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why do I run what is the reason behind me running and me trying to improve and so yeah it's a bit of a loaded question it is it's u-verse you you keep driving through the the little pieces of pain that you're experiencing in your legs and that goes a that goes a long way [Applause] running wasn't this thing that was natural to me yeah I wasn't a natural-born runner I didn't have this natural attraction to running I think the reason I started running is because I knew I wanted to join the military and I knew not only that running would make me a better officer it would prepare me for what I was about to experience but it was like it was a trait it was a characteristic it was something I had to be better at in order to be a better leader and for me like I remember vividly being in port Benning Georgia we were running and linking ability groups it's like there was an alpha group there was a Bravo Jeep there's a a charlie group like the Alpha group were like these these skinny small guys who were so fast so I wouldn't I would force myself to run with the fast guys it was extremely uncomfortable it sucked like it hurt I wanted to be this well-rounded leader and that's why I started running so I threw my time in the military running was just a part of me and then when I left the military when my contract was up and in transition down that part of me naturally felt like it should have just stopped I should have stopped running but the thing was that there was something that was missing from me and I think it has to do with a personal trait like wanting to get better wondering you constantly improved wanting to go one more all the time running was something that naturally came back into my life like signing up for marathons and trying to push myself and do triathlons in the Ironman and now attempting to qualify for the Boston and ultra marathons and it naturally came back because there's this correlation between constantly wanting to improve and running for me but like running in itself has such a positive correlation to to my personal drive to improve to build my business to build my brand where it's it is its u-verse you and there's no rest depending on what you're training for you might be running for an hour two three four hours straight plus depending on what race you're doing or training for and the thing is that you are you're sucking like you're embracing that discomfort where your your body is constant telling you to stop and slow down it's begging you like your your body is sending your mind these signals to you I'm tired I need rest but it's a fact that your mind just drives the bus your mind drives your body to keep pushing through that when you take the lessons you learn from running and constantly flipping that switch and telling your body like no my mind's driving through this I apply these lessons to running to every part of my life I want to build my businesses I don't become a better person and what what I always remember is I can I was training for a marathon about a year ago and my coach I described this to me where you get to a point where you're you're running fur for hours and miles upon miles and your legs hurt and your mind starts to wonder and at that point you just start to listen to the birds like to embrace every part of that that environment that experience and they pull yourself away from the situation listen to the birds and allow yourself like soak that up and when I started doing that a guy I found this creative space for me every part of this world that we live in right now there's distractions everywhere and when you can just run you and yourself on like an open road for hours you eliminate distractions there are no distractions and that's where I've been able to find like my most creative space and that is why I run
Channel: Nick Bare
Views: 2,394,972
Rating: 4.9559083 out of 5
Keywords: why i run, nick bare running, run, running motivation, run motivation, fitness, fitness motivation, endurance motivation, bare performance nutrition, bpn supps, run more, running addiction, marathon training, 25 hours a day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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