Why I love and hate sous vide!

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are we recording because I'm about to tell everything what's up everybody my name is Google and I have been cooking Sofia for a little bit over eight years now and today I'm going to let you know everything there is to know about it I'll be going over the pros and the cons of this method yeah you heard me right there are times that I don't enjoy Sufi so first let's go over all of the pros consistency it does not matter what time where what place what kind of mood you're in what kind of mood your stove is in you will have Perfection every single time now what I mean by Perfection is that the protein will be cooked perfectly there will not be any variations between temperatures this is one of the reasons why restaurants rely on this method so that they can have the same exact food that when you came in the first time you enjoyed it when you come in the second time it's going to be the same thing so for that reason consistency I absolutely love and here's one of the things I don't like about it in order to be consistent you must rely on time as an example you can cook a traditional steak in 10 minutes in suvid it's going to take at least an hour to two hours however you can cook many steaks at the same time but if you're cooking only one then it might not be the best method but if you're cooking 15 or if you're cooking 20 or if you're cooking 100 steaks it will take the same amount of time two and a half hours at the most even though it's going to give you the consistency you like who in the world wants to wait two and a half hours for it no one here's another Pro easy to use it does not matter how old you are you can just basically push a button put the temperature you want and it will be cooking to Perfection at the same time you have to know the temperature that you like it and if you're starting out first time cooking sous vide you have no idea but luckily there are many guides that you can choose from including this channel you can also use the Jew app as a guide for you to if you're starting out because it gives you the doneness so yeah it is super easy to use with that being said the results are sometimes too perfect I know it sounds crazy but let me explain there will be no variation between the meat whatsoever it will be perfectly medium rare from edge to edge it's going to feel weird the first time because it's just too perfect sometimes a little gray a band that you see on a traditional stake is actually desirable that's because you when you're taking bites you're having different textures in your mouth so sometimes depending on what it is that you're cooking that might not be desirable so I take that as a con because there is no way to adjust it here's a pro for you there is zero margin of error you rely on a specific temperature every single time so think about it if you are using an extremely expensive steak the last thing you want is to mess it up with suvi it will ensure that you will get that done as you're looking for every time imagine you messing up on a beautiful wonderful expensive steak man that hurts just thinking about it and with that being said here's a con you're definitely going to need special equipment yes you can do it just using what you have right now with a pot and a thermometer but it is not fun to cook suvi is convenient because it is easy to use and if you don't have a machine you might as well not even give it a try now here's a pro it is now cheap when I first started suvi was 5.99 each now you can find a sous vide cooker as little as 50 in Amazon another Pro is that you can use flavors you can combine and Infuse different flavors in meat that otherwise would be very difficult to do so by adding those things to the bag and let it marinate and cook at the same time you are infusing flavors that you will not have opportunity to do it anywhere else it is different when you marinate it and you put it in the refrigerator versus you cooking the whole thing in a vacuum bag whenever you're pulling a vacuum you're expanding the meat fibers this allows the marinade or whatever it is that you're trying to do Infuse into the meat and when you cook it the flavor becomes stronger so it allowed you to do crazy experiments that otherwise would be difficult to that is one of the reasons I love suvi and at the same time there's a downside for it you have to use some type of plastic bag in order to cook survey you cannot use any type of plastic though this is very important it must be BPA free and also specialized for suvi nowadays it is extremely cheap to get a lot of bags to use and there are even some bags that are reusable even if you don't have a vacuum chamber which is quite expensive you can still use the bag using the displacement method but because you have to use some type of bag or container to cook suvi that is a con and here's a pro clean up with suvi is amazing just think about whenever you're braising anything not only does it take a long time it smells the house if you're going to sleep especially my wife hates that by the way and whenever you're done cooking that meat for 24 hours all you have to do is to put it on a tray and discard the bag versus if you're braising it or if you're putting it anywhere else you're gonna have to clean up so definitely clean up is way better with sous vide there's a lot more things that I love and hate about suvi and before I review all of them to you I got the biggest announcement I've ever made in this channel my cookbook [Music] thank you no no no no no no no no no no no we are not doing that this is gold the book is called Google breaking the barbecue rules it's available for you to pre-order right now and it comes out on April 25th I worked really hard on this one everybody putting everything I've learned over so many years of cooking to really find out how to get the best results you will find awesome grilling recipes side dishes and just overall amazing dishes you can create at home I've broken the rules of traditional cooking so many times I experimented so you don't have to this entire book is everything you've ever asked me to do there are a hundred recipes including steaks barbecue burgers sandwiches side dishes and special dishes we all love so go to the link in the description and be the first ones to get the book so much work has gone into this book and I know you'll love it thanks again as always for your amazing support but now let's get right back to it so this one might be a little controversial because a lot of people told me that cooking survey is cheating I consider that a kind because it's kind of true you literally don't have to do anything you put it in there you set it forget it and go do something else regardless if you're cooking a side dish if you're taking your kids to school or you're even cleaning the house you do not have to stay there babysitting it so it is cheating and a lot of people say that it takes the fun out of cooking and even though that might be true sometimes I just want it to be perfect yes it's cheating but I like that kind of cheating but you might think the process is not sexy what I mean by that is because when you take it out of the bag it's not enjoyable to see a gray steak that's a kind every single time I take it out of the bag I have that wonderful smell but the greatness of the steak of whatever protein I'm cooking is not sexy at the same time I'm not gonna lie whenever I take my flamethrower outside and I show it to whoever it is that is trying to cook sous-vide even Uncle Roger anybody there's nothing more fun than putting a nice beautiful crust with a flamethrower the grill is great the pan is fantastic but there's something about holding that thing in your hand and just letting it rip and the end results are Perfection every time if you don't think that's fun man I don't know what to tell yeah at the same time here's a problem let's say you cook your steak to Perfection but then your cereal method it's not great let's say you're using the pan it should take you no longer than two minutes per side to sear a steak that's it any longer than that you're basically screwing up your entire suvi cook you will get that gray band and you might as well not even use suvi this specially happens when you're using a thin steak if you're using a nice thick steak it takes more time for the heat to get to the middle of the steak which allows you more wiggle room so what I'm saying is whenever you're searing a sous vide steak it must be hot extremely hot if not you're basically going to be wasting your time definitely pay attention to your Siri method and one of the greatest reason you should be cooking suvi is that it is safer than traditional method you are able to pasteurize your food for example USDA asks you to cook a chicken breast to 165 degrees Fahrenheit that will make sure that the chicken is safe and kills all pathogens with sous-vide in the other hand you can do it at much lower temperature and this is the reason why you're maintaining on that temperature for a very very very long time you can cook a chicken breast at 149 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours it will completely pasteurize that chicken so the people that have immune system issues that is the best thing to do you can pasteurize anything staying on that subject who does not like burgers now you've heard this from many chefs if you are grinding your own meat it is perfectly okay to cook it medium rare burgers no problem whatsoever but if you're buying ground beef from somewhere else you have no idea where it's coming from that's when it becomes unsafe to eat at medium rare temperature not with suvido you can pasteurize those Burgers a hundred percent cook it at medium rare no problem whatsoever yes it might take three hours to cook your Burgers but you can do all of this ahead of time and just finish them off on the grill and it is great to do so with very thick Burgers if you're making Smash Burgers on the other hand forget about suvi it's probably one of the worst things you can do you're going to remove all of the juiciness you're not going to have a wonderful crust by the time you put a crust on it it's going to be completely dry so suvi is only good for thick Burgers another great rate to use suvi is to defrost meat pretty much every single cook I do I always defrost the meat just put it in the souvenir run the circulator at the lowest temperature and literally in 10 minutes it's ready to go versus leaving it outside in the refrigerator for an hour it does not get any better than that another thing you can do with it is Chill your drinks extremely fast if you throw ice in the Sevier container and you put your drinks in there as it circulates the drink becomes colder faster it's just phenomenal for a party but truly one of the best things suvi can do that nothing else can do is make cheap Cuts taste amazing take for example a chuck roast you can literally turn it into a rebuy I'm talking about the texture and the doneness to Perfection that when you're taking a bite it will have so much flavor that you're not going to think it's a chuck roast you can literally make it taste incredible but yes it might not be fun because you set it and forget it and walk away it's true but sometimes a lot of us we want that convenience suvi is a tool and if you used properly it can help you in the kitchen should it replace everything else you have no absolutely not when to know how to use it is the key I think every Kitchen in the world should have one having that tool for whenever you need it is a must but I can honestly say after cooking it for such a long time not only do I love it it's just too good for you not to have let me know in the comments down below if you agree with my statements or did I forget anything I would love to know what you use your survey machine for that I didn't even think about because just like every single tool the more we use it the better it is for all of us and in our community we just like to share it so that we can all experience this together I hope you enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 604,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, steak, beef, pork, chicken, how to cook, sous vide guide, how to, grilling, cooking, best way to cook, restaurant, chef
Id: tunisJlPHXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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