Why I Removed The Entire World...

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what if you remove the world would people fight for the last block or would they find a way to become immortal so they can survive the end well it first started when I joined the server we are at War and quiff you're not on either team so you can either choose one right now or you can just die listen I don't want to be on any of you guys's team okay you know what I said to choose one or die and you didn't so you just die no yo whoa yo guys it up no don't do that yo wait what is this required Hearts five bro what do you mean we're quite hot five each door leads to a different team the Fire Nation or the water nation and I had to choose one if I didn't want to die required Hearts five you don't expect me to give up all my heart and the love is going faster bro I'll get off time okay water Nation I'm not gonna pay the five Hearts I'm just gonna wait yo stop why can't I go through each door both doors were linked leading me back to the middle and the lava was getting closer to killing me wait why is it only me break the door I don't have money fatigue I can't break anything okay yo yo wait do I really need to get rid of the hearts the love is almost down I'm gonna remove five Hearts but yo oh my yo five hearts in there please please don't take me Fire Nation okay I'm on the Fire Nation quick you pick the Fire Nation huh what are you doing up to my house it doesn't matter man it's too bad you're gonna die pull me out boys where's she going where'd you see oh my oh the chicken just stop wait no way I need galvia stop the Nations win at War instead they work together to trap me to my death by stealing all my hearts okay let me get inside let me get inside bro wait I think I'm Sophia while the Sun keeps filling up on the outside I'll be secure in this house Whopper to the floor why is that love when it's burning it's burning okay no way anyway I need to get out of here the five nations so beloved trap so I'd solely burned to death okay goodbye house but you know what I can't need this wood but it's a crafting table I'd make a pickaxe let me get off here I'm just gonna mine out it's a desert wait what did I do I'm still back here but what's that okay wait this is someone different I think is this no I'm in the same spot and the Sun keeps falling okay this is bad because since I'm on one hot if the Sun hits me once I'll suffocate to death okay what's over here what oh oh oh bro where did the sand go I need to kind of first go over there I guess make my way up look at the entire house I do need as much wood as I can give me all this wood okay yo I'm out oh yeah I kind of need to build up there must be some on the top oh I predicted that it just raised even more and with nowhere else to climb it was only a matter of time before I fell in what if I just try break out is there somewhere up here wait a second there's lava on the ceiling and look at the lava both ways I'm trapped then I make a boat if I place a ladder the fire is burning the wood no this entire plan could fail uh I need to be fast boats right there I see right there is where I need to go I don't know how much of the edge I'm on but a little bit closer and out I'm free yeah the wall was fake both nations were happy that they trapped me infinitely but since I've escaped I'm gonna destroy them both by creating the biggest war possible there's the line okay I'm currently on the war Nation side and if I'm cool at any point I get shot oh my bro I was just trying to get to my side now these lines cover the entire world and the circle in the middle yeah that's mine but what's happened to my house it seems like while it was trapped both teams stole all my resources and destroyed my entire house I first need to get rid of all my house and then build a small shop like this I'm gonna craft a golden apple and then eat it up because the items I'm gonna be selling are Hearts I don't have two fake hearts right here like this but before anyone comes I can't need to remove this entire area oh well my shovel just broke but after clearing out the entire area I set up the Trap and it's done I kind of just still on this Edge for anyone trying to shoot me and this is where the signs come in like this I kind of have a lot to do but if a player walks onto my area they've already fallen for the Trap I hope no one's kind of watching because this is where the toothball comes in speed mode go okay this is taking longer than I expected as soon as I finished placing the Moss carpet I was ready to lower player over and it's done since trading hearts are banned if you're caught you'll be instantly killed but I'm gonna somehow lure a player from the Fire Nation to come to my area and take the hearts for free and there he is uh we got a little bit of a problem here okay because I see you got some nice Wares behind you so I'm just gonna kill you if you don't give me though oh no no no this is why I wanted to hear pass it over there you go what's going on with this thing over here no no no no oh I now have everything I need to rage die everyone instantly came to investigate what happened what is what is okay yeah me I didn't do this is a giant hole and this would create the perfect destruction to break their truce and that's why I can't need to climb because what I need is right up there and there we go it's inside there this Temple is the neutral zone and inside here is a dragon egg now this dragon egg is able to give you an infinite amount of hearts and that's why neither team has it if stolen by one team it would cause chaos and would be the start of a war and that's why I kind of need you give me the dragonet whoa whoa whoa whoa where did that come from it turns out the temple was ridward traps any Intruders would die but what I did is right there see a little bit sus there's a high chance the dispensers are filled with deadly arrows and since I'm on one heart a single shot would kill me and that's why I'm gonna do the safest strap just run lock my life depends on it oh yeah let's not do that again but you will know mine and you see what I mean my horse will become infinite but Ray just definitely keep him distracted forever I'm blaming you guys all right it's either you guys are quick okay you guys are the sus ones and if I keep the dragon egg on me I'll be instantly caught out so I had to put it somewhere safe and that's why I brought it right here I put it inside the Shocker chest if I kept the dragon egg I'd become immortal but I want both Nations to go to war So the plan is simple I'm gonna lose someone from the water nation and get them to win the blue shulker because once they take it home I'm gonna frame them which will destroy the entire truce you've some explain to do Mister wait what did I do did you kill rage no I've been here the entire time and what exactly is here huh what is this inside each of these shulkers is an item how does this work you just need to match the cool of the block with the shulker and you could take that home oh okay five hidden the dragon egg inside here and since it's covered in Coal you really can't tell all right well what does this little game cost it costs your armor all of it no no it's any piece oh okay well that's easy Kimberly chest Play Perfect this item is exactly what I need the frame Kipling all you do is match it oh oh no don't oh okay yeah please let me go again off we go oh kind of want this one call one man I want this one or this one yeah well you gotta take it whatever man I don't want to play a stupid game anymore I'll be seeing you pretty soon and since kipley's taking the shulker back it was the perfect time to go and frame her well back down I go oh wait this was a mistake this was such a mistake same thing again see you guys later item frame and there we go kipley's chest play now when both teams find her chest plate they'll realize kipley stole the egg and this will be the start of me removing the world so I'm just gonna wait here and watch this entire thing unfold there's supposed to be a dragon egg right here right kipler did you steal the dragon egg all right we we gotta go and talk to kiply about this Kipling did you steal the dragon egg we're coming to get you yes they found the evidence I left behind and now they're going after Kipling I they think I stole the app yeah I don't know I don't know what you're on about you're not gonna get away with this okay if I'm gonna die you're gonna die you understand me okay don't help me right now just look over there you're not gonna get away with us oh my yo can't play died right in front my eyes which means the truth now had been broken but as I Was preparing to remove the entire world something unexpected happened I just fly here so let me make another right chess play quiff I know what you did yeah what bro on This Server if you'll reach 100 Hearts you're able to morph into any animal and sources became a cat I've seen everything you've done from the beginning with rage the dragon egg wait he's been following me around since I first logged on Gathering all the evidence he could and now that he had everything he needed he was about to reveal my plans are you gonna tell Kipling right there well oh idiot oh the MLG just in case anything went wrong I had a backup plan yeah the entire reason was this yeah pick that up get back here what what idiot he actually left inside the dropper was a ban book and when picked up would corrupt any player's data so let me quickly patch this up and I bought myself some time now I roughly have 30 minutes to start the wall so I can remove the entire world and I'm on the Fire Nation and why is no one around here hello guys I kind of need you to Star War but both teams needed only one more push and since both Nations have their own territory if I was to remove both of them it would cause chaos and that's why I need TNT because if I try to mind the entire world it'd take forever how would you not have anything that's because all the TNT in the server was already gone and one player had it he was gonna build a giant cannon that would destroy the entire Blue Nation in one shot oh but one TNT I'll take that so I can build the first TNT duper okay yeah it's actually working look how much I'm damaging the world oh my well that's just one piece of TNT now imagine if I had over a stack but the player who has it quickly doesn't like me yeah he's trying to kill me and since this is op there's no way I can even get close so what if I just become immortal like seriously but first I need to find his location and that's where you come in Echo Echo listen here man listen I know I don't try to kill me I've got proposition if I give you this another right chest plate can you tell me where Toby is he's between the house and the church uh underground okay uh yeah perfect Echo knows the location of every player on the server and since I just found where Toby was it was time to collect my TNT well the house is here and the church is there which means he should be right below me but I only have one Hall and that's where these items come in see I found a glitch that would let me get resistance for permanently and this was the perfect time to abuse it first I need to hear the god Apple then I need to eat the golden apple like this and as you can see everything's ticking down and now I just need to wait for this I hit one second and splash myself with this potion did that work it should go back up yeah it went back up to 20 seconds ever resistance four I think I take zero damage oh well I take half a half I'm kind of immortal but now I have to find Toby and kill him okay I'm in some sort of maze what in the world is this oh this is downstairs this is bedrock level oh he's right there I think that's him I got I'm too far I can't see his name tag but that's Toby he's building some sort of TNT robot but if I drop a TNT and say all off I can easily kill him oh you actual idiot oh if I fall into the void now I'll be instantly killed the resistance won't even help what evidence oh my you all played me stop stop bro I'm afraid Notch this is where you die why can't I play some sources rejoined and got all the evidence he needed and now he's gonna tell everyone can I not Place water why can't I place anything why okay wait wait oh what my day license are worked okay I'm out of the Void now but I need to call off sources before he let someone else know but I can't run over here but where can he be I found him okay wait what wait you're not getting anything you're dead you're dead but that doesn't stop him because he still has multiple Hearts so he'll keep respawning but he's still stuck inside I see before I found his location I sell the spawn trap so once he died he couldn't escape I know kind of permanently he did so I'm taking all your hearts brother and goodbye I'm Gonna Leave This area now but now that I stole all of sources Hearts he was banned and now that I have all the TNT it was time to remove the world and this is gonna help me see I build the best TNT duper machine out there and this will remove the world the fastest I just need to break this oh yes it's going off TNT oh yeah fact I'm witnessing a masterpiece right now look at all the teeth it's gonna it's gonna remove the entire world and while everyone was distracted with preparing for war it only took 20 minutes for me to remove the entire world yeah this might look a little bit crazy that's because it is is I love the world has just been annihilated like there literally is nothing around me but this is where it gets good both teams have now seen this and are blaming each other Mr netherright Man huh you got netherry and then what you decide to TNT dupe everything and and destroy everything we've worked on nope no answer's not gonna fess up to your crimes huh I'm gonna kill someone in the war nation and that will be the final straw you just fishing rod him I knew it oh my with foot beef dying that was a final straw for Kipling you better fix that giant hole or else you're dead they want me to fix the entire world but they've walked right into my hands cause I'm gonna create the biggest trap possible well I'm honestly gonna need a lot of signs because this is not gonna quit and after what felt like it is I've covered the entire place in carpet but the real plan starts now I'm gonna Supply Hearts to the teams which will gain me access onto their side carefully Kipling kiply whoa I know you're about to go to the wall there you go two hearts thank you you're free because what I'm gonna do instead goodbye to your beds that's for the wall Things No thank you brother cause I'm about to destroy your bids I don't think this is the last bed now I just need to make the spawn trap and fill them with lava like that and now when they die they'll be permanently dead wait where did he come from he got bun oh yeah yeah you want to see my aim buddy huh that's how you turn into a porcupine go away wait wait get away from me no it's quick this entire time you've all been schmicked no he's been the one you've been scheming behind the scenes he gave me a chestplate wait he gave you guys stuff listen all I'm saying is what source is saying is yeah no I've done this I've kind of removed the entire world uh I kind of did everything you know I'm killing rage to destroying this entire world uh yeah uh do you have Death Wish yeah [Applause] the best thing's Yet to Come what do you mean you guys are permanent yeah you guys are dead and I'm gonna enjoy every moment screening screening goodbye I'll see you guys later enjoy that and I'm gonna yeah remove the world yeah it's kind of over
Channel: Quiff
Views: 1,393,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, Minecraft, Why I Removed The Entire World..., removed world, breaking the world, red vs blue, minecraft end of world simulation, infinite hearts, lifesteal hearts, stealing hearts, max hearts, minecraft infinite, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1, split world
Id: w_ZeJNZ_BvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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