The Story of Minecraft's SCARIEST LEGENDS

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everyone knows that Minecraft is full of terrifying Legends like the Wither storm and era 422 but do you know where they came from today we're going into the past to discover the horrific origins of the scariest Legends starting with the farlands we have to get those scary legends back inside the book Steve well here we are this isn't the farlands I think we've been click baited no no no guider I don't think it's clickbait you've just got to remember that this is the origin of the farlands and it could be how the Farland was discovered so just be patient fine perhaps our answers lay in that Village over there I think someone's in that house well it's a villager obviously but where's he going okay the coast is clear my quest begins Quest oh maybe this guy's the f person to discover the fall ends come on we better follow him yes it all makes sense a noble Explorer out there on a quest to find the farlands and he's going to get killed by zombies what a noob oh quido don't laugh I'm sure he's got this you really think so uh yeah yeah sure he does go uh yeah okay uh he he's just building his energy up trust me he's going to kick that b oh gosh we better help S Mode activate thanks buddy now let's get in there and save that Explorer take this foul creatures yeah yeah don't worry buddy I got you what the who in the Multiverse are you I I totally had that under control wow I'm sorry buddy I I didn't mean to make you cry I I thought I was helping everyone in my Village is good at something everyone except me I just wanted to achieve something historic the first villager to reach the end of the world but I can't even do that right oh man Guido I feel really bad yes he's really upset I mean we do have to figure out the origins of the Fallin so maybe we should offer to help come on buddy get up I'll take you to the farlands the farlands yes that sounds like a great idea let's go and so our journey began two Heroes one robots and 12,550 1821 blocks as we traveled the landscape became more and more glitched we kept going until we reached the Farland it doesn't look like the four lands yeah I don't know Guido the the holes in the walls are missing it doesn't look corrupted at all it looks super smooth seriously how did something like this end up looking like this that's it it just ends there must be more behind it no no no you don't understand there's nothing behind the F LS it just becomes more glitched and more corrupted just calm down no tell me to calm down I can't return to my Village without going Beyond these farlands yeah but what I'm saying to you is that there's nothing beyond the farlands it's just oh he's not listening to me he's starting to get desperate uh dude uh are you okay you lied to me you said You' bring me to the end of the world oh the farlands is the end of the world war lies leave me here I shall travel beyond the farlands myself no come on dude let's just go home he's not going to listen to us Steve we should just go I was only trying to help and so our time with the Explorer ended but he remained at the farlands trying to figure out away over the wall days and nights passed and the Explorer began to see things Visions come home sweetie your father and I miss you I can't supplies running low must eat who ghost there Steve robot what in the Multiverse are you stay back fowl beasts I will not die until I pass the Farland I will not die I will not die I will not die I will not die I will not die I will not die I will not die I will not die I will not die I will not die will not die I will not die I will not die the Explorer died that night and the farlands were born and that's how the farlands were created an Explorer tried to go further than any hero had gone before and paid the consequences that's R everything and we did manage to get the Legends back inside the bug but we've still gotten more Legends to go yep like this next one alpha 0000 so Steve what is Alpha 0000 it's some kind of glitch in the world Guido it creates all sorts of distortions including a horrible glitch creature that follows you from a distance and you know the glitch is happening if you start seeing signs signs like those ones yep now normally the signs just say die but it actually looks like there's some sentences on these ones well then maybe this isn't Alpha 0000 uh yeah maybe let's see here please leave me alone for your own sake leave I'm not going to leave them alone come on Steve [Music] Guido I I can smell burning I I think there's a campfire ahead friends yeah let's hope so hail hail I thought it was snowing no weo that's not what he meant uh hi hail courageous young man who Braves the icy wind and not but his pajamas pajamas seriously do I look like I'm wearing PJs are you in need of Aid food shelter I mean I'm never want to turn down free food hey this isn't turning out so bad these guys actually seemed okay but when I heard what they were all the way out here to do my blood rang cold well told her we are a band of traveling witch Hunters and we have come all the way out here to hunt a witch how did you guess clever on this guy yes a witch the last of her kind she has the power to change reality itself we have sworn to stop her before she can use her power for evil but we've run into a snag hey Steve a witch with reality vending Powers doesn't that sound like Alpha 00 oh yeah I I guess so but that doesn't explain why the signs had sentences and didn't just say die there must be more to this story we have reason to believe her hiding spot is somewhere to the north how do you know that because the area is littered with signs like those ones and deadly traps every time we send someone to investigate they end up dead would you like to investigate heck yeah I would did you just miss the whole dying thing well good luck boys let us know if you find anything come on Guido Adventure await and maybe death here witchy witchy witchy hey weo check it out more signs yeah they say please leave let's get out of here come on and roller no Guido I promised those guys I'd find the wedge H you wear traps huh interesting advice oh what is this no the sign told you to beware the traps yeah well dude I wasn't expecting there to be this many like what the heck is there I don't think the witch is the most social person just got to time this perfectly no go go go go go wao okay that was the close one uh now which way over this way around the corner okay let's try and get this done come on come on wao whoo jeez watch out another trip for you you're really bad no wa ow I gotta thanks quido oh well that was kind of fun right what the what was that this is where the Distortion is coming from eagloo the witch must be inside and she must have been the ones leaving these signs well let's go say hi hello I know you're not really looking for new friends right now miss witch but if you could just come with me I would be more than happy to introduce you to my new friends she's not here no she is not and any idea wao I'm a shovel now yes you are and that gives me an idea normal OS have basement right so all we've got to do is dig up this snow and find where the secret basement is where is she come on there's got to be an entrance somewhere uh Steve one was there oh hey check it out we've got a visitor are you looking for the witch [Music] too monster no stop Dylan put it down they're not witch Hunters wait is that the witch don't mind Dyan he's a good bear just doesn't like Intruders I hope he didn't hurt your metal beach ball friend beach ball that makes me feel even worse ah just hold on one second Guido listen I've got a question why are you hiding out here all the way in the wilderness and what's the deal with all the distortions affecting the area I've had these Powers since I was born could never control them can you imagine what that's like everyone I met anywhere I went slowly they'd be distorted corrupted by my magic so I hid as far away as I could get to keep everyone safe from me and to keep my powers out of the hands of people who would want to use them for their own ends wait so if you're out here not causing any trouble then why would the witch Hunters be after you unless they're the people who want to take the powers for themselves well deduced my pajama wearing friend we are here for this switch I shall take her powers and leave her for dead thank you for leading us straight to we couldn't have done it without you wait what is he doing he's building some kind of ritual zuu Zaba zubo Zaba this way which will now come to Papa they're stealing her powers then we' got to do something about it leave her alone you animals oh okay Guido they actually hit pretty hard might want to reix our strategy here Shield [Music] MOD oh nice jum Guido now these guys aren't damaging me at all they're too strong to take down in hand to hand combat but I think if I head over to the laser beam I can reflect it at yes and now we can reflect the laser on itself finally the ritual is over but I don't think the fight's over just yet you're too late Steve no no too late to save her and too late to save yourself you've got the witch's powers and he carry up well at least he's not eating me anymore are you okay Dylan that was awesome oh no oh now his butt is distorted it's probably his entire body but yeah you're right oh right that makes more sense this this F this is ala 0 Z oh no no stay back I'm your friend Dylan I'm your friend and there it is Alpha 0000 restored to the burg that one was actually really sensitive yeah I'm hoping the next one will be more fun although judging by its name I don't think it will be error 422 are you okay Ste yeah I'm fine I think wait is this some kind of secret lab hello my little labat welcome to my lab uh you know lab means laboratory right she doesn't seem like a very smart scientist but she is like creepily watching over as if I move left and right she's just following my every move this is really giving me the creeps and wait a second I can't see my hearts or how hungry I am very peculiar you name be a little confused but all will become clear soon I have infected you with a brand new virus of my own design perhaps you've noticed some strange side effects well that explains it yeah era 422 must have started Life as a virus I mean era 422 has so many glitches so anything could happen we are going to run some test little Lab Rats and if I like what I see and of course if you survive I might just give you the antidote just have a little wander around my Maze and see what happens let's the games begin I don't like this one bit Guido this maze seems extremely Sinister and this is probably what she meant by Labyrinth you see that makes more sense yeah it does okay we just got to keep moving until we find a room and then find a way out of here because as I said Guido Anything could happen like there and the worst thing is because I don't have any hearts I don't know when the next attack could be the last you mean death exactly I think we may be trapped yeah trapped in this room which is just full of gross disgusting dirt doesn't really match the modern and clean science Vibes that's going on here there must be a reason why this is here I'll tell you what let's just try destroy it well that seemed pretty normal that's it l rats break those blocks for me oh that scientist is back well if it's the only way out of here then let's just carry on okay let's try this one wao wo w w why did lava just come out that dirt block uh maybe it's just a coincidence let's try on this one it's the random effects of era 422 I think you're right Guido if you get infected with era 422 when you mine dirt blocks they could turn to Lava and we're kind of running out of space here oh we can't just do this forever come on let us out no response she's just staring then she must be waiting for a different result one of these dirt blocks must do something completely different but the more we destroy them the more risk we're putting ourselves at and we can take damage wa hey water it's destroying the lava and that is exactly what the scientist was looking for very well well done my clever little subjects you've survived the first test carry on so there's going to be a random experiment in each area until we can escape wa Guido what the heck is this there's so many wait a second I can kill them in one punch you look like you're much stronger yeah they've got me cornered I don't even feel in danger hey wait a second I've got strength and I've got massive arms now you look like someone from the Roblox Dimension yeah dude I'm thick I don't really know where I got the potion effect from but it's really useful fascinating it appears as if the subject can receive the potion effects at random hey did you hear that Guido just like a Fortune Too random stuff seems to happen in each room so we don't know what's coming next like in this room I've got underwater breathing so I can survive down here as long as I want oh yeah that's great St and this giant CM may look impossible to cross but with my jump boost I can do anything nailed it awesome man we've been walking around this maze for hours and there's still no sign of an exit oh but we do have a bedroom but it is kind of weird that she's going to watch us sleep oh great I was needing some rest well I'm not going to pass upon this opportunity come on let's pick ourselves a bed yeah this one looks great now Guido do you want to cuddle up to me or do you want your own bed I'm not a baby okay okay I was just asking no oh dude what the heck what was that incredible it appears error 422 can cause beds to explode oh Guido this is so annoying I'm probably dead now and I can't even tell you let me out of here right now you keep playing along if you want the antidote the antidote you mean you can fix all these random effects happening to me a that can actually be pretty useful then it looks like we're going to have to carry on with these experiments but wait Guido check it out there's some kind of room back there it's just a generator room get back to the test a generator room a guido I think I know how we're going to get out of here come on follow me let's go I don't think we're supposed to be here dude look at the size of these machines this room is definitely powering the entire facility get out of there Foolish Boy we have work to do it's not like you can damage the generator anyway oh really then watch this what exactly are you doing well it's random Guido so there's going to be some awkward timing here Steve L the scientist yeah she's missing come on then we better get up there and find her yeah no one experiments on me and gets away with it well well well what have we got going on here these scientists don't know what to do what are you doing get back in The Labyrinth go back in there well that doesn't seem like much fun bring it wait a second I think something's wrong with the scientist yeah that one's poisoned that one keeps getting struck by lightning and that one's just infinitely on fire but they're still working must be a really important email it looks like we managed to spread the era 422 virus to all the other scientists guess we were kind of infectious no containment we must stop them oh look at them goo they've escaped into the world you fools do you know what you've done she's right Guido I think we kind of messed up era 422 was a lab experiment from some evil scientists but thanks to us blowing up the facility and infecting them they've gone out and spread it all around the world oh and check it out Glo I really need to eat what was that it's the Wither stor the final legend that escapes from the butt yeah and the most dangerous oh okay we got to do something fast come on there's no time to waste so this is going to be the origin of the Wither storm that's right Guido a giant monstrous form of the Wither that sucks in the world around it but I can't see a giant monstrous form of the Wither that sus in the world around it so maybe we're in the wrong place I can hear something though dude check it out look at the size of this town there's people absolutely everywhere this is clearly a really popular Spa it looks totally different to the normal Minecraft villages so I'm guessing that we've gone really far back in time hey man how's it going okay yep sorry I think what's the most impressive about this place is that it's so clean there's no trash anywhere and check out the size of that quarry yeah they've got a serious mining operation going on here but hang on but with machines that big how isn't this place just a total mess I can see someone down there let's go ask [Music] them well howdy there stranger dressed young man and floating metal uh uh watermelon it is a pleasure to welcome you to our city name's giis watermelon did think I robox you uh thanks for the warm introduction um I just got a few questions how is this place so clean and tidy how is the air not polluted how did you fit into those shards ah shoot that's all thanks to our a little friend over here oh well how could that help you keep the town nice and clean I mean I guess you get the water or something wait what the heck is that no idea scolly folks around here reckon it's a black hole of some kind a black hole at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country look Place entirely within your well uhhuh well only a mini way you see we discovered it a few years ago not rightly sure what it's doing there but it sure is a mighty useful swallows up all our dirt from the Quarry and our trash from the city come on TOS something in see how it works well that does sound kind of fun but are you sure this is safe yep okay I'm in you handle that garbage this entire time well guo I I know I'm an adventure I come across a lot of garbage okay got to put it somewhere see you later trash Oh okay this is actually kind of fun you are a natural Steve come on let me show you how the diggers work so we use the machines to dig up all the Soul Sand wait Soul Sand isn't that related to the wizer then we take all the DTs and throw it into the black hole it's just so efficient but what we didn't realize is that night something terrifying would happen oh guo what the heck is going on there's wither skeletons everywhere I still think this I prepared for this no I don't think even I'm prepared for this this must have something to do with that black hole oh you are the one that was throwing garbage in there okay let's reconvene with Gus woo well done boys you're mighty fine Fighters the pair of you who made a statue in your honor ooh a St statue okay that sounds cool it's been a while since I've had a statue made in my honor Guido so I really should wait who G what is this why Soul Sand of course finest sand in the world if you ask me uh why'd you ask me no no G don't put that final skull down no no no no no everyone get out of here run get back inside your houses oh gosh que down there's three Withers wo W where are these other WIS coming from what is this G how many did you make what I thought you was appreciate dude this entire town is getting wrecked there's got to be something we can do about this there's got to be a reason they're so mad and I bet the aners lay in the well G come on H in the black hole we ain't trash well you got us into this mess you're going to get us [Music] out oh quo what is this uh the ne yeah I know it's the nether but it's never smelled this bad all of this trash it it must have come from the city wao what is that indeed little human and what has he done with Gus this was once a pure and clean place I mean not really there's literally lava everywhere free from a filth of mankind your people have spoiled our home and for that there can be no forgiveness okay well that's nice and everything I'll be getting my friend now you shall have taste of the torment you have put us through I mean seriously guys it's so messy down here we need to do something fast here Steve Gus is the only person holding this town together yeah I no quo I'm thinking I'm thinking the Wither boss is not going to let us get close Maybe I could build my own army yes with those pumpkins and iron blocks we can make iron go oh now you're recycling too little too late okay this is it he's distracted don't worry G I got you appreciate I will deal with you and then use that portal to take your world of course that's how we get back to our reality yeah but it's too high up how are we supposed to get up there unless we use this see you don't want to hurry up so I think we stopped to the Wither boss but I don't understand where the Wither storm comes from wait Gus did you learn your lesson at all nope well count yourself lucky because it doesn't look like the Wither storm is going to show up anywhere I feel strange stronger hungry I am the Wither storm and a storm is coming for you humans we should run run so that was the story of the Wither storm Guido a giant Undead Wither Skeleton angry at the human world caught in a black hole and an explosion and with that Guido all of Minecraft's scariest Legends are sealed away inside of this bird let's make sure no one ever opens this book ever again BN Legends fun
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 599,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft mods, mincraft, minekraft, minecraf, minecraft survival, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, minecraft mobs, 99 years, 99 years in minecraft, surviving 99 years, minecraft youtuber, minecraft million subscribers, minecraft scary myth, scary myth hearts, minecraft scariest myths, minecraft creepy, minecraft scariest legends, minecraft far lands, minecraft farlands, minecraft error 422, minecraft alpha 0 0 0, minecraft wither storm
Id: 49Tk6t5G7l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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