Conventions (I miss them)

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It’s funny how he doesnt hide the furry preferences anymore but just go with it. And as much as i want him to be a furry, i still dont want to call him one if he doesnt want to call himself one so... He definitely not a furry guys. He just unironically does furry stuffs guyyyyss.

EDIT: and I saw that bowser body pillow on twitter before... He has good taste

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/MrTurts 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really love the MFF part xD

Also I'd love to see more of Chip tbh UwU

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Anonymous3355 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

so he is a fuzby

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/captainamerica_1945 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Everyone is talking about James being a furry but completely NOT talking about him wanting to go to a bronie panel. (Unless that was a joke and I didn’t get it)

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/purplealchemist 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Never seen that video, can i get a link to it

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/furrydeaddrop01 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am watching this on my switch and I called it I knew there is going to be a mimikyu photo or something also I think know what is your favorite pokemon is it the evolution of shroomish right also it is very good you know the legendary mimikyu I also now there was a board game coming out because one of my recommend video it was you talking to the dude that made the fairly odd parents and you and one part you said that there is going to be another board game that is nice and it's my first time hear and mostly click out of the video and go to the next one but when I stayed through the end of the video now I get why the last rule of the list

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/thelonleymimikyu 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Soo... Is there a furry plague? There could be... And am generally scared!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sbeau10 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
if you're one of those kids that spends too much time on that darn computer machine then conventions are a great place to get the recommended amount of human interaction with others who share a similar interest or at least they were you might have seen some conventions in the news recently you know the ones like VidCon Comic Con and III but did you know there's conventions for all sorts of different things like coin collecting pens and degenerates the first convention I ever went to was in Arizona called Phoenix Comic Con I was 16 years old and at no exaggeration changed my life I had heard a lot about geek culture online but Phoenix Comic Con was the very first time I witnessed it in its fullest I was a very sheltered kid it was the first time I'd seen a brownie and a furry and whatever this is in the wild that changes a person I was told that it was not cool to like geeky things and as a 16 year old I tried really hard to make it seem like I didn't secretly like a bunch of geeky things but people at Comic Con just embrace nerd culture like they didn't care what people thought of them or something is that allowed I guess when I was 16 I was hyper desperate to receive everyone's approval I was so hyper desperate that while walking around my first convention I was stressing out that I wasn't in cosplay oh well these pop culture characters are judging me because I'm not wearing any makeup to this day I still haven't never cosplayed but it looks like a lot of fun if I did cosplay I would want to go as this Quadra PETA course also spark from Pokemon go I went to one panel called how to make steampunk weapons but instead of teaching us how to weld real-life weapons powered by steam the people on the panel taught us how to paint nerf guns to make him look like they were powered by steam and that was no exaggeration the most dissapointing panel I've ever been to there was also a panel for bronies but I was too chicken to go did I mention that my grandfather who I'm named after got drafted into World War two when he was 18 he fought in a war so I could go to a comic convention and be too nervous to talk to brownies what a different life we had at most conventions people in the expo hall will sell a lot of super cool unlicensed merchandise yeah a lot of artists will sell prints and plushies and oven mitts with characters and titles they probably didn't get the licenses to sell but if it's out of convention or on Etsy then for some reason it's okay I've always felt weird about buying type of merch on one hand you shouldn't be allowed to make money off of someone else's intellectual property without the owner's consent but on the other hand look at this cool Bowser wallet Bowser print and Bowser bandana that I own and this body pillow it's some moral gray area because the people buying this type of merch are the hardcore fans they know of the property these characters came from they probably already owned licensed merged of the character the artist isn't claiming to have created the character either it's a mutual understanding between buyer and seller that we both think Bowser is cool and we just want to buy as much much as possible you kind of had to take it on a case-by-case basis but let me just say this to get it out there you're not allowed to sell bootleg that one's out merch Phoenix Comic Con actually had to change the name of their convention to Phoenix fan fusion because the people at the San Diego Comic Con didn't like that Phoenix was stealing their name so these conventions that don't care about stealing other people's copyright are forcing others to respect their copyright interesting as some of you may know since 2012 I have become a little more successful and in 2019 I got invited to be a guest at Phoenix fan fusion which is my home convention the really crazy part is the convention put me in this celebrity line like next to the people where you have to pay for photos and autographs I didn't charge my fans for anything so that made my line appear a lot longer than others and my line was no exaggeration right next to Jeff Goldblum's line I was going to make eye contact with Jeff Goldblum Jeff showed up for a couple hours on Saturday and when he came out from backstage everyone in his line and my line started wooing and clapping and even I was like and then Jeff took a look at my line then looked at me and then gave me a nod of approval saying not bad kid he didn't say it out loud but I could tell he said it with his eyes he also said that it looks kind of cute so thanks Jeff the first time I went to VidCon that also no exaggeration changed my life again it was the first time I met all these youtubers that have been watching for years and okay I'll admit at first I was kind of fanboy but I've gotten completely desensitized meeting other youtubers and feel no joy anymore when I meet another YouTube I say oh you make videos in your bedroom me too people know that you're a bed-wetter too right no that's just me then if you've ever given me something at a convention then you'll be happy to know that I've kept everything I've ever been given unless you're the guy that gave me a plastic baggie full of water and other junk and called it a homemade snow globe I used to collect snow globes so it was a nice sentiment I didn't want to take it home with me and have it inevitably break and get all the important fan art wet so I chucked it and as I'm telling you this there's some poor kid out there going he's talking about my snow Club and now I feel bad so here I'll mail this to you and you can get a taste your own medicine I don't know why this is such a popular question but a lot of times people will ask me what's the weirdest fan interaction you've ever had I think they think that some of you are cringy I never have an answer for them because all my fans are super nice yeah someone gave me a bag of water but that's not weird that's nice okay I have received fan mail from a prison which is true so I guess some of you aren't law-abiding citizens going to conventions and meeting fans and being on panels is a lot of fun don't get me wrong but it doesn't give you a lot of time to really experience the convention since 2017 when I would go to a convention it would mean I was working I still had a fun time but I didn't really get to just relax with friends that is until I went to a convention last December called mff which stands for midwest furfest now James did you go to a furry convention well I went with some friends to a furry convention so that I could actually enjoy a convention and not have to work although I still got recognized even though I was wearing a disguise furries are very touchy people I've learned not touchy as an overly sensitive well some probably are but they're also literally touchy let me tell you where I'm at my life right now last December I was in an elevator full of furries and if my grandpa could see me now he would proudly be frowning or smiling I don't know I don't judge we were all crowded in there is a moose breathing down my neck and we stopped at a floor because more furries wanted to come in so I backed up to make more room but I backed up a little too close to the moose and he grabbed my hips and I went in my mind I didn't say it out loud in real life I went so that was probably the weirdest fan experience I've had if you were still wondering I don't know if he was a fan of my YouTube but he was definitely a fan of my body or he was drunk I don't know again I don't judge I was debating on whether or not I should include this story but I think it would be a good lesson for everyone to hear here's my James PSA this message is for everyone and especially furries don't touch people without their permission in the moment I stayed quiet but that sort of behavior isn't okay I should have spoken out hopefully most of you are mindful of other people's personal space however comma at least one of you went to prison so I don't know overall it was the best ironic trip ever at the end of the day conventions are a lot of fun and I really really miss going to them and when it's safe to do so again I recommend you try and go to one you're interested in and grandpa I'm sorry if I disappointed you hello everyone I hope you all aren't going to stir crazy out there especially with no convenient conventions going on right now if there's a convenient convention would it be called a convenient Shen I don't know even though it's been almost a month since my birthday thank you everyone who's wished me a happy birthday and also thank you to my amazing team that's helped me out on this video be sure to check out their socials noted at the bottom right since it's getting pretty hot out there I'm having a buy one get one half off on all my t-shirts currently listed in my merch store so be sure to click the link in the description to check it out one last thing for all you people that stuck around listening to this end card I'm planning on creating another card game in 21 days and if you sign up to our newsletter you get a free collector's card so you don't even have to spend money to get it so and on that last final note if you're ever planning on going to a convention in the future make sure you wear your seat belt
Channel: TheOdd1sOut
Views: 17,677,038
Rating: 4.9338651 out of 5
Keywords: Convention, con, phoenix comic con, fan fusion, cosplay, brony, furry con, moose, MFF, Jeff Goldblum, bowser, cartoon, animation, funny, theodd1sout, theoddisout, theoddonesout
Id: RgQdIGKh1Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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