how did he get full shot okay I now have sexual's head if you have two heads of a player you can combine them to make sure I had health so two accounts will have one health bar how can I beat zetro to click on his head I need a new plan with the admin chain to get Hearts he's been going to every casino and gambling now if I could pay him into coming into my Casino I could get him to click on his head and from this point to work I need my all cause I'm not going to use my main account but to make him click the button I'm gonna go underneath my machine and place the head under the button I'll place this in this corner and now I just need to hide my all inner corner so he doesn't know the reason I need zetra to lose all his Hearts before he can go into crave mode and get them back I'll kill my Oak meaning killing him yo what's up uh how many hearts are going in Three Stacks that's fine with me it's off What's it gonna be oh please it's lime and it's going off again these are three stacks worth so you get free tries it's black no okay what's it gonna be oh she lost three times what he didn't know was before he came in I rigged the entire machine to lose all right quick you just stay here I'm gonna go grab my hearts this isn't over okay I'm leaked I'm linked I'm linked look at my hearts now if I kill this account right quick please tell me it works he's dead Central right Central right okay I do it again I just keep killing it's working why am I dying oh my God he's an idiot I just keep doing the same thing dying after spending three minutes killing my account over and over again he was finally on one Hall yeah I've got one hole which means this is the final kill that cow's gone oh my god oh I got him the admin abuse is gone but that was the mistake with no one in control everyone went to war the Fire Nation has attacked and now the war is starting you aren't on a team so if you can make this MLG right here you can join one wait what do I MLG with just take this oh oh wait why are you guys punching it but now that I'm down here I can join one of the teams and successfully join the war Choose Wisely I guess whatever side I go on that's the team I'll join and it costs two hearts and I only have three so I only have one chance at this I guess I choose with this okay I'm pointing to the red so let me remove two hearts I have them right here and inside you go yeah it's taken Fire Nation yes so I'm on the red side now which is home to the Eternal fire which means I should have permanent fire resistance but I don't have nothing but yo how do I climb back at the top hey I don't even have a pickaxe well you know what I'm just gonna take this this is yeah it's a shuffling finally press this down and now I just wait for this to spawn and I have blocks let me make a pickaxe and I guess I could build it with 19 bucks yeah that should be pretty easy okay yo I'm out of here yeah see you guys later bro whoa yo I was just up there as soon as I tried to leave I ended up back at the bottom wait why did that happen am I missing somewhere is there anything underneath here no whoa did that fall from the top whoa no no no I'm gonna die I'm a one-haul okay yo this is crazy this was a trap they just wanted me to use up all my hearts so I'd be stuck forever because the next time the sun falls I'll most likely be dead there must be wait what if I just break out the wall yo wait can I just break out easy I just break over here and no wait is this not what is this am I not able to break up where does this lead they really want me dead time to play small right now I have dirt and a sapling meaning this is gonna be my Escape now I just need you to spawn oh uh wait a second you spawned you almost hit me off but it's fine okay I first need to dig up oh why is it going so fast yo how fast is the lava racing it's burning the wood okay wait I'm a crafting table then I use that to make a boat oh this is kind of bad love is boring what is that the love is not pouring through the roof okay I didn't think going in there is very risky let me pass out for a second but I have another simple idea place that there and place that there I might just put a boat like this I go inside oh oh I took no damage I almost died but you can see right above means the lava but that's exactly where I need to be if I just press shift oh now which way is out the wall was fake it was never happening they just wanted me off the server by trapping me infinitely and now that I'm out I'm gonna destroy both their Nations by creating the biggest war ever and there's the lines right now I'm on the Fire Nation side and if I'm caught by one of the players they'll kill me on site okay and now I'm in the middle and wait that's my house now these lines cover the entire world and the small area in the middle yeah that's mine and right now my house has been completely flooded look with house bro who did this is anything inside there's nothing left while I was trapped both teams stole all my resources and destroyed my house well I'm going back on the red side I'm gonna create a small shop because this will be the start of my plan I'm gonna place two chests and an item frame because trading heart is illegal meaning if you're caught you'll be instantly banned but even if I wanted to I legitimately only have one half but I have a golden apple using the golden apple I'm able create a fake heart and then I can lure a player over who'd buy it off me because there's always people who will abuse loopholes so let me eat this slash remove heart one and there we go we have one heart which I'm gonna place here but I only have 50 seconds for this to work so let me build a small hole and cover it all in carpet and we're done the real trap's not this but what's right above it picks up soap 10 drip stones that will fall down as soon as the player walks under well I hope you can't notice that now I need to wait for the fire team to spot me so they've rushed over and tried to kill me and that's my first customer yo yo wait what are you doing here go shoot me don't shoot me Let's Make a Deal Let's Make a Deal you see this you know how it's all legal to trade but you see this I'm giving you a hop really that's legally it here I'm gonna give you it take it it's right there what's this this no you want to fall for that that's why I have this oh are you idiot oh that was actually perfect let me leave this area because now that they died it's gonna create a big distraction and everyone's gonna try and investigate what happened yo what what happened here fall in this way it's a trap it's a trap well now I'm on the fire team and I need to check this place out that's because the red team has an eternal fire and if stolen they only have 16 minutes to live meaning it's the most valuable thing they have no one's here so where is it because if I was to steal this fire it would cause so much chaos it's right there you're coming with me joint yo it's in my hand Eternal fire nation's life okay let me get out of here since mint's death won't distract him forever I needed to hide the fire somewhere safe and this is the next location because right now if I hand them the internal fire they'll instantly know I'm trying to frame them and all completely backfire so I'm gonna throw a bunch of stuff in the shulker and the last thing will be Eternal fire because now you claim until what's inside here now I'm gonna lose someone from the earth side to play with the prize being the shulker box and when they win and take the shulker box home I'm gonna frame them which will start the war hello oh bro you have a chance to win everything that's inside the shulker Box I don't I don't really want like the dirt and stuff but okay yeah okay six uh you ready to play I don't bro I'm broke I literally just have a diamond sword that's actually it yeah it costs nothing uh here take take my smelly egg all you do is land in the middle bro let's go let's go bang you won congrats double check and you can just break it okay with panic now winning the shulker and taking it back home it was the perfect time to frame him and I had to travel back to the Fire Nation I'm gonna ride mine now but that's a problem because right now they have no idea who stole the flame but at the casino bayonet gave me his egg and it says bionic smelly egg you're kind of an idiot victim replace the item frame and the egg right there and that's all the evidence you need so let me quickly leave and go back to my side so I can watch all this unfold sources where is our flame I don't know bionic smelly egg I guess bionic did this wait the same bionic why did you steal the red flame TNT must have realized the Flames missing and he's found the egg and now the entire Fire Nation is after Bonnie wait what are those guys talking about this is war the wars now start and they all don't know I caused this Cliff I swear I know you can hear me yes yo what bro no no don't don't act like you don't know what's going on you try to frame it frame you with wool I gave you my egg as a mean what are these guys talking about in chat bro you're responsible for literally like everything no I legit I should just kill you right now bro okay you'll relax I'm not supposed to have this bro and I know you did it oh my he's just been pumped hey you saw nothing quiff you didn't see this yeah I didn't see anything yeah you're good but with bionic being killed the Earth's side wasn't gonna stand still everyone was ready to fight and this is where my real plan would come in yo they left the war bucket let me quickly go get that I now have a war book in but how am I gonna flip the world with one this is not gonna float anything maybe two blocks quit whoa you thought I wouldn't know wait what'd you mean I know you're the reason both nations are going to war and now I know why you're trying to flood the world but I'm gonna tell everyone no I'm not oh oh you disconnected what's with people disconnecting oh wait this might be bad with mindro realizing my entire plan this backfired because if another player hears about this everyone will be after my life for now I'm gonna add some drip Stone because good luck MLG on this but now I need to flip the wheel before she joins back which means the war needs to start now I'm on the red side but why are these guys building a boat where are my plans leaked since they're making the boat even if I float the world they won't drown I see a player right there I see a player let me kind of back away since still survived the world being flooded what if I create a water bomb I need okay I forgot all my iron was robbed but I still have nine gapples well this is gonna be perfect because the reason I started this war was to supply both teams with gear so I'd get enough resources to flip the world so if I do remove part two I now have two hearts and after making a quick shot at spawn I was ready to sell them all and inside this chest there's 28 fake hearts and my first customers arriving the budget looking shop I know you guys are at War maybe no you have 20 Hearts yeah you're yeah you're there man you only got two what happened to you I know Hots are illegal but look at this how did you exactly in blocks yes I have I have 34. I have 34. okay that buys you five hearts all right you want all 30 yeah yeah this is illegal trading all right foreign I will try to liven up your shop or something man the dirt's kind of depressing that's gonna be fine but with my first successful trade I managed to get 34 iron blocks and I was 20 of the way to floating the world all right listen I've got the hearts here you guys got the Redstone yep I got all the Redstone right here there's all your hearts I give you all the rest when you have pleasure doing business with you yep uh good luck actual idiots you're about to drown you're about to drown now that I had all the resources to make the water bomb I had to gather them all in one spot and for that I'm gonna kind of go inside your base because now I'm gonna steal the Earth team's flag and place it on the red side which will start the war early and using the water bomb I can take them all out it's right there I have the earth oh this was easy now we need to make my way over to the Fire Nation and hide it in plain sight but not before I write this yeah this is good well I'm back on the red team and my target is not because if I place it right here there we go and let me leave where is it there's a side yoink fire Nations now how do they get here fire why did you do this can police realize that Earth is missing so now is the best time to make the water bomb water bomb go oh this is looking amazing I don't push time all I do is place all this water here you know what this is looking kind of good no it's leaking it's leaking it's leaking it's leaking how's it leaking where are you leaking from it's on the boat if they look up at any moment they'll realize I'm building this and I'll instantly die but they're going to war right beneath me get my feet or I will cheer you down right this moment perfect I don't have much time Almighty build faster I need to build this wall bomb the bomb layer is water which means the middle layer needs to be a TNT like this okay perfect but as soon as the water bomb touches the boat it'll completely explode and the water will go everywhere back and back they're trying to kill me they're trying to kill me it's a 3D one stay back stay back let me jump all the way down it's coming down they don't understand oh it's kind of old for you whoa oh this is gonna be crazy this is gonna be actually crazy Go Wobble explode yo that was exactly it wait why is the water not rendering in okay now it's rendering game but that is not floating the wolf by anything hold on did you destroy the boat I underestimate how much water was actually needed because it only partially floated the red side and while the fire team was distracted the AF team retrieved that flag our boat we have to go after them okay yeah yeah go after them go after them and in the meantime I'm gonna run this way yeah I'm not with the red team no more I'm gonna leave but not really digs backfire because now the fight team will gear up to kill the Earth and I need to create a giant Dam and you know what I think this kind of looks good but this is gonna be pain because now I need to slowly fill this all up by the time I finish watering this entire Dam the war is gonna be completely ended forget flooding the entire world okay this looks good so far and yo this is kind of crazy the wheel's almost flooded you know what I think this is kind of good I just bro I can't be bothered placing more water this is you know what it's good enough because now if I lure them to the middle I'll break the entire Dam and the world will be flooded well I'm wearing full diamond now but this Dam has a long way to go I guess I need to do more placing wait no where's she falling from the player joined back and they're about to reveal the entire plan but the dam wasn't finished yet so I had to buy some time come on I need to find them I need to find them I need to find them they're right there I think so I don't know yo [Music] trying to find out if a world is that I've got nothing bro I legitimately have nothing yo listen who said that she did well if I killed you you would be dead am I right that's a good point I guarantee if we check your house right now we'll find someone all right fine let's go do it right now go to your house yeah your house should be empty no no weird things going on yeah guaranteed we'll find someone auspicious here I I guarantee we'll find someone right now still uh great whoa and now that had evidence it was time to frame her apples in here what is this quiff yo what did I just find in the first what does it say steel Earth create War it's a plan yeah exactly so it was her is it your no no we kill her kill him they realized it was all me and I didn't buy enough time and now my account was gone psych you thought yeah I'm not dead they already knew it was me so the best thing I could do was fake my death and now me fooling the world will catch them by surprise they're still there and I've stolen their Crimson fire throw all this in there through it I threw it wait I just found it they were trying to steal it what'd you find it still what what do you mean yo they were trying to take the Eternal fire I have it right here okay that's why I live this is where I live I need to run I need to run oh that was perfect now I need to somehow lead them back to the dump oh my God oh my okay wait this might be perfect I could lead them back to the dump after leading them back to the dam it was time to flood the world get up get up get up oh they're right there I hope you guys know you can try shoot me I'm gonna Dodge all these arrows yeah this is gonna be interesting go go go yo stop lying okay oh no how do these guys don't have any good loot where's the Hawks everyone's drowning have I drowned the entire world yeah this wasn't me so I'm gonna disconnect after everyone removed the water the Heart Festival arrived which is the only way to steal infinite Hearts the hearts Festival has now started wait what do you mean the play with the lowest Hearts once the sun goes down we'll be banned you're lying what no killing and no cheating good luck everyone yo wait where did we escape to yo where's your exit where's the exit what yo I just got launched yo yo I have a slime I have a slime I have a slime can I am where am I yo what oh my people fail the MLG so I quickly stole their Loot and made plans to get my first heart yo quiff come here dude wait wait what's this what's this what's this you can win four Hearts here all you gotta do is land this MLG wait sir well I don't have anything to demo G with it okay you can use this water bottle this is water bucket one thing one thing you gotta pay two hearts to do it five win full yeah okay take this there you go two hearts wait people were breaking the rules killing anyone to steal their hearts and I was their target but when I reached the top no one was there rage you better bring my hearts back here's the script disappeared but you've left this which I'm straight up taking for one Diamond chess play yeah I kind of got ripped off but I'm gonna turn the loss of two hearts into a massive profit by first building a shop what that should do now I'm gonna sell this diamond chess plate for one heart but someone was out to sabotage me because they built a shop right next to mine trying to steal all my customers yo Mr Quick yo what you got here bro what's going on here they only cost one half for this chess plate oh one hard dude that's perfect of diamond armor over here uh two hearts yo no I know come here hey yo I think you got you Loki got some competition Cliff I don't know about this half a hot if you give me half a heart you could take the accessibility nah nah nah you want the full set man here I'll drop it down to one heart for you one heart for the whole set uh yeah no no Kipling's low-key getting me right bro yo okay wait give me a second I'm gonna bring some more back I first make a leather chest plate then I make a black leather chest plate cause don't mind me but if I use your enchantment table and enchant this it now looks like a piece of netherite since netherright's really rare people will spend thousands of Hearts just trying to get it I'm just gonna name it netherite chestplate and since I managed to pick up another right chess play right at the start I'm gonna use that one as the distraction yo yo yo I brought some eyebrows from eyebrows from there you guys will really like nah bro go hard for another right chess play no yo three hearts hey yo and it's Enchanted yeah Enchanted near the right chest plate yeah bro I'm gonna I'm gonna take it for four Hearts you know what I'm gonna take it for five five odds okay five odds no no where'd these guys even come from Five Points hey what hey horse yo what is wrong with you people it's just one chess plate I'll take it for 14. 14 Hearts all right fine fine Step Aside I'll do it for 16. deal don't give me 16. it's literally yo right here dude yo 69 okay yo yeah there you go bang oh and I've kept the real chess play for myself and I managed to turn my loss of two hearts into 16 but the sun was slowly going down and I still needed a lot more that's when I built this this is a good spot so let me stop building it okay it looks kind of good but these are the main items I'm gonna need because if I show you this right now I'm able to duplicate items through live follow this all the way around just to show you okay there we go if I put hot through here it's left this Hopper and gone to this but it should go to this that's when I turn this off turn this back on it's still in this chest but it's now also here and like that I've gained an extra hot but this one doesn't stack that's because as soon as I turn this machine off it's kind of gone for my inventory but you get the gist I'm gonna be giving all the fake hearts to players while taking their real ones and it's done yeah it's pretty good how to put all the real hot in here cover this up and the fake ones will now come outside or the hopper yo Cliff yeah well welcome to my arcade machine all you do is match two coolers and you can win as many hearts as you want okay I'm gonna start off small okay I'll take three okay oh you've got one you've got one yellow you want one blue come on come on and you got two yellows yes you just won can I go again bro you can but you can't use the same Hearts you just give me ten ten oh yeah yeah that's that's perfect we go again all you do is much two of the coolest oh you got one one green one blue oh no yeah you might have to kind of leave yeah do you know what I knew as a scam Cliff what'd you mean I didn't even freaking at all with the losing goal is hot I was finally making progress but that was until Karma came back I'm gonna put the real hearts back in here and I now have 29. hey yo quit listen you see this right here yeah this is not netherrite okay I got a little I got a little caught up in the moment I thought it was another right but you're a scammer dude I didn't scam you yeah you did that's the real chest plate you're wearing it right now let me get it dude I don't want this piece of trash dude bro that's what you bought nah dude you scammed me dude throw this thing in the garbage no no no no I uh I actually break this whole place with TNT while you were gone either yeah either you give it to me or you blow up and die Skizzy rigged my entire arcade with TNT which left me with two choices either I give it another right chest plate and he still kills me or I try to escape all right bro here here there you go take the chest plate oh thank you thank you Cliff but uh you still scammed me so uh you're gonna pay for that bro come here oh yeah I'm out oh oh boy yo my heart where are my hearts I totally forgot about them I should have took them out wait where are they going there's nothing left it's all gone with all my resources now gone I was back at the start so I went to look for more heart and that's when I came across a book and I'm looking for you guys Perfect come to me yo okay there we go move hot one okay I've just got hot and my wither effects gone which means I actually work that's because this isn't a normal heart after some testing with wither skeletons I found a way to Crypt a heart meaning this heart in my inventory when Ridin will give a person permanent weather leading to their death and that's why I'm back in the Overworld and look I can't stack these Hearts so it did work so it's time to kill someone with it but the player who blew up my arcade and installed all the hearts found a way to duplicate them and using the hearty game he created his own team they're right there I can't be caught I'm the seven one heart right now hey yo you better pay up pay up where your hearts at bro they're going around killing whoever they can find stealing all the hearts they Khan and that's when I realized they started forming my oh okay let me keep going this way oh there he is oh my gosh he's AFK perfect far away from weather killing my old oh thank you thank you for the hearts cause it's only a matter of time before they realize it's not me but for now they think I'm dead yo yo okay please hey Cliff what's going on why you know are you a shop listen I sold it off the Sheep Man it doesn't matter and he used to give this heart to skidsy okay yeah I can do that yeah it's that simple just give it to him and I'll give you a payment of at least 10 Hearts 10 Hearts yeah you know just give it to him I don't say it was for me I need to make it so that with a heart can't be traced back to me I just went down I was why am I dying what did you get me what did you get oh boy what did you do oh my God well honestly it kind of works out let's act like I was never here now I know the heart works and I need to put it into circulation sources oh hello there wait I heard this was sheepshop yes he had a unscheduled moving out I want to buy that armor set what a wonderful idea there you go two hearts have a nice day wait why does he own that shot well he knows I'm alive now now I'm gonna quickly run over to solstice's house and add Hoppers under its entire base so before he even redeems the heart I'll be ready to collect the loot hey yo anyone at home nope for the hopper in there yeah that's exactly what I needed let me pass this back up I really had no have no idea how your carpet goes so you know what this this is kind of gonna work right and the rest of it goes in there yeah this is kind of loud but I think it'll be fine because right underneath me is the item stealer now I just need to watch from a safe distance because at any moment he'll walk in to redeem the heart and instantly die it's even working sources within a week with you little coward where are you bro where did she go from I know you're somewhere around here man oh my just come out face me like that hard wait this is bad this is really bad this is guarding the house there's no way for me to enter the house without being cool and I'm on a time limit cause sources could spawn back in and run back to his house to collect his loot I'm gonna redeem these yes it worked it worked it worked it worked it worked it worked I'm checking all this Loop perfect I'm out I'm out she'll definitely come back here so let me leave for the back exit I'm all here but I managed to get full netherite at least I'm 15 hot which I've just redeemed so I'm solely making progress but there's a stack to play after me so I have to get them off my scent yo sheep yo how's it going man oh you're on one heart it's fine take this heart I need you to do me a favor oh okay what's the fight what's the favor I need you to tell Capri that you found me sneaking around my house that's literally all you need to do now I have to quickly make a trap for when she arrives okay I need to dig this down go speed mode simply go to Cliff's house I don't have time all right this has to do let me make my way back up set up this trap now and add the most carpet back now I just need to wait for her to walk in and fall into the hole Cliff there's no more running saw your little name but yep yep that style this was supposed to go oh yeah sucks the soap there we go oh more hot oh this is perfect I'm getting stuck right now biscuitsi also saw that message meaning he was on his way here ready to kill me off okay wait skip this coming skids is coming I need to tell per trap from a four that kind of looks like me that our Diamond gear and hide in this corner so when he goes to fight the armor stand I'll sneak up behind him and kill him there's literally a whole trap in the middle of his house and there he is he's just sitting there in his furnace yeah you're dead you're dead you're so dead you're so dead you can't run the water just makes you faster idiot why does he take no damage I just want to talk I just want to talk I'm out of here I'm out of here I'm out of here I'm out here that was almost bad that was very bad I barely escaled my life I had two and a half odds how did that work but he took no damage skinzi found a god Hall meaning he had permanent resistance and instant health and he was unkillable other songs going down I've only got two rows of Hearts meaning I'm the weakest link right now and I need a lot more well I hate to do this but I kind of need to time to make a second shot and there we go there's a player who has a crazy amount of Hearts but he has a secret he is secretly killing oh yeah I know right who would actually cheat but if I could steal all his Hearts I'd be able to fight against Kedzie and that's why I brought another roll do you know where I'm going with this now my plan is to sell this old account and use that to infiltrate his base because once I'm inside I'm gonna steal all those hearts for myself who told you to be a boy buying all this listen you wonder all or not yeah yeah uh 20 odds I mean radinis just to make sure I redeem them all to all yours you can use that bow to take him I'll see you soon Toby I just kind of need a good place to hide it's fine I'll hide right here where has he taken me the tree of life I can't move okay wait wait was I even looking this way I don't even know but I've successfully infiltrated the base meaning I was one step closer to getting infinite heart when did I get Point bedrock and there's someone else right next to me also in Bedrock this was that personal kill yo he's getting killed he's killed brother yo try Escape dudes oh I'm next I'm next let's go backfire completely how do I escape this this yo I'm next I'm next to the entire plan could fail the crafting table oh he's killing me now oh my why am I instant respawning he's going back going Sebring okay yo I don't watch time I've only got three more lights that place is too far I'm out here I am fully out here okay yeah that's the outside boy even is this but after narrowly escaping my death I had to look for the hearts because that's the entire reason I'm here oh my yo yo yo although how do I kind of get down I finally had infinite heart and I was one step away from becoming Immortal I'm out here right why is it completely disappeared um he was always one step ahead of me the hearts he had were never real he just used the absorption glitch and I fell for it and right now he was at my main account yo Cliff I'm stood right next to your account right now bro bro listen listen listen listen why are you doing this yeah I stole from I didn't steal from you just to know I'm not messing around bring me 20 Hearts right now otherwise you're you're dying I'm gonna kill you okay listen I will I will I will now if I didn't bring in 20 hearts in 10 minutes he was gonna permanently kill my account zebra ah do you have any hearts I just need to borrow like five ten hops I'll bring them back no okay you know it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine all right I'm leaving plan one was a failure I can't ask anyone for hearts okay time's taking care bro I'm trying my best relax he has a thousand Hearts I can't fight him I will die oh yeah Lou there's so much loot in this guy's house is that TNT cannon and someone's right there that just exploded okay it's me it's quick it's quick yeah yo yo I'm selling this another right ax oh yeah perfect perfect that's that's beautiful okay quick one minute left before I kill you one minute wait what happened to fight yeah well time's ticking you're taking too long I've got 10 hot I've got 10 Hearts I've got 10 holds yeah and you best have my 20. yo I'm on the way I have 20 I have 20 I have 20. I'm coming I'm gonna be two minutes to get that that's okay right with only a minute left there was no wheels gonna get 20 Hearts try to improvise and that's who I needed another idea here that yeah I'm gonna use I've got 30. why are my horse weird I don't know but hit me I've got time with the heart I'm gonna give him the Wither heart which he'll then redeem to see if they're real and they'll instantly kill him yo yo I'm right here I'm right here I'm right here I'm right here I'm right here I have your 20 Hearts right here there you go yeah hey yeah oh crap oh my yo stay back stay back stay back yo he died how many did he have I know my brother hearts are stuck in here somewhere but that's only 10 but I have so many hearts right now I could redeem them all mine now but the Sun finally went down meaning time was up and the voting started now and that's where we have to meet yeah guys voting Starts Now who's got the most Hearts yo listen it's called infinite Hearts listen so therefore I'm not a band and you guys need to decide yourself all right gentlemen how about we decide this with the last man standing huh what would you mean all right quick come here oh boy that's one down no your dad tells us you're dead here you're dead here you seem to be doing more damage there we go all right it's just you and me equip I'll put you on bro I'll take you on yeah you're an idiot because that was a Wither hole is this negate all your effects what did you do to me oh boy that just actually worked and I still haven't been through my mods now that I became Immortal the server decided to trap all my heart inside a bottle making was all fight for it yo where am I nope bruh I'm literally trapped though hold on where am I right now there's an immortal potion hidden somewhere inside this world where are you speaking from you must find it you've gotta be careful me what where are we gonna find it okay wait this seems like a room in the void and it looks pretty endless but there's a chest underneath me oh yes there's always a way Gamers wait why do we get two tubes there's nothing in it Ian Peppa the pig what do I do with this and I've only got these resources let me turn this into wood how deep does this go oh my it disappeared where in the world did it go did I punch the painting oh my God but I see someone's name tag we will all put into a trap with only a limited time to escape so let me make a crafting table and place it right there I've made a furnace which I'll put right here because what if I just smelt this iron portal looks like it was broken I can at least maybe grab the Netherrack what can I do with any of this oh my God oh my God oh my God I don't care if I didn't clutch I didn't care I made it I made it bro but while we were all escaping the traps someone got a head start to find their mortality potions looking at the map it looks like we're getting close maybe can I use this and then oh my gosh we made it out of the Trap that has to count Planet said he made it how is he already escaped but now I have six iron but whoa where did you come from yo it tried to knock me off and there's lava beneath me wait this is kind of bad the sun's gonna constantly fall from the ceiling and if I'm unlucky it'll hit me off into lava and I'll die someone anything spawned bro please can I place the boat this is everything I could currently make and then my car might be my best strap oh my God this is getting kind of crazy playing steel can you even trade me Flynn steal let me out I know the boat has to be the answer that can make an extra block how far can I go wait this is the wall right here the room is Warped so it looks bigger than it actually is there's just Maps I could just break out of here like this what is that really no Escape oh why can we wait now I'm laying down but I've somehow lost the hall meaning anytime I try escape this room I'll keep losing Hearts until I'm dead I can't need to test this so yeah I'm gonna do the heart down and the lava is getting pretty close I'm talking seriously close oh we're savior let me out I still have five more irons don't let me smell this up make some sticks because since I have a minecart I may be able to glitch out this room I've got the iron and I can make some rails and it's rising a lot whoa whoa what is this look at me I'm barely a pixel on no why am I sinking how are you if I push it through where have you ended up I can't let this happen I need picked this up and I go through go I totally forgot I lose heart okay do some math that almost pushed me off but the longer I stay in here the less likely I'll find the immortality potion do someone like this this might work go okay they almost worked Plan B drop okay clicked in it and the Minecart's right there yes let me out yes yes but now that I've escaped I was really far behind on finding the potion and teams were being created yo what's this there's a map right here and that's the truth that's just been mined out okay Toby well there goes the TNT duper whatever we don't care about this world though we got some good work done here is the potion here do you see it anywhere I can use this map but what's this line the line covers the entire world which means this area is off limit but with a map in my hand this is kind of where I need to go so yeah sorry not sorry and this is exactly what it is ah these guys are kind of busy but they're currently searching this entire area me and the potion must be here if I name this immortality potion like this and I quickly make a shop and it's done I'm just gonna place this right here and there's the mortality potion when people see me on this side they'll rush to try and kill me only to see that I found the immortality potion but once they drink it they'll instantly die quick what do you think you're doing here what do you mean mate have you seen we've literally been mining this thing this place is literally off limits uh why because we're trying to find the potion the potions right here oh give me it give me it now if you're trying to survive no no no no give me it there you go finally bro it's up I just got very stuck and now I'm in full netherite but with zetro dead everyone on his team was suspicious I should kind of leave this area but Central didn't hesitate to drink the potion right away meaning everyone wants it for themselves and I can use this to create a war between them luckily I got this shovel and since I'm still in that area it's time to dig out an entire chunk you betrayed me in the past and I can't handle that right now you're looking a little bit Sauced we gotta we gotta end it we gotta end it I think we're almost done yeah this is kind of perfect luckily I got some TNT all look like this with dirt and the trap chest is inside I'm gonna wait for people to discover the tune because they'll see that there's a chest inside and go to investigate come on shape keep up man they're right there I'm coming did you do this the Temptation down there uh maybe maybe what are you doing okay you know what if the potion is there what are we gonna do don't open it in the chest rock paper scissors for it oh wait did you rub your scissors you count down you count down open the chest rock paper okay I'm gonna just lay loose oh what am I witnessing I knew it anyone after this potion is evil okay no no no no no no no no no please please please please please please show something that killed her in shot but it doesn't matter because I've got so much loot but I didn't know I was being watched and this was now report to the head of the team and I have a massive bounty on top of my head I've been watching Cliff he's the one killing me both I know he's been killing everyone he killed me with bro I don't know where he's been murdering people the first hand experience now they're all after my life and if I were a fighting chance I need to create my own team all right Mr quiff what did you want to talk about listen all three of us will point to a trap and they're kind of looking for the immortality potion right now so what I'm saying is we make a team yo like an alliance the team's been formed and right at this moment while our team was being created they were destroying the world it's gonna be in some chunk let's find the potion did you guys see that over there oh my gosh what is that that's what I mean the using TNT duper machines to actually destroy the world and bro I have a simple plan right now all right what is it the only way to actually be able to get the multi potion is bro we need to create a civil war between them how are we gonna do that though we destroyed that right there how are we gonna sabotage this TNT duper bro take some TT yeah now I'm Gonna Leave You guys to it one of you guys find the other one I'll go to I'll go find another one quick quick quick go go go go go go run yeah I found another one no one's around here this whole plan is relatively really simple oh yes perfect once the chunk miners were all destroyed the other team realized and went to go investigate but that was the perfect time to infiltrate That Base I think they've left that base now get down get down get down I see someone they also left God who is doing this Toby huh who is it wait she's she's left she's left here go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay we're looking for a pet their team has a mascot which is a pet wolf and if that wolf was killed by their own player it would cause chaos inside there's nothing around here they'll be going back any minute and if we don't find the wolf fast we'll be caught out and killed find anything no supplies I heard Kipling I found the wolf right there oh but this is bad because since it now inside the house if I was to take the wolf they'll realize it's missing and All Leads would point to us but they're up there they're up there yeah I know I know but look here yo there he is we can't take it though they're inside the house okay one of you guys bring back a wolf oh my gosh I finally found a wolf I gotta go so quick he spot the wolf he's bought the wolf same down same down bro there we go named Bob perfect they're coming they're coming oh we go oh we go are we going out the door at the door go go go go go go go go oh my we've just realized the dog face one of the plans done we're now the wolf acquired it was time to frame someone for the kill and for that we had to make a machine bro this is the perfect camouflage it's literally perfect so what's gonna happen now is whenever they throw a snowball at the pet the Pet's gonna instantly die and since it was the last person that touched them it's gonna accuse them of killing him that is big brain who if I have a bone to pick with you that potion killed me I've got your armor on me but I'm wearing it give me that bro if you can hit each of these pets with the Snowballs I'll give you all the gear back all of it all of my stuff yeah every single one of them yo you got it okay here okay all right come on yes okay there we go there we go all right all right I'll see you guys in a bit bubble sleep by Central yo that was so small Bob was slayed by zetro that's our dog I can't please freaking out what I thought we had him in our house uh yeah we should take down this shop real quick yeah yo Burn It Down burn it down burn down the shop okay yeah yeah we're good we're good we're good we've got to get out of here zetro was now on the Run they were all after his life and the only place he could come was tours guys guys they're trying to kill me I need to be on your team please what's in it for us I've got the map for the potion probably yeah let me see this wait is this add to the map uh-huh I promise wait a second let's just have a quick groupie yo is that thing real we can actually find the immortality potion somewhere here but listen we don't want Zed to on our team right no bro we could use zetra's bait that after his life we make a trap and bait them and then kill them yo that's genius yo zetro yep you're now on our theme let's go and now with the map to the potion and zetro now recruited it was time to kill them all off by first digging our Chung all right guys we kind of got mine this all out yo guys good progress good progress let's keep it going boys yo yo you need to scout out what they're doing right now okay what this way yeah yeah go go go go Scout them out and now that literal is distracted we have to finish making the Trap yo it actually looks real dude and now we just have to wait for zetro to bait them all here is that true yeah wait go away go away stay away stay away these guys are idiots bro we're stuck so with the 10 minutes we now have we had to split the entire world in half and find the potion we're all currently inside the map so use this we should split the world and if this map is right we'll find the potion there's a going off alright see you later okay it's going off it's very much going off but we're making progress bro the world is split in half oh my goodness bro but why are there three people in front of us oh my gosh Straight Ahead Straight Ahead all right everyone MLG everyone MLG okay bro let's quickly mind this before they come all right go go go go go go wait oh what are you guys doing down here oh we actually found it you try to get to get stabbed huh wait wait wait wait wait relax we have five potions here they're about to be ours okay yo everyone take one we can work something out okay look we all have a potion is that simple bro I did not get a potion they took extra we didn't take extra I guess we drink it then oh Fair Play We were choosing yes Cheers Cheers [Music] yo I almost drank it um wait a second the potions were already swapped out meaning someone got here before us and the worst outcome possible happened whoa don't hit me why are you hitting me who did this you're my team no no no no I saw you bro you literally you didn't even drink it dude how come you didn't drink it bro because I no no listen listen listen listen bro okay you did this drop everything you have right now give it to us and get the hole man we're gonna go search your house I swear I didn't do this there you go here's everything what is this all right there you go you guys can search my house you won't find anything yeah we'll we'll see about that pal I was framed and now I'm completely trapped all I have is a fishing rod and some steak oh wait there's loot right there grab everything I can all right Skizzy search it man top to bottom FBI open up oh I just got some loot at least I have armor but I have 10 minutes to try and Escape before they come back and kill me all right hit another carpet I've got a bunch of diamonds and Crystal that's not really helping me in any sort of way yo we gotta flip this place upside down and the Lou over there despawned which means everything I have in my inventories everything I have left behind everything man I might be able to escape like this do something like that there's a lot of chests over here we can look through this isn't really glitching me wait but rail oh bro okay I escaped come on let's go back he's gotta pay for this you're gonna die all right yo I think it might be time I kind of leave at least I'm out of the Trap but someone already has the potion and they want me dead before they drink it meaning if I can find the player I can find the potion he got got out uh I thought we took anything into this inventory you're lucky Escape bro I don't even know what they're all about there's one person who hasn't been around and you might have noticed it and that's sourceless which means he might be the one who has the potion I don't think he's inside his house which means I make a simple trap and now I wait for him to arrive I can see him he's right there no equip I won't let you do this no no no no oh did he drink it it's working wait was I right is that right was that right Immortal devotion but is this the real one because it looks exactly the same only one way to find out is drink it oh my yo how many hearts do I have wait that was the actual potion I really became Immortal by splitting the world but they kind of now know it's me even though it wasn't me but even though I was now Immortal I was the most Wanted Target on the server what I'm gonna do is gonna be risky well well well look who's here guys guys listen listen I'm telling you oh no no it was so so long he's the one that tried to frame me yeah you killed me but the potion was on your hands you he's got infinite Hearts man no that's wrong get him get him get him no guys we don't need to fight we don't protecting protect sources you guys are idiots you guys are actual idiots there's no way there's no way you guys you guys are actual books yo he can't be stopped no yo you guys don't need to fight me listen to him I will kill sauces kill sauces kill sauces run he's gonna Target you no yo guys guys listen listen hey yo hey yo cut them off we were a team we were a team we were a team I know we were a team why did it have to end like this no excuse me listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen I'll make a deal I'll make you a deal I'll make you a deal what it seriously wasn't me who was it bro everyone's dead just to show you I'm gonna remove all my hearts I'll give you 600 of them bro I'm seriously I'm gonna give you three okay yo nah bro no no no I don't trust you bro okay yo this is please it doesn't have to be like this oh my why does no one listen to me I seriously make one more by splitting the wheel I had everything I wanted but it wasn't enough because the pet Festival arrived pet competition Starts Now the person with the strongest pet once it turns to night will be the winner losers will be banned rules are no cheating or killing good luck what are you being banned yeah wait wait okay yo I'm leaving I'm getting out of here there's no way there's no time everyone rushed outside the building trying to find the best way to make the strongest mob and that's when I came across this yo quiff dude come here come here come here okay what's this I got a netherite sword yeah actually just help me okay what I need to do you just need to land this MLG right here wait for free I don't have any oh yeah Okay no Okay I mean it's kind of it's kind of for free it's just it's two hearts there you go that's too hot and I can just I have no double g with it yeah it's good it's right here it's right here oh wait why is that random stuff open but oh oh my yo what is this where did everyone go people didn't care about the rules they were killing anyone to make the strongest mob and I was their target but when I reached the surface no one was around luckily he left the sword which I am taking which I can keep or I can sell because right now I have zero pets and since netherrite is really rare I can sell this sword for overpowered mob Cliff what are you selling what is that okay just about I've got another right sword you want it yeah yeah you want this it's a killer bunny that is not me it is okay you know what yeah yeah put it there put it there what did she bring me what is this guy why is he flowing but what can I really do with him although I have two hearts right now if I'm able to give horse to pets I'm able to make an immortal mob and I'm now a single player and inside this testing tube I've summoned the killer buddy because if I get full set another idea and place a dispenser right there I pull full set another right inside and am I able to equip fullness right onto you not really no it just goes straight through the bunny which means you're kind of useless and who would win against a fox in a killer bunny well the fox are strip one after testing you might be kind of useless but everyone right now thinks this is the best pet ever so I might be able to use him to get infinite hearts and now that you're tied up okay please don't kill me welcome to my infinite horse machine that clearly says win over there everyone will be trying to give me their hearts so they can win the killer bunny and that's why I'm attempt to come to my arcade to win the most OPI pack all right whoa Cliff what uh what's all this okay yo if you look over here there's the killer bunny oh he's got red eyes dude what what is this bunny he does have red eyes that's terrifying there's cobblestone in each one of these chests and the aim is after five rolls the person with the highest Cobblestone gets to take the killer bunny away hey yo what yo that's the easiest dub I've ever seen I'm literally gonna win just like it says on the wall here all right guys line up all right I want to go first it costs two hearts to enter since you're the first choice pick a cooler yeah I'll go purple imagine all right let's do it like that perfect got too hot easy bro I'm going red for skinsy yeah yeah all right Toby's taking blue looks like I will take orange then and sources is taking orange now as soon as I clean the spawn it's gonna go off come on red purple oh yes oh it's too easy now you take that Cobblestone for me inventory cool again two hearts just because I can't let Skizzy win here you go same color yo honestly I'll just win again this is the best deal in my life okay perfect and we go again I'm just gonna rub my butt against it like I did last time I told you just beginner's luck buddy get out of here all right oh if the arcade was a success I was gaining an infinite amount of Hearts I had no idea they were trying to win a rubbish bunny who's gonna win red red red red it's easy yes okay yep it's not easy being the best at everything after counting all the hearts I had enough to make the best mod possible but I was back to zero pet which is why I ended up here yo quiff welcome uh welcome to my pet store yo make a purchase I really am I have no pets and you kind of won the killer bunny well don't worry bro we've got it all we've got llamas we've got uh some mushrooms horses whatever you need bro what how does this help I'm trying to make the strongest mob you're telling me this cow's gonna be everyone ah dude listen we sell the best cows here but but I see your point I see your point I do have a mystery box if maybe that uh maybe that Peaks your interest come right this way just for the small price of 20 Hearts you uh you could get any of the nine op animals inside quiff how op are we talking listen bro like you are going to want to spin it dude there is some good stuff in there that that's all I'm gonna say here's 20 hot yeah and then I just click it uh yeah just go ahead and click it [Music] there's nothing else inside here what do you mean no hey get out of here bro just just get out of my shop where's my villager he's right here okay here take him serious okay all right thank you for your purchase come back soon Buck why is he looking at me like that but I was completely scammed because right now I had the weakest more possible and now we have two villagers right here this one's gonna be completely normal and this one will have a full set of netherite because if I activate this yeah it's gonna go on top of you it's disappeared from here meaning you now have it but if I put a sword inside okay it doesn't really pick up pick up a sword but just to show you It Takes Two Hits to kill this guy meaning it takes eight hits to kill this guy meaning you can stack netherite armor onto a villager and since hearts are a thing I don't think I'm able to give you Hearts like this yeah he's not picking them up at all but I've now brought on my old account and if I place a zombie inside well that account's been killed meaning were you able to steal the heart instead it took 10 hits to kill that guy I'm comparing it to a normal zombie which takes two hits meaning if a mob kills a player he's able to steal their hearts I'm gonna turn this into a mall villager now actually imagine him ruining his own kingdom with a whole Army beneath him yeah brother that's what you're gonna do but yo I'm kind of broke I can't lie I don't need another right and that's why flux are you here oh yeah yeah I'm here okay listen here take these hot there's 10 right here go to kipley's house and steal her netherite but now that he's gone I'm gonna create a trap for when he comes back and Loki wheel enough this helps a lot because since he's now redeemed the 10 Hearts it's the perfect time to transfer those horse to my villager by killing him over and over again the hole is starting to look pretty deep he won't be back for a while right I'm gonna give you one chance man tell me who it was ah okay it was quick Cliff I know it was you was it worth it was it worth it I like the server was after me I'm protecting my villager got so much more harder but I need to kind of keep you safe so don't mind this Terry it's just temporary I will get rid of all this don't worry now that my villager was Secure I still had to get them off my back and that's why I'm gonna kind of steal you here and run yeah this Village is not gonna miss you so I'm gonna take you to an open area because now to get netherrite I have to break the rules slightly meaning secretly killing someone and that's why we're here because since my villager is completely precious day after his life so I'm gonna use this Village as bait so I can trap them although for this point to work it's gonna be kind of hard I need to build this high and I start placing this down as simple as that and now that it's done I think you guys are starting to understand my plan I'm gonna trap them in concrete and make them fall into lava and you know what I think it's kind of high enough and now if I jump down right here underneath you will actually be a trap yeah this is perfect place to love everywhere take the lava bookies I don't need them no more and the last carpet goes there I will redeem these Hearts just so if anything goes wrong I'm kind of stuck and now I'm gonna message folks because he'll come running here with kipley and I'll kill her and steal all her netherite you were right flux your shirt that's 100 the Villager are they looking at the Villager we take this even if it's a trap it's easy man we don't even gotta worry when do I drop it I can't mess this up I mess this up it's over okay just just whoa oh my oh my god get up oh [Laughter] no there's another race right there I've now got 170 right which is good but it's not really mine because it's my villagers but since flux died he ended up back at his bed stuck in a spawn trap why am I in this trap okay listen you just stay there and pull this armor inside here if I now make a lever all this armor should go inside you you know another right villager and I'm kind of sorry I have to do this but villager is part of the plan and after my villager turned into a zombie villager the real plan starts so it doesn't agree on me oh no perfect look at that look how much damage is doing oh Farm is awesome Farm is hot this is exactly what I want oh you idiot you idiot look at him oh he doesn't know what to do I think he disconnected oh wait I can't even turn you back into a normal villager there you go there yeah yeah you can just turn back into a normal villager you you've gained into Parts my villager was slowly becoming Immortal but he needed to become stronger now I'm gonna make you even stronger by equipping another cellphone netherrite on there but where do I get it from right now everyone's still making the strongest pet and since it's almost turned to 9 I I need to distract them all at once and that's what these giant walls come in I'm gonna create a building competition where they can win 20 Hearts because let's be real they're all trying to give Hearts to their pets grandpa I knew it yeah I knew you were gonna be here bro what's up don't listen listen oh listen listen listen to simple yo all aside I know we're here after the same thing pretty much this is a building competition what do I win there's 10 hearts in my hand that's exactly what you can win okay yeah I can do that man I'm a great Builder all right you have 15 minutes to make a build and to build this illusion okay I can do that is this who I'm competing against yeah yeah good luck guys good luck but if I was the one building it would make no sense take my head use this invis potion and camouflage me in my building competition okay with now an ally camouflage that's me I could do whatever I want and then believe I'm right next to them and that's why he's in this pen with me I'm kind of gonna sell you off because there's a play that's been holding all the netherite on the server but his base is usually heavily guarded but with everyone distracted with a building competition it was the best time to sneak in I know you need a pet and I've got a perfect thing an immortal villager oh really Let's test that theory now shall we you can test it see you won't die all it costs is a full set of another idea aka the one you're wearing all right then I'll let you just gear as long as you let me have him yeah you come here you can take him he's all in your hands now but with a trade now successful sources had no idea I was gonna follow him back to his base I have no idea what this is never mind I see with the skeletons bro you don't know what you're doing because now that I've successfully infiltrated his base I was gonna turn his entire house upside down put a dispenser here put all the armor inside it's really really dark in here you hard at work huh wait it's actually adding extra gears hunting you know what this is perfect but now the Villager had two sets of netherite and it was time to make him into the best killing machine what's he doing there's two Iron Golems is he gonna win is he gonna win not really the talkative type I just want to let you know I haven't forgiven you for you know he's actually winning he's winning everything that you've done with the whole lava pit he just beat them both but all his mobs are gone where did he come from oh job this is all my loot now you're just gonna keep building you're not even gonna look at me what is wrong with you I completed my goal and I had enough netherrite to make my villager Immortal but the building competition was about to end and I had to rush back okay yo yo we're done all right you can leave you come again I make my way here yo guys building competition's over stop building and now you're speaking to me huh all right who are we checking first obviously mine you're already over here yeah yeah yeah okay yeah what is this as you can see there's orange sand under these if you go super far into the sky right this one will look yellow and then this one will look red but it's really just your eyes Playing Tricks on you because of the lines that you choose to leave if you take a look at this craft table right it's three craft tables but then you back up yeah okay that's kind of yeah that's trippy that is trippy I assume it's the same with the furnace I'm gonna give it a seven out of ten oh I'll give it an eight and then we'll check this all right I don't really know what I was going for but it looks cool you know I like this I'm gonna give this a 8 out of 10. yeah if you stare at the red thing from over here it actually looks pretty sick I'm gonna give you a 10. I'm going with the mine okay I have really hoped Toby's done some good and we go in and it's a it's a it's black yeah you have no idea what's going on uh I've lost wait what yeah and then and then you've also got white over here all right you know what I don't enjoy being trapped by you again after what happened last time so I'm gonna have to give it a two I'm not gonna give it a six typically you the winner there are 10 hearts for you you could do whatever and yeah good luck I think I'm far away now they told you exactly what happened before I gave the horse a Kipling I turned them into with a heart meaning when she gives it to her pet they'll all die from wither take the hearts all right no I gave you a heart why are you dying stop are you stuck in a block stop I think she kind of did it you gave me these Hearts I've been fooled by quick one too many times bro my poor llamas but now all of kipley's pets are dead and she's out for blood whoa wait never mind why do I see so many name tags in my house search every people look under the floor I mean look at this yeah there's something down here why are they all there oh oh they're blowing up okay bro for now you might need to just hide in this area stay in the hole until I figure out what to do oh wow sources scattered everyone on the server and they're destroying everything that's mine looking for my villager I think I need to quit my nether idea at least I'm kind of stuck now but there's only 10 minutes till the competition ends so I've gotta survive until then a little platform the drip Zone has now been added underneath now whenever someone's underneath this trap I'll activate making them die what's that I think they know someone I think they're shooting who knows he could be up there man you never know Toby you help me keep looking man go underneath oh oh what just happened I just got killed I said don't die all right yo time to escape time to escape I'm out here I'm out of here yo I just got the kill I got the kill that's perfect but that made him even more mod so if they decide to start a raid on the entire server praying No Escape for me or my villager yo where do I escape what is this stop why are there so many villages okay yo I gotta leave you for a second bro if I die it's over villager you're good hopping the boat with you go go go go go go go go go go go go yo he never take much damage it was like two hits and he was gone someone was distracting me the entire time they stole my villager because the Villager I was escaping with was never mine with if you won your villager back home to me yeah that's right that's right I think I know what she is I think I know where she is simply ah queer first stay back buddy where is my villager he's just uh he's chilling in the nether okay okay no funny traps I want you to go first yeah yeah yeah yeah we're just gonna to uh make a deal with me once we get in there yeah okay can't believe blowing up my house was a distraction she knew exactly where my villager was and stole it for herself all right buddy drop your armor wait what is this this is my future okay okay okay I wanted to die we can we can give him a couple extra no no no no no no listen listen listen take him from another pole he's going to do with this drop your armor first that's competition is about to end oh then you won't have a problem doing it there you go there you go simple at least walking through walking through take him out I think I'll take him what'd you be yeah you guys are all gonna share them yeah uh interesting point for the nether pole okay he's through this is crazy oh Mario you guys are insane you guys didn't stay yeah oh crap oh my yo perfect yeah okay bro you can chill this house you know what you're the king of all Villages the strongest Village in the entire world your name is Terry bro Terry why are you sleeping I don't even care but they're all currently trapped in the nether room meaning there was no way for them to sabotage me until the competition ended although Can I stack you even more I hear him no hey buddy what's up real quick okay you guys tilt the Villager I'm taking quick there's all that 10 seconds left competition over the competition entered just as it was about to kill my villager now we all had to meet at the arena for the final result oh wow oh yeah yeah look he's fighting oh Toby come on guys he's got to be low you shot me with the slowness Arrow I can't run bro who in the morning is a villager and at night a dark knight I'm gonna drop this heart I'm the first one to get it can have it okay it's mine is mine I'll see you guys later let's go I've got the hole okay what do I land this with I don't have anything to London with I didn't think this far I just need to dodge everything that's arriving here how far am I going how far does this actually go it turns out since I grabbed the heart I was now stuck in an infinite dropper oh my God what is this I didn't even mean for this to happen how is this even fair okay first of all I need to dodge everything that's coming at me this is like a different game because if I land on any of these I will die and I've just lost the heart for some reason why is that okay let me redeem this one it turns out while I'm in here every 30 seconds you lose a heart until you have none in your band I don't have time for this I have an idea I have a crafting table used in the crafting table I have to try to evade all these because I don't know where they land oh my God this is hard then the last infinite Dropout was stuck in okay I placed the crafting table there okay I can open it but I drop out okay oh my okay I've got I've roughly have five seconds in the crafting table if I can somehow craft a slime block in the crafting table I could use a slime block to MLG and then I can survive please oh my God oh my God oh my God that was tough that was way too tough okay bro what was that what was that okay I've lost another heart but that doesn't matter because if I just place a slime block right here now using the Slime boat I just land oh my God we did it subscribe right now okay good now I need to think about this logically okay yeah I've had enough okay I could just throw a break out of here and I can escape look wait is that a second area I'm not even too sure I'm not even I'm not too sure for anything oh my God I fell in I fell in I fell in and fell in let me just land on this it turns out if I tried to mine out of here I get sent back inside I've got that now and I make my way over okay I have to dodge all this oh my God okay I've lost another hot but that doesn't matter because I need to dodge everything that's here I just made my way to the crafting table I make a boat but since I have a boat if I was to try glitch out with a boat I'd suffocate and die which wouldn't work within 10 seconds my last hot spot to disappear if I pissed dispenser like that place the boat in there okay that's placed because I need to escape this clicking oh oh my God oh my God I have to quickly mine out bro where was I okay let me run away from here in five hours there's going to be a fight and since I'm starting on one hot I had to come up with a strategy to get an infinite amount of Hearts I can build a shop and then using the shop I'm gonna steal the item and sell it back to the players for double the price I need to make sure this works if I throw Oak Block in here and I quickly checked all the side they arrived I'm gonna leave my main account here when someone comes to buy something I'm gonna use my all to steal it from their house and then once I've secured the loot the all will come back and give it to me and we gain a lot of Hearts all right all right I got some dough what you got all right what are you okay what'd you want I like that you want a lighter okay how many light do you have an electron at home by any chance yeah okay no no that's so you want two Elantras I do like I do like how you're looking um do you have horse to sell then do you have enough parts for this trade I mean yeah yeah no I got plenty of Hearts okay okay perfect perfect by any chance do you know where you're like uh are you are you hiding the Elijah in a good place because there's a lot of people who are stealing oh yeah yeah no definitely I don't trust a single person on the server is it only your base maybe okay yeah yeah that's a good position that's a very good position to hide it okay and lighter one elytra is coming up why aren't you moving no no I am moving I am moving um but yeah you want a lighter right that's gonna cost you two hearts um game I got plenty of Hearts yeah yeah okay one one Elijah coming right up there you go four there we go four two hearts all right here you go all right that uh maybe one more for customer service okay you're gonna have to go get that one it's fine that's fine over there you have fun with the elytra you know I will I will yeah yeah of any time any time with Paul GG now scammed this was pretty easy I had a huge line outside my store yo quick how's it going man okay what do you want I'm looking for something exotic okay very very exotic okay I'm looking for the blue Axolotl I have one at home and I want to get another one okay to breed infinite axolotls that's what I like to see yes it's gonna cost you at least four Hearts you have one I do you have one yeah yeah it's gonna cost you four Hearts I I can do that okay so yeah you you say you have one at home right yes I do and I want to get another one I assume it's you've got like an aquarium of some kind yeah yeah it goes straight in there it's all safe I'm gonna get my axle up now look I've got the hearts in my hands do you want this hello foot I'm gonna leave but I'm leaving dude that's it I'm done okay no no no no there you go I've got it right here right here this second look at this yeah that's the black slot you wanted that's it bro that's that's what I wanted man oh exactly what was it and four Hearts here's the hearts I appreciate this I appreciate this even though the shop was going good I was gaining Hearts too slow ever on the server was in the hundreds and that's when I came across this nimsy did you know we can get infinite hard Spike killing alt no way I'm like not 100 sure but I think tested what am I witnessing I gained a heart I actually need a heart oh my God so easy oh my God oh my God no no no no no no let me leave let me leave let me it turns out they were cheating they were killing that All-Star infinite Hearts which is against the rules and at this point I came up with a plan of my own now if they can kill that also get Hearts I can use this fake slot machine to gain myself Hearts now if I lost someone like aves into this machine now that she has over a thousand Hearts she'll be using them all but little does she know I've rigged this entire thing for me to only win yo Quinn okay yo it's only for the bowlers this is only for both which means that you have a love hearts right now I have so many hearts I'm rich I'm ready okay AIDS I'm sure how you know this works pretty much you click this leather and this will go if it lands on all three are the same you get as many hearts as you bet 32 Hearts 32 whoa whoa that means you have 32 horses to spare it's going off What's it gonna be Apes we've started a green two greens oh my God you've just lost faith your hearts just like that with is now gone I wait for 30 minutes but no one arrived so I moved on to my second machine just sold that house I'm ready oh my God sip of okay not the person I expected I see you got Hearts right now that's what I like that here so how much are you willing to spend all of it um I'll go half all right all right half and off it goes oh that's coming straight for green you've just lost 32 Hearts oh God are you gonna are you gonna put the rest in or are you gonna go half again 30 on black 30 on black okay I'll change it real quick we're going straight to Black 30 on black you put 30 in you gotta see when you're gambling you gotta have risk tones yeah yeah yeah yeah I like that I like that I like that watch this he's gonna I'm brewing for you here we're the poor people in this system oh that's stopping that's stopping come on it stopped on black now with SIP over completely hooked I went down to rig this machine so he'd go all in and lose okay sip over how much are you putting in I'm putting 200 back on green 200 on green you're insane okay okay 200 and green oh It's gotta be lag right you're too poor for this casino I kind of kick you out right now my family yeah it's too bad it's too bad it's too bad and now we have 200 Hearts Luca hours and this is where we move to the make your break-in when they lose they're gonna have to MLG but when they fail the MLG and they die they'll end up being buried alive and once they're buried I'm gonna extort them for all the hearts they have and once I have infinite hot I'll become immortal and this is the tomb once they spawn here I'm gonna close the tomb up and they'll be stopped because right underneath this place there's an Elder Guardian who's gonna give them money fatigue so they can't mine out okay Barney listen here you've got one chance how many hearts you have uh I have more than you that's for sure okay I I know about a little something some things but pretty much I could double your hearts right now and I don't know if I have enough so don't go too heavy yeah yeah yeah go go stuff like this sounds so fishy bro yo the thing is you get to choose now you get to choose when to do it and when to stop it wait but there's so many flashes but wait there's like 20 of them I can't keep oh my God okay right click at any time oh my God it's London too that means you have to now do an MLG and if you land it we go again yeah it says MLG with both look I have a boat right there all right off you go yep oh my god with bionic failing to make the jump he got teeped into the berry tomb and look at this you're stuck now bro yeah you can't escape you can't you can't break out you got minority there's a whole Elder Guardian underneath you now I'm gonna break it to you I know you've been killing all accounts for your heart I can neither confirm or deny that yeah no no you can stay here I'll leave you with ten leave me with 20. two rows okay that's fine oh come on after redeeming all the hearts I was invincible no one could kill me and I was ready for the Gladiator battle so I made my way to the arena the Gladiator match Starts Now the first ones to kill quick wins the hot s p wait wait would you kill me this is supposed to be even this is supposed to Miracles oh my God I'm so smart okay I know you guys have been killing your Olds I can stand okay you know first of all sheep whoa yeah yeah yeah how is he not dying now you're all dead now you're all dead You Can Count upon you all you want oh God one died you're all dead you're all dead Shepherd I know it's you I'm you you're doing no damage hope you guys know nimsy you're next leave me alone there you go I'm actually more there you go another one then I want more oh no tell me you're dead too I look oh my God this is insane subscribe to have this many hearts
Channel: Quiff
Views: 964,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, Minecraft, Why I Became Immortal Using Only One Heart..., immortal minecraft, infinite hearts, why i stole 1 million hearts, 0.01% health, lifesteal hearts, stealing hearts, most dangerous minecraft server, max hearts, minecraft infinite, lifesteal, minecraft smp, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1, one heart, immortal one heart, immortal hearts
Id: q7uTs1_SYRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 28sec (4828 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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