Becoming a Marathoner

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[Music] drilling big cameras rolling B cameras rolling okay don't look in the camera and say look they're all right I need your assistant to have a big poster board [Music] when I think about New York City I think of the crowds the movement it's exciting it's one of my favorite places I'm gonna be running the New York City Marathon fifty thousand people out there going through the five boroughs we go Brooklyn you know Manhattan you have Central Park the most incredible race in the entire world I cannot wait [Music] you [Music] my hurry all are you email was like a tiny bit misleading because we don't really have any follow-up questions aside from do you want to be one of the straw plates to run the New York City Marathon this year oh my god I thought it was just like follow-up questions like Oh things we we heard your story was great next year you know I I could not believe it yes thank you I mean so much sure for my mom and me I go to school full-time I'm a senior at Texas A&M San Antonio and my major is finance the biggest challenge out of my marathon journey has been being a full-time student having a part-time job and then of course being at home with my mom I think our daughters have always been seen how much her mom loves running well I had always run in Mexico by started more serious in Colorado when I was training for 1/2 she maybe decide that she wanted to do it and try something different I always knew running a marathon was possible I always thought the longest distance I could run with 13 miles and I think that was just a mentality but I had my inspiration for running is my mom she was diagnosed with ALS about a year and a half ago when she was training for her last half marathon she started experience symptoms it was just a really hard to pronounce because that is not a cure but I focus on the positive and just one date at the time so I decided from that point on that I would be running for the both of us and it's been day by day but every day that we have is a beautiful day the feeling I have had about the journey about the marathon has just been really positive with the community of runners supporting me my family supporting me but running and finishing the New York Marathon will mean to me that gives me the chills I just think through the whole journey that if I set my mind to something I could finish it who's who it's the day before the marathon and I am a little bit nervous but mainly excited I can't believe the day is finally here I was thinking back in August when I was running my long runs and it was hot and icky that I was just so surprised that I'm like oh it's November it's two morons in less than 24 hours and I can't believe I'm gonna be there [Music] see my mom and how strong she is and I will always be having her on my mind every mile as I go through a New York Marathon and really accomplish those 26.2 miles I absolutely love New York I love the people I love the ambience I love the seasons the food it's a magical city I've been very lucky to grow up in a family that I have I have incredibly supportive siblings I've one sister with Down syndrome and through her I think the three of us have learned a lot about patience and love and compassion and a lot of that comes from my parents too Kylie certainly was very influenced by Jessica and the profession she has which is a speech pathologist and works with children with disabilities my sister has always been a huge inspiration to me I knew I would be happiest if I was working with individuals with special needs I run because it's been such a positive outlet in my life and I think running is one of those things I run when things are tough and I run when things are good when I was going through a challenging time I decided that setting goals and accomplishing them was something that brought a big sense of pride and joy I'm really excited for her it's awesome I mean I never expected this to be something that she wanted to do and it was something I think she had to find on her own so now it's something that we get to share and we've gone on runs together I'm terrified to run the marathon and I'm excited all at the same time I think the biggest thing for me is getting to the the start line healthy and finishing the race and having fun while I do it [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the crowd was so incredible so I was just soaking it all in I had my name on my bib and just hearing thousands and thousands of people call my name the whole time kind of makes me feel like a rockstar [Music] [Applause] it was pretty spectacular different icons on the shuttle bus car I felt like I was in the United Nations because there just like so many different ones but all my cool it's so clocking up to the start line you get the goosebumps right away let's get the thing started I'm the nerves are already [Music] [Music] [Music] running and finishing this marathon it's gonna be one of those things where it's been a long journey considering the fact that I was almost 300 pounds and I couldn't even go up a flight of stairs without being out of breath I know I have prior experience in my family history of having heart problems I decided to switch out my diet and then I just got into running so I can maintain the weight loss we started going to the gym every day every other day and I guess he got like on the treadmill started running and he just kept going in asn't stopped running my first mile without stopping I was like yes I can do it and then running my first 5k running my first 10k running my first half marathon those they're huge moments of my life during my weight loss I lost my dad passed away in his sleep we didn't find out until a day or two later that it was due to a heart attack and that was a time where I figured out like okay time to tackle life head-on [Music] I'm like all here we go here comes the people experience of just lining the streets all of that going through all the boroughs of New York blew me away because you had a live music you had a DJ's going on I mean you had people since I put my name on the bed it was you know gol-do seemed all those crowds throughout all 26 miles there was never a dead spot that was amazing [Music] it's why thank you and drying this race honor my dad it's more inspiring because I wish she was here to witness them because I had a fuse here we've been alright that finished all right cheer me on good say that's why boy ten miles with me who's keeping my legs [Applause] [Music] after I hit mile 20 I became the real mental game all kinds of records today [Music] there's a reason why only 1% of population in the world does this you put in all the time you make the lifestyle change you can't do that or sport really pretty incredible to say finished the New York Marathon with my sister beside me my mom her bucket golus was like number one was to like run through Central Park and she was able to do that last year you know I just thought of her running in Central Park Whitman while I was entering a Central Park I thought to myself dead we did it I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say it was one of the best coolest days of my life I just felt so lucky about the entire experience what's possible after running a marathon I think that was just the beginning [Music]
Channel: Strava
Views: 336,652
Rating: 4.9552302 out of 5
Keywords: running, new york city, marathon
Id: xbaJY15Wodo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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