The BEST Steak Sauce!? | How to Make Delicious Cowboy Butter and Chimichurri's Recipe

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hey guys welcome back today we're going to be answering what sauce goes best with steak [Music] today we're going to be putting three sauces to the test we're gonna have the cowboy butter the green chimichurri and the red chimichurri I've never had the cowboy butter or the red cherry cherry but I've been saying a lot of this on my Tic Tac page and I was like I gotta give this a test to see if it's really worth the hype you can't go wrong with the classic chimichurri sauce but that's what we're gonna figure out today which of those three sauces stand apart from the rest so let's get into it so before we get started on the green chimichurri right behind me is a steak it's coming up to room temperature and once all the sauces are made I'm going to show you how I make the perfect steak but also with the two chimichurries everything can come together in a blender we're going to be lazy if you want to be lazy throw it in a blender it'll taste the exact same but nonetheless don't worry about writing any ingredients down everything will be in the description below so just sit back and relax now that you got your blender set up go ahead and throw the parsley in there stuff that in there and if you don't have a blender by all means you can chop this up as well once you've got all your parsley in there and take your garlic and dump it in there as well once you have your parsley and garlic in there we're gonna go ahead and blend this up first so that this can get all fine put the lid on that go ahead and then just blend it until it's finely chopped up foreign [Music] so we're gonna go just a little bit more bam now that should be good that should be all set now so now that you see our mixture is that's pretty small add that back to it and then now we just add the rest of the ingredients we're going to add some oregano if you don't have fresh oregano dried oregano works fine as well and then you add you some pepper flakes and then last add you some Red Robin vinegar give this a quick mix so everything is well combined and chopped up like so all right okay let me see and then once you've got all that mixed up the last ingredient we need to add is the extra virgin olive oil add all that and now you don't even need to mix it up with the blender take your spoon and just mix it around oh let's give that a quick mix so now that you got all that mixed up if you want to add a little bit more liquids at this point you can if you want a little bit more runny but I think this is perfect sheesh that's beautiful all right once you have that green chimichurri done go ahead and set that aside and we'll get started on the red chimichurri if you don't have one of these campfire stoves or a torch you can easily throw this in the oven on broil and broil that till it's charred and you'll achieve the same results after you get it all charred everything else goes with a blender super simple so let's get started so once you've got your fire going just go ahead and set this over the top of it I should do this before I started the fire honestly on top of that fire you're gonna grab your red bell pepper and just place that right on top of it once you've got your red bell pepper on the fire we're just going to keep on turning it till it gets charred all over so it'd probably be about a couple minutes per side guys I don't think this is the right one for the change of plans to your red bell pepper you just want to char this up get a nice color on it it'll be about a couple minutes per side if you don't have one of these by all means you can use you can throw this in the oven once you have it all charred up just let this cool for a little bit and then we'll get ready to throw this in a blender okay so bring your Red Pepper back and then to that I'm just going to scrape off some of this black stuff or the chardness some of it is okay I don't want all of it once you got most of it scraped off just give this a nice rough chop nothing too crazy okay like I said this is all going in the blender so it doesn't really matter to the blender we're gonna add our red bell peppers add all that oh I can already tell this is going to be great add all that to it the first thing that we're going to add to this we're going to add our parsley everything goes great with garlic at that then we got some lemon juice add that to it we're going to add some red wine vinegar we're going to add a plethora of seasonings we got paprika red pepper flakes salt and pepper add all that to the mix get everything in there don't leave nothing okay and then just like before give this a good mix [Applause] [Music] oh this looks good for real oh okay so so far it actually looks really good I kind of like having a little texture in it this is what it's looking like once you take the blade out go ahead and add your oil to that mixture oh it's going to be good I can taste this already and then just mix all that up once you have everything well combined go ahead set this to the side and we'll get started on the last sauce so once your red chimichurri is done go ahead and set that to the side we're gonna get started on the cowboy budget this is the one I'm most excited for I've been seeing this all over Tick Tock and I've been wanting to try it and today's that day so I'm super excited and this one is super simple there is cutting involved but after the cutting everything goes together just like that and then we're gonna get started on the steak and we're ready to eat so for the cowboy butter super easy start off with eight tablespoons melted butter oh this might be a tight fit and then you want to add the juice and the zest of a lemon Okay add your garlic cloves add your shallot that's been diced up add about two tablespoons of Dijon mustard add your parsley to it then add your cilantro add your green onions to the mixture add your time to that add your smoked paprika red pepper flakes cayenne pepper and last but not least Worcestershire sauce and then you just give this a quick mix okay let's see oh it's gonna fit okay we're good oh that's perfect that looks beautiful tell me that doesn't look beautiful so getting started on the stake I'm gonna go ahead and pour a little bit of avocado oil on top of it just so the seasoning will stick okay rub that in get the sides grab your Salt and Pepper or whatever Seasons you want to use and then just season it I like to go pretty heavy just because this is a pretty thick steak this is about a one and a half inch steak thickness um and you're not eating the whole thing at once so you really won't taste all the salt and pepper all at once okay season it good and then flip to the other side and do the same thing once you have your steak all seasoned up go ahead and set it to the side and we're getting our pan ready to start cooking once your pan starts smoking go ahead and add a little bit of avocado oil enough to coat the bottom about a couple tablespoons you see the avocado oil smoking go ahead and place this in the pan I'm going to sear the fat first and then we'll be ready to say the rest of it so put that in the pan I thought that was way harder okay saying that and just let that sear down get a nice sear on it about a minute or two once that fat cat is rendered go ahead and place it on the side and let that Sear for about two to three minutes let that get a nice crust before you move it after a couple minutes on the side go ahead and check and see if it looks good oh that's beautiful we'll go ahead and flip that over and another about two to three minutes on this side as well and then after about two to three minutes on that side and your crust looks like that that is so beautiful oh my god Set this to the side to this pan add oh let me drop that I'm always dropping stuff but anyway to this pan add butter go in there with some garlic some shallots some thyme and then you want to go in there with a few Springs of Rosemary as well whoa oh that's hot that's popping cool get that going oh that's gonna be beautiful once you have that melted bring your steak back I'm pretty sure y'all know how to base a steak but if not I'm gonna show you tilt it towards you and then just flip that steak [Music] that looks beautiful cool once that's basted and all that goody goody extra just take that and pour that right on top of the steak we'll let that rest five to ten minutes and then we'll get ready to eat it's been about five to ten minutes and you can see our steak is well rested ground is gone grain is going that way so we're gonna cut it and cut it against the grain of course perfect that is the perfect medium rare right there the best way to eat a steak the steak is ready to go it's rested it's been cut up we got our three sauces ready we got the green chimichurri which is the OG sauce I think that's going to be spectacular then we got the red chimichurri with the roasted red bell peppers I think that's going to be a great touch as well and then the Cowboys butter this has been all over Tick Tock so it has to be good comment down below before I try it what do you think is going to be the best sauce my guess or my vote is going to be the green chimney Cherry just because I've had that one before and it was perfect it was a match made in heaven but I'm excited to try the other ones so let's do it oh okay ready this is the green okay okay okay now it's time for the rib okay get a nice dip okay that was pretty good that's pretty good now let's try the cowboy butter this is what I'm excited for I hope it looks up to the hype okay get a nice dip okay wow all three of those were really good okay but you know what we gotta do we always got to go for that second bite just to double check all right let's go this time we're gonna go in reverse we're gonna start off with the cowboy butter it just went good for real hmm that's good that's real good back to the red one red chimichurri let's see last but not least the green chimichurri oh that was so good that's tough that's tough okay I'm gonna rank them one to three okay I'm gonna have to go the cowboy butter as number one there's so many different herbs and spices in it that's worth the hype from and then two I'm gonna have to go the OG the OG green chimichurri you can't beat that I think that's so it's it's perfect it's not too bright it's not too subtle it's just ripe that's good the red chimichurri that's third place that was really good too but honestly I really like the other two flavors more than that one that one's more kind of like a like a smoky flavor and that's from the real bell pepper I'm sure but the cowboy butter has to be though it has to be the one for me no doubt that was that was good all three of those were spectacular but I won't eat the rest of my steak so I gotta say goodbye job but before y'all go thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate all the love and support if you like what you see hit that subscribe button tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend that DeRay to cook is the best cook you know all right I'll see you guys next week peace
Channel: DeRay Darthard
Views: 32,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak sauce, cowboybutter, chimichurri, deraythecook, steak sauce recipe, homemade steak sauce, easy steak sauce, #steakbites, chimichurri sauce recipe
Id: icBSjHtAafI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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