Why I Survived The Sun Ending The World...

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the sun is about to explode and destroy the entire world will people come together and find a solution or will they all accept the end everything is gonna be gone so it's time to just accept the end guys what do you mean except the end what what we have three hours brother I'm gonna find a way we all rushed outside finding ways to survive the apocalypse and as the sun was slowly reaching the world I came across this it's the end of the world come here come win some netherite yo wait what's this all right you see the netherite armor on the stand over there yeah you need to move the armor stand in between the lines it's that simple yeah but you only have one chance since uh This fishing rod it's got zero durability wait this is kind of hard wait how's this gonna work I don't know how far I need to pull it but I only have one chance and if I miss the soup the only way to survive the end will be gone all right and full wait yo yo yo yo it's on the line it's more on the Cobblestone which means it's all mine right you can win the armor now if you survive yo whoa whoa where have I going yo wait why am I on fire why my fire oh what I survived an awful what was that since the world's ending the server was in Anarchy meaning everyone was killing each other and I was a Target and kipley's ran away but yo the arm is still there let me join this well either way I have full netherride but why did I burn that's because the closer the sun's getting to the world the more everything will be set to fire but this netherite only has some Breaking Free mining would never survive the exploding Zone and that's why I'm selling this gear and my first customers there this netherrite right here I need it I Need You Gotta Give It To Me yeah I'm sold again I'm selling it okay I swear quiff I'm going to kill you yo I'm gonna okay do you have 25 balls nice again yeah no you're relaxed brother all right okay I'm gonna kill you Fireball there you go there you go give me this yo yo crazy good stuff yo yo yo yo yo yo no no no no okay here we go we're good we're good we're good bro that's what I thought you're crazy but within then the right arm and now sold the plan will set in motion and I had to follow rage back to his house he's right there you actual idiot cause what I needed was these Fireballs right here because using these I'm gonna replicate the exploding Sun okay he's gone inside all right he's right there well bro this is gonna be call in the end for you called the dispensers patch it up and then I place the pressure plates right here now if I go back on another 10 inside here and let me slowly leave and now I have some distance as soon as he walks outside he'll activate the dispensers chewing the Fireballs into him which will either kill him or do nothing at all okay he's right there is he gonna walk through is he gonna whoa that just bro what was that explosion hey Rick you alive I just sort of like no he's dead bro and it's another idea is there meaning that then the right gear could not even survive a fireball never mind the entire sword and I needed to find a new way to survive bro I'm going to kind of collect all your Lou again yo I got four pieces of obsidian and if I place obsidian here I pull the Fireballs inside and now if I click this button oh okay the fireball did no damage to obsidian you might be my lucky block but I only have three pieces and to make an insane bunker I need at least a thousand but I don't have anything except some valuables and it isn't much but since diamonds are clearly completely useless because it's the end of the world people don't know that so they'll do anything for it and I'll be able to use diamond blocks to get obsidian but I can make one diamond block and this ain't really gonna help if I place a chest here one TNT and 11 I'm able to turn this diamond block into a stack I just need to put the diamond block in here I should equipped another idea activate the TNT and please please say this works this works no Waits that not really work no I'll hit one more TNT okay activate come on please please please please please please please please please tell me this week's yo wait oh I have two pieces no way let me try this again one more time activate spam between these two come on please please please yo oh I want two stacks of diamond blocks this glitch is op because it turns all the surrounding blocks into Diamond but they're not actually diamond blocks so it could easily be caught out but I'm gonna use these to get a bunch of obsidian and now I'm here first I need to break all these and then fill them up with the diamond blocks I like that although why is this off now whenever they land on the diamond block they will get the fake diamonds and walk away very happy but these are completely fake if I use this crafting table once I put them in the crafting table nothing pops up but if I click it out see there we go look it's dirt although I've just wasted 51 diamonds but luckily ever stack and now I just wait for the first player to walk in and steal all his obsidian you tried to kill me what are you doing here let's be bygones okay I'm here for business all right let me win some diamonds at 20 obsidian per try all right okay 20 obsidian all you need to do is London diamond and you get diamonds oh yeah that's what you kind of deserve I have warp sitting here okay we go again there we go all right boom boom boom it's going off oh get off whatever man okay this is the last amount I got okay perfect all right come on third time's a charm please oh you got the Double Diamonds the double take four diamonds right there yep all right sorry for uh you know it's happening for you yeah just tell people about the shop will do I managed to get a stack of obsidian and I was 20 to my goal what's up dude I'm here with the uh obsidian oh yeah I see your hand all right there you go okay perfect it's your chance to get infinite diamonds right now you're gonna have so many but then this is gonna be stuck oh that's bro that's pretty lucky okay give me the 44 bro you want all of it all of it all right all right I trust you all right cool 44 and here you know what you could just take those diamond blocks no way dude for real yeah yeah yeah all right dude thank you bro yeah of course yeah anytime and now we're successfully getting two stacks of obsidian and the shop getting a great reputation I was very close to my goal you see this my hand huh this is the fake diamond blocks you gave me earlier they're not fake your face take these yo guys you can just take these oh if you guys can take this oh that's not fake they're not fake they're not fake they're not fake test it test it test it wait no no come now come here oh no where are you going okay okay do not leave give me everything you have right now there you go there you go no no I want the obsidian too I need that I don't care there you go there you go just take it take it that's all I'm sitting in our house this is karma man for what be lucky I spared your life let's get out of here bro with everything being robbed oh my progress was gone and the sun was one hour closer to the world and I was back to square one yeah I have nothing other than three pieces of obsidian this isn't a base at all and right now people are building bunkers using the best block which is reinforced deep sleep and they're currently locking me out but that's why I have these leads and it's take you you know what YouTube and you know what you come with me now I need a way to infiltrate their base and I know they're Gathering all the animals and that's why Skizzy oh Cliff what's up dude yeah yo I bore you all these animals you can just throw them in here there you go yeah you can keep them there yeah bro I got you don't worry yeah yeah thank you bro the reason I gave skinzi diamond blocks was to gain is trust so I can hand him these animals without getting suspicion because I'm gonna hide over here and watch that entrance because as soon as he leaves I'm gonna follow them all the way inside the bunker so I can survive the end of the world yo he's right there he's coming out so with this in this potion boom I'm now invis yeah you can't see me let me get on top there we go you know I'm just gonna sit back and relax because now skinsy's Gonna Leave Me Right Into the Bunker if I only have seven minutes of invis so I kind of have to be careful so please go a little bit faster yo yo yo brother yo try to get me killed maybe this was a small strap but after a long journey we finally arrived all right let's go oh come on guys I only have two minutes left right towards here I see that name time thanks it's me skidzy open up buddy no dude open up bro it's me dude what I I have the farm animals dude let me in wait is that tea all right yo what's going on what's up what's up my animals yo welcome welcome is that reinforced deep sleep how did they get that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait what are you doing dude what I just died it's over also you fall yeah that wasn't my main account there was a chance I was gonna be cool so I use my all to infiltrate I'd instead use my main account for the real plan which was stealing all their resources I needed all this Redstone because while I was in the casino they already snooked all the pieces Into the Bunker and now that I have a lot it's time for some testing inside that bunker they're reinforced deep slate which is one of the most durable vanilla blocks in Minecraft but would it survive the exploding Sun I first need to kind of build up just please don't kill me yo the sun's already burning forests uh I really this is getting bad I'm gonna replicate the Sun by building one myself and then I'm gonna crash into the world this is a test if the people inside the Deep slate bunker would survive bro oh why are you on fire yo chill I'm building you either way I kind of need to finish this a little bit faster so come on please go go go go go go go go go in the middle is gonna be a bunch of TNT I do need to cover all this with glass though I now need to make it so all the blocks get pushed to the floor so I kind of place all these observes at the top because these will activate the Pistons to push it down I have to be a little bit faster because I don't have much time and there we go this block should be the activator so I need to build it from here Toby is this is this you yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo no oh no oh oh no stop boom he's gone okay wait this is getting kind of bad since they now knew about my plan all the players were gathering to destroy my entire sword and I had to finish this extremely fast I don't wash time I don't have much time that connects to that that connects to that I think my son is pretty much done me this level should activate it yo yo it's going it's going it's going against going I need to get off I had to get to a safe distance and wash this thing look at that soon oh I might need to go a little bit further I mean I use the same concept doesn't meet you does that look like a suit I think it kind of looks like a sun or did I just replicate the meteor again I don't know it was the only thing I remember how to make yo yo did that just blow up oh my water dude what has it done uh why are there explosions she last exported everything yo wait did they die I can't tell yo they actually died yo that's insane how did that work wow that boat was actually crazy but how did they get bedrock wait I don't even want to place this with the players now dead my test was successful and I required an impossible block that would be the core to my base if I place this down it's actually bedroll but I can't break it and after some researching I discovered the book that lets you obtain bedrock in Java wait if I'm not mistaken oh my I was right there's a block missing here now all I do is set up the glitch okay I think I've got it working by the way got the Pistons got the TNT the obsidian I just click this button go they don't mess them up you please wait did it oh yo no no no no bro I was quite a piece of Pedro yo that's insane I've just got Bedrock where did I get tp'd the end another are now closed three minutes till the end that's so stupid I acquired one Bedrock but this is not enough since I only have one Bedrock I need a way to dupe this and for that I need a shulker and since I really don't have one I'm Gonna Miss This Skizzy to buy a shulker and since I've befriended him getting one should be really easy yo it's kids I know you did it brother and what's that Target block I was double crossed Skizzy turned out to be a traitor and he wanted to kill me I have a very small idea right now if I'm not mistaken the target block was on the left side [Music] oh my you idiot with skinzi now dead I was able to get my shulker but I know it's the player sourceless if you don't want to die listen to me we're gonna be a team you're kind of roped in all right then let's see how this goes all right jump down let's go all the way to the bottom I've got a Bedrock what I'm gonna do now is I need your help I it's a two-player glitch we're gonna dupe this bedroom the bedrock's the only way we're gonna survive the sun we now have the bedrock in the shulker getting get in the boat and you just have to disconnect and I shall now disconnect it's in my hand right now and if this worked sources had rejoin and have the Shocker in his chest bro we just got two bedrooms and after duplicating the glitch multiple times we finally had enough Bedrock to start the bunker okay so since we're good we're good we're good look at that look inside your chest we have two oh bro this insane okay what you might need to test that again do you have more TNT uh yeah I can get some more TNT say off again next to the wall oh wait this is bad I I am cool with the floor TNT still goes through bedroll meaning we still wouldn't survive the apocalypse so that's when I realized we have to make a multiple layered base okay so since this is actually looking sick um how many lizards this is like yeah this is good okay I'm gonna kind of go steal all the loops I'll be back in a second all right where is it there's only one thing I'm looking for we can't lose that if we lose it there's no point oh it's right there the only dragon egg on the surface now ours and look at that amazing base let me just end the pill over there Let's Get Closer sources have I have the dragon egg it uh yo sucks I should have seen this coming no how bro who else is in there don't you worrying though people hiding camouflage inside the base and they've overtaken my bunker and I only have 60 Bedrock this is not enough for a base because I'll take all the damage and die and the sun's right there wait the sky hasn't gone any brighter and the sun hasn't gone any closer I don't think that's moved I think there might be a win to that base if I just total underneath it and end up Berlin I'm in a lava pool where how far does this lava go wait this isn't a lava cave this is just lava bro the sun was never crashing into the world but instead there was an artificial sun under the world which was causing the destruction from the inside out and I've just secretly uncovered someone's plan we have the fire resistance splashed I know I go down how deep okay wait the hole's here and the bunkers here how low am I actually going I'm in the void so why is just a follow where this lava leads and I'll find a player and after following the lava I finally found a player behind it all wait I think I see a name tag okay where does this where does this lead I was just right below here where has he been the entire time sun was falling bro what are you doing here move on the entrance bro what's out here don't look don't look for yourself don't tell me don't tell me it was you that created the sun down there well it does look like it doesn't it but yeah it was you oh look no stop bro I have a 1 million fire resistance left okay I don't have much time this love is rising after making my way down the hole I uncovered the sun yo wait yo this is a voyak wait how did I MLG we're in the void bro wait if I'm not burning either yo if I place Warrior turns to Stone if I pull this entire sun it's over well I've still I've definitely still got a long way to go but once I remove the entire Sun the world was saved it was no longer ending but I still had to get my revenge well don't think I forgot about you guys this one's gone you're still alive and that's why I have this TNT because the TNT is gonna go for the Bedrock and kill them all they haven't done this layer yet so if I just Spam this all with TNT yeah you guys should have let me in so I'm just gonna blow open yeah good luck guys good luck that should do a little bit of damage and you guys can open the Bedrock now and let me in I'll forgive you yeah about that I don't think we're going to because if we do you're gonna kill us anyway it was nice knowing you yo Toby died and sources died too that's why I should be in charge of this but I successfully removed the sword and saved the entire world
Channel: Quiff
Views: 1,564,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, minecraft, Why I Survived The Sun Crashing Into The World..., why i removed the sun, minecraft end of world simulation, infinite hearts, lifesteal hearts, stealing hearts, most dangerous minecraft server, max hearts, minecraft infinite, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1
Id: BJ1cr_bisEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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