Why I Love Comics

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draw a picture right now all right you done that sucks right I spent two hours on the face I couldn't get the hands right and when I compared my art to this other artist I found online who's younger than me it makes me want to curb stomp this monstrosity so no one ever has to look at it again okay now think of a joke not one you've already heard before I want you to think up a brand new never been done before joke ah okay you know how cats are like lazy maybe we could do a joke about a lazy cat and his owner is like ah stop being so lazy that sucked too now imagine doing both of those things together and then putting that artwork up for the entire world to leave their unfiltered Anonymous opinions and on top of that you also make virtually no money off of it who in their right mind would put themselves through that kind of torture well dear viewer I would like you all to meet Zachary Zachary is a web comic artist he makes webcomics just so when you're scrolling through your timeline while taking your morning poo you get a little chuckle to yourself and then you keep on scrolling forgetting about his existence entirely in mere seconds I have a soft spot for funny web comics not the Super serious superhero ones or the Japanese ones wait why is this part all pixely webcomics can be shared on any platform in fact a lot of webcomics get reposted without the artist's consent and with their names removed which is which I know weird that someone went through the effort of removing a watermark when they could have just you know not done anything and left it I hope you all realize that behind every comic is an artist who just wanted to make you laugh and doodle something that day I started reading webcomics at a very young age back then we just called them Comics they were really the only books that I like to read and the only place you could read the hottest new Comics was in the newspaper oh sorry I should clarify a newspaper is a stack of gray paper that would be delivered to your house by a child riding a bike and they would print 19 pages of useless information and have one page dedicated to the funnies this is where the classics were born you know the ones the Calvin and Hobbes the garfields the the far sides some of these Comics have made me laugh harder than any meme ever has I just want to say that Calvin and Hobbes was an extremely creative comic it was a comic about a rambunctious boy that had a giant predatory animal best friend I mean where else have you seen that before by the way if you ever see those Calvin peeing bumper stickers those are unlicensed knockoffs and really go against everything Calvin and his creator Bill Watterson stood for in fact all Calvin and Hobbes merchandise is unlicensed because Bill Watterson never made merchandise but I mean aren't these crochet hob Styles the coolest so there was only enough space in the paper for about 20 comics and last time I counted there were way more than 20 comic creators so if you wanted to get your silly little comic in the news paper you had some Fierce competition but now anyone with a computer and enough dedication can create Comics that gets shared by millions of people you don't even need a fancy drawing tablet or expensive painting software or even art skills in general webcomics and the internet and memes have been intertwined for decades many of your favorite meme formats are just edited web comics now in most cases if someone took an artist's work defaced it and then re-uploaded it without credit that'd be a bad thing but memes are different I guess the reason I'm bringing this up is because I want you all to know that these artists have made other Comics that are just as funny and you should support their work and buy their books and if you're going to make a webcomic at it please just keep in the watermark it's literally more work to take it out and you're being an some of You original gangsters may remember that I also used to be a webcomic artist I posted my first webcomic in 2012 which was over 10 years 10 years it's been that long what the I'll be honest my webcomics took a little while to get some traction let me explain something all the comics I would read in the newspaper had distinguished characters with personalities a lot of times the punchline of a newspaper comic would only be funny because we knew the characters in their mannerisms Garfield hates Mondays so instead of him hating Friday the 13th he hates Monday the 13th that's a good one Garfield so I try to make a webcomic like that with my own little Universe I'm Gonna Be A little vulnerable for a minute let's talk about my OCS I made when I was a 16 year old boy there were three main Brothers Jake who was a self-insert character one time I dressed up as him for Halloween Justin the book smart straight man straight man as in the character archetype not the sexuality although if any of the brothers were gay Justin would be the gay one and Kevin the laid-back older brother who did whatever he wanted because he's the oldest those three were the main boys Jake Justin and Kevin the three whitest names anyone's ever heard now if you're an up-and-coming comedy webcomic artist I would suggest to not to do what I did if you're just trying to make someone laugh you don't need a whole cast of characters that have intricate relationships just tell your joke and leave or don't it's your art you can do whatever you want eventually I wanted to Rebrand myself instead of having distinguished defined characters I went with the very basic looking character design that had absolutely no distinguishing features at all and I settled on a design that looked like this I mean over time I refined it I originally posted my Comics exclusively to Tumblr it was just me and this other obscure web comic about trolls we were the two main ones really now if you're still an up-and-coming webcomic artist then you should post your Comics to every platform imaginable I learned the importance of cross-platform promotion the not so easy way one day I got a Tumblr message from someone asking if they could post my Comics to a small Unknown app called iFunny and I said sure then that guy would periodically send me messages like dude we are blowing up our Comics keep getting featured and I was like an hour then I wake up to messages asking hey are you the one posting these to iFunny and I said no but I gave the other guy permission to you know he's impersonating you and starting beef with other artists right hmm it turned out that iFunny was my most popular social media account and I didn't even have access to it I eventually got the account back and now people tell me that they loved reading my comics on iFunny back in the day which wasn't even part of the plan originally webcomics have really impacted me and this channel some of my earliest online friends were other webcomic artists who I don't keep in touch with as much as I should my bad guys I'm sorry my username is based off my webcomic my character design was made for my webcomic and even my Cannonball profile picture is from a panel in my webcomic I really hope this video makes you appreciate the web comics that you see on your timeline I know you see them they're everywhere if you come across a comic you like I want you to try and find the original artist socials and browse their other Comics they've created I guarantee you'll find some Banger Comics that just didn't get the same amount of attention as the other ones and who knows you might just make a difference someone's art career you know making a whole video about webcomics has made me miss my first love a lot of times when I think of a joke I have to wait two months to tell it and at that point I don't even know if it's funny anymore but a web comic can have Same Day joke delivery so this is how I'm officially announcing that I'm making webcomics again I'll be posting them on my website and maybe Twitter if I'm still verified there's already six brand new Comics feel free to make any meme edits of them I I don't care also be sure to check out this amazing reversible toasty plush it's honestly my favorite thing and up until April 10th we're running merch Madness where you can possibly score a free VidCon ticket and meet up with me you don't even need to buy anything to enter so check out the description for more information I'm super excited to be making Comics again it's how I started out my internet Journey I'm gonna try and post at least one comic a week so be on the lookout for those um thank you all for watching and sticking through this end card y'all are the real ones
Channel: TheOdd1sOut
Views: 3,951,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon, Animation, Comic, webcomic, funny, art, Loss, meme, meme formats, comic book, newspaper comic, funnies, Garfield, Garfild, Calvin and Hobbes, theoddonesout, theoddisout, theodd1sout comics, James Rallison, This is Fine, Zack, Zachary, Extra Fabulous Comic
Id: KCHT6a53OqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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